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Created April 19, 2024 19:48
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  • Save tong/ee5365d84af627a5c20125fb86ec319e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tong/ee5365d84af627a5c20125fb86ec319e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nerdfont map to be used with fzf and that like
 account
 activate_breakpoints
 add
 archive
 arrow_both
 arrow_circle_down
 arrow_circle_left
 arrow_circle_right
 arrow_circle_up
 arrow_down
 arrow_left
 arrow_right
 arrow_small_down
 arrow_small_left
 arrow_small_right
 arrow_small_up
 arrow_swap
 arrow_up
 azure
 azure_devops
 beaker
 beaker_stop
 bell
 bell_dot
 bell_slash
 bell_slash_dot
 blank
 bold
 book
 bookmark
 bracket_dot
 bracket_error
 briefcase
 broadcast
 browser
 bug
 calendar
 call_incoming
 call_outgoing
 case_sensitive
 check
 check_all
 checklist
 chevron_down
 chevron_left
 chevron_right
 chevron_up
 chip
 chrome_close
 chrome_maximize
 chrome_minimize
 chrome_restore
 circle
 circle_filled
 circle_large
 circle_large_filled
 circle_slash
 circle_small
 circle_small_filled
 circuit_board
 clear_all
 clippy
 close
 close_all
 cloud
 cloud_download
 cloud_upload
 code
 coffee
 collapse_all
 color_mode
 combine
 comment
 comment_discussion
 comment_draft
 comment_unresolved
 compass
 compass_active
 compass_dot
 copilot
 copy
 credit_card
 dash
 dashboard
 database
 debug
 debug_all
 debug_alt
 debug_alt_small
 debug_breakpoint_conditional
 debug_breakpoint_conditional_unverified
 debug_breakpoint_data
 debug_breakpoint_data_unverified
 debug_breakpoint_function
 debug_breakpoint_function_unverified
 debug_breakpoint_log
 debug_breakpoint_log_unverified
 debug_breakpoint_unsupported
 debug_console
 debug_continue
 debug_continue_small
 debug_coverage
 debug_disconnect
 debug_line_by_line
 debug_pause
 debug_rerun
 debug_restart
 debug_restart_frame
 debug_reverse_continue
 debug_stackframe
 debug_stackframe_active
 debug_start
 debug_step_back
 debug_step_into
 debug_step_out
 debug_step_over
 debug_stop
 desktop_download
 device_camera
 device_camera_video
 device_mobile
 diff
 diff_added
 diff_ignored
 diff_modified
 diff_removed
 diff_renamed
 discard
 edit
 editor_layout
 ellipsis
 empty_window
 error
 error_small
 exclude
 expand_all
 export
 extensions
 eye
 eye_closed
 feedback
 file
 file_binary
 file_code
 file_media
 file_pdf
 file_submodule
 file_symlink_directory
 file_symlink_file
 file_zip
 files
 filter
 filter_filled
 flame
 fold
 fold_down
 fold_up
 folder
 folder_active
 folder_library
 folder_opened
 game
 gear
 gift
 gist_secret
 git_commit
 git_compare
 git_fetch
 git_merge
 git_pull_request
 git_pull_request_closed
 git_pull_request_create
 git_pull_request_draft
 git_pull_request_go_to_changes
 git_pull_request_new_changes
 github
 github_action
 github_alt
 github_inverted
 globe
 go_to_file
 grabber
 graph
 graph_left
 graph_line
 graph_scatter
 gripper
 group_by_ref_type
 heart
 heart_filled
 history
 home
 horizontal_rule
 hubot
 inbox
 indent
 info
 insert
 inspect
 issue_draft
 issue_reopened
 issues
 italic
 jersey
 json
 kebab_vertical
 key
 law
 layers
 layers_active
 layers_dot
 layout
 layout_activitybar_left
 layout_activitybar_right
 layout_centered
 layout_menubar
 layout_panel
 layout_panel_center
 layout_panel_justify
 layout_panel_left
 layout_panel_off
 layout_panel_right
 layout_sidebar_left
 layout_sidebar_left_off
 layout_sidebar_right
 layout_sidebar_right_off
 layout_statusbar
 library
 lightbulb
 lightbulb_autofix
 link
 link_external
 list_filter
 list_flat
 list_ordered
 list_selection
 list_tree
 list_unordered
 live_share
 loading
 location
 lock
 lock_small
 magnet
 mail
 mail_read
 map
 map_filled
 markdown
 megaphone
 mention
 menu
 merge
 mic
 mic_filled
 milestone
 mirror
 mortar_board
 move
 multiple_windows
 music
 mute
 new_file
 new_folder
 newline
 no_newline
 note
 notebook
 notebook_template
 octoface
 open_preview
 organization
 output
 package
 paintcan
 pass
 pass_filled
 person
 person_add
 piano
 pie_chart
 pin
 pinned
 pinned_dirty
 play
 play_circle
 plug
 preserve_case
 preview
 primitive_square
 project
 pulse
 question
 quote
 radio_tower
 reactions
 record
 record_keys
 record_small
 redo
 references
 refresh
 regex
 remote
 remote_explorer
 remove
 replace
 replace_all
 reply
 repo
 repo_clone
 repo_force_push
 repo_forked
 repo_pull
 repo_push
 report
 request_changes
 rocket
 root_folder
 root_folder_opened
 rss
 ruby
 run_above
 run_all
 run_below
 run_errors
 save
 save_all
 save_as
 screen_full
 screen_normal
 search
 search_fuzzy
 search_stop
 send
 server
 server_environment
 server_process
 settings
 settings_gear
 shield
 sign_in
 sign_out
 smiley
 snake
 sort_precedence
 source_control
 sparkle
 split_horizontal
 split_vertical
 squirrel
 star_empty
 star_full
 star_half
 stop_circle
 symbol_array
 symbol_boolean
 symbol_class
 symbol_color
 symbol_constant
 symbol_enum
 symbol_enum_member
 symbol_event
 symbol_field
 symbol_file
 symbol_interface
 symbol_key
 symbol_keyword
 symbol_method
 symbol_misc
 symbol_namespace
 symbol_numeric
 symbol_operator
 symbol_parameter
 symbol_property
 symbol_ruler
 symbol_snippet
 symbol_string
 symbol_structure
 symbol_variable
 sync
 sync_ignored
 table
 tag
 target
 tasklist
 telescope
 terminal
 terminal_bash
 terminal_cmd
 terminal_debian
 terminal_linux
 terminal_powershell
 terminal_tmux
 terminal_ubuntu
 text_size
 three_bars
 thumbsdown
 thumbsdown_filled
 thumbsup
 thumbsup_filled
 tools
 trash
 triangle_down
 triangle_left
 triangle_right
 triangle_up
 twitter
 type_hierarchy
 type_hierarchy_sub
 type_hierarchy_super
 unfold
 ungroup_by_ref_type
 unlock
 unmute
 unverified
 variable_group
 verified
 verified_filled
 versions
 vm
 vm_active
 vm_connect
 vm_outline
 vm_running
 vr
 wand
 warning
 watch
 whitespace
 whole_word
 window
 word_wrap
 workspace_trusted
 workspace_unknown
 workspace_untrusted
 zoom_in
 zoom_out
 ada
 asm
 astro
 c
 common_lisp
 cpp
 crystal
 default
 electron
 elixir
 elm
 emacs
 fennel
 folder
 folder_config
 folder_git
 folder_git_branch
 folder_github
 folder_npm
 folder_oct
 folder_open
 go
 home
 kotlin
 msdos
 neovim
 orgmode
 play_arrow
 prettier
 puppet
 purescript
 scheme
 toml
 v_lang
 vim
 windows
 android
 angular
 appcelerator
 apple
 appstore
 aptana
 asterisk
 atlassian
 atom
 aws
 backbone
 bing_small
 bintray
 bitbucket
 blackberry
 bootstrap
 bower
 brackets
 bugsense
 celluloid
 chart
 chrome
 cisco
 clojure
 clojure_alt
 cloud9
 coda
 code
 code_badge
 codeigniter
 codepen
 codrops
 coffeescript
 compass
 composer
 creativecommons
 creativecommons_badge
 css3
 css3_full
 css_tricks
 cssdeck
 dart
 database
 debian
 digital_ocean
 django
 dlang
 docker
 doctrine
 dojo
 dotnet
 dreamweaver
 dropbox
 drupal
 eclipse
 ember
 envato
 erlang
 extjs
 firebase
 firefox
 fsharp
 ghost
 ghost_small
 git
 git_branch
 git_commit
 git_compare
 git_merge
 git_pull_request
 github
 github_alt
 github_badge
 github_full
 gnu
 go
 google_cloud_platform
 google_drive
 grails
 groovy
 grunt
 gulp
 hackernews
 haskell
 heroku
 html5
 html5_3d_effects
 html5_connectivity
 html5_device_access
 html5_multimedia
 ie
 illustrator
 intellij
 ionic
 java
 javascript
 javascript_badge
 javascript_shield
 jekyll_small
 jenkins
 jira
 joomla
 jquery
 jquery_ui
 komodo
 krakenjs
 krakenjs_badge
 laravel
 less
 linux
 magento
 mailchimp
 markdown
 materializecss
 meteor
 meteorfull
 mitlicence
 modernizr
 mongodb
 mootools
 mootools_badge
 mozilla
 msql_server
 mysql
 nancy
 netbeans
 netmagazine
 nginx
 nodejs
 nodejs_small
 npm
 onedrive
 openshift
 opensource
 opera
 perl
 phonegap
 photoshop
 php
 postgresql
 prolog
 python
 rackspace
 raphael
 rasberry_pi
 react
 redhat
 redis
 requirejs
 responsive
 ruby
 ruby_on_rails
 ruby_rough
 rust
 safari
 sass
 scala
 scriptcs
 scrum
 senchatouch
 sizzlejs
 smashing_magazine
 snap_svg
 sqllite
 stackoverflow
 streamline
 stylus
 sublime
 swift
 symfony
 symfony_badge
 techcrunch
 terminal
 terminal_badge
 travis
 trello
 typo3
 ubuntu
 uikit
 unity_small
 vim
 visualstudio
 w3c
 webplatform
 windows
 wordpress
 yahoo
 yahoo_small
 yeoman
 yii
 zend
 500px
 accessible_icon
 accusoft
 address_book
 address_book_o
 address_card
 address_card_o
 adjust
 adn
 adversal
 affiliatetheme
 airbnb
 algolia
 align_center
 align_justify
 align_left
 align_right
 alipay
 amazon
 amazon_pay
 ambulance
 american_sign_language_interpreting
 amilia
 anchor
 android
 angellist
 angle_double_down
 angle_double_left
 angle_double_right
 angle_double_up
 angle_down
 angle_left
 angle_right
 angle_up
 angles_down
 angles_left
 angles_right
 angles_up
 angrycreative
 angular
 ankh
 app_store
 app_store_ios
 apper
 apple
 apple_pay
 apple_whole
 archive
 archway
 area_chart
 arrow_circle_down
 arrow_circle_left
 arrow_circle_o_down
 arrow_circle_o_left
 arrow_circle_o_right
 arrow_circle_o_up
 arrow_circle_right
 arrow_circle_up
 arrow_down
 arrow_down_1_9
 arrow_down_9_1
 arrow_down_a_z
 arrow_down_long
 arrow_down_short_wide
 arrow_down_wide_short
 arrow_down_z_a
 arrow_left
 arrow_left_long
 arrow_pointer
 arrow_right
 arrow_right_arrow_left
 arrow_right_from_bracket
 arrow_right_long
 arrow_right_to_bracket
 arrow_rotate_left
 arrow_rotate_right
 arrow_turn_down
 arrow_turn_up
 arrow_up
 arrow_up_1_9
 arrow_up_9_1
 arrow_up_a_z
 arrow_up_long
 arrow_up_right_from_square
 arrow_up_short_wide
 arrow_up_wide_short
 arrow_up_z_a
 arrows
 arrows_alt
 arrows_h
 arrows_left_right
 arrows_rotate
 arrows_up_down
 arrows_up_down_left_right
 arrows_v
 artstation
 asl_interpreting
 assistive_listening_systems
 asterisk
 asymmetrik
 at
 atlassian
 atom
 audible
 audio_description
 automobile
 autoprefixer
 avianex
 aviato
 award
 aws
 baby
 baby_carriage
 backward
 backward_fast
 backward_step
 bacon
 bag_shopping
 bahai
 balance_scale
 ban
 ban_smoking
 bandage
 bandcamp
 bank
 bar_chart
 bar_chart_o
 barcode
 bars
 bars_progress
 bars_staggered
 baseball
 baseball_bat_ball
 basket_shopping
 basketball
 bath
 bathtub
 battery
 battery_0
 battery_1
 battery_2
 battery_3
 battery_4
 battery_empty
 battery_full
 battery_half
 battery_quarter
 battery_three_quarters
 battle_net
 bed
 bed_pulse
 beer
 beer_mug_empty
 behance
 behance_square
 bell
 bell_concierge
 bell_o
 bell_slash
 bell_slash_o
 bezier_curve
 bicycle
 bimobject
 binoculars
 biohazard
 birthday_cake
 bitbucket
 bitbucket_square
 bitcoin
 bity
 black_tie
 blackberry
 blender
 blender_phone
 blind
 blog
 blogger
 blogger_b
 bluetooth
 bluetooth_b
 bold
 bolt
 bomb
 bone
 bong
 book
 book_atlas
 book_bible
 book_journal_whills
 book_medical
 book_open
 book_open_reader
 book_quran
 book_skull
 book_tanakh
 bookmark
 bookmark_o
 bootstrap
 border_all
 border_none
 border_top_left
 bowling_ball
 box
 box_archive
 box_open
 boxes_stacked
 braille
 brain
 bread_slice
 briefcase
 briefcase_medical
 broom
 broom_ball
 brush
 btc
 buffer
 bug
 building
 building_columns
 building_o
 bullhorn
 bullseye
 burger
 buromobelexperte
 bus
 bus_simple
 business_time
 buy_n_large
 buysellads
 cab
 cable_car
 cake_candles
 calculator
 calendar
 calendar_check
 calendar_check_o
 calendar_day
 calendar_days
 calendar_minus
 calendar_minus_o
 calendar_o
 calendar_plus
 calendar_plus_o
 calendar_times_o
 calendar_week
 calendar_xmark
 camera
 camera_retro
 campground
 canadian_maple_leaf
 candy_cane
 cannabis
 capsules
 car
 car_battery
 car_burst
 car_rear
 car_side
 caravan
 caret_down
 caret_left
 caret_right
 caret_square_o_down
 caret_square_o_left
 caret_square_o_right
 caret_square_o_up
 caret_up
 carrot
 cart_arrow_down
 cart_flatbed
 cart_flatbed_suitcase
 cart_plus
 cart_shopping
 cash_register
 cat
 cc
 cc_amazon_pay
 cc_amex
 cc_apple_pay
 cc_diners_club
 cc_discover
 cc_jcb
 cc_mastercard
 cc_paypal
 cc_stripe
 cc_visa
 centercode
 centos
 certificate
 chain
 chain_broken
 chair
 chalkboard
 chalkboard_user
 champagne_glasses
 charging_station
 chart_area
 chart_bar
 chart_line
 chart_pie
 check
 check_circle
 check_circle_o
 check_double
 check_square
 check_square_o
 check_to_slot
 cheese
 chess
 chess_bishop
 chess_board
 chess_king
 chess_knight
 chess_pawn
 chess_queen
 chess_rook
 chevron_circle_down
 chevron_circle_left
 chevron_circle_right
 chevron_circle_up
 chevron_down
 chevron_left
 chevron_right
 chevron_up
 child
 chrome
 chromecast
 church
 circle
 circle_arrow_down
 circle_arrow_left
 circle_arrow_right
 circle_arrow_up
 circle_check
 circle_chevron_down
 circle_chevron_left
 circle_chevron_right
 circle_chevron_up
 circle_dollar_to_slot
 circle_dot
 circle_down
 circle_exclamation
 circle_h
 circle_half_stroke
 circle_info
 circle_left
 circle_minus
 circle_notch
 circle_o
 circle_o_notch
 circle_pause
 circle_play
 circle_plus
 circle_question
 circle_radiation
 circle_right
 circle_stop
 circle_thin
 circle_up
 circle_user
 circle_xmark
 city
 clipboard
 clipboard_alt
 clipboard_check
 clipboard_list
 clipboard_user
 clock
 clock_o
 clock_rotate_left
 clone
 close
 closed_captioning
 cloud
 cloud_arrow_down
 cloud_arrow_up
 cloud_bolt
 cloud_download
 cloud_meatball
 cloud_moon
 cloud_moon_rain
 cloud_rain
 cloud_showers_heavy
 cloud_sun
 cloud_sun_rain
 cloud_upload
 cloudscale
 cloudsmith
 cloudversify
 cny
 code
 code_branch
 code_commit
 code_fork
 code_merge
 codepen
 codiepie
 coffee
 cog
 cogs
 coins
 columns
 comment
 comment_dollar
 comment_dots
 comment_medical
 comment_o
 comment_slash
 comment_sms
 commenting
 commenting_o
 comments
 comments_dollar
 comments_o
 compact_disc
 compass
 compass_drafting
 compress
 computer_mouse
 confluence
 connectdevelop
 contao
 cookie
 cookie_bite
 copy
 copyright
 cotton_bureau
 couch
 cow
 cpanel
 creative_commons
 creative_commons_by
 creative_commons_nc
 creative_commons_nc_eu
 creative_commons_nc_jp
 creative_commons_nd
 creative_commons_pd
 creative_commons_pd_alt
 creative_commons_remix
 creative_commons_sa
 creative_commons_sampling
 creative_commons_sampling_plus
 creative_commons_share
 creative_commons_zero
 credit_card
 credit_card_alt
 critical_role
 crop
 crop_simple
 cross
 crosshairs
 crow
 crown
 crutch
 css3
 css3_alt
 cube
 cubes
 cut
 cutlery
 cuttlefish
 d_and_d
 d_and_d_beyond
 dashboard
 dashcube
 database
 deaf
 deafness
 dedent
 delete_left
 delicious
 democrat
 deploydog
 deskpro
 desktop
 dev
 deviantart
 dharmachakra
 dhl
 diagram_project
 diamond
 diamond_turn_right
 diaspora
 dice
 dice_d20
 dice_d6
 dice_five
 dice_four
 dice_one
 dice_six
 dice_three
 dice_two
 digg
 digital_ocean
 discord
 discourse
 disease
 divide
 dna
 dochub
 docker
 dog
 dollar
 dollar_sign
 dolly
 door_closed
 door_open
 dot_circle_o
 dove
 down_left_and_up_right_to_center
 down_long
 download
 draft2digital
 dragon
 draw_polygon
 dribbble
 drivers_license
 drivers_license_o
 dropbox
 droplet
 droplet_slash
 drum
 drum_steelpan
 drumstick_bite
 drupal
 dumbbell
 dumpster
 dumpster_fire
 dungeon
 dyalog
 ear_deaf
 ear_listen
 earlybirds
 earth_africa
 earth_americas
 earth_asia
 earth_europe
 ebay
 edge
 edit
 eercast
 egg
 eject
 elementor
 ellipsis
 ellipsis_h
 ellipsis_v
 ellipsis_vertical
 ello
 ember
 empire
 envelope
 envelope_o
 envelope_open
 envelope_open_o
 envelope_open_text
 envelope_square
 envelopes_bulk
 envira
 equals
 eraser
 erlang
 ethereum
 ethernet
 etsy
 eur
 euro
 euro_sign
 evernote
 exchange
 exclamation
 exclamation_circle
 exclamation_triangle
 expand
 expeditedssl
 external_link
 external_link_square
 eye
 eye_dropper
 eye_low_vision
 eye_slash
 eyedropper
 fa
 face_angry
 face_dizzy
 face_flushed
 face_frown
 face_frown_open
 face_grimace
 face_grin
 face_grin_beam
 face_grin_beam_sweat
 face_grin_hearts
 face_grin_squint
 face_grin_squint_tears
 face_grin_stars
 face_grin_tears
 face_grin_tongue
 face_grin_tongue_squint
 face_grin_tongue_wink
 face_grin_wide
 face_grin_wink
 face_kiss
 face_kiss_beam
 face_kiss_wink_heart
 face_laugh
 face_laugh_beam
 face_laugh_squint
 face_laugh_wink
 face_meh
 face_meh_blank
 face_rolling_eyes
 face_sad_cry
 face_sad_tear
 face_smile
 face_smile_beam
 face_smile_wink
 face_surprise
 face_tired
 facebook
 facebook_f
 facebook_messenger
 facebook_official
 facebook_square
 fan
 fantasy_flight_games
 fast_backward
 fast_forward
 fax
 feather
 feather_pointed
 fedex
 fedora
 feed
 female
 fighter_jet
 figma
 file
 file_archive_o
 file_arrow_down
 file_arrow_up
 file_audio
 file_audio_o
 file_code
 file_code_o
 file_contract
 file_csv
 file_excel
 file_excel_o
 file_export
 file_image
 file_image_o
 file_import
 file_invoice
 file_invoice_dollar
 file_lines
 file_medical
 file_movie_o
 file_o
 file_pdf
 file_pdf_o
 file_pen
 file_photo_o
 file_picture_o
 file_powerpoint
 file_powerpoint_o
 file_prescription
 file_signature
 file_sound_o
 file_text
 file_text_o
 file_video
 file_video_o
 file_waveform
 file_word
 file_word_o
 file_zip_o
 file_zipper
 files_o
 fill
 fill_drip
 film
 filter
 filter_circle_dollar
 fingerprint
 fire
 fire_extinguisher
 fire_flame_curved
 fire_flame_simple
 firefox
 first_order
 first_order_alt
 firstdraft
 fish
 flag
 flag_checkered
 flag_o
 flag_usa
 flash
 flask
 flickr
 flipboard
 floppy_disk
 floppy_o
 fly
 folder
 folder_minus
 folder_o
 folder_open
 folder_open_o
 folder_plus
 folder_tree
 font
 font_awesome
 fonticons
 fonticons_fi
 football
 fort_awesome
 fort_awesome_alt
 forumbee
 forward
 forward_fast
 forward_step
 foursquare
 free_code_camp
 freebsd
 frog
 frown_o
 fulcrum
 futbol
 futbol_o
 galactic_republic
 galactic_senate
 gamepad
 gas_pump
 gauge
 gauge_high
 gauge_simple
 gauge_simple_high
 gavel
 gbp
 ge
 gear
 gears
 gem
 genderless
 get_pocket
 gg
 gg_circle
 ghost
 gift
 gifts
 git
 git_alt
 git_square
 github
 github_alt
 github_square
 gitkraken
 gitlab
 gitter
 gittip
 glass
 glasses
 glide
 glide_g
 globe
 gofore
 golf_ball_tee
 goodreads
 goodreads_g
 google
 google_drive
 google_play
 google_plus
 google_plus_circle
 google_plus_official
 google_plus_square
 google_wallet
 gopuram
 graduation_cap
 gratipay
 grav
 greater_than
 greater_than_equal
 grip
 grip_lines
 grip_lines_vertical
 grip_vertical
 gripfire
 group
 grunt
 guitar
 gulp
 h_square
 hacker_news
 hackerrank
 hammer
 hamsa
 hand
 hand_back_fist
 hand_dots
 hand_fist
 hand_grab_o
 hand_holding
 hand_holding_dollar
 hand_holding_droplet
 hand_holding_heart
 hand_lizard
 hand_lizard_o
 hand_middle_finger
 hand_o_down
 hand_o_left
 hand_o_right
 hand_o_up
 hand_paper_o
 hand_peace
 hand_peace_o
 hand_point_down
 hand_point_left
 hand_point_right
 hand_point_up
 hand_pointer
 hand_pointer_o
 hand_rock_o
 hand_scissors
 hand_scissors_o
 hand_spock
 hand_spock_o
 hand_stop_o
 hands
 hands_asl_interpreting
 hands_holding
 hands_praying
 handshake
 handshake_angle
 handshake_o
 handshake_simple
 hanukiah
 hard_drive
 hard_of_hearing
 hashtag
 hat_cowboy
 hat_cowboy_side
 hat_wizard
 hdd_o
 header
 heading
 headphones
 headphones_simple
 headset
 heard_o
 heart
 heart_crack
 heart_o
 heart_pulse
 heartbeat
 helicopter
 helmet_safety
 highlighter
 hippo
 hips
 hire_a_helper
 history
 hockey_puck
 holly_berry
 home
 hooli
 hornbill
 horse
 horse_head
 hospital
 hospital_o
 hospital_user
 hot_tub_person
 hotdog
 hotel
 hotel_building
 hotjar
 hourglass
 hourglass_1
 hourglass_2
 hourglass_3
 hourglass_end
 hourglass_half
 hourglass_o
 hourglass_start
 house
 house_chimney
 house_chimney_crack
 house_chimney_medical
 houzz
 hryvnia_sign
 html5
 hubspot
 hurricane
 i_cursor
 ice_cream
 icicles
 icons
 id_badge
 id_card
 id_card_clip
 id_card_o
 igloo
 ils
 image
 image_portrait
 images
 imdb
 inbox
 indent
 industry
 infinity
 info
 info_circle
 inr
 instagram
 institution
 intercom
 internet_explorer
 intersex
 invision
 ioxhost
 italic
 itch_io
 itunes
 itunes_note
 java
 jedi
 jedi_order
 jenkins
 jet_fighter
 jira
 joget
 joint
 joomla
 jpy
 js
 jsfiddle
 kaaba
 kaggle
 key
 keybase
 keyboard
 keyboard_o
 keycdn
 khanda
 kickstarter
 kickstarter_k
 kit_medical
 kiwi_bird
 korvue
 krw
 landmark
 landmark_dome
 language
 laptop
 laptop_code
 laptop_medical
 laravel
 lastfm
 lastfm_square
 layer_group
 leaf
 leanpub
 left_long
 left_right
 legal
 lemon
 lemon_o
 less
 less_than
 less_than_equal
 level_down
 level_up
 life_bouy
 life_buoy
 life_ring
 life_saver
 lightbulb
 lightbulb_o
 line
 line_chart
 link
 link_slash
 linkedin
 linkedin_in
 linkedin_square
 linode
 linux
 lira_sign
 list
 list_alt
 list_check
 list_ol
 list_ul
 location_arrow
 location_crosshairs
 location_dot
 location_pin
 lock
 lock_open
 long_arrow_down
 long_arrow_left
 long_arrow_right
 long_arrow_up
 low_vision
 lungs
 lyft
 magento
 magic
 magnet
 magnifying_glass
 magnifying_glass_dollar
 magnifying_glass_location
 magnifying_glass_minus
 magnifying_glass_plus
 mail_forward
 mail_reply
 mail_reply_all
 mailchimp
 male
 mandalorian
 map
 map_location
 map_location_dot
 map_marker
 map_o
 map_pin
 map_signs
 markdown
 marker
 mars
 mars_double
 mars_stroke
 mars_stroke_h
 mars_stroke_right
 mars_stroke_up
 mars_stroke_v
 martini_glass
 martini_glass_citrus
 martini_glass_empty
 mask
 masks_theater
 mastodon
 maxcdn
 maximize
 mdb
 meanpath
 medal
 medapps
 medium
 medkit
 medrt
 meetup
 megaport
 meh_o
 memory
 mendeley
 menorah
 mercury
 message
 meteor
 microchip
 microphone
 microphone_lines
 microphone_lines_slash
 microphone_slash
 microscope
 microsoft
 minimize
 minus
 minus_circle
 minus_square
 minus_square_o
 mitten
 mix
 mixcloud
 mizuni
 mobile
 mobile_button
 mobile_phone
 mobile_screen
 mobile_screen_button
 modx
 monero
 money
 money_bill
 money_bill_1
 money_bill_1_wave
 money_bill_wave
 money_check
 money_check_dollar
 monument
 moon
 moon_o
 mortar_board
 mortar_pestle
 mosque
 motorcycle
 mountain
 mouse_pointer
 mug_hot
 mug_saucer
 music
 napster
 navicon
 neos
 network_wired
 neuter
 newspaper
 newspaper_o
 nimblr
 node
 node_js
 not_equal
 note_sticky
 notes_medical
 npm
 ns8
 nutritionix
 object_group
 object_ungroup
 odnoklassniki
 odnoklassniki_square
 oil_can
 ok_sign
 old_republic
 om
 opencart
 openid
 opera
 optin_monster
 orcid
 osi
 otter
 outdent
 page4
 pagelines
 pager
 paint_brush
 paint_roller
 paintbrush
 palette
 palfed
 pallet
 paper_plane
 paper_plane_o
 paperclip
 parachute_box
 paragraph
 passport
 paste
 patreon
 pause
 pause_circle
 pause_circle_o
 paw
 paypal
 peace
 pen
 pen_clip
 pen_fancy
 pen_nib
 pen_ruler
 pen_to_square
 pencil
 pencil_square
 pencil_square_o
 people_carry_box
 pepper_hot
 percent
 periscope
 person
 person_biking
 person_booth
 person_digging
 person_dots_from_line
 person_dress
 person_hiking
 person_praying
 person_running
 person_skating
 person_skiing
 person_skiing_nordic
 person_snowboarding
 person_swimming
 person_walking
 person_walking_with_cane
 phabricator
 phoenix_framework
 phoenix_squadron
 phone
 phone_flip
 phone_slash
 phone_square
 phone_volume
 photo
 photo_film
 php
 picture_o
 pie_chart
 pied_piper
 pied_piper_alt
 pied_piper_hat
 pied_piper_pp
 piggy_bank
 pills
 pinterest
 pinterest_p
 pinterest_square
 pizza_slice
 place_of_worship
 plane
 plane_arrival
 plane_departure
 play
 play_circle
 play_circle_o
 playstation
 plug
 plus
 plus_circle
 plus_square
 plus_square_o
 podcast
 poo
 poo_storm
 poop
 power_off
 prescription
 prescription_bottle
 prescription_bottle_medical
 print
 product_hunt
 pushed
 puzzle_piece
 python
 qq
 qrcode
 question
 question_circle
 question_circle_o
 quinscape
 quora
 quote_left
 quote_right
 r_project
 ra
 radiation
 radio
 rainbow
 random
 raspberry_pi
 ravelry
 react
 reacteurope
 readme
 rebel
 receipt
 record_vinyl
 rectangle_ad
 rectangle_list
 rectangle_xmark
 recycle
 red_river
 reddit
 reddit_alien
 reddit_square
 redhat
 refresh
 registered
 remove
 remove_sign
 renren
 reorder
 repeat
 repeat_alt
 reply
 reply_all
 replyd
 republican
 researchgate
 resistance
 resolving
 restroom
 retweet
 rev
 ribbon
 right_from_bracket
 right_left
 right_to_bracket
 ring
 rmb
 road
 robot
 rocket
 rocketchat
 rockrms
 rotate
 rotate_left
 rotate_right
 rouble
 route
 rss
 rss_square
 rub
 ruble
 ruble_sign
 ruler
 ruler_combined
 ruler_horizontal
 ruler_vertical
 rupee
 rupee_sign
 s15
 sack_dollar
 safari
 salesforce
 sass
 satellite
 satellite_dish
 save
 scale_balanced
 scale_unbalanced
 scale_unbalanced_flip
 schlix
 school
 scissors
 screwdriver
 screwdriver_wrench
 scribd
 scroll
 scroll_torah
 sd_card
 search
 search_minus
 search_plus
 searchengin
 seedling
 sellcast
 sellsy
 send
 send_o
 server
 servicestack
 shapes
 share
 share_alt
 share_alt_square
 share_from_square
 share_nodes
 share_square
 share_square_o
 shekel
 shekel_sign
 sheqel
 shield
 shield_halved
 ship
 shirt
 shirtsinbulk
 shoe_prints
 shop
 shopping_bag
 shopping_basket
 shopping_cart
 shopware
 shower
 shuffle
 shuttle_space
 sign_hanging
 sign_in
 sign_language
 sign_out
 signal
 signature
 signing
 signs_post
 sim_card
 simplybuilt
 sistrix
 sitemap
 sith
 sketch
 skull
 skull_crossbones
 skyatlas
 skype
 slack
 slash
 sleigh
 sliders
 slideshare
 smile_o
 smog
 smoking
 snapchat
 snapchat_ghost
 snapchat_square
 snowflake
 snowflake_o
 snowman
 snowplow
 soccer_ball_o
 socks
 solar_panel
 sort
 sort_alpha_asc
 sort_alpha_desc
 sort_amount_asc
 sort_amount_desc
 sort_asc
 sort_desc
 sort_down
 sort_numeric_asc
 sort_numeric_desc
 sort_up
 soundcloud
 sourcetree
 spa
 space_shuttle
 spaghetti_monster_flying
 speakap
 speaker_deck
 spell_check
 spider
 spinner
 splotch
 spoon
 spotify
 spray_can
 spray_can_sparkles
 square
 square_arrow_up_right
 square_behance
 square_caret_down
 square_caret_left
 square_caret_right
 square_caret_up
 square_check
 square_dribbble
 square_envelope
 square_facebook
 square_font_awesome_stroke
 square_full
 square_git
 square_github
 square_google_plus
 square_h
 square_hacker_news
 square_js
 square_lastfm
 square_minus
 square_o
 square_odnoklassniki
 square_parking
 square_pen
 square_phone
 square_phone_flip
 square_pinterest
 square_plus
 square_poll_horizontal
 square_poll_vertical
 square_reddit
 square_root_variable
 square_rss
 square_share_nodes
 square_snapchat
 square_steam
 square_tumblr
 square_twitter
 square_up_right
 square_viadeo
 square_vimeo
 square_whatsapp
 square_xing
 square_xmark
 square_youtube
 squarespace
 stack_exchange
 stack_overflow
 stackpath
 stamp
 star
 star_and_crescent
 star_half
 star_half_empty
 star_half_full
 star_half_o
 star_half_stroke
 star_o
 star_of_david
 star_of_life
 staylinked
 steam
 steam_square
 steam_symbol
 step_backward
 step_forward
 sterling_sign
 stethoscope
 sticker_mule
 sticky_note
 sticky_note_o
 stop
 stop_circle
 stop_circle_o
 stopwatch
 store
 strava
 street_view
 strikethrough
 stripe
 stripe_s
 stroopwafel
 studiovinari
 stumbleupon
 stumbleupon_circle
 subscript
 subway
 suitcase
 suitcase_medical
 suitcase_rolling
 sun
 sun_o
 superpowers
 superscript
 supple
 support
 suse
 swatchbook
 swift
 symfony
 synagogue
 syringe
 table
 table_cells
 table_cells_large
 table_columns
 table_list
 table_tennis_paddle_ball
 tablet
 tablet_button
 tablet_screen_button
 tablets
 tachograph_digital
 tachometer
 tag
 tags
 tape
 tasks
 taxi
 teamspeak
 teeth
 teeth_open
 telegram
 television
 temperature_empty
 temperature_full
 temperature_half
 temperature_high
 temperature_low
 temperature_quarter
 temperature_three_quarters
 tencent_weibo
 tenge_sign
 terminal
 text_height
 text_slash
 text_width
 th
 th_large
 th_list
 the_red_yeti
 themeco
 themeisle
 thermometer
 thermometer_0
 thermometer_1
 thermometer_2
 thermometer_3
 thermometer_4
 thermometer_alt
 thermometer_empty
 thermometer_full
 thermometer_half
 thermometer_quarter
 thermometer_three_quarters
 think_peaks
 thumb_tack
 thumbs_down
 thumbs_o_down
 thumbs_o_up
 thumbs_up
 thumbtack
 ticket
 ticket_simple
 times
 times_circle
 times_circle_o
 times_rectangle
 times_rectangle_o
 tint
 toggle_down
 toggle_left
 toggle_off
 toggle_on
 toggle_right
 toggle_up
 toilet
 toilet_paper
 toolbox
 tooth
 torii_gate
 tornado
 tower_broadcast
 tractor
 trade_federation
 trademark
 traffic_light
 train
 train_subway
 transgender
 transgender_alt
 trash
 trash_arrow_up
 trash_can
 trash_can_arrow_up
 trash_o
 tree
 trello
 triangle_exclamation
 tripadvisor
 trophy
 truck
 truck_fast
 truck_medical
 truck_monster
 truck_moving
 truck_pickup
 truck_ramp_box
 try
 tty
 tumblr
 tumblr_square
 turkish_lira
 turn_down
 turn_up
 tv
 twitch
 twitter
 twitter_square
 typo3
 uber
 ubuntu
 uikit
 umbraco
 umbrella
 umbrella_beach
 underline
 undo
 uniregistry
 universal_access
 university
 unlink
 unlock
 unlock_alt
 unlock_keyhole
 unsorted
 untappd
 up_down
 up_down_left_right
 up_right_and_down_left_from_center
 up_right_from_square
 upload
 ups
 usb
 usd
 user
 user_astronaut
 user_check
 user_circle
 user_circle_o
 user_clock
 user_doctor
 user_gear
 user_graduate
 user_group
 user_injured
 user_large
 user_large_slash
 user_lock
 user_md
 user_minus
 user_ninja
 user_nurse
 user_o
 user_pen
 user_plus
 user_secret
 user_shield
 user_slash
 user_tag
 user_tie
 user_times
 user_xmark
 users
 users_gear
 usps
 ussunnah
 utensils
 vaadin
 van_shuttle
 vcard
 vcard_o
 vector_square
 venus
 venus_double
 venus_mars
 viacoin
 viadeo
 viadeo_square
 vial
 vials
 viber
 video
 video_camera
 video_slash
 vihara
 vimeo
 vimeo_square
 vimeo_v
 vine
 vk
 vnv
 voicemail
 volcano
 volleyball
 volume_control_phone
 volume_down
 volume_high
 volume_low
 volume_off
 volume_up
 volume_xmark
 vr_cardboard
 vuejs
 walkie_talkie
 wallet
 wand_magic
 wand_sparkles
 warehouse
 warning
 water
 water_ladder
 wave_square
 waze
 wechat
 weebly
 weibo
 weight_hanging
 weight_scale
 weixin
 whatsapp
 wheelchair
 wheelchair_alt
 whiskey_glass
 whmcs
 wifi
 wikipedia_w
 wind
 window_close
 window_close_o
 window_maximize
 window_minimize
 window_restore
 windows
 wine_bottle
 wine_glass
 wine_glass_empty
 wix
 wizards_of_the_coast
 wolf_pack_battalion
 won
 won_sign
 wordpress
 wordpress_simple
 wpbeginner
 wpexplorer
 wpforms
 wpressr
 wrench
 x_ray
 xbox
 xing
 xing_square
 xmark
 y_combinator
 y_combinator_square
 yahoo
 yammer
 yandex
 yandex_international
 yarn
 yc
 yc_square
 yelp
 yen
 yen_sign
 yin_yang
 yoast
 youtube
 youtube_play
 youtube_square
 zhihu
 apple_fruit
 atom
 bacteria
 banana
 bath
 bed
 benzene
 bigger
 biohazard
 blogger_circle
 blogger_square
 bones
 book_open
 book_open_o
 brain
 bread
 butterfly
 carot
 cc_by
 cc_cc
 cc_nc
 cc_nc_eu
 cc_nc_jp
 cc_nd
 cc_remix
 cc_sa
 cc_share
 cc_zero
 checklist_o
 cheese
 cherry
 chess_bishop
 chess_horse
 chess_king
 chess_pawn
 chess_queen
 chess_tower
 chicken_thigh
 chilli
 chip
 cicling
 cloud
 cockroach
 coffe_beans
 coins
 comb
 comet
 crown
 cup_coffe
 dice
 disco
 dna
 donut
 dress
 drop
 ello
 envelope_open
 envelope_open_o
 equal
 equal_bigger
 feedly
 file_export
 file_import
 fingerprint
 floppy
 footprint
 freecodecamp
 galaxy
 galery
 gift_card
 glass
 google_drive
 google_play
 gps
 grav
 guitar
 gut
 halter
 hamburger
 hat
 hexagon
 high_heel
 hotdog
 ice_cream
 id_card
 imdb
 infinity
 injection
 isle
 java
 layers
 lips
 lipstick
 liver
 lollipop
 loyalty_card
 lung
 makeup_brushes
 maximize
 meat
 medicine
 microscope
 milk_bottle
 minimize
 molecule
 moon_cloud
 mountains
 mushroom
 mustache
 mysql
 nintendo
 orange
 palette_color
 peach
 pear
 pi
 pizza
 planet
 plant
 playstation
 poison
 popcorn
 popsicle
 pulse
 python
 quora_circle
 quora_square
 radioactive
 raining
 real_heart
 refrigerator
 restore
 ring
 ruby
 ruby_o
 ruler
 shirt
 slash
 smaller
 snowing
 soda
 sofa
 soup
 spermatozoon
 spin_double
 stomach
 storm
 sun_cloud
 sushi
 tacos
 telegram
 telegram_circle
 telescope
 thermometer
 thermometer_high
 thermometer_low
 thin_close
 toilet
 tools
 tooth
 tree
 triangle_ruler
 umbrella
 uterus
 virus
 w3c
 walking
 wallet
 wind
 xbox
⏻ power
⭘ power_off
⏽ power_on
⏾ sleep_mode
⏼ toggle_power
 dotted_guide
 line
 line
 almalinux
 alpine
 aosc
 apple
 archcraft
 archlabs
 archlinux
 arcolinux
 arduino
 artix
 awesome
 biglinux
 bspwm
 budgie
 centos
 cinnamon
 codeberg
 coreos
 crystal
 debian
 deepin
 devuan
 docker
 dwm
 elementary
 endeavour
 enlightenment
 fdroid
 fedora
 fedora_inverse
 ferris
 flathub
 fluxbox
 forgejo
 fosdem
 freebsd
 freecad
 freedesktop
 garuda
 gentoo
 gimp
 gitea
 gnome
 gnu_guix
 gtk
 hyperbola
 hyprland
 i3
 illumos
 inkscape
 jwm
 kali_linux
 kde
 kde_neon
 kde_plasma
 kdenlive
 kicad
 krita
 kubuntu
 kubuntu_inverse
 linuxmint
 linuxmint_inverse
 locos
 lxde
 lxle
 lxqt
 mageia
 mandriva
 manjaro
 mate
 mpv
 mxlinux
 neovim
 nixos
 octoprint
 openbsd
 openscad
 opensuse
 osh
 oshwa
 osi
 parabola
 parrot
 pop_os
 postmarketos
 prusaslicer
 puppy
 qt
 qtile
 qubesos
 raspberry_pi
 redhat
 reprap
 riscv
 rocky_linux
 sabayon
 slackware
 slackware_inverse
 snappy
 solus
 sway
 tails
 thunderbird
 tor
 trisquel
 tux
 ubuntu
 ubuntu_inverse
 vanilla
 void
 vscodium
 wayland
 wikimedia
 xerolinux
 xfce
 xmonad
 xorg
 zorin
󰇉 ab_testing
󱛠 abacus
󱌨 abjad_arabic
󱌩 abjad_hebrew
󱌪 abugida_devanagari
󱌫 abugida_thai
󰀃 access_point
󱔸 access_point_check
󱔹 access_point_minus
󰀂 access_point_network
󰯡 access_point_network_off
󱔑 access_point_off
󱔺 access_point_plus
󱔻 access_point_remove
󰀄 account
󰀅 account_alert
󰭐 account_alert_outline
󱡨 account_arrow_down
󱡩 account_arrow_down_outline
󰭑 account_arrow_left
󰭒 account_arrow_left_outline
󰭓 account_arrow_right
󰭔 account_arrow_right_outline
󱡧 account_arrow_up
󱡪 account_arrow_up_outline
󰀆 account_box
󰤴 account_box_multiple
󱀊 account_box_multiple_outline
󰀇 account_box_outline
󱋟 account_cancel
󱋠 account_cancel_outline
󱂗 account_cash
󱂘 account_cash_outline
󰀈 account_check
󰯢 account_check_outline
󰪉 account_child
󰪊 account_child_circle
󱃈 account_child_outline
󰀉 account_circle
󰭕 account_circle_outline
󰭖 account_clock
󰭗 account_clock_outline
󱍰 account_cog
󱍱 account_cog_outline
󰀊 account_convert
󱌁 account_convert_outline
󰺛 account_cowboy_hat
󱟳 account_cowboy_hat_outline
󰘱 account_details
󱍲 account_details_outline
󰚼 account_edit
󰿻 account_edit_outline
󰐠 account_eye
󱉻 account_eye_outline
󰤶 account_filter
󰾝 account_filter_outline
󰡉 account_group
󰭘 account_group_outline
󰖵 account_hard_hat
󱨟 account_hard_hat_outline
󰢙 account_heart
󰯣 account_heart_outline
󱠕 account_injury
󱠖 account_injury_outline
󰀋 account_key
󰯤 account_key_outline
󱅞 account_lock
󱥠 account_lock_open
󱥡 account_lock_open_outline
󱅟 account_lock_outline
󰀍 account_minus
󰫬 account_minus_outline
󰀎 account_multiple
󰣅 account_multiple_check
󱇾 account_multiple_check_outline
󰗓 account_multiple_minus
󰯥 account_multiple_minus_outline
󰀏 account_multiple_outline
󰀐 account_multiple_plus
󰠀 account_multiple_plus_outline
󱈊 account_multiple_remove
󱈋 account_multiple_remove_outline
󰠃 account_music
󰳩 account_music_outline
󰀑 account_network
󰯦 account_network_outline
󰀒 account_off
󰯧 account_off_outline
󰀓 account_outline
󰀔 account_plus
󰠁 account_plus_outline
󰭙 account_question
󰭚 account_question_outline
󱔫 account_reactivate
󱔬 account_reactivate_outline
󰀕 account_remove
󰫭 account_remove_outline
󱨠 account_school
󱨡 account_school_outline
󰀖 account_search
󰤵 account_search_outline
󰘰 account_settings
󱃉 account_settings_outline
󰀗 account_star
󰯨 account_star_outline
󰪋 account_supervisor
󰪌 account_supervisor_circle
󱓬 account_supervisor_circle_outline
󱄭 account_supervisor_outline
󰀙 account_switch
󰓋 account_switch_outline
󱤛 account_sync
󱤜 account_sync_outline
󰳣 account_tie
󱢘 account_tie_hat
󱢙 account_tie_hat_outline
󱃊 account_tie_outline
󱌈 account_tie_voice
󱌊 account_tie_voice_off
󱌋 account_tie_voice_off_outline
󱌉 account_tie_voice_outline
󱪌 account_tie_woman
󰗋 account_voice
󰻔 account_voice_off
󱢚 account_wrench
󱢛 account_wrench_outline
󰀚 adjust
󱤪 advertisements
󱤫 advertisements_off
󰀛 air_conditioner
󰵃 air_filter
󰶬 air_horn
󱂙 air_humidifier
󱑦 air_humidifier_off
󰵄 air_purifier
󰯩 airbag
󰀜 airballoon
󱀋 airballoon_outline
󰀝 airplane
󱡺 airplane_alert
󱡻 airplane_check
󱡼 airplane_clock
󱡽 airplane_cog
󱡾 airplane_edit
󰗔 airplane_landing
󱡿 airplane_marker
󱢀 airplane_minus
󰀞 airplane_off
󱢁 airplane_plus
󱢂 airplane_remove
󱢃 airplane_search
󱢄 airplane_settings
󰗕 airplane_takeoff
󰡋 airport
󰀠 alarm
󰞎 alarm_bell
󰀡 alarm_check
󰞏 alarm_light
󱜞 alarm_light_off
󱜟 alarm_light_off_outline
󰯪 alarm_light_outline
󰀢 alarm_multiple
󰹱 alarm_note
󰹲 alarm_note_off
󰀣 alarm_off
󱗄 alarm_panel
󱗅 alarm_panel_outline
󰀤 alarm_plus
󰚎 alarm_snooze
󰀥 album
󰀦 alert
󰀧 alert_box
󰳤 alert_box_outline
󰀨 alert_circle
󱇭 alert_circle_check
󱇮 alert_circle_check_outline
󰗖 alert_circle_outline
󰚽 alert_decagram
󰳥 alert_decagram_outline
󱒻 alert_minus
󱒾 alert_minus_outline
󰀩 alert_octagon
󰳦 alert_octagon_outline
󰝧 alert_octagram
󰳧 alert_octagram_outline
󰀪 alert_outline
󱒺 alert_plus
󱒽 alert_plus_outline
󱒼 alert_remove
󱒿 alert_remove_outline
󱇎 alert_rhombus
󱇏 alert_rhombus_outline
󰢚 alien
󱃋 alien_outline
󱇃 align_horizontal_center
󱥢 align_horizontal_distribute
󱇂 align_horizontal_left
󱇄 align_horizontal_right
󱇅 align_vertical_bottom
󱇆 align_vertical_center
󱥣 align_vertical_distribute
󱇇 align_vertical_top
󰚾 all_inclusive
󱢍 all_inclusive_box
󱢎 all_inclusive_box_outline
󱉘 allergy
󰀫 alpha
󰫮 alpha_a
󰬈 alpha_a_box
󰯫 alpha_a_box_outline
󰯬 alpha_a_circle
󰯭 alpha_a_circle_outline
󰫯 alpha_b
󰬉 alpha_b_box
󰯮 alpha_b_box_outline
󰯯 alpha_b_circle
󰯰 alpha_b_circle_outline
󰫰 alpha_c
󰬊 alpha_c_box
󰯱 alpha_c_box_outline
󰯲 alpha_c_circle
󰯳 alpha_c_circle_outline
󰫱 alpha_d
󰬋 alpha_d_box
󰯴 alpha_d_box_outline
󰯵 alpha_d_circle
󰯶 alpha_d_circle_outline
󰫲 alpha_e
󰬌 alpha_e_box
󰯷 alpha_e_box_outline
󰯸 alpha_e_circle
󰯹 alpha_e_circle_outline
󰫳 alpha_f
󰬍 alpha_f_box
󰯺 alpha_f_box_outline
󰯻 alpha_f_circle
󰯼 alpha_f_circle_outline
󰫴 alpha_g
󰬎 alpha_g_box
󰯽 alpha_g_box_outline
󰯾 alpha_g_circle
󰯿 alpha_g_circle_outline
󰫵 alpha_h
󰬏 alpha_h_box
󰰀 alpha_h_box_outline
󰰁 alpha_h_circle
󰰂 alpha_h_circle_outline
󰫶 alpha_i
󰬐 alpha_i_box
󰰃 alpha_i_box_outline
󰰄 alpha_i_circle
󰰅 alpha_i_circle_outline
󰫷 alpha_j
󰬑 alpha_j_box
󰰆 alpha_j_box_outline
󰰇 alpha_j_circle
󰰈 alpha_j_circle_outline
󰫸 alpha_k
󰬒 alpha_k_box
󰰉 alpha_k_box_outline
󰰊 alpha_k_circle
󰰋 alpha_k_circle_outline
󰫹 alpha_l
󰬓 alpha_l_box
󰰌 alpha_l_box_outline
󰰍 alpha_l_circle
󰰎 alpha_l_circle_outline
󰫺 alpha_m
󰬔 alpha_m_box
󰰏 alpha_m_box_outline
󰰐 alpha_m_circle
󰰑 alpha_m_circle_outline
󰫻 alpha_n
󰬕 alpha_n_box
󰰒 alpha_n_box_outline
󰰓 alpha_n_circle
󰰔 alpha_n_circle_outline
󰫼 alpha_o
󰬖 alpha_o_box
󰰕 alpha_o_box_outline
󰰖 alpha_o_circle
󰰗 alpha_o_circle_outline
󰫽 alpha_p
󰬗 alpha_p_box
󰰘 alpha_p_box_outline
󰰙 alpha_p_circle
󰰚 alpha_p_circle_outline
󰫾 alpha_q
󰬘 alpha_q_box
󰰛 alpha_q_box_outline
󰰜 alpha_q_circle
󰰝 alpha_q_circle_outline
󰫿 alpha_r
󰬙 alpha_r_box
󰰞 alpha_r_box_outline
󰰟 alpha_r_circle
󰰠 alpha_r_circle_outline
󰬀 alpha_s
󰬚 alpha_s_box
󰰡 alpha_s_box_outline
󰰢 alpha_s_circle
󰰣 alpha_s_circle_outline
󰬁 alpha_t
󰬛 alpha_t_box
󰰤 alpha_t_box_outline
󰰥 alpha_t_circle
󰰦 alpha_t_circle_outline
󰬂 alpha_u
󰬜 alpha_u_box
󰰧 alpha_u_box_outline
󰰨 alpha_u_circle
󰰩 alpha_u_circle_outline
󰬃 alpha_v
󰬝 alpha_v_box
󰰪 alpha_v_box_outline
󰰫 alpha_v_circle
󰰬 alpha_v_circle_outline
󰬄 alpha_w
󰬞 alpha_w_box
󰰭 alpha_w_box_outline
󰰮 alpha_w_circle
󰰯 alpha_w_circle_outline
󰬅 alpha_x
󰬟 alpha_x_box
󰰰 alpha_x_box_outline
󰰱 alpha_x_circle
󰰲 alpha_x_circle_outline
󰬆 alpha_y
󰬠 alpha_y_box
󰰳 alpha_y_box_outline
󰰴 alpha_y_circle
󰰵 alpha_y_circle_outline
󰬇 alpha_z
󰬡 alpha_z_box
󰰶 alpha_z_box_outline
󰰷 alpha_z_circle
󰰸 alpha_z_circle_outline
󱌬 alphabet_aurebesh
󱌭 alphabet_cyrillic
󱌮 alphabet_greek
󱌯 alphabet_latin
󱌰 alphabet_piqad
󱌷 alphabet_tengwar
󰀬 alphabetical
󱀌 alphabetical_off
󱀍 alphabetical_variant
󱀎 alphabetical_variant_off
󰗗 altimeter
󰀯 ambulance
󰳨 ammunition
󰪍 ampersand
󰀰 amplifier
󱆵 amplifier_off
󰀱 anchor
󰀲 android
󰵅 android_messages
󰀴 android_studio
󰤷 angle_acute
󰤸 angle_obtuse
󰤹 angle_right
󰚲 angular
󰚿 angularjs
󰗘 animation
󰪏 animation_outline
󰤺 animation_play
󰪐 animation_play_outline
󱂚 ansible
󱄙 antenna
󰢛 anvil
󱀏 apache_kafka
󱂛 api
󱉗 api_off
󰀵 apple
󰀶 apple_finder
󰀸 apple_icloud
󰀷 apple_ios
󰘲 apple_keyboard_caps
󰘳 apple_keyboard_command
󰘴 apple_keyboard_control
󰘵 apple_keyboard_option
󰘶 apple_keyboard_shift
󰀹 apple_safari
󰣆 application
󱃵 application_array
󱃶 application_array_outline
󱃷 application_braces
󱃸 application_braces_outline
󰲋 application_brackets
󰲌 application_brackets_outline
󰙵 application_cog
󱕷 application_cog_outline
󰂮 application_edit
󰘙 application_edit_outline
󰶭 application_export
󰶮 application_import
󰘔 application_outline
󱃹 application_parentheses
󱃺 application_parentheses_outline
󰭠 application_settings
󱕕 application_settings_outline
󱃻 application_variable
󱃼 application_variable_outline
󰾞 approximately_equal
󰾟 approximately_equal_box
󰀻 apps
󰵆 apps_box
󰣇 arch
󰀼 archive
󱓽 archive_alert
󱓾 archive_alert_outline
󱉙 archive_arrow_down
󱉚 archive_arrow_down_outline
󱉛 archive_arrow_up
󱉜 archive_arrow_up_outline
󱝋 archive_cancel
󱝌 archive_cancel_outline
󱝍 archive_check
󱝎 archive_check_outline
󱝏 archive_clock
󱝐 archive_clock_outline
󱝑 archive_cog
󱝒 archive_cog_outline
󱝓 archive_edit
󱝔 archive_edit_outline
󱝕 archive_eye
󱝖 archive_eye_outline
󱝗 archive_lock
󱝘 archive_lock_open
󱝙 archive_lock_open_outline
󱝚 archive_lock_outline
󱝛 archive_marker
󱝜 archive_marker_outline
󱝝 archive_minus
󱝞 archive_minus_outline
󱝟 archive_music
󱝠 archive_music_outline
󱝡 archive_off
󱝢 archive_off_outline
󱈎 archive_outline
󱝣 archive_plus
󱝤 archive_plus_outline
󱝥 archive_refresh
󱝦 archive_refresh_outline
󱝧 archive_remove
󱝨 archive_remove_outline
󱝩 archive_search
󱝪 archive_search_outline
󱝫 archive_settings
󱝬 archive_settings_outline
󱝭 archive_star
󱝮 archive_star_outline
󱝯 archive_sync
󱝰 archive_sync_outline
󰿗 arm_flex
󰿖 arm_flex_outline
󰀽 arrange_bring_forward
󰀾 arrange_bring_to_front
󰀿 arrange_send_backward
󰁀 arrange_send_to_back
󰁁 arrow_all
󰁂 arrow_bottom_left
󱥤 arrow_bottom_left_bold_box
󱥥 arrow_bottom_left_bold_box_outline
󰦷 arrow_bottom_left_bold_outline
󰦸 arrow_bottom_left_thick
󱦶 arrow_bottom_left_thin
󱖖 arrow_bottom_left_thin_circle_outline
󰁃 arrow_bottom_right
󱥦 arrow_bottom_right_bold_box
󱥧 arrow_bottom_right_bold_box_outline
󰦹 arrow_bottom_right_bold_outline
󰦺 arrow_bottom_right_thick
󱦷 arrow_bottom_right_thin
󱖕 arrow_bottom_right_thin_circle_outline
󰘕 arrow_collapse
󰁄 arrow_collapse_all
󰞒 arrow_collapse_down
󰡌 arrow_collapse_horizontal
󰞓 arrow_collapse_left
󰞔 arrow_collapse_right
󰞕 arrow_collapse_up
󰡍 arrow_collapse_vertical
󰦻 arrow_decision
󰦼 arrow_decision_auto
󰦽 arrow_decision_auto_outline
󰦾 arrow_decision_outline
󰁅 arrow_down
󰜮 arrow_down_bold
󰜯 arrow_down_bold_box
󰜰 arrow_down_bold_box_outline
󰁇 arrow_down_bold_circle
󰁈 arrow_down_bold_circle_outline
󰁉 arrow_down_bold_hexagon_outline
󰦿 arrow_down_bold_outline
󰛀 arrow_down_box
󰳛 arrow_down_circle
󰳜 arrow_down_circle_outline
󰁊 arrow_down_drop_circle
󰁋 arrow_down_drop_circle_outline
󱞡 arrow_down_left
󱞢 arrow_down_left_bold
󱞣 arrow_down_right
󱞤 arrow_down_right_bold
󰁆 arrow_down_thick
󱦳 arrow_down_thin
󱖙 arrow_down_thin_circle_outline
󰘖 arrow_expand
󰁌 arrow_expand_all
󰞖 arrow_expand_down
󰡎 arrow_expand_horizontal
󰞗 arrow_expand_left
󰞘 arrow_expand_right
󰞙 arrow_expand_up
󰡏 arrow_expand_vertical
󱅛 arrow_horizontal_lock
󰁍 arrow_left
󰜱 arrow_left_bold
󰜲 arrow_left_bold_box
󰜳 arrow_left_bold_box_outline
󰁏 arrow_left_bold_circle
󰁐 arrow_left_bold_circle_outline
󰁑 arrow_left_bold_hexagon_outline
󰧀 arrow_left_bold_outline
󱞥 arrow_left_bottom
󱞦 arrow_left_bottom_bold
󰛁 arrow_left_box
󰳝 arrow_left_circle
󰳞 arrow_left_circle_outline
󰁒 arrow_left_drop_circle
󰁓 arrow_left_drop_circle_outline
󰹳 arrow_left_right
󰹴 arrow_left_right_bold
󰧁 arrow_left_right_bold_outline
󰁎 arrow_left_thick
󱦱 arrow_left_thin
󱖚 arrow_left_thin_circle_outline
󱞧 arrow_left_top
󱞨 arrow_left_top_bold
󱡀 arrow_projectile
󱠿 arrow_projectile_multiple
󰁔 arrow_right
󰜴 arrow_right_bold
󰜵 arrow_right_bold_box
󰜶 arrow_right_bold_box_outline
󰁖 arrow_right_bold_circle
󰁗 arrow_right_bold_circle_outline
󰁘 arrow_right_bold_hexagon_outline
󰧂 arrow_right_bold_outline
󱞩 arrow_right_bottom
󱞪 arrow_right_bottom_bold
󰛂 arrow_right_box
󰳟 arrow_right_circle
󰳠 arrow_right_circle_outline
󰁙 arrow_right_drop_circle
󰁚 arrow_right_drop_circle_outline
󰁕 arrow_right_thick
󱦰 arrow_right_thin
󱖘 arrow_right_thin_circle_outline
󱞫 arrow_right_top
󱞬 arrow_right_top_bold
󰤻 arrow_split_horizontal
󰤼 arrow_split_vertical
󰁛 arrow_top_left
󱥨 arrow_top_left_bold_box
󱥩 arrow_top_left_bold_box_outline
󰧃 arrow_top_left_bold_outline
󰹵 arrow_top_left_bottom_right
󰹶 arrow_top_left_bottom_right_bold
󰧄 arrow_top_left_thick
󱦵 arrow_top_left_thin
󱖓 arrow_top_left_thin_circle_outline
󰁜 arrow_top_right
󱥪 arrow_top_right_bold_box
󱥫 arrow_top_right_bold_box_outline
󰧅 arrow_top_right_bold_outline
󰹷 arrow_top_right_bottom_left
󰹸 arrow_top_right_bottom_left_bold
󰧆 arrow_top_right_thick
󱦴 arrow_top_right_thin
󱖔 arrow_top_right_thin_circle_outline
󱞭 arrow_u_down_left
󱞮 arrow_u_down_left_bold
󱞯 arrow_u_down_right
󱞰 arrow_u_down_right_bold
󱞱 arrow_u_left_bottom
󱞲 arrow_u_left_bottom_bold
󱞳 arrow_u_left_top
󱞴 arrow_u_left_top_bold
󱞵 arrow_u_right_bottom
󱞶 arrow_u_right_bottom_bold
󱞷 arrow_u_right_top
󱞸 arrow_u_right_top_bold
󱞹 arrow_u_up_left
󱞺 arrow_u_up_left_bold
󱞻 arrow_u_up_right
󱞼 arrow_u_up_right_bold
󰁝 arrow_up
󰜷 arrow_up_bold
󰜸 arrow_up_bold_box
󰜹 arrow_up_bold_box_outline
󰁟 arrow_up_bold_circle
󰁠 arrow_up_bold_circle_outline
󰁡 arrow_up_bold_hexagon_outline
󰧇 arrow_up_bold_outline
󰛃 arrow_up_box
󰳡 arrow_up_circle
󰳢 arrow_up_circle_outline
󰹹 arrow_up_down
󰹺 arrow_up_down_bold
󰧈 arrow_up_down_bold_outline
󰁢 arrow_up_drop_circle
󰁣 arrow_up_drop_circle_outline
󱞽 arrow_up_left
󱞾 arrow_up_left_bold
󱞿 arrow_up_right
󱟀 arrow_up_right_bold
󰁞 arrow_up_thick
󱦲 arrow_up_thin
󱖗 arrow_up_thin_circle_outline
󱅜 arrow_vertical_lock
󰭛 artstation
󰨤 aspect_ratio
󰁤 assistant
󰛄 asterisk
󱨧 asterisk_circle_outline
󰁥 at
󰠄 atlassian
󰵇 atm
󰝨 atom
󰹻 atom_variant
󰁦 attachment
󱫁 attachment_check
󱧄 attachment_lock
󱫂 attachment_minus
󱫃 attachment_off
󱫄 attachment_plus
󱫅 attachment_remove
󱡫 audio_input_rca
󱡬 audio_input_stereo_minijack
󱡭 audio_input_xlr
󰤽 audio_video
󱆶 audio_video_off
󰡐 augmented_reality
󱍾 auto_download
󰁨 auto_fix
󰁩 auto_upload
󰁪 autorenew
󱧧 autorenew_off
󰁫 av_timer
󰸏 aws
󰣈 axe
󱡂 axe_battle
󰵈 axis
󰵉 axis_arrow
󱐎 axis_arrow_info
󰵊 axis_arrow_lock
󰵋 axis_lock
󰵌 axis_x_arrow
󰵍 axis_x_arrow_lock
󰵎 axis_x_rotate_clockwise
󰵏 axis_x_rotate_counterclockwise
󰵐 axis_x_y_arrow_lock
󰵑 axis_y_arrow
󰵒 axis_y_arrow_lock
󰵓 axis_y_rotate_clockwise
󰵔 axis_y_rotate_counterclockwise
󰵕 axis_z_arrow
󰵖 axis_z_arrow_lock
󰵗 axis_z_rotate_clockwise
󰵘 axis_z_rotate_counterclockwise
󰨥 babel
󰁬 baby
󰼹 baby_bottle
󰼺 baby_bottle_outline
󱏠 baby_buggy
󰚏 baby_carriage
󰾠 baby_carriage_off
󰹼 baby_face
󰹽 baby_face_outline
󰁭 backburger
󰁮 backspace
󰭜 backspace_outline
󰹾 backspace_reverse
󰹿 backspace_reverse_outline
󰁯 backup_restore
󰻕 bacteria
󰻖 bacteria_outline
󰶧 badge_account
󰶨 badge_account_alert
󰶩 badge_account_alert_outline
󰸍 badge_account_horizontal
󰸎 badge_account_horizontal_outline
󰶪 badge_account_outline
󰡑 badminton
󰼻 bag_carry_on
󰵥 bag_carry_on_check
󰼼 bag_carry_on_off
󰼽 bag_checked
󰸐 bag_personal
󰸑 bag_personal_off
󰸒 bag_personal_off_outline
󰸓 bag_personal_outline
󱖋 bag_suitcase
󱖍 bag_suitcase_off
󱖎 bag_suitcase_off_outline
󱖌 bag_suitcase_outline
󰼾 baguette
󱠗 balcony
󰨦 balloon
󰧉 ballot
󰧊 ballot_outline
󰰹 ballot_recount
󰰺 ballot_recount_outline
󰶯 bandage
󰁰 bank
󱙕 bank_check
󰶰 bank_minus
󱙖 bank_off
󱙗 bank_off_outline
󰺀 bank_outline
󰶱 bank_plus
󰶲 bank_remove
󰨧 bank_transfer
󰨨 bank_transfer_in
󰨩 bank_transfer_out
󰁱 barcode
󱈶 barcode_off
󰁲 barcode_scan
󰁳 barley
󰭝 barley_off
󰭞 barn
󰁴 barrel
󱨨 barrel_outline
󰡒 baseball
󰡓 baseball_bat
󱗬 baseball_diamond
󱗭 baseball_diamond_outline
󱆃 bash
󰁶 basket
󱣥 basket_check
󱣦 basket_check_outline
󰁷 basket_fill
󱔣 basket_minus
󱔤 basket_minus_outline
󱔥 basket_off
󱔦 basket_off_outline
󱆁 basket_outline
󱔧 basket_plus
󱔨 basket_plus_outline
󱔩 basket_remove
󱔪 basket_remove_outline
󰁸 basket_unfill
󰠆 basketball
󰰻 basketball_hoop
󰰼 basketball_hoop_outline
󰭟 bat
󱠘 bathtub
󱠙 bathtub_outline
󰁹 battery
󰁺 battery_10
󰤾 battery_10_bluetooth
󰁻 battery_20
󰤿 battery_20_bluetooth
󰁼 battery_30
󰥀 battery_30_bluetooth
󰁽 battery_40
󰥁 battery_40_bluetooth
󰁾 battery_50
󰥂 battery_50_bluetooth
󰁿 battery_60
󰥃 battery_60_bluetooth
󰂀 battery_70
󰥄 battery_70_bluetooth
󰂁 battery_80
󰥅 battery_80_bluetooth
󰂂 battery_90
󰥆 battery_90_bluetooth
󰂃 battery_alert
󰥇 battery_alert_bluetooth
󱃌 battery_alert_variant
󱃍 battery_alert_variant_outline
󱟞 battery_arrow_down
󱟟 battery_arrow_down_outline
󱟠 battery_arrow_up
󱟡 battery_arrow_up_outline
󰥈 battery_bluetooth
󰥉 battery_bluetooth_variant
󰂄 battery_charging
󰢜 battery_charging_10
󰂅 battery_charging_100
󰂆 battery_charging_20
󰂇 battery_charging_30
󰂈 battery_charging_40
󰢝 battery_charging_50
󰂉 battery_charging_60
󰢞 battery_charging_70
󰂊 battery_charging_80
󰂋 battery_charging_90
󱊦 battery_charging_high
󱊤 battery_charging_low
󱊥 battery_charging_medium
󰢟 battery_charging_outline
󰠇 battery_charging_wireless
󰠈 battery_charging_wireless_10
󰠉 battery_charging_wireless_20
󰠊 battery_charging_wireless_30
󰠋 battery_charging_wireless_40
󰠌 battery_charging_wireless_50
󰠍 battery_charging_wireless_60
󰠎 battery_charging_wireless_70
󰠏 battery_charging_wireless_80
󰠐 battery_charging_wireless_90
󰠑 battery_charging_wireless_alert
󰠒 battery_charging_wireless_outline
󱟢 battery_check
󱟣 battery_check_outline
󱧥 battery_clock
󱧦 battery_clock_outline
󱈏 battery_heart
󱈐 battery_heart_outline
󱈑 battery_heart_variant
󱊣 battery_high
󱞜 battery_lock
󱞝 battery_lock_open
󱊡 battery_low
󱊢 battery_medium
󱟤 battery_minus
󱟥 battery_minus_outline
󰂌 battery_minus_variant
󰂍 battery_negative
󱉝 battery_off
󱉞 battery_off_outline
󰂎 battery_outline
󱟦 battery_plus
󱟧 battery_plus_outline
󰂏 battery_plus_variant
󰂐 battery_positive
󱟨 battery_remove
󱟩 battery_remove_outline
󱠴 battery_sync
󱠵 battery_sync_outline
󰂑 battery_unknown
󰥊 battery_unknown_bluetooth
󰂒 beach
󰳪 beaker
󱈩 beaker_alert
󱈪 beaker_alert_outline
󱈫 beaker_check
󱈬 beaker_check_outline
󱈭 beaker_minus
󱈮 beaker_minus_outline
󰚐 beaker_outline
󱈯 beaker_plus
󱈰 beaker_plus_outline
󱈱 beaker_question
󱈲 beaker_question_outline
󱈳 beaker_remove
󱈴 beaker_remove_outline
󰋣 bed
󰿔 bed_double
󰿓 bed_double_outline
󰢠 bed_empty
󰿒 bed_king
󰿑 bed_king_outline
󰂙 bed_outline
󰿐 bed_queen
󰿛 bed_queen_outline
󱁭 bed_single
󱁮 bed_single_outline
󰾡 bee
󰾢 bee_flower
󱏭 beehive_off_outline
󱃎 beehive_outline
󱓢 beekeeper
󰂘 beer
󱌌 beer_outline
󰂚 bell
󰵙 bell_alert
󰺁 bell_alert_outline
󱅫 bell_badge
󰅸 bell_badge_outline
󱏧 bell_cancel
󱏨 bell_cancel_outline
󱇥 bell_check
󱇦 bell_check_outline
󰵚 bell_circle
󰵛 bell_circle_outline
󱨩 bell_cog
󱨪 bell_cog_outline
󱏩 bell_minus
󱏪 bell_minus_outline
󰂛 bell_off
󰪑 bell_off_outline
󰂜 bell_outline
󰂝 bell_plus
󰪒 bell_plus_outline
󱏫 bell_remove
󱏬 bell_remove_outline
󰂞 bell_ring
󰂟 bell_ring_outline
󰂠 bell_sleep
󰪓 bell_sleep_outline
󰂡 beta
󰧋 betamax
󰸔 biathlon
󱂜 bicycle
󱈵 bicycle_basket
󱢜 bicycle_cargo
󱖴 bicycle_electric
󱗩 bicycle_penny_farthing
󰂣 bike
󱄟 bike_fast
󱀐 billboard
󰭡 billiards
󰭢 billiards_rack
󰂥 binoculars
󰂦 bio
󰂧 biohazard
󱗆 bird
󰂨 bitbucket
󰠓 bitcoin
󰂩 black_mesa
󰳫 blender
󱠚 blender_outline
󰂫 blender_software
󰂬 blinds
󱨫 blinds_horizontal
󱨬 blinds_horizontal_closed
󱀑 blinds_open
󱨭 blinds_vertical
󱨮 blinds_vertical_closed
󰂭 block_helper
󰳬 blood_bag
󰂯 bluetooth
󰂰 bluetooth_audio
󰂱 bluetooth_connect
󰂲 bluetooth_off
󰂳 bluetooth_settings
󰂴 bluetooth_transfer
󰂵 blur
󰂶 blur_linear
󰂷 blur_off
󰂸 blur_radial
󰶳 bolt
󰚑 bomb
󰛅 bomb_off
󰂹 bone
󱧠 bone_off
󰂺 book
󱎭 book_account
󱎮 book_account_outline
󱙼 book_alert
󱙽 book_alert_outline
󰘝 book_alphabet
󱙾 book_arrow_down
󱙿 book_arrow_down_outline
󱚀 book_arrow_left
󱚁 book_arrow_left_outline
󱚂 book_arrow_right
󱚃 book_arrow_right_outline
󱚄 book_arrow_up
󱚅 book_arrow_up_outline
󱚆 book_cancel
󱚇 book_cancel_outline
󱓳 book_check
󱓴 book_check_outline
󱚈 book_clock
󱚉 book_clock_outline
󱚊 book_cog
󱚋 book_cog_outline
󰂢 book_cross
󱚌 book_edit
󱚍 book_edit_outline
󱛉 book_education
󱛊 book_education_outline
󱨝 book_heart
󱨞 book_heart_outline
󱁯 book_information_variant
󰞚 book_lock
󰞛 book_lock_open
󱚎 book_lock_open_outline
󱚏 book_lock_outline
󱚐 book_marker
󱚑 book_marker_outline
󰗙 book_minus
󰪔 book_minus_multiple
󰤋 book_minus_multiple_outline
󱚒 book_minus_outline
󰂻 book_multiple
󰐶 book_multiple_outline
󰁧 book_music
󱚓 book_music_outline
󱚔 book_off
󱚕 book_off_outline
󰂽 book_open
󰂾 book_open_blank_variant
󰭣 book_open_outline
󰗚 book_open_page_variant
󱗖 book_open_page_variant_outline
󱓷 book_open_variant
󰭤 book_outline
󰺂 book_play
󰺃 book_play_outline
󰗛 book_plus
󰪕 book_plus_multiple
󰫞 book_plus_multiple_outline
󱚖 book_plus_outline
󱚗 book_refresh
󱚘 book_refresh_outline
󰪗 book_remove
󰪖 book_remove_multiple
󰓊 book_remove_multiple_outline
󱚙 book_remove_outline
󰺄 book_search
󰺅 book_search_outline
󱚚 book_settings
󱚛 book_settings_outline
󱚜 book_sync
󱛈 book_sync_outline
󰂿 book_variant
󰂼 book_variant_multiple
󰃀 bookmark
󱥬 bookmark_box_multiple
󱥭 bookmark_box_multiple_outline
󰃁 bookmark_check
󱍻 bookmark_check_outline
󰧌 bookmark_minus
󰧍 bookmark_minus_outline
󰸕 bookmark_multiple
󰸖 bookmark_multiple_outline
󰃂 bookmark_music
󱍹 bookmark_music_outline
󰧎 bookmark_off
󰧏 bookmark_off_outline
󰃃 bookmark_outline
󰃅 bookmark_plus
󰃄 bookmark_plus_outline
󰃆 bookmark_remove
󱍺 bookmark_remove_outline
󱉟 bookshelf
󰺆 boom_gate
󰺇 boom_gate_alert
󰺈 boom_gate_alert_outline
󰺉 boom_gate_arrow_down
󰺊 boom_gate_arrow_down_outline
󰺌 boom_gate_arrow_up
󰺍 boom_gate_arrow_up_outline
󰺋 boom_gate_outline
󱟹 boom_gate_up
󱟺 boom_gate_up_outline
󰗜 boombox
󱃏 boomerang
󰛆 bootstrap
󰃇 border_all
󰢡 border_all_variant
󰃈 border_bottom
󰢢 border_bottom_variant
󰃉 border_color
󰃊 border_horizontal
󰃋 border_inside
󰃌 border_left
󰢣 border_left_variant
󰃍 border_none
󰢤 border_none_variant
󰃎 border_outside
󰃏 border_right
󰢥 border_right_variant
󰃐 border_style
󰃑 border_top
󰢦 border_top_variant
󰃒 border_vertical
󱁰 bottle_soda
󱁱 bottle_soda_classic
󱍣 bottle_soda_classic_outline
󱁲 bottle_soda_outline
󱄮 bottle_tonic
󱄯 bottle_tonic_outline
󱄰 bottle_tonic_plus
󱄱 bottle_tonic_plus_outline
󱄲 bottle_tonic_skull
󱄳 bottle_tonic_skull_outline
󰡔 bottle_wine
󱌐 bottle_wine_outline
󱡁 bow_arrow
󰙸 bow_tie
󰊎 bowl
󰘗 bowl_mix
󰋤 bowl_mix_outline
󰊩 bowl_outline
󰃓 bowling
󰃔 box
󰃕 box_cutter
󰭊 box_cutter_off
󰘷 box_shadow
󰭥 boxing_glove
󰧐 braille
󰧑 brain
󰳮 bread_slice
󰳯 bread_slice_outline
󰘘 bridge
󰃖 briefcase
󰳰 briefcase_account
󰳱 briefcase_account_outline
󱪍 briefcase_arrow_left_right
󱪎 briefcase_arrow_left_right_outline
󱪏 briefcase_arrow_up_down
󱪐 briefcase_arrow_up_down_outline
󰃗 briefcase_check
󱌞 briefcase_check_outline
󱃐 briefcase_clock
󱃑 briefcase_clock_outline
󰃘 briefcase_download
󰰽 briefcase_download_outline
󰪘 briefcase_edit
󰰾 briefcase_edit_outline
󱟙 briefcase_eye
󱟚 briefcase_eye_outline
󰨪 briefcase_minus
󰰿 briefcase_minus_outline
󱙘 briefcase_off
󱙙 briefcase_off_outline
󰠔 briefcase_outline
󰨫 briefcase_plus
󰱀 briefcase_plus_outline
󰨬 briefcase_remove
󰱁 briefcase_remove_outline
󰨭 briefcase_search
󰱂 briefcase_search_outline
󰃙 briefcase_upload
󰱃 briefcase_upload_outline
󱒔 briefcase_variant
󱙚 briefcase_variant_off
󱙛 briefcase_variant_off_outline
󱒕 briefcase_variant_outline
󰃚 brightness_1
󰃛 brightness_2
󰃜 brightness_3
󰃝 brightness_4
󰃞 brightness_5
󰃟 brightness_6
󰃠 brightness_7
󰃡 brightness_auto
󰳲 brightness_percent
󱜠 broadcast
󱜡 broadcast_off
󰃢 broom
󰃣 brush
󱝱 brush_off
󱨍 brush_outline
󱠓 brush_variant
󱐕 bucket
󱐖 bucket_outline
󰕸 buffet
󰃤 bug
󰨮 bug_check
󰨯 bug_check_outline
󰨰 bug_outline
󰶴 bugle
󱨯 bulkhead_light
󰬢 bulldozer
󰳳 bullet
󰃥 bulletin_board
󰃦 bullhorn
󰬣 bullhorn_outline
󱥮 bullhorn_variant
󱥯 bullhorn_variant_outline
󰗝 bullseye
󰣉 bullseye_arrow
󱋧 bulma
󱌂 bunk_bed
󰂗 bunk_bed_outline
󰃧 bus
󰪙 bus_alert
󰞜 bus_articulated_end
󰞝 bus_articulated_front
󰣊 bus_clock
󰞞 bus_double_decker
󱤝 bus_electric
󱈒 bus_marker
󰼿 bus_multiple
󰞟 bus_school
󰞠 bus_side
󱀒 bus_stop
󱀓 bus_stop_covered
󱀔 bus_stop_uncovered
󱖉 butterfly
󱖊 butterfly_outline
󱢌 cabin_a_frame
󱎔 cable_data
󰃨 cached
󰶵 cactus
󰃩 cake
󰃪 cake_layered
󰃫 cake_variant
󱟰 cake_variant_outline
󰃬 calculator
󰪚 calculator_variant
󱖦 calculator_variant_outline
󰃭 calendar
󰻗 calendar_account
󰻘 calendar_account_outline
󰨱 calendar_alert
󱄴 calendar_arrow_left
󱄵 calendar_arrow_right
󰃮 calendar_blank
󱁳 calendar_blank_multiple
󰭦 calendar_blank_outline
󰃯 calendar_check
󰱄 calendar_check_outline
󰃰 calendar_clock
󱛡 calendar_clock_outline
󱢝 calendar_collapse_horizontal
󱕻 calendar_cursor
󰢧 calendar_edit
󱙬 calendar_end
󱢞 calendar_expand_horizontal
󰬤 calendar_export
󰧒 calendar_heart
󰬥 calendar_import
󱙁 calendar_lock
󱙂 calendar_lock_outline
󰵜 calendar_minus
󰸗 calendar_month
󰸘 calendar_month_outline
󰃱 calendar_multiple
󰃲 calendar_multiple_check
󰨲 calendar_multiselect
󰭧 calendar_outline
󰃳 calendar_plus
󰚒 calendar_question
󰙹 calendar_range
󰭨 calendar_range_outline
󰇡 calendar_refresh
󰈃 calendar_refresh_outline
󰃴 calendar_remove
󰱅 calendar_remove_outline
󰥌 calendar_search
󰧓 calendar_star
󱙭 calendar_start
󰺎 calendar_sync
󰺏 calendar_sync_outline
󰃵 calendar_text
󰱆 calendar_text_outline
󰃶 calendar_today
󱨰 calendar_today_outline
󰨳 calendar_week
󰨴 calendar_week_begin
󱨱 calendar_week_begin_outline
󱨲 calendar_week_end
󱨳 calendar_week_end_outline
󱨴 calendar_week_outline
󰻙 calendar_weekend
󰻚 calendar_weekend_outline
󰃷 call_made
󰃸 call_merge
󰃹 call_missed
󰃺 call_received
󰃻 call_split
󰃼 camcorder
󰃿 camcorder_off
󰄀 camera
󰣋 camera_account
󰚓 camera_burst
󰭩 camera_control
󱡱 camera_document
󱡲 camera_document_off
󰄁 camera_enhance
󰭪 camera_enhance_outline
󱗙 camera_flip
󱗚 camera_flip_outline
󰄂 camera_front
󰄃 camera_front_variant
󰞡 camera_gopro
󰣌 camera_image
󰄄 camera_iris
󱨔 camera_lock
󱨕 camera_lock_outline
󱦧 camera_marker
󱦨 camera_marker_outline
󰞢 camera_metering_center
󰞣 camera_metering_matrix
󰞤 camera_metering_partial
󰞥 camera_metering_spot
󰗟 camera_off
󱦿 camera_off_outline
󰵝 camera_outline
󰄅 camera_party_mode
󰻛 camera_plus
󰻜 camera_plus_outline
󰄆 camera_rear
󰄇 camera_rear_variant
󰸙 camera_retake
󰸚 camera_retake_outline
󰄈 camera_switch
󰡊 camera_switch_outline
󰄉 camera_timer
󰶶 camera_wireless
󰶷 camera_wireless_outline
󰻝 campfire
󰜺 cancel
󱟒 candelabra
󱟓 candelabra_fire
󰗢 candle
󱥰 candy
󱥱 candy_off
󱥲 candy_off_outline
󱥳 candy_outline
󰄊 candycane
󰞦 cannabis
󱙮 cannabis_off
󰪛 caps_lock
󰄋 car
󱀕 car_2_plus
󱀖 car_3_plus
󱎲 car_arrow_left
󱎳 car_arrow_right
󰸛 car_back
󰄌 car_battery
󰱇 car_brake_abs
󰱈 car_brake_alert
󱤉 car_brake_fluid_level
󰵞 car_brake_hold
󱤊 car_brake_low_pressure
󰵟 car_brake_parking
󱀗 car_brake_retarder
󱤋 car_brake_temperature
󱤌 car_brake_worn_linings
󰾣 car_child_seat
󱥴 car_clock
󱀘 car_clutch
󱏌 car_cog
󰄍 car_connected
󰞧 car_convertible
󱀙 car_coolant_level
󰵠 car_cruise_control
󰵡 car_defrost_front
󰵢 car_defrost_rear
󰭫 car_door
󱂝 car_door_lock
󰭬 car_electric
󱖵 car_electric_outline
󱘏 car_emergency
󰱉 car_esp
󰞨 car_estate
󰞩 car_hatchback
󱆾 car_info
󰭭 car_key
󱔭 car_lifted_pickup
󱤍 car_light_alert
󰱊 car_light_dimmed
󰱋 car_light_fog
󰱌 car_light_high
󰣍 car_limousine
󰭮 car_multiple
󰸜 car_off
󱓭 car_outline
󰵣 car_parking_lights
󰞪 car_pickup
󰾤 car_seat
󰾥 car_seat_cooler
󰾦 car_seat_heater
󱡹 car_select
󱏍 car_settings
󰽀 car_shift_pattern
󰞫 car_side
󱤎 car_speed_limiter
󰞬 car_sports
󰱍 car_tire_alert
󰵤 car_traction_control
󱀚 car_turbocharger
󰄎 car_wash
󱀛 car_windshield
󱀜 car_windshield_outline
󱡸 car_wireless
󱠔 car_wrench
󱓀 carabiner
󰞭 caravan
󰭯 card
󰗒 card_account_details
󰶫 card_account_details_outline
󰊣 card_account_details_star
󰛛 card_account_details_star_outline
󰆎 card_account_mail
󰺘 card_account_mail_outline
󰺙 card_account_phone
󰺚 card_account_phone_outline
󰭰 card_bulleted
󰭱 card_bulleted_off
󰭲 card_bulleted_off_outline
󰭳 card_bulleted_outline
󰭴 card_bulleted_settings
󰭵 card_bulleted_settings_outline
󱘀 card_minus
󱘁 card_minus_outline
󱟱 card_multiple
󱟲 card_multiple_outline
󱘂 card_off
󱘃 card_off_outline
󰭶 card_outline
󱇿 card_plus
󱈀 card_plus_outline
󱘄 card_remove
󱘅 card_remove_outline
󱁴 card_search
󱁵 card_search_outline
󰭷 card_text
󰭸 card_text_outline
󰘸 cards
󰣎 cards_club
󱢟 cards_club_outline
󰣏 cards_diamond
󱀝 cards_diamond_outline
󰘹 cards_outline
󱢡 cards_playing
󱢢 cards_playing_club
󱢣 cards_playing_club_multiple
󱢤 cards_playing_club_multiple_outline
󱢥 cards_playing_club_outline
󱢦 cards_playing_diamond
󱢧 cards_playing_diamond_multiple
󱢨 cards_playing_diamond_multiple_outline
󱢩 cards_playing_diamond_outline
󱢪 cards_playing_heart
󱢫 cards_playing_heart_multiple
󱢬 cards_playing_heart_multiple_outline
󱢭 cards_playing_heart_outline
󰘺 cards_playing_outline
󱢮 cards_playing_spade
󱢯 cards_playing_spade_multiple
󱢰 cards_playing_spade_multiple_outline
󱢱 cards_playing_spade_outline
󰣑 cards_spade
󱢲 cards_spade_outline
󰛇 cards_variant
󰄏 carrot
󰄐 cart
󰵦 cart_arrow_down
󰱎 cart_arrow_right
󰵧 cart_arrow_up
󱗪 cart_check
󱣠 cart_heart
󰵨 cart_minus
󰙫 cart_off
󰄑 cart_outline
󰄒 cart_plus
󰵩 cart_remove
󱗫 cart_variant
󰄓 case_sensitive_alt
󰄔 cash
󰄕 cash_100
󱓮 cash_check
󱪑 cash_clock
󱡜 cash_fast
󱓪 cash_lock
󱓫 cash_lock_open
󰶸 cash_marker
󱉠 cash_minus
󰄖 cash_multiple
󱉡 cash_plus
󰪜 cash_refund
󰳴 cash_register
󱉢 cash_remove
󱪒 cash_sync
󰧔 cassette
󰄘 cast
󱀞 cast_audio
󱝉 cast_audio_variant
󰄙 cast_connected
󰸝 cast_education
󰞊 cast_off
󰀟 cast_variant
󰄚 castle
󰄛 cat
󰞮 cctv
󱡟 cctv_off
󱞗 ceiling_fan
󱞘 ceiling_fan_light
󰝩 ceiling_light
󱣝 ceiling_light_multiple
󱣞 ceiling_light_multiple_outline
󱟇 ceiling_light_outline
󰄜 cellphone
󰧕 cellphone_arrow_down
󱧅 cellphone_arrow_down_variant
󰄞 cellphone_basic
󱎗 cellphone_charging
󱟽 cellphone_check
󰥑 cellphone_cog
󰄟 cellphone_dock
󰽁 cellphone_information
󰥎 cellphone_key
󰄡 cellphone_link
󰄢 cellphone_link_off
󰥏 cellphone_lock
󱠺 cellphone_marker
󰣓 cellphone_message
󱃒 cellphone_message_off
󰺐 cellphone_nfc
󱋘 cellphone_nfc_off
󰥐 cellphone_off
󱀟 cellphone_play
󰥍 cellphone_remove
󰨵 cellphone_screenshot
󰄣 cellphone_settings
󰥒 cellphone_sound
󰣒 cellphone_text
󰠕 cellphone_wireless
󱄚 centos
󰄤 certificate
󱆈 certificate_outline
󰽈 chair_rolling
󰄥 chair_school
󱞓 chandelier
󰱏 charity
󰄦 chart_arc
󰄧 chart_areaspline
󰺑 chart_areaspline_variant
󰄨 chart_bar
󰝪 chart_bar_stacked
󰱐 chart_bell_curve
󰾧 chart_bell_curve_cumulative
󱕍 chart_box
󱕎 chart_box_outline
󱕏 chart_box_plus_outline
󰗣 chart_bubble
󰞯 chart_donut
󰞰 chart_donut_variant
󰙬 chart_gantt
󰄩 chart_histogram
󰄪 chart_line
󰝫 chart_line_stacked
󰞱 chart_line_variant
󰣔 chart_multiline
󱈓 chart_multiple
󰄫 chart_pie
󱎀 chart_ppf
󱇟 chart_sankey
󱇠 chart_sankey_variant
󰺒 chart_scatter_plot
󰙭 chart_scatter_plot_hexbin
󰙮 chart_timeline
󰺓 chart_timeline_variant
󱖶 chart_timeline_variant_shimmer
󰺔 chart_tree
󱤘 chart_waterfall
󰭹 chat
󰭺 chat_alert
󱋉 chat_alert_outline
󱐐 chat_minus
󱐓 chat_minus_outline
󰻞 chat_outline
󱐏 chat_plus
󱐒 chat_plus_outline
󰭻 chat_processing
󱋊 chat_processing_outline
󱜸 chat_question
󱜹 chat_question_outline
󱐑 chat_remove
󱐔 chat_remove_outline
󱋑 chat_sleep
󱋒 chat_sleep_outline
󰄬 check
󰄭 check_all
󰸞 check_bold
󰗠 check_circle
󰗡 check_circle_outline
󰞑 check_decagram
󱝀 check_decagram_outline
󰱓 check_network
󰱔 check_network_outline
󰡕 check_outline
󰸟 check_underline
󰸠 check_underline_circle
󰸡 check_underline_circle_outline
󰪝 checkbook
󰄮 checkbox_blank
󱅶 checkbox_blank_badge
󰄗 checkbox_blank_badge_outline
󰄯 checkbox_blank_circle
󰄰 checkbox_blank_circle_outline
󱋬 checkbox_blank_off
󱋭 checkbox_blank_off_outline
󰄱 checkbox_blank_outline
󰡖 checkbox_intermediate
󰄲 checkbox_marked
󰄳 checkbox_marked_circle
󰄴 checkbox_marked_circle_outline
󱤧 checkbox_marked_circle_plus_outline
󰄵 checkbox_marked_outline
󰄶 checkbox_multiple_blank
󰘻 checkbox_multiple_blank_circle
󰘼 checkbox_multiple_blank_circle_outline
󰄷 checkbox_multiple_blank_outline
󰄸 checkbox_multiple_marked
󰘽 checkbox_multiple_marked_circle
󰘾 checkbox_multiple_marked_circle_outline
󰄹 checkbox_multiple_marked_outline
󰱑 checkbox_multiple_outline
󰱒 checkbox_outline
󰄺 checkerboard
󱈂 checkerboard_minus
󱈁 checkerboard_plus
󱈃 checkerboard_remove
󱊹 cheese
󱏮 cheese_off
󰭼 chef_hat
󰄻 chemical_weapon
󰡜 chess_bishop
󰡗 chess_king
󰡘 chess_knight
󰡙 chess_pawn
󰡚 chess_queen
󰡛 chess_rook
󰄼 chevron_double_down
󰄽 chevron_double_left
󰄾 chevron_double_right
󰄿 chevron_double_up
󰅀 chevron_down
󰧖 chevron_down_box
󰧗 chevron_down_box_outline
󰬦 chevron_down_circle
󰬧 chevron_down_circle_outline
󰅁 chevron_left
󰧘 chevron_left_box
󰧙 chevron_left_box_outline
󰬨 chevron_left_circle
󰬩 chevron_left_circle_outline
󰅂 chevron_right
󰧚 chevron_right_box
󰧛 chevron_right_box_outline
󰬪 chevron_right_circle
󰬫 chevron_right_circle_outline
󰶹 chevron_triple_down
󰶺 chevron_triple_left
󰶻 chevron_triple_right
󰶼 chevron_triple_up
󰅃 chevron_up
󰧜 chevron_up_box
󰧝 chevron_up_box_outline
󰬬 chevron_up_circle
󰬭 chevron_up_circle_outline
󱟪 chili_alert
󱟫 chili_alert_outline
󰞲 chili_hot
󱟬 chili_hot_outline
󰞳 chili_medium
󱟭 chili_medium_outline
󰞴 chili_mild
󱟮 chili_mild_outline
󱑧 chili_off
󱟯 chili_off_outline
󰘚 chip
󰅄 church
󱆉 cigar
󱐛 cigar_off
󱗜 circle_box
󱗝 circle_box_outline
󰺕 circle_double
󰣕 circle_edit_outline
󰺖 circle_expand
󱎕 circle_half
󱎖 circle_half_full
󰧞 circle_medium
󰬸 circle_multiple
󰚕 circle_multiple_outline
󱃓 circle_off_outline
󱡓 circle_opacity
󰪞 circle_slice_1
󰪟 circle_slice_2
󰪠 circle_slice_3
󰪡 circle_slice_4
󰪢 circle_slice_5
󰪣 circle_slice_6
󰪤 circle_slice_7
󰪥 circle_slice_8
󰧟 circle_small
󰸢 circular_saw
󰅆 city
󰨶 city_variant
󰨷 city_variant_outline
󰅇 clipboard
󰅈 clipboard_account
󰱕 clipboard_account_outline
󰅉 clipboard_alert
󰳷 clipboard_alert_outline
󰅊 clipboard_arrow_down
󰱖 clipboard_arrow_down_outline
󰅋 clipboard_arrow_left
󰳸 clipboard_arrow_left_outline
󰳹 clipboard_arrow_right
󰳺 clipboard_arrow_right_outline
󰱗 clipboard_arrow_up
󰱘 clipboard_arrow_up_outline
󰅎 clipboard_check
󱉣 clipboard_check_multiple
󱉤 clipboard_check_multiple_outline
󰢨 clipboard_check_outline
󱛢 clipboard_clock
󱛣 clipboard_clock_outline
󱓥 clipboard_edit
󱓦 clipboard_edit_outline
󱉥 clipboard_file
󱉦 clipboard_file_outline
󰛈 clipboard_flow
󱄗 clipboard_flow_outline
󱃔 clipboard_list
󱃕 clipboard_list_outline
󱘘 clipboard_minus
󱘙 clipboard_minus_outline
󱉧 clipboard_multiple
󱉨 clipboard_multiple_outline
󱘚 clipboard_off
󱘛 clipboard_off_outline
󰅌 clipboard_outline
󰱙 clipboard_play
󱉩 clipboard_play_multiple
󱉪 clipboard_play_multiple_outline
󰱚 clipboard_play_outline
󰝑 clipboard_plus
󱌟 clipboard_plus_outline
󰡝 clipboard_pulse
󰡞 clipboard_pulse_outline
󱘜 clipboard_remove
󱘝 clipboard_remove_outline
󱘞 clipboard_search
󱘟 clipboard_search_outline
󰅍 clipboard_text
󱣹 clipboard_text_clock
󱣺 clipboard_text_clock_outline
󱉫 clipboard_text_multiple
󱉬 clipboard_text_multiple_outline
󱘠 clipboard_text_off
󱘡 clipboard_text_off_outline
󰨸 clipboard_text_outline
󰱛 clipboard_text_play
󰱜 clipboard_text_play_outline
󱘢 clipboard_text_search
󱘣 clipboard_text_search_outline
󰅏 clippy
󰥔 clock
󰥕 clock_alert
󰗎 clock_alert_outline
󰾨 clock_check
󰾩 clock_check_outline
󰺗 clock_digital
󱦺 clock_edit
󱦻 clock_edit_outline
󰅑 clock_end
󰅒 clock_fast
󰅓 clock_in
󱡣 clock_minus
󱡤 clock_minus_outline
󰅔 clock_out
󰅐 clock_outline
󱡡 clock_plus
󱡢 clock_plus_outline
󱡥 clock_remove
󱡦 clock_remove_outline
󰅕 clock_start
󱑆 clock_time_eight
󱑒 clock_time_eight_outline
󱑉 clock_time_eleven
󱑕 clock_time_eleven_outline
󱑃 clock_time_five
󱑏 clock_time_five_outline
󱑂 clock_time_four
󱑎 clock_time_four_outline
󱑇 clock_time_nine
󱑓 clock_time_nine_outline
󱐿 clock_time_one
󱑋 clock_time_one_outline
󱑅 clock_time_seven
󱑑 clock_time_seven_outline
󱑄 clock_time_six
󱑐 clock_time_six_outline
󱑈 clock_time_ten
󱑔 clock_time_ten_outline
󱑁 clock_time_three
󱑍 clock_time_three_outline
󱑊 clock_time_twelve
󱑖 clock_time_twelve_outline
󱑀 clock_time_two
󱑌 clock_time_two_outline
󰅖 close
󰅗 close_box
󰱝 close_box_multiple
󰱞 close_box_multiple_outline
󰅘 close_box_outline
󰅙 close_circle
󰘪 close_circle_multiple
󰢃 close_circle_multiple_outline
󰅚 close_circle_outline
󰅛 close_network
󰱟 close_network_outline
󰅜 close_octagon
󰅝 close_octagon_outline
󰛉 close_outline
󱎘 close_thick
󰅞 closed_caption
󰶽 closed_caption_outline
󰅟 cloud
󰧠 cloud_alert
󰞵 cloud_braces
󰅠 cloud_check
󱋌 cloud_check_outline
󰅡 cloud_circle
󰅢 cloud_download
󰭽 cloud_download_outline
󱇱 cloud_lock
󱇲 cloud_lock_outline
󰅤 cloud_off_outline
󰅣 cloud_outline
󱨵 cloud_percent
󱨶 cloud_percent_outline
󰅥 cloud_print
󰅦 cloud_print_outline
󰨹 cloud_question
󰔪 cloud_refresh
󰥖 cloud_search
󰥗 cloud_search_outline
󰘿 cloud_sync
󱋖 cloud_sync_outline
󰞶 cloud_tags
󰅧 cloud_upload
󰭾 cloud_upload_outline
󰠖 clover
󱀠 coach_lamp
󱨷 coach_lamp_variant
󱂞 coat_rack
󰅨 code_array
󰅩 code_braces
󱃖 code_braces_box
󰅪 code_brackets
󰅫 code_equal
󰅬 code_greater_than
󰅭 code_greater_than_or_equal
󰘦 code_json
󰅮 code_less_than
󰅯 code_less_than_or_equal
󰅰 code_not_equal
󰅱 code_not_equal_variant
󰅲 code_parentheses
󱃗 code_parentheses_box
󰅳 code_string
󰅴 code_tags
󰚔 code_tags_check
󰅵 codepen
󰅶 coffee
󱂟 coffee_maker
󱤱 coffee_maker_check
󱤲 coffee_maker_check_outline
󱠛 coffee_maker_outline
󰾪 coffee_off
󰾫 coffee_off_outline
󰛊 coffee_outline
󰅷 coffee_to_go
󱌎 coffee_to_go_outline
󰭿 coffin
󰒓 cog
󰒔 cog_box
󱇝 cog_clockwise
󱇞 cog_counterclockwise
󱏎 cog_off
󱏏 cog_off_outline
󰢻 cog_outline
󱤳 cog_pause
󱤴 cog_pause_outline
󱤵 cog_play
󱤶 cog_play_outline
󱑞 cog_refresh
󱑟 cog_refresh_outline
󱤷 cog_stop
󱤸 cog_stop_outline
󱑠 cog_sync
󱑡 cog_sync_outline
󱁛 cog_transfer
󱁜 cog_transfer_outline
󰣖 cogs
󰙀 collage
󰪦 collapse_all
󰪧 collapse_all_outline
󰅹 color_helper
󰸣 comma
󰸫 comma_box
󰸤 comma_box_outline
󰸥 comma_circle
󰸦 comma_circle_outline
󰅺 comment
󰅻 comment_account
󰅼 comment_account_outline
󰅽 comment_alert
󰅾 comment_alert_outline
󰧡 comment_arrow_left
󰧢 comment_arrow_left_outline
󰧣 comment_arrow_right
󰧤 comment_arrow_right_outline
󱖮 comment_bookmark
󱖯 comment_bookmark_outline
󰅿 comment_check
󰆀 comment_check_outline
󱆿 comment_edit
󱋄 comment_edit_outline
󰨺 comment_eye
󰨻 comment_eye_outline
󱖰 comment_flash
󱖱 comment_flash_outline
󱗟 comment_minus
󱗠 comment_minus_outline
󰡟 comment_multiple
󰆁 comment_multiple_outline
󱗡 comment_off
󱗢 comment_off_outline
󰆂 comment_outline
󰧥 comment_plus
󰆃 comment_plus_outline
󰆄 comment_processing
󰆅 comment_processing_outline
󰠗 comment_question
󰆆 comment_question_outline
󱀡 comment_quote
󱀢 comment_quote_outline
󰗞 comment_remove
󰆇 comment_remove_outline
󰨼 comment_search
󰨽 comment_search_outline
󰆈 comment_text
󰡠 comment_text_multiple
󰡡 comment_text_multiple_outline
󰆉 comment_text_outline
󰆊 compare
󱒒 compare_horizontal
󱢳 compare_remove
󱒓 compare_vertical
󰆋 compass
󰮀 compass_off
󰮁 compass_off_outline
󰆌 compass_outline
󱎂 compass_rose
󱨸 compost
󱥌 cone
󱥍 cone_off
󱘖 connection
󰆍 console
󰞷 console_line
󰢩 console_network
󰱠 console_network_outline
󱃘 consolidate
󰵪 contactless_payment
󰌡 contactless_payment_circle
󰐈 contactless_payment_circle_outline
󰛋 contacts
󰖸 contacts_outline
󰨾 contain
󰨿 contain_end
󰩀 contain_start
󰆏 content_copy
󰆐 content_cut
󰆑 content_duplicate
󰆒 content_paste
󰆓 content_save
󰽂 content_save_alert
󰽃 content_save_alert_outline
󰆔 content_save_all
󰽄 content_save_all_outline
󱣪 content_save_check
󱣫 content_save_check_outline
󱑛 content_save_cog
󱑜 content_save_cog_outline
󰳻 content_save_edit
󰳼 content_save_edit_outline
󰸧 content_save_move
󰸨 content_save_move_outline
󱙃 content_save_off
󱙄 content_save_off_outline
󰠘 content_save_outline
󰘛 content_save_settings
󰬮 content_save_settings_outline
󰆕 contrast
󰆖 contrast_box
󰆗 contrast_circle
󰮂 controller_classic
󰮃 controller_classic_outline
󰆘 cookie
󱛐 cookie_alert
󱛑 cookie_alert_outline
󱛒 cookie_check
󱛓 cookie_check_outline
󱛤 cookie_clock
󱛥 cookie_clock_outline
󱛔 cookie_cog
󱛕 cookie_cog_outline
󱛦 cookie_edit
󱛧 cookie_edit_outline
󱛨 cookie_lock
󱛩 cookie_lock_outline
󱛚 cookie_minus
󱛛 cookie_minus_outline
󱛪 cookie_off
󱛫 cookie_off_outline
󱛞 cookie_outline
󱛖 cookie_plus
󱛗 cookie_plus_outline
󱛬 cookie_refresh
󱛭 cookie_refresh_outline
󱛘 cookie_remove
󱛙 cookie_remove_outline
󱛜 cookie_settings
󱛝 cookie_settings_outline
󰏈 coolant_temperature
󱤹 copyleft
󰗦 copyright
󰥘 cordova
󰞸 corn
󱏯 corn_off
󱑹 cosine_wave
󰆙 counter
󱠜 countertop
󱠝 countertop_outline
󰆚 cow
󱣼 cow_off
󰻟 cpu_32_bit
󰻠 cpu_64_bit
󱦋 cradle
󱦑 cradle_outline
󰡢 crane
󰙴 creation
󰵫 creative_commons
󰿯 credit_card
󱏐 credit_card_check
󱏑 credit_card_check_outline
󱤏 credit_card_chip
󱤐 credit_card_chip_outline
󰻡 credit_card_clock
󰻢 credit_card_clock_outline
󱟗 credit_card_edit
󱟘 credit_card_edit_outline
󱤑 credit_card_fast
󱤒 credit_card_fast_outline
󱣧 credit_card_lock
󱣨 credit_card_lock_outline
󰚨 credit_card_marker
󰶾 credit_card_marker_outline
󰾬 credit_card_minus
󰾭 credit_card_minus_outline
󰿰 credit_card_multiple
󰆜 credit_card_multiple_outline
󰿱 credit_card_off
󰗤 credit_card_off_outline
󰆛 credit_card_outline
󰿲 credit_card_plus
󰙶 credit_card_plus_outline
󱙅 credit_card_refresh
󱙆 credit_card_refresh_outline
󰿳 credit_card_refund
󰪨 credit_card_refund_outline
󰾮 credit_card_remove
󰾯 credit_card_remove_outline
󰿴 credit_card_scan
󰆝 credit_card_scan_outline
󱙇 credit_card_search
󱙈 credit_card_search_outline
󰿵 credit_card_settings
󰣗 credit_card_settings_outline
󱙉 credit_card_sync
󱙊 credit_card_sync_outline
󰠂 credit_card_wireless
󰕺 credit_card_wireless_off
󰕻 credit_card_wireless_off_outline
󰵬 credit_card_wireless_outline
󰵭 cricket
󰆞 crop
󰆟 crop_free
󰆠 crop_landscape
󰆡 crop_portrait
󰚖 crop_rotate
󰆢 crop_square
󰥓 cross
󰳭 cross_bolnisi
󰳵 cross_celtic
󰳶 cross_outline
󰆣 crosshairs
󰆤 crosshairs_gps
󰽅 crosshairs_off
󱄶 crosshairs_question
󱥵 crowd
󰆥 crown
󱟜 crown_circle
󱟝 crown_circle_outline
󱇐 crown_outline
󰥙 cryengine
󰬯 crystal_ball
󰆦 cube
󱐜 cube_off
󱐝 cube_off_outline
󰆧 cube_outline
󰮄 cube_scan
󰆨 cube_send
󰆩 cube_unfolded
󰆪 cup
󰗥 cup_off
󱍽 cup_off_outline
󱌏 cup_outline
󰆫 cup_water
󰽆 cupboard
󰽇 cupboard_outline
󰥚 cupcake
󰡣 curling
󰡤 currency_bdt
󰮅 currency_brl
󰆬 currency_btc
󰞺 currency_cny
󰞻 currency_eth
󰆭 currency_eur
󱌕 currency_eur_off
󱨹 currency_fra
󰆮 currency_gbp
󰱡 currency_ils
󰆯 currency_inr
󰞼 currency_jpy
󰞽 currency_krw
󰡥 currency_kzt
󱔒 currency_mnt
󰆰 currency_ngn
󰧦 currency_php
󰺜 currency_rial
󰆱 currency_rub
󱥶 currency_rupee
󰞾 currency_sign
󰆲 currency_try
󰞿 currency_twd
󰇁 currency_usd
󰙺 currency_usd_off
󱒀 current_ac
󰥜 current_dc
󰇀 cursor_default
󰳽 cursor_default_click
󰳾 cursor_default_click_outline
󱄧 cursor_default_gesture
󱄨 cursor_default_gesture_outline
󰆿 cursor_default_outline
󰆾 cursor_move
󰆽 cursor_pointer
󰗧 cursor_text
󱡆 curtains
󱡇 curtains_closed
󱥎 cylinder
󱥏 cylinder_off
󱗻 dance_ballroom
󱕸 dance_pole
󱔼 data_matrix
󱔽 data_matrix_edit
󱔾 data_matrix_minus
󱔿 data_matrix_plus
󱕀 data_matrix_remove
󱕁 data_matrix_scan
󰆼 database
󱘺 database_alert
󱘤 database_alert_outline
󱘻 database_arrow_down
󱘥 database_arrow_down_outline
󱘼 database_arrow_left
󱘦 database_arrow_left_outline
󱘽 database_arrow_right
󱘧 database_arrow_right_outline
󱘾 database_arrow_up
󱘨 database_arrow_up_outline
󰪩 database_check
󱘩 database_check_outline
󱘿 database_clock
󱘪 database_clock_outline
󱙋 database_cog
󱙌 database_cog_outline
󰮆 database_edit
󱘫 database_edit_outline
󰥞 database_export
󱘬 database_export_outline
󱤟 database_eye
󱤠 database_eye_off
󱤡 database_eye_off_outline
󱤢 database_eye_outline
󰥝 database_import
󱘭 database_import_outline
󰪪 database_lock
󱘮 database_lock_outline
󱋶 database_marker
󱘯 database_marker_outline
󰆻 database_minus
󱘰 database_minus_outline
󱙀 database_off
󱘱 database_off_outline
󱘲 database_outline
󰆺 database_plus
󱘳 database_plus_outline
󰗂 database_refresh
󱘴 database_refresh_outline
󰴀 database_remove
󱘵 database_remove_outline
󰡦 database_search
󱘶 database_search_outline
󰴁 database_settings
󱘷 database_settings_outline
󰳿 database_sync
󱘸 database_sync_outline
󰣘 death_star
󰣙 death_star_variant
󰮇 deathly_hallows
󰣚 debian
󰆹 debug_step_into
󰆸 debug_step_out
󰆷 debug_step_over
󰝬 decagram
󰝭 decagram_outline
󱂡 decimal
󱂢 decimal_comma
󱂣 decimal_comma_decrease
󱂤 decimal_comma_increase
󰆶 decimal_decrease
󰆵 decimal_increase
󰆴 delete
󱂥 delete_alert
󱂦 delete_alert_outline
󰚃 delete_circle
󰮈 delete_circle_outline
󱕖 delete_clock
󱕗 delete_clock_outline
󰛌 delete_empty
󰺝 delete_empty_outline
󰗨 delete_forever
󰮉 delete_forever_outline
󱂧 delete_off
󱂨 delete_off_outline
󰧧 delete_outline
󰠙 delete_restore
󰗩 delete_sweep
󰱢 delete_sweep_outline
󰆳 delete_variant
󰇂 delta
󱈹 desk
󰥟 desk_lamp
󰇃 deskphone
󰟀 desktop_classic
󰇄 desktop_mac
󰧨 desktop_mac_dashboard
󰇅 desktop_tower
󰪫 desktop_tower_monitor
󰇆 details
󰵮 dev_to
󰚗 developer_board
󰇇 deviantart
󰾰 devices
󰥋 dharmachakra
󱄦 diabetes
󰘜 dialpad
󰱣 diameter
󰱤 diameter_outline
󰱥 diameter_variant
󰮊 diamond
󰮋 diamond_outline
󰇈 diamond_stone
󰇊 dice_1
󱅊 dice_1_outline
󰇋 dice_2
󱅋 dice_2_outline
󰇌 dice_3
󱅌 dice_3_outline
󰇍 dice_4
󱅍 dice_4_outline
󰇎 dice_5
󱅎 dice_5_outline
󰇏 dice_6
󱅏 dice_6_outline
󱅓 dice_d10
󰝯 dice_d10_outline
󱅔 dice_d12
󰡧 dice_d12_outline
󱅕 dice_d20
󰗪 dice_d20_outline
󱅐 dice_d4
󰗫 dice_d4_outline
󱅑 dice_d6
󰗭 dice_d6_outline
󱅒 dice_d8
󰗬 dice_d8_outline
󰝮 dice_multiple
󱅖 dice_multiple_outline
󱈷 digital_ocean
󰟁 dip_switch
󰇐 directions
󰙁 directions_fork
󰗮 disc
󰇑 disc_alert
󰥠 disc_player
󰙯 discord
󰪬 dishwasher
󱆸 dishwasher_alert
󱆹 dishwasher_off
󰇒 disqus
󱇉 distribute_horizontal_center
󱇈 distribute_horizontal_left
󱇊 distribute_horizontal_right
󱇋 distribute_vertical_bottom
󱇌 distribute_vertical_center
󱇍 distribute_vertical_top
󱡷 diversify
󱥷 diving
󰶿 diving_flippers
󰷀 diving_helmet
󰷁 diving_scuba
󰷂 diving_scuba_flag
󰷃 diving_scuba_tank
󰷄 diving_scuba_tank_multiple
󰷅 diving_snorkel
󰇔 division
󰇕 division_box
󰩁 dlna
󰚄 dna
󰇖 dns
󰮌 dns_outline
󱂩 dock_bottom
󱂪 dock_left
󱂫 dock_right
󱔓 dock_top
󱂬 dock_window
󰡨 docker
󰩂 doctor
󰩃 dog
󰪭 dog_service
󰩄 dog_side
󱛮 dog_side_off
󰚳 dolby
󰺞 dolly
󱢴 dolphin
󰇗 domain
󰵯 domain_off
󱂭 domain_plus
󱂮 domain_remove
󱐞 dome_light
󱀣 domino_mask
󰟂 donkey
󰠚 door
󰠛 door_closed
󱂯 door_closed_lock
󰠜 door_open
󱠞 door_sliding
󱠟 door_sliding_lock
󱠠 door_sliding_open
󱋦 doorbell
󰡩 doorbell_video
󰪮 dot_net
󱥸 dots_circle
󱗼 dots_grid
󱗿 dots_hexagon
󰇘 dots_horizontal
󰟃 dots_horizontal_circle
󰮍 dots_horizontal_circle_outline
󱗽 dots_square
󱗾 dots_triangle
󰇙 dots_vertical
󰟄 dots_vertical_circle
󰮎 dots_vertical_circle_outline
󰇚 download
󱑢 download_box
󱑣 download_box_outline
󱑤 download_circle
󱑥 download_circle_outline
󱌠 download_lock
󱌡 download_lock_outline
󰧩 download_multiple
󰛴 download_network
󰱦 download_network_outline
󱂰 download_off
󱂱 download_off_outline
󰮏 download_outline
󰇛 drag
󰇜 drag_horizontal
󱋰 drag_horizontal_variant
󰮐 drag_variant
󰇝 drag_vertical
󱋱 drag_vertical_variant
󰴂 drama_masks
󰽉 draw
󱦹 draw_pen
󰇞 drawing
󰇟 drawing_box
󰽊 dresser
󰽋 dresser_outline
󰇢 drone
󰇣 dropbox
󰇤 drupal
󰇥 duck
󰇦 dumbbell
󰱧 dump_truck
󰟅 ear_hearing
󱫮 ear_hearing_loop
󰩅 ear_hearing_off
󱡏 earbuds
󱡐 earbuds_off
󱡑 earbuds_off_outline
󱡒 earbuds_outline
󰇧 earth
󱌑 earth_arrow_right
󰛍 earth_box
󱐇 earth_box_minus
󰛎 earth_box_off
󱐆 earth_box_plus
󱐈 earth_box_remove
󱐄 earth_minus
󰇨 earth_off
󱐃 earth_plus
󱐅 earth_remove
󰪯 egg
󰪰 egg_easter
󱡊 egg_fried
󱏰 egg_off
󱏱 egg_off_outline
󱏲 egg_outline
󱕫 eiffel_tower
󰧪 eight_track
󰇪 eject
󰮑 eject_outline
󰺟 electric_switch
󱃙 electric_switch_closed
󱀤 electron_framework
󰟆 elephant
󰇫 elevation_decline
󰇬 elevation_rise
󰇭 elevator
󱋂 elevator_down
󱎁 elevator_passenger
󱥹 elevator_passenger_off
󱥺 elevator_passenger_off_outline
󱥻 elevator_passenger_outline
󱋁 elevator_up
󰺠 ellipse
󰺡 ellipse_outline
󰇮 email
󰛏 email_alert
󰵂 email_alert_outline
󰴃 email_box
󰪱 email_check
󰪲 email_check_outline
󰻣 email_edit
󰻤 email_edit_outline
󱡯 email_fast
󱡰 email_fast_outline
󰇱 email_lock
󰮒 email_mark_as_unread
󰻥 email_minus
󰻦 email_minus_outline
󰻧 email_multiple
󰻨 email_multiple_outline
󰾱 email_newsletter
󱏣 email_off
󱏤 email_off_outline
󰇯 email_open
󰻩 email_open_multiple
󰻪 email_open_multiple_outline
󰗯 email_open_outline
󰇰 email_outline
󰧫 email_plus
󰧬 email_plus_outline
󱃚 email_receive
󱃛 email_receive_outline
󱙡 email_remove
󱙢 email_remove_outline
󱥛 email_seal
󱥜 email_seal_outline
󰥡 email_search
󰥢 email_search_outline
󱃜 email_send
󱃝 email_send_outline
󱋇 email_sync
󱋈 email_sync_outline
󰗰 email_variant
󰬰 ember
󰚴 emby
󰱨 emoticon
󰱩 emoticon_angry
󰱪 emoticon_angry_outline
󱃞 emoticon_confused
󱃟 emoticon_confused_outline
󰱫 emoticon_cool
󰇳 emoticon_cool_outline
󰱬 emoticon_cry
󰱭 emoticon_cry_outline
󰱮 emoticon_dead
󰚛 emoticon_dead_outline
󰱯 emoticon_devil
󰇴 emoticon_devil_outline
󰱰 emoticon_excited
󰚜 emoticon_excited_outline
󰽌 emoticon_frown
󰽍 emoticon_frown_outline
󰱱 emoticon_happy
󰇵 emoticon_happy_outline
󰱲 emoticon_kiss
󰱳 emoticon_kiss_outline
󱈔 emoticon_lol
󱈕 emoticon_lol_outline
󰱴 emoticon_neutral
󰇶 emoticon_neutral_outline
󰇲 emoticon_outline
󰇷 emoticon_poop
󰱵 emoticon_poop_outline
󰱶 emoticon_sad
󰇸 emoticon_sad_outline
󱕼 emoticon_sick
󱕽 emoticon_sick_outline
󰇹 emoticon_tongue
󰱷 emoticon_tongue_outline
󰱸 emoticon_wink
󰱹 emoticon_wink_outline
󰇺 engine
󰩆 engine_off
󰩇 engine_off_outline
󰇻 engine_outline
󱃠 epsilon
󰇼 equal
󰇽 equal_box
󰺢 equalizer
󰺣 equalizer_outline
󰇾 eraser
󰙂 eraser_variant
󰇿 escalator
󱎙 escalator_box
󱋀 escalator_down
󱊿 escalator_up
󰱺 eslint
󰪳 et
󰡪 ethereum
󰈀 ethernet
󰈁 ethernet_cable
󰈂 ethernet_cable_off
󱔙 ev_plug_ccs1
󱔚 ev_plug_ccs2
󱔛 ev_plug_chademo
󱔜 ev_plug_tesla
󱔝 ev_plug_type1
󱔞 ev_plug_type2
󰗱 ev_station
󰈄 evernote
󱀥 excavator
󰈅 exclamation
󱈸 exclamation_thick
󰩈 exit_run
󰈆 exit_to_app
󰪴 expand_all
󰪵 expand_all_outline
󰢮 expansion_card
󰾲 expansion_card_variant
󰥣 exponent
󰥤 exponent_box
󰈇 export
󰮓 export_variant
󰈈 eye
󱣽 eye_arrow_left
󱣾 eye_arrow_left_outline
󱣿 eye_arrow_right
󱤀 eye_arrow_right_outline
󰴄 eye_check
󰴅 eye_check_outline
󰮔 eye_circle
󰮕 eye_circle_outline
󱀦 eye_minus
󱀧 eye_minus_outline
󰈉 eye_off
󰛑 eye_off_outline
󰛐 eye_outline
󰡫 eye_plus
󰡬 eye_plus_outline
󱥼 eye_refresh
󱥽 eye_refresh_outline
󱗣 eye_remove
󱗤 eye_remove_outline
󰡭 eye_settings
󰡮 eye_settings_outline
󰈊 eyedropper
󱏝 eyedropper_minus
󱏟 eyedropper_off
󱏜 eyedropper_plus
󱏞 eyedropper_remove
󰈋 eyedropper_variant
󰵰 face_agent
󰙃 face_man
󰮖 face_man_outline
󰙄 face_man_profile
󱗌 face_man_shimmer
󱗍 face_man_shimmer_outline
󱖆 face_mask
󱖇 face_mask_outline
󰱻 face_recognition
󱁷 face_woman
󱁸 face_woman_outline
󱁶 face_woman_profile
󱗎 face_woman_shimmer
󱗏 face_woman_shimmer_outline
󰈌 facebook
󰟝 facebook_gaming
󰈎 facebook_messenger
󰬱 facebook_workplace
󰈏 factory
󱘎 family_tree
󰈐 fan
󱑬 fan_alert
󱜝 fan_auto
󱑭 fan_chevron_down
󱑮 fan_chevron_up
󱨺 fan_clock
󱑰 fan_minus
󰠝 fan_off
󱑯 fan_plus
󱑱 fan_remove
󱑲 fan_speed_1
󱑳 fan_speed_2
󱑴 fan_speed_3
󰈑 fast_forward
󰵱 fast_forward_10
󱤺 fast_forward_15
󰴆 fast_forward_30
󱇸 fast_forward_5
󱘋 fast_forward_60
󰛒 fast_forward_outline
󰈒 fax
󰛓 feather
󰩉 feature_search
󰩊 feature_search_outline
󰣛 fedora
󱞚 fence
󱟶 fence_electric
󱓁 fencing
󰺤 ferris_wheel
󰈓 ferry
󰈔 file
󰜻 file_account
󱀨 file_account_outline
󰩋 file_alert
󰩌 file_alert_outline
󱪓 file_arrow_left_right
󱪔 file_arrow_left_right_outline
󱪕 file_arrow_up_down
󱪖 file_arrow_up_down_outline
󰪶 file_cabinet
󰻫 file_cad
󰻬 file_cad_box
󰷆 file_cancel
󰷇 file_cancel_outline
󱆆 file_certificate
󱆇 file_certificate_outline
󰈕 file_chart
󱧆 file_chart_check
󱧇 file_chart_check_outline
󱀩 file_chart_outline
󰈖 file_check
󰸩 file_check_outline
󱋡 file_clock
󱋢 file_clock_outline
󰈗 file_cloud
󱀪 file_cloud_outline
󰈮 file_code
󱀫 file_code_outline
󱁻 file_cog
󱁼 file_cog_outline
󰢪 file_compare
󰈘 file_delimited
󰺥 file_delimited_outline
󰈙 file_document
󱪗 file_document_alert
󱪘 file_document_alert_outline
󱪙 file_document_check
󱪚 file_document_check_outline
󰷈 file_document_edit
󰷉 file_document_edit_outline
󱪛 file_document_minus
󱪜 file_document_minus_outline
󱔗 file_document_multiple
󱔘 file_document_multiple_outline
󰧮 file_document_outline
󱪝 file_document_plus
󱪞 file_document_plus_outline
󱪟 file_document_remove
󱪠 file_document_remove_outline
󰥥 file_download
󰥦 file_download_outline
󱇧 file_edit
󱇨 file_edit_outline
󰈛 file_excel
󰈜 file_excel_box
󱀬 file_excel_box_outline
󱀭 file_excel_outline
󰈝 file_export
󱀮 file_export_outline
󰷊 file_eye
󰷋 file_eye_outline
󰈞 file_find
󰮗 file_find_outline
󰵸 file_gif_box
󰘓 file_hidden
󰈟 file_image
󱝲 file_image_marker
󱝳 file_image_marker_outline
󱤻 file_image_minus
󱤼 file_image_minus_outline
󰺰 file_image_outline
󱤽 file_image_plus
󱤾 file_image_plus_outline
󱤿 file_image_remove
󱥀 file_image_remove_outline
󰈠 file_import
󱀯 file_import_outline
󰈥 file_jpg_box
󱆄 file_key
󱆅 file_key_outline
󱅷 file_link
󱅸 file_link_outline
󰈡 file_lock
󱧈 file_lock_open
󱧉 file_lock_open_outline
󱀰 file_lock_outline
󱝴 file_marker
󱝵 file_marker_outline
󱪡 file_minus
󱪢 file_minus_outline
󰪹 file_move
󱀱 file_move_outline
󰈢 file_multiple
󱀲 file_multiple_outline
󰈣 file_music
󰸪 file_music_outline
󰈤 file_outline
󰈦 file_pdf_box
󰠞 file_percent
󱀳 file_percent_outline
󱅹 file_phone
󱅺 file_phone_outline
󰝒 file_plus
󰻭 file_plus_outline
󰸭 file_png_box
󰈧 file_powerpoint
󰈨 file_powerpoint_box
󱀴 file_powerpoint_box_outline
󱀵 file_powerpoint_outline
󰈩 file_presentation_box
󰡯 file_question
󱀶 file_question_outline
󰤘 file_refresh
󰕁 file_refresh_outline
󰮘 file_remove
󱀷 file_remove_outline
󰬲 file_replace
󰬳 file_replace_outline
󰙰 file_restore
󱀸 file_restore_outline
󱨻 file_rotate_left
󱨼 file_rotate_left_outline
󱨽 file_rotate_right
󱨾 file_rotate_right_outline
󰱼 file_search
󰱽 file_search_outline
󰈪 file_send
󱀹 file_send_outline
󱁹 file_settings
󱁺 file_settings_outline
󱧃 file_sign
󱀺 file_star
󱀻 file_star_outline
󰾴 file_swap
󰾵 file_swap_outline
󱈖 file_sync
󱈗 file_sync_outline
󰱾 file_table
󱃡 file_table_box
󱃢 file_table_box_multiple
󱃣 file_table_box_multiple_outline
󱃤 file_table_box_outline
󰱿 file_table_outline
󰙅 file_tree
󱏒 file_tree_outline
󰣜 file_undo
󱀼 file_undo_outline
󰩍 file_upload
󰩎 file_upload_outline
󰈫 file_video
󰸬 file_video_outline
󰈬 file_word
󰈭 file_word_box
󱀽 file_word_box_outline
󱀾 file_word_outline
󰈯 film
󰈰 filmstrip
󰌲 filmstrip_box
󰴘 filmstrip_box_multiple
󰈱 filmstrip_off
󰈲 filter
󱣬 filter_check
󱣭 filter_check_outline
󱪣 filter_cog
󱪤 filter_cog_outline
󱃥 filter_menu
󱃦 filter_menu_outline
󰻮 filter_minus
󰻯 filter_minus_outline
󱨿 filter_multiple
󱩀 filter_multiple_outline
󱓯 filter_off
󱓰 filter_off_outline
󰈳 filter_outline
󰻰 filter_plus
󰻱 filter_plus_outline
󰈴 filter_remove
󰈵 filter_remove_outline
󱪥 filter_settings
󱪦 filter_settings_outline
󰈶 filter_variant
󱄒 filter_variant_minus
󱄓 filter_variant_plus
󱀿 filter_variant_remove
󰠟 finance
󰛔 find_replace
󰈷 fingerprint
󰺱 fingerprint_off
󰈸 fire
󱗗 fire_alert
󱠇 fire_circle
󰻲 fire_extinguisher
󱄷 fire_hydrant
󱄸 fire_hydrant_alert
󱄹 fire_hydrant_off
󱜢 fire_off
󰢫 fire_truck
󰥧 firebase
󰈹 firefox
󰸮 fireplace
󰸯 fireplace_off
󰖾 firewire
󰸰 firework
󱜣 firework_off
󰈺 fish
󱏳 fish_off
󰻳 fishbowl
󰻴 fishbowl_outline
󰻵 fit_to_page
󰻶 fit_to_page_outline
󱣴 fit_to_screen
󱣵 fit_to_screen_outline
󰈻 flag
󰈼 flag_checkered
󰮙 flag_minus
󱂲 flag_minus_outline
󱣮 flag_off
󱣯 flag_off_outline
󰈽 flag_outline
󰮚 flag_plus
󱂳 flag_plus_outline
󰮛 flag_remove
󱂴 flag_remove_outline
󰈿 flag_triangle
󰉀 flag_variant
󰈾 flag_variant_outline
󰵲 flare
󰉁 flash
󰻷 flash_alert
󰻸 flash_alert_outline
󰉂 flash_auto
󰉃 flash_off
󰛕 flash_outline
󰙻 flash_red_eye
󰉄 flashlight
󰉅 flashlight_off
󰂓 flask
󰂔 flask_empty
󱈺 flask_empty_minus
󱈻 flask_empty_minus_outline
󱏴 flask_empty_off
󱏵 flask_empty_off_outline
󰂕 flask_empty_outline
󱈼 flask_empty_plus
󱈽 flask_empty_plus_outline
󱈾 flask_empty_remove
󱈿 flask_empty_remove_outline
󱉀 flask_minus
󱉁 flask_minus_outline
󱏶 flask_off
󱏷 flask_off_outline
󰂖 flask_outline
󱉂 flask_plus
󱉃 flask_plus_outline
󱉄 flask_remove
󱉅 flask_remove_outline
󱉋 flask_round_bottom
󱉌 flask_round_bottom_empty
󱉍 flask_round_bottom_empty_outline
󱉎 flask_round_bottom_outline
󱌃 fleur_de_lis
󱃧 flip_horizontal
󰉇 flip_to_back
󰉈 flip_to_front
󱃨 flip_vertical
󰣝 floor_lamp
󱁀 floor_lamp_dual
󱟎 floor_lamp_dual_outline
󱟈 floor_lamp_outline
󱝇 floor_lamp_torchiere
󱟖 floor_lamp_torchiere_outline
󱁁 floor_lamp_torchiere_variant
󱟏 floor_lamp_torchiere_variant_outline
󰠡 floor_plan
󰉉 floppy
󰧯 floppy_variant
󰉊 flower
󰧰 flower_outline
󱢅 flower_pollen
󱢆 flower_pollen_outline
󰴈 flower_poppy
󰧱 flower_tulip
󰧲 flower_tulip_outline
󰽎 focus_auto
󰽏 focus_field
󰽐 focus_field_horizontal
󰽑 focus_field_vertical
󰉋 folder
󰉌 folder_account
󰮜 folder_account_outline
󰷌 folder_alert
󰷍 folder_alert_outline
󱧨 folder_arrow_down
󱧩 folder_arrow_down_outline
󱧪 folder_arrow_left
󱧫 folder_arrow_left_outline
󱧬 folder_arrow_left_right
󱧭 folder_arrow_left_right_outline
󱧮 folder_arrow_right
󱧯 folder_arrow_right_outline
󱧰 folder_arrow_up
󱧱 folder_arrow_up_down
󱧲 folder_arrow_up_down_outline
󱧳 folder_arrow_up_outline
󱧴 folder_cancel
󱧵 folder_cancel_outline
󱥾 folder_check
󱥿 folder_check_outline
󰪺 folder_clock
󰪻 folder_clock_outline
󱁿 folder_cog
󱂀 folder_cog_outline
󰉍 folder_download
󱃩 folder_download_outline
󰣞 folder_edit
󰷎 folder_edit_outline
󱞊 folder_eye
󱞋 folder_eye_outline
󱧶 folder_file
󱧷 folder_file_outline
󰉎 folder_google_drive
󱃪 folder_heart
󱃫 folder_heart_outline
󱞞 folder_hidden
󱂵 folder_home
󱂶 folder_home_outline
󰉏 folder_image
󱂷 folder_information
󱂸 folder_information_outline
󰢬 folder_key
󰢭 folder_key_network
󰲀 folder_key_network_outline
󱃬 folder_key_outline
󰉐 folder_lock
󰉑 folder_lock_open
󱪧 folder_lock_open_outline
󱪨 folder_lock_outline
󱉭 folder_marker
󱉮 folder_marker_outline
󰉒 folder_move
󱉆 folder_move_outline
󰉓 folder_multiple
󰉔 folder_multiple_image
󰉕 folder_multiple_outline
󱑾 folder_multiple_plus
󱑿 folder_multiple_plus_outline
󱍙 folder_music
󱍚 folder_music_outline
󰡰 folder_network
󰲁 folder_network_outline
󱧸 folder_off
󱧹 folder_off_outline
󰝰 folder_open
󰷏 folder_open_outline
󰉖 folder_outline
󱧺 folder_play
󱧻 folder_play_outline
󰉗 folder_plus
󰮝 folder_plus_outline
󰴉 folder_pound
󰴊 folder_pound_outline
󱧊 folder_question
󱧋 folder_question_outline
󰝉 folder_refresh
󰕂 folder_refresh_outline
󰉘 folder_remove
󰮞 folder_remove_outline
󰥨 folder_search
󰥩 folder_search_outline
󱁽 folder_settings
󱁾 folder_settings_outline
󰚝 folder_star
󱏓 folder_star_multiple
󱏔 folder_star_multiple_outline
󰮟 folder_star_outline
󰾶 folder_swap
󰾷 folder_swap_outline
󰴋 folder_sync
󰴌 folder_sync_outline
󱋣 folder_table
󱋤 folder_table_outline
󰲂 folder_text
󰲃 folder_text_outline
󰉙 folder_upload
󱃭 folder_upload_outline
󱧼 folder_wrench
󱧽 folder_wrench_outline
󰛫 folder_zip
󰞹 folder_zip_outline
󰀺 font_awesome
󰉚 food
󰉛 food_apple
󰲄 food_apple_outline
󰟈 food_croissant
󱐟 food_drumstick
󱑨 food_drumstick_off
󱑩 food_drumstick_off_outline
󱐠 food_drumstick_outline
󰗲 food_fork_drink
󱕲 food_halal
󱡋 food_hot_dog
󱕳 food_kosher
󰗳 food_off
󱤕 food_off_outline
󱤖 food_outline
󱑪 food_steak
󱑫 food_steak_off
󱠶 food_takeout_box
󱠷 food_takeout_box_outline
󱜜 food_turkey
󰉜 food_variant
󱏥 food_variant_off
󰽒 foot_print
󰉝 football
󰉞 football_australian
󰉟 football_helmet
󱢗 forest
󰟉 forklift
󱐀 form_dropdown
󱐁 form_select
󱂕 form_textarea
󰘎 form_textbox
󱍝 form_textbox_lock
󰟵 form_textbox_password
󰝓 format_align_bottom
󰉠 format_align_center
󰉡 format_align_justify
󰉢 format_align_left
󰝔 format_align_middle
󰉣 format_align_right
󰝕 format_align_top
󰪼 format_annotation_minus
󰙆 format_annotation_plus
󰉤 format_bold
󰉥 format_clear
󰉦 format_color_fill
󰸱 format_color_highlight
󱌓 format_color_marker_cancel
󰚞 format_color_text
󰣟 format_columns
󰉧 format_float_center
󰉨 format_float_left
󰉩 format_float_none
󰉪 format_float_right
󰛖 format_font
󰧳 format_font_size_decrease
󰧴 format_font_size_increase
󰉫 format_header_1
󰉬 format_header_2
󰉭 format_header_3
󰉮 format_header_4
󰉯 format_header_5
󰉰 format_header_6
󰉱 format_header_decrease
󰉲 format_header_equal
󰉳 format_header_increase
󰉴 format_header_pound
󰘞 format_horizontal_align_center
󰘟 format_horizontal_align_left
󰘠 format_horizontal_align_right
󰉵 format_indent_decrease
󰉶 format_indent_increase
󰉷 format_italic
󰬴 format_letter_case
󰬵 format_letter_case_lower
󰬶 format_letter_case_upper
󰾸 format_letter_ends_with
󰾹 format_letter_matches
󱥖 format_letter_spacing
󰾺 format_letter_starts_with
󰉸 format_line_spacing
󰗈 format_line_style
󰗉 format_line_weight
󰉹 format_list_bulleted
󰷐 format_list_bulleted_square
󰺲 format_list_bulleted_triangle
󰉺 format_list_bulleted_type
󰥪 format_list_checkbox
󰝖 format_list_checks
󱡠 format_list_group
󰉻 format_list_numbered
󰴍 format_list_numbered_rtl
󱉯 format_list_text
󰺳 format_overline
󰛗 format_page_break
󱤗 format_page_split
󰉼 format_paint
󰉽 format_paragraph
󰛘 format_pilcrow
󰉾 format_quote_close
󱆨 format_quote_close_outline
󰝗 format_quote_open
󱆧 format_quote_open_outline
󰚪 format_rotate_90
󰚟 format_section
󰉿 format_size
󰊀 format_strikethrough
󰊁 format_strikethrough_variant
󰊂 format_subscript
󰊃 format_superscript
󰊄 format_text
󰾻 format_text_rotation_angle_down
󰾼 format_text_rotation_angle_up
󰵳 format_text_rotation_down
󰾽 format_text_rotation_down_vertical
󰵴 format_text_rotation_none
󰾾 format_text_rotation_up
󰾿 format_text_rotation_vertical
󰸲 format_text_variant
󱔏 format_text_variant_outline
󰴎 format_text_wrapping_clip
󰴏 format_text_wrapping_overflow
󰴐 format_text_wrapping_wrap
󰴑 format_textbox
󰊅 format_textdirection_l_to_r
󰊆 format_textdirection_r_to_l
󰗴 format_title
󰊇 format_underline
󱣩 format_underline_wavy
󰘡 format_vertical_align_bottom
󰘢 format_vertical_align_center
󰘣 format_vertical_align_top
󰊈 format_wrap_inline
󰊉 format_wrap_square
󰊊 format_wrap_tight
󰊋 format_wrap_top_bottom
󰊌 forum
󱪩 forum_minus
󱪪 forum_minus_outline
󰠢 forum_outline
󱪫 forum_plus
󱪬 forum_plus_outline
󱪭 forum_remove
󱪮 forum_remove_outline
󰊍 forward
󰵵 forwardburger
󰥫 fountain
󰴒 fountain_pen
󰴓 fountain_pen_tip
󱦒 fraction_one_half
󰣠 freebsd
󱥗 french_fries
󰺴 frequently_asked_questions
󰊐 fridge
󱆱 fridge_alert
󱆲 fridge_alert_outline
󰊒 fridge_bottom
󱗮 fridge_industrial
󱗯 fridge_industrial_alert
󱗰 fridge_industrial_alert_outline
󱗱 fridge_industrial_off
󱗲 fridge_industrial_off_outline
󱗳 fridge_industrial_outline
󱆯 fridge_off
󱆰 fridge_off_outline
󰊏 fridge_outline
󰊑 fridge_top
󱗴 fridge_variant
󱗵 fridge_variant_alert
󱗶 fridge_variant_alert_outline
󱗷 fridge_variant_off
󱗸 fridge_variant_off_outline
󱗹 fridge_variant_outline
󱁂 fruit_cherries
󱏸 fruit_cherries_off
󱁃 fruit_citrus
󱏹 fruit_citrus_off
󱁄 fruit_grapes
󱁅 fruit_grapes_outline
󱨎 fruit_pear
󱁆 fruit_pineapple
󱁇 fruit_watermelon
󰟊 fuel
󱢵 fuel_cell
󰊓 fullscreen
󰊔 fullscreen_exit
󰊕 function
󰡱 function_variant
󱂁 furigana_horizontal
󱂂 furigana_vertical
󰲅 fuse
󱐭 fuse_alert
󰲆 fuse_blade
󱐬 fuse_off
󰊖 gamepad
󰸳 gamepad_circle
󰸴 gamepad_circle_down
󰸵 gamepad_circle_left
󰸶 gamepad_circle_outline
󰸷 gamepad_circle_right
󰸸 gamepad_circle_up
󰸹 gamepad_down
󰸺 gamepad_left
󱤙 gamepad_outline
󰸻 gamepad_right
󰸼 gamepad_round
󰸽 gamepad_round_down
󰸾 gamepad_round_left
󰸿 gamepad_round_outline
󰹀 gamepad_round_right
󰹁 gamepad_round_up
󰺵 gamepad_square
󰺶 gamepad_square_outline
󰹂 gamepad_up
󰊗 gamepad_variant
󰺷 gamepad_variant_outline
󱃮 gamma
󰷑 gantry_crane
󰛙 garage
󰡲 garage_alert
󱋕 garage_alert_variant
󱟻 garage_lock
󰛚 garage_open
󱋔 garage_open_variant
󱋓 garage_variant
󱟼 garage_variant_lock
󱨛 gas_burner
󰙇 gas_cylinder
󰊘 gas_station
󱐉 gas_station_off
󱐊 gas_station_off_outline
󰺸 gas_station_outline
󰊙 gate
󱟸 gate_alert
󰣡 gate_and
󱟷 gate_arrow_left
󱅩 gate_arrow_right
󰣢 gate_nand
󰣣 gate_nor
󰣤 gate_not
󱅪 gate_open
󰣥 gate_or
󰣦 gate_xnor
󰣧 gate_xor
󰹃 gatsby
󰊚 gauge
󰡳 gauge_empty
󰡴 gauge_full
󰡵 gauge_low
󰊛 gavel
󰊜 gender_female
󰊝 gender_male
󰊞 gender_male_female
󱄿 gender_male_female_variant
󱅀 gender_non_binary
󰊟 gender_transgender
󰣨 gentoo
󰟋 gesture
󰜼 gesture_double_tap
󰪽 gesture_pinch
󰪾 gesture_spread
󰵶 gesture_swipe
󰜽 gesture_swipe_down
󰪿 gesture_swipe_horizontal
󰜾 gesture_swipe_left
󰜿 gesture_swipe_right
󰝀 gesture_swipe_up
󰫀 gesture_swipe_vertical
󰝁 gesture_tap
󱊩 gesture_tap_box
󱊨 gesture_tap_button
󰵷 gesture_tap_hold
󰝂 gesture_two_double_tap
󰝃 gesture_two_tap
󰊠 ghost
󰧵 ghost_off
󱙜 ghost_off_outline
󱙝 ghost_outline
󰹄 gift
󱛯 gift_off
󱛰 gift_off_outline
󱛱 gift_open
󱛲 gift_open_outline
󰊡 gift_outline
󰊢 git
󰊤 github
󰮠 gitlab
󰍖 glass_cocktail
󱗦 glass_cocktail_off
󰊥 glass_flute
󱡳 glass_fragile
󰊦 glass_mug
󱗧 glass_mug_off
󱄖 glass_mug_variant
󱗨 glass_mug_variant_off
󱌍 glass_pint_outline
󰊧 glass_stange
󰊨 glass_tulip
󰡶 glass_wine
󰊪 glasses
󱋗 globe_light
󰣩 globe_model
󰊫 gmail
󰊬 gnome
󰵹 go_kart
󰵺 go_kart_track
󰮡 gog
󱉏 gold
󰠣 golf
󱆤 golf_cart
󱂃 golf_tee
󰚆 gondola
󰵻 goodreads
󰊭 google
󰲇 google_ads
󰟌 google_analytics
󰟍 google_assistant
󰊮 google_cardboard
󰊯 google_chrome
󰊰 google_circles
󰊱 google_circles_communities
󰊲 google_circles_extended
󰊳 google_circles_group
󰋀 google_classroom
󱇶 google_cloud
󰊴 google_controller
󰊵 google_controller_off
󱍢 google_downasaur
󰊶 google_drive
󰊷 google_earth
󰥬 google_fit
󰊸 google_glass
󰋉 google_hangouts
󰠤 google_home
󰛜 google_keep
󰧶 google_lens
󰗵 google_maps
󱁈 google_my_business
󰊹 google_nearby
󰊼 google_play
󰊽 google_plus
󰺹 google_podcast
󰧷 google_spreadsheet
󰲈 google_street_view
󰊿 google_translate
󱝊 gradient_horizontal
󰚠 gradient_vertical
󰵼 grain
󱁉 graph
󱁊 graph_outline
󰡷 graphql
󱔐 grass
󰮢 grave_stone
󰙈 grease_pencil
󰥭 greater_than
󰥮 greater_than_or_equal
󰀭 greenhouse
󰋁 grid
󰝘 grid_large
󰋂 grid_off
󰹅 grill
󱆊 grill_outline
󰋃 group
󰝱 guitar_acoustic
󰋄 guitar_electric
󰋅 guitar_pick
󰋆 guitar_pick_outline
󰠥 guy_fawkes_mask
󱩁 gymnastics
󰫁 hail
󱃯 hair_dryer
󱃰 hair_dryer_outline
󰮣 halloween
󰚅 hamburger
󱝶 hamburger_check
󱝷 hamburger_minus
󱝸 hamburger_off
󱝹 hamburger_plus
󱝺 hamburger_remove
󰣪 hammer
󱌢 hammer_screwdriver
󱢇 hammer_sickle
󱌣 hammer_wrench
󰹆 hand_back_left
󱠰 hand_back_left_off
󱠲 hand_back_left_off_outline
󱠬 hand_back_left_outline
󰹇 hand_back_right
󱠱 hand_back_right_off
󱠳 hand_back_right_off_outline
󱠭 hand_back_right_outline
󱥋 hand_clap
󱩂 hand_clap_off
󱢏 hand_coin
󱢐 hand_coin_outline
󱢶 hand_extended
󱢷 hand_extended_outline
󱠫 hand_front_left
󱠮 hand_front_left_outline
󰩏 hand_front_right
󱠯 hand_front_right_outline
󱃱 hand_heart
󱕾 hand_heart_outline
󰩐 hand_okay
󰩑 hand_peace
󰩒 hand_peace_variant
󰩓 hand_pointing_down
󰩔 hand_pointing_left
󰋇 hand_pointing_right
󰩕 hand_pointing_up
󰹈 hand_saw
󱕿 hand_wash
󱖀 hand_wash_outline
󱎟 hand_water
󱠡 hand_wave
󱠢 hand_wave_outline
󰽓 handball
󱄾 handcuffs
󰕹 hands_pray
󱈘 handshake
󱖡 handshake_outline
󰋈 hanger
󰥯 hard_hat
󰋊 harddisk
󱁋 harddisk_plus
󱁌 harddisk_remove
󰮤 hat_fedora
󰲉 hazard_lights
󰵽 hdr
󰵾 hdr_off
󱍞 head
󱌸 head_alert
󱌹 head_alert_outline
󱌺 head_check
󱌻 head_check_outline
󱌼 head_cog
󱌽 head_cog_outline
󱌾 head_dots_horizontal
󱌿 head_dots_horizontal_outline
󱍀 head_flash
󱍁 head_flash_outline
󱍂 head_heart
󱍃 head_heart_outline
󱍄 head_lightbulb
󱍅 head_lightbulb_outline
󱍆 head_minus
󱍇 head_minus_outline
󱍟 head_outline
󱍈 head_plus
󱍉 head_plus_outline
󱍊 head_question
󱍋 head_question_outline
󱍌 head_remove
󱍍 head_remove_outline
󱍎 head_snowflake
󱍏 head_snowflake_outline
󱍐 head_sync
󱍑 head_sync_outline
󰋋 headphones
󰥰 headphones_bluetooth
󰋌 headphones_box
󰟎 headphones_off
󰋍 headphones_settings
󰋎 headset
󰋏 headset_dock
󰋐 headset_off
󰋑 heart
󰋒 heart_box
󰋓 heart_box_outline
󰋔 heart_broken
󰴔 heart_broken_outline
󰥱 heart_circle
󰥲 heart_circle_outline
󱙣 heart_cog
󱙤 heart_cog_outline
󰻹 heart_flash
󰛟 heart_half
󰛞 heart_half_full
󰛠 heart_half_outline
󱐯 heart_minus
󱐲 heart_minus_outline
󰩖 heart_multiple
󰩗 heart_multiple_outline
󰝙 heart_off
󱐴 heart_off_outline
󰋕 heart_outline
󱐮 heart_plus
󱐱 heart_plus_outline
󰗶 heart_pulse
󱐰 heart_remove
󱐳 heart_remove_outline
󱙥 heart_settings
󱙦 heart_settings_outline
󱩃 heat_pump
󱩄 heat_pump_outline
󱩅 heat_wave
󱪯 heating_coil
󰫂 helicopter
󰋖 help
󰞋 help_box
󰋗 help_circle
󰘥 help_circle_outline
󰛵 help_network
󰲊 help_network_outline
󰮥 help_rhombus
󰮦 help_rhombus_outline
󱊧 hexadecimal
󰋘 hexagon
󰛡 hexagon_multiple
󱃲 hexagon_multiple_outline
󰋙 hexagon_outline
󰫃 hexagon_slice_1
󰫄 hexagon_slice_2
󰫅 hexagon_slice_3
󰫆 hexagon_slice_4
󰫇 hexagon_slice_5
󰫈 hexagon_slice_6
󰫉 hexagram
󰫊 hexagram_outline
󰟏 high_definition
󰡸 high_definition_box
󰗷 highway
󰵿 hiking
󰋚 history
󰡹 hockey_puck
󰡺 hockey_sticks
󰋛 hololens
󰋜 home
󰠦 home_account
󰡻 home_alert
󱗐 home_alert_outline
󰺺 home_analytics
󰟐 home_assistant
󰟑 home_automation
󱤁 home_battery
󱤂 home_battery_outline
󰟒 home_circle
󱁍 home_circle_outline
󰴕 home_city
󰴖 home_city_outline
󱨒 home_clock
󱨓 home_clock_outline
󱅙 home_edit
󱅚 home_edit_outline
󰾛 home_export_outline
󰻺 home_flood
󰷒 home_floor_0
󰶀 home_floor_1
󰶁 home_floor_2
󰶂 home_floor_3
󰶃 home_floor_a
󰶄 home_floor_b
󰶅 home_floor_g
󰶆 home_floor_l
󰷓 home_floor_negative_1
󰷔 home_group
󱧁 home_group_minus
󱧀 home_group_plus
󱧂 home_group_remove
󰠧 home_heart
󰾜 home_import_outline
󱉑 home_lightbulb
󱉒 home_lightbulb_outline
󱤃 home_lightning_bolt
󱤄 home_lightning_bolt_outline
󰣫 home_lock
󰣬 home_lock_open
󰗸 home_map_marker
󰥴 home_minus
󱏕 home_minus_outline
󰋝 home_modern
󱩆 home_off
󱩇 home_off_outline
󰚡 home_outline
󰥵 home_plus
󱏖 home_plus_outline
󱉇 home_remove
󱏗 home_remove_outline
󱄫 home_roof
󱎰 home_search
󱎱 home_search_outline
󱞔 home_switch
󱞕 home_switch_outline
󰽔 home_thermometer
󰽕 home_thermometer_outline
󰋞 home_variant
󰮧 home_variant_outline
󰛢 hook
󰛣 hook_off
󰹖 hoop_house
󰋟 hops
󱃳 horizontal_rotate_clockwise
󱃴 horizontal_rotate_counterclockwise
󱖿 horse
󱗀 horse_human
󱗁 horse_variant
󱡮 horse_variant_fast
󰩘 horseshoe
󰿶 hospital
󰋠 hospital_box
󰿷 hospital_box_outline
󰋡 hospital_building
󰋢 hospital_marker
󰠨 hot_tub
󱑸 hours_24
󰴗 hubspot
󰠩 hulu
󰋦 human
󱎋 human_baby_changing_table
󱖁 human_cane
󱖛 human_capacity_decrease
󱖜 human_capacity_increase
󰋧 human_child
󱦀 human_dolly
󱓨 human_edit
󰙉 human_female
󰩙 human_female_boy
󱗉 human_female_dance
󰩚 human_female_female
󰩛 human_female_girl
󱟄 human_greeting
󱖝 human_greeting_proximity
󰙊 human_greeting_variant
󰙋 human_handsdown
󰙌 human_handsup
󰙍 human_male
󰢐 human_male_board
󰡆 human_male_board_poll
󰩜 human_male_boy
󱎌 human_male_child
󰋨 human_male_female
󱠣 human_male_female_child
󰩝 human_male_girl
󰻻 human_male_height
󰻼 human_male_height_variant
󰩞 human_male_male
󱡈 human_non_binary
󰗏 human_pregnant
󱕱 human_queue
󱇩 human_scooter
󱎍 human_wheelchair
󱦁 human_white_cane
󰝄 humble_bundle
󱍒 hvac
󱖞 hvac_off
󱌤 hydraulic_oil_level
󱌥 hydraulic_oil_temperature
󱋥 hydro_power
󱢔 hydrogen_station
󰠪 ice_cream
󰹒 ice_cream_off
󰻽 ice_pop
󰿀 id_card
󰻾 identifier
󱌱 ideogram_cjk
󱌲 ideogram_cjk_variant
󰋩 image
󰋪 image_album
󰋫 image_area
󰋬 image_area_close
󰿁 image_auto_adjust
󰋭 image_broken
󰋮 image_broken_variant
󱇣 image_edit
󱇤 image_edit_outline
󰋰 image_filter_black_white
󰋱 image_filter_center_focus
󰻿 image_filter_center_focus_strong
󰼀 image_filter_center_focus_strong_outline
󰋲 image_filter_center_focus_weak
󰋳 image_filter_drama
󰋴 image_filter_frames
󰋵 image_filter_hdr
󰋶 image_filter_none
󰋷 image_filter_tilt_shift
󰋸 image_filter_vintage
󰹉 image_frame
󱪰 image_lock
󱪱 image_lock_outline
󱝻 image_marker
󱝼 image_marker_outline
󱐙 image_minus
󰧸 image_move
󰋹 image_multiple
󰋯 image_multiple_outline
󰠫 image_off
󱇑 image_off_outline
󰥶 image_outline
󰡼 image_plus
󱧾 image_refresh
󱧿 image_refresh_outline
󱐘 image_remove
󰥷 image_search
󰥸 image_search_outline
󰲍 image_size_select_actual
󰲎 image_size_select_large
󰲏 image_size_select_small
󱨀 image_sync
󱨁 image_sync_outline
󱘍 image_text
󰋺 import
󰚇 inbox
󰋻 inbox_arrow_down
󱉰 inbox_arrow_down_outline
󰏑 inbox_arrow_up
󱉱 inbox_arrow_up_outline
󱉲 inbox_full
󱉳 inbox_full_outline
󰢰 inbox_multiple
󰮨 inbox_multiple_outline
󱉴 inbox_outline
󱖟 inbox_remove
󱖠 inbox_remove_outline
󰗹 incognito
󱐡 incognito_circle
󱐢 incognito_circle_off
󰁵 incognito_off
󱡌 induction
󰛤 infinity
󰋼 information
󱞌 information_off
󱞍 information_off_outline
󰋽 information_outline
󰙎 information_variant
󰋾 instagram
󱁎 instrument_triangle
󱤓 integrated_circuit_chip
󰌁 invert_colors
󰹊 invert_colors_off
󱋨 iobroker
󰩟 ip
󰩠 ip_network
󰲐 ip_network_outline
󱦂 ip_outline
󰲑 ipod
󱠤 iron
󱠸 iron_board
󱠥 iron_outline
󱁏 island
󱂹 iv_bag
󰷕 jabber
󰌂 jeepney
󰼁 jellyfish
󰼂 jellyfish_outline
󰌃 jira
󰡽 jquery
󰌄 jsfiddle
󱋿 jump_rope
󰶇 kabaddi
󱕘 kangaroo
󰠬 karate
󰢯 kayaking
󰌅 keg
󰗺 kettle
󱌗 kettle_alert
󱌘 kettle_alert_outline
󱌛 kettle_off
󱌜 kettle_off_outline
󰽖 kettle_outline
󱜼 kettle_pour_over
󱌙 kettle_steam
󱌚 kettle_steam_outline
󱌀 kettlebell
󰌆 key
󱦃 key_alert
󱦄 key_alert_outline
󱌒 key_arrow_right
󱕴 key_chain
󱕵 key_chain_variant
󰌇 key_change
󱆟 key_link
󰌈 key_minus
󰷖 key_outline
󰌉 key_plus
󰌊 key_remove
󱆞 key_star
󰌋 key_variant
󰿂 key_wireless
󰌌 keyboard
󰌍 keyboard_backspace
󰌎 keyboard_caps
󰌏 keyboard_close
󱊷 keyboard_esc
󱊫 keyboard_f1
󱊴 keyboard_f10
󱊵 keyboard_f11
󱊶 keyboard_f12
󱊬 keyboard_f2
󱊭 keyboard_f3
󱊮 keyboard_f4
󱊯 keyboard_f5
󱊰 keyboard_f6
󱊱 keyboard_f7
󱊲 keyboard_f8
󱊳 keyboard_f9
󰌐 keyboard_off
󰹋 keyboard_off_outline
󰥻 keyboard_outline
󰌑 keyboard_return
󰧹 keyboard_settings
󰧺 keyboard_settings_outline
󱁐 keyboard_space
󰌒 keyboard_tab
󰌥 keyboard_tab_reverse
󰌓 keyboard_variant
󱃽 khanda
󰝅 kickstarter
󱦅 kite
󱦆 kite_outline
󱝄 kitesurfing
󱍛 klingon
󰧻 knife
󰧼 knife_military
󱜿 koala
󰌔 kodi
󱃾 kubernetes
󰌕 label
󱍵 label_multiple
󱍶 label_multiple_outline
󰫋 label_off
󰫌 label_off_outline
󰌖 label_outline
󱋪 label_percent
󱋫 label_percent_outline
󰫍 label_variant
󰫎 label_variant_outline
󱖢 ladder
󰠭 ladybug
󰘧 lambda
󰚵 lamp
󱟐 lamp_outline
󱕶 lamps
󱟑 lamps_outline
󰌗 lan
󱊪 lan_check
󰌘 lan_connect
󰌙 lan_disconnect
󰌚 lan_pending
󱪲 land_fields
󱪳 land_plots
󱪴 land_plots_circle
󱪵 land_plots_circle_variant
󱪶 land_rows_horizontal
󱪷 land_rows_vertical
󱩈 landslide
󱩉 landslide_outline
󰙱 language_c
󰙲 language_cpp
󰌛 language_csharp
󰌜 language_css3
󱈚 language_fortran
󰟓 language_go
󰲒 language_haskell
󰌝 language_html5
󰬷 language_java
󰌞 language_javascript
󱈙 language_kotlin
󰢱 language_lua
󰍔 language_markdown
󰽛 language_markdown_outline
󰌟 language_php
󰌠 language_python
󰟔 language_r
󰴭 language_ruby
󰫏 language_ruby_on_rails
󱘗 language_rust
󰛥 language_swift
󰛦 language_typescript
󰙳 language_xaml
󰌢 laptop
󱩊 laptop_account
󰛧 laptop_off
󰫐 laravel
󱒄 laser_pointer
󰼃 lasso
󰑆 lastpass
󰽗 latitude
󰌧 launch
󰟕 lava_lamp
󰌨 layers
󱢒 layers_edit
󰹌 layers_minus
󰌩 layers_off
󰧽 layers_off_outline
󰧾 layers_outline
󰹍 layers_plus
󰹎 layers_remove
󱈆 layers_search
󱈇 layers_search_outline
󰽘 layers_triple
󰽙 layers_triple_outline
󰙏 lead_pencil
󰌪 leaf
󱤅 leaf_circle
󱤆 leaf_circle_outline
󰲓 leaf_maple
󱋚 leaf_maple_off
󱋙 leaf_off
󰷗 leak
󰷘 leak_off
󱫰 lecturn
󰌫 led_off
󰌬 led_on
󰌭 led_outline
󰟖 led_strip
󱁑 led_strip_variant
󱩋 led_strip_variant_off
󰌮 led_variant_off
󰌯 led_variant_on
󰌰 led_variant_outline
󱅽 leek
󰥼 less_than
󰥽 less_than_or_equal
󰌱 library
󱨢 library_outline
󰮩 library_shelves
󰿃 license
󰡾 lifebuoy
󱦇 light_flood_down
󱦈 light_flood_up
󱞛 light_recessed
󰥾 light_switch
󱨤 light_switch_off
󰌵 lightbulb
󱧡 lightbulb_alert
󱧢 lightbulb_alert_outline
󱠀 lightbulb_auto
󱠁 lightbulb_auto_outline
󱈈 lightbulb_cfl
󱈉 lightbulb_cfl_off
󱉵 lightbulb_cfl_spiral
󱋃 lightbulb_cfl_spiral_off
󱠄 lightbulb_fluorescent_tube
󱠅 lightbulb_fluorescent_tube_outline
󱉓 lightbulb_group
󱋍 lightbulb_group_off
󱋎 lightbulb_group_off_outline
󱉔 lightbulb_group_outline
󱉕 lightbulb_multiple
󱋏 lightbulb_multiple_off
󱋐 lightbulb_multiple_off_outline
󱉖 lightbulb_multiple_outline
󱩌 lightbulb_night
󱩍 lightbulb_night_outline
󰹏 lightbulb_off
󰹐 lightbulb_off_outline
󰛨 lightbulb_on
󱩎 lightbulb_on_10
󱩏 lightbulb_on_20
󱩐 lightbulb_on_30
󱩑 lightbulb_on_40
󱩒 lightbulb_on_50
󱩓 lightbulb_on_60
󱩔 lightbulb_on_70
󱩕 lightbulb_on_80
󱩖 lightbulb_on_90
󰛩 lightbulb_on_outline
󰌶 lightbulb_outline
󱧣 lightbulb_question
󱧤 lightbulb_question_outline
󱟴 lightbulb_spot
󱟵 lightbulb_spot_off
󱠂 lightbulb_variant
󱠃 lightbulb_variant_outline
󰧿 lighthouse
󰨀 lighthouse_on
󱐋 lightning_bolt
󰠠 lightning_bolt_circle
󱐌 lightning_bolt_outline
󰘤 line_scan
󱑶 lingerie
󰌷 link
󰴚 link_box
󰴛 link_box_outline
󰴜 link_box_variant
󰴝 link_box_variant_outline
󱂺 link_lock
󰌸 link_off
󰲔 link_plus
󰌹 link_variant
󱃿 link_variant_minus
󰌺 link_variant_off
󱄀 link_variant_plus
󱄁 link_variant_remove
󰌻 linkedin
󰌽 linux
󰣭 linux_mint
󱎵 lipstick
󱠦 liquid_spot
󱤞 liquor
󱖫 list_status
󰩡 litecoin
󰝲 loading
󰿄 location_enter
󰿅 location_exit
󰌾 lock
󰣮 lock_alert
󱗑 lock_alert_outline
󱎚 lock_check
󱚨 lock_check_outline
󰥿 lock_clock
󱚩 lock_minus
󱚪 lock_minus_outline
󱙱 lock_off
󱙲 lock_off_outline
󰌿 lock_open
󱎛 lock_open_alert
󱗒 lock_open_alert_outline
󱎜 lock_open_check
󱚫 lock_open_check_outline
󱚬 lock_open_minus
󱚭 lock_open_minus_outline
󰍀 lock_open_outline
󱚮 lock_open_plus
󱚯 lock_open_plus_outline
󱚰 lock_open_remove
󱚱 lock_open_remove_outline
󰿆 lock_open_variant
󰿇 lock_open_variant_outline
󰍁 lock_outline
󰛪 lock_pattern
󰗻 lock_plus
󱚲 lock_plus_outline
󰣯 lock_question
󱚳 lock_remove
󱚴 lock_remove_outline
󰝳 lock_reset
󰢲 lock_smart
󰟗 locker
󰟘 locker_multiple
󰍂 login
󰍃 logout
󰗽 logout_variant
󰽚 longitude
󰍄 looks
󱖂 lotion
󱖃 lotion_outline
󱖄 lotion_plus
󱖅 lotion_plus_outline
󰍅 loupe
󰍆 lumx
󱂄 lungs
󱡃 mace
󰌤 magazine_pistol
󰌣 magazine_rifle
󱡄 magic_staff
󰍇 magnet
󰍈 magnet_on
󰍉 magnify
󰦀 magnify_close
󱡴 magnify_expand
󰍊 magnify_minus
󰩢 magnify_minus_cursor
󰛬 magnify_minus_outline
󰍋 magnify_plus
󰩣 magnify_plus_cursor
󰛭 magnify_plus_outline
󱈌 magnify_remove_cursor
󱈍 magnify_remove_outline
󱉶 magnify_scan
󰺻 mail
󰛮 mailbox
󰶈 mailbox_open
󰶉 mailbox_open_outline
󰶊 mailbox_open_up
󰶋 mailbox_open_up_outline
󰶌 mailbox_outline
󰶍 mailbox_up
󰶎 mailbox_up_outline
󱘊 manjaro
󰍍 map
󰺼 map_check
󰺽 map_check_outline
󰴞 map_clock
󰴟 map_clock_outline
󰨁 map_legend
󰍎 map_marker
󱣣 map_marker_account
󱣤 map_marker_account_outline
󰼅 map_marker_alert
󰼆 map_marker_alert_outline
󰲕 map_marker_check
󱋻 map_marker_check_outline
󰍏 map_marker_circle
󰣰 map_marker_distance
󱄂 map_marker_down
󱋛 map_marker_left
󱋝 map_marker_left_outline
󰙐 map_marker_minus
󱋹 map_marker_minus_outline
󰍐 map_marker_multiple
󱉷 map_marker_multiple_outline
󰍑 map_marker_off
󱋽 map_marker_off_outline
󰟙 map_marker_outline
󰴠 map_marker_path
󰙑 map_marker_plus
󱋸 map_marker_plus_outline
󰼇 map_marker_question
󰼈 map_marker_question_outline
󰍒 map_marker_radius
󱋼 map_marker_radius_outline
󰼉 map_marker_remove
󱋺 map_marker_remove_outline
󰼊 map_marker_remove_variant
󱋜 map_marker_right
󱋞 map_marker_right_outline
󱘈 map_marker_star
󱘉 map_marker_star_outline
󱄃 map_marker_up
󰦁 map_minus
󰦂 map_outline
󰦃 map_plus
󰦄 map_search
󰦅 map_search_outline
󰮪 mapbox
󰍓 margin
󰙒 marker
󰷙 marker_cancel
󰍕 marker_check
󰫑 mastodon
󰦆 material_design
󰍗 material_ui
󰍘 math_compass
󰲖 math_cos
󰿈 math_integral
󰿉 math_integral_box
󱂅 math_log
󰿊 math_norm
󰿋 math_norm_box
󰲗 math_sin
󰲘 math_tan
󰘨 matrix
󰦇 medal
󱌦 medal_outline
󰛯 medical_bag
󱪸 medical_cotton_swab
󱅻 meditation
󰍛 memory
󱟔 menorah
󱟕 menorah_fire
󰍜 menu
󰍝 menu_down
󰚶 menu_down_outline
󰍞 menu_left
󰨂 menu_left_outline
󰮫 menu_open
󰍟 menu_right
󰨃 menu_right_outline
󰩤 menu_swap
󰩥 menu_swap_outline
󰍠 menu_up
󰚷 menu_up_outline
󰽜 merge
󰍡 message
󰍢 message_alert
󰨄 message_alert_outline
󱋲 message_arrow_left
󱋳 message_arrow_left_outline
󱋴 message_arrow_right
󱋵 message_arrow_right_outline
󱥁 message_badge
󱥂 message_badge_outline
󱖬 message_bookmark
󱖭 message_bookmark_outline
󰚢 message_bulleted
󰚣 message_bulleted_off
󰛱 message_cog
󱅲 message_cog_outline
󰍣 message_draw
󱧌 message_fast
󱧍 message_fast_outline
󱖩 message_flash
󱖪 message_flash_outline
󰍤 message_image
󱅬 message_image_outline
󰿌 message_lock
󱅭 message_lock_outline
󱅮 message_minus
󱅯 message_minus_outline
󱙍 message_off
󱙎 message_off_outline
󰍥 message_outline
󰙓 message_plus
󱂻 message_plus_outline
󰍦 message_processing
󱅰 message_processing_outline
󱜺 message_question
󱜻 message_question_outline
󰍧 message_reply
󱜽 message_reply_outline
󰍨 message_reply_text
󱜾 message_reply_text_outline
󰛰 message_settings
󱅱 message_settings_outline
󰚚 message_star
󱉐 message_star_outline
󰍩 message_text
󱅳 message_text_clock
󱅴 message_text_clock_outline
󱧎 message_text_fast
󱧏 message_text_fast_outline
󰿍 message_text_lock
󱅵 message_text_lock_outline
󰍪 message_text_outline
󰍫 message_video
󰘩 meteor
󱩗 meter_electric
󱩘 meter_electric_outline
󱩙 meter_gas
󱩚 meter_gas_outline
󰟚 metronome
󰟛 metronome_tick
󰟜 micro_sd
󰍬 microphone
󰢳 microphone_minus
󰍭 microphone_off
󰍮 microphone_outline
󰢴 microphone_plus
󱦉 microphone_question
󱦊 microphone_question_outline
󰍯 microphone_settings
󰍰 microphone_variant
󰍱 microphone_variant_off
󰙔 microscope
󰍲 microsoft
󱎎 microsoft_access
󰠅 microsoft_azure
󰿕 microsoft_azure_devops
󰂤 microsoft_bing
󰦈 microsoft_dynamics_365
󰇩 microsoft_edge
󱎏 microsoft_excel
󰌀 microsoft_internet_explorer
󰏆 microsoft_office
󰏊 microsoft_onedrive
󰝇 microsoft_onenote
󰴢 microsoft_outlook
󱎐 microsoft_powerpoint
󱎑 microsoft_sharepoint
󰊻 microsoft_teams
󰘐 microsoft_visual_studio
󰨞 microsoft_visual_studio_code
󰖳 microsoft_windows
󰨡 microsoft_windows_classic
󱎒 microsoft_word
󰖹 microsoft_xbox
󰖺 microsoft_xbox_controller
󰝋 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_alert
󰨢 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_charging
󰝌 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_empty
󰝍 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_full
󰝎 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_low
󰝏 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_medium
󰝐 microsoft_xbox_controller_battery_unknown
󰹯 microsoft_xbox_controller_menu
󰖻 microsoft_xbox_controller_off
󰹰 microsoft_xbox_controller_view
󰲙 microwave
󱐣 microwave_off
󰽝 middleware
󰽞 middleware_outline
󰣱 midi
󰣲 midi_port
󰷚 mine
󰍳 minecraft
󰨅 mini_sd
󰨆 minidisc
󰍴 minus
󰍵 minus_box
󱅁 minus_box_multiple
󱅂 minus_box_multiple_outline
󰛲 minus_box_outline
󰍶 minus_circle
󰍚 minus_circle_multiple
󰫓 minus_circle_multiple_outline
󱑙 minus_circle_off
󱑚 minus_circle_off_outline
󰍷 minus_circle_outline
󰍸 minus_network
󰲚 minus_network_outline
󱘹 minus_thick
󱇽 mirror
󱞟 mirror_rectangle
󱞠 mirror_variant
󰶏 mixed_martial_arts
󰡿 mixed_reality
󰮬 molecule
󱋾 molecule_co
󰟤 molecule_co2
󰍹 monitor
󱩛 monitor_account
󱧐 monitor_arrow_down
󱧑 monitor_arrow_down_variant
󰦉 monitor_cellphone
󰦊 monitor_cellphone_star
󰨇 monitor_dashboard
󱋆 monitor_edit
󱎴 monitor_eye
󰷛 monitor_lock
󰍺 monitor_multiple
󰶐 monitor_off
󰹑 monitor_screenshot
󱒃 monitor_share
󱄄 monitor_shimmer
󱡶 monitor_small
󰽟 monitor_speaker
󰽠 monitor_speaker_off
󰷜 monitor_star
󰽡 moon_first_quarter
󰽢 moon_full
󰽣 moon_last_quarter
󰽤 moon_new
󰽥 moon_waning_crescent
󰽦 moon_waning_gibbous
󰽧 moon_waxing_crescent
󰽨 moon_waxing_gibbous
󱂆 moped
󱖷 moped_electric
󱖸 moped_electric_outline
󱖹 moped_outline
󰍻 more
󱝈 mortar_pestle
󰏱 mortar_pestle_plus
󱠧 mosque
󱌔 mother_heart
󰴡 mother_nurse
󱖲 motion
󱖳 motion_outline
󱖐 motion_pause
󱖒 motion_pause_outline
󱖏 motion_play
󱖑 motion_play_outline
󰶑 motion_sensor
󱐵 motion_sensor_off
󰍼 motorbike
󱖺 motorbike_electric
󰍽 mouse
󰦋 mouse_bluetooth
󱕐 mouse_move_down
󱕑 mouse_move_up
󱕒 mouse_move_vertical
󰍾 mouse_off
󰍿 mouse_variant
󰎀 mouse_variant_off
󰙕 move_resize
󰙖 move_resize_variant
󰎁 movie
󱛳 movie_check
󱛴 movie_check_outline
󱛵 movie_cog
󱛶 movie_cog_outline
󱄢 movie_edit
󱄣 movie_edit_outline
󱄤 movie_filter
󱄥 movie_filter_outline
󱛷 movie_minus
󱛸 movie_minus_outline
󱛹 movie_off
󱛺 movie_off_outline
󰿎 movie_open
󱛻 movie_open_check
󱛼 movie_open_check_outline
󱛽 movie_open_cog
󱛾 movie_open_cog_outline
󱛿 movie_open_edit
󱜀 movie_open_edit_outline
󱜁 movie_open_minus
󱜂 movie_open_minus_outline
󱜃 movie_open_off
󱜄 movie_open_off_outline
󰿏 movie_open_outline
󱜅 movie_open_play
󱜆 movie_open_play_outline
󱜇 movie_open_plus
󱜈 movie_open_plus_outline
󱜉 movie_open_remove
󱜊 movie_open_remove_outline
󱜋 movie_open_settings
󱜌 movie_open_settings_outline
󱜍 movie_open_star
󱜎 movie_open_star_outline
󰷝 movie_outline
󱜏 movie_play
󱜐 movie_play_outline
󱜑 movie_plus
󱜒 movie_plus_outline
󱜓 movie_remove
󱜔 movie_remove_outline
󰟞 movie_roll
󱇒 movie_search
󱇓 movie_search_outline
󱜕 movie_settings
󱜖 movie_settings_outline
󱜗 movie_star
󱜘 movie_star_outline
󱙯 mower
󱙰 mower_bag
󰦌 muffin
󱢓 multicast
󰎂 multiplication
󰎃 multiplication_box
󰟟 mushroom
󱏺 mushroom_off
󱏻 mushroom_off_outline
󰟠 mushroom_outline
󰝚 music
󰽩 music_accidental_double_flat
󰽪 music_accidental_double_sharp
󰽫 music_accidental_flat
󰽬 music_accidental_natural
󰽭 music_accidental_sharp
󰎄 music_box
󰌳 music_box_multiple
󰼄 music_box_multiple_outline
󰎅 music_box_outline
󰎆 music_circle
󰫔 music_circle_outline
󰽮 music_clef_alto
󰽯 music_clef_bass
󰽰 music_clef_treble
󰎇 music_note
󰗾 music_note_bluetooth
󰗿 music_note_bluetooth_off
󰽱 music_note_eighth_dotted
󰎉 music_note_half
󰽲 music_note_half_dotted
󰎊 music_note_off
󰽳 music_note_off_outline
󰽴 music_note_outline
󰷞 music_note_plus
󰎋 music_note_quarter
󰽵 music_note_quarter_dotted
󰎌 music_note_sixteenth
󰽶 music_note_sixteenth_dotted
󰎍 music_note_whole
󰽷 music_note_whole_dotted
󰝛 music_off
󰽸 music_rest_eighth
󰽹 music_rest_half
󰽺 music_rest_quarter
󰽻 music_rest_sixteenth
󰽼 music_rest_whole
󱗞 mustache
󰷟 nail
󰣳 nas
󰢀 nativescript
󰎎 nature
󰎏 nature_people
󰎐 navigation
󱘇 navigation_outline
󱣱 navigation_variant_outline
󰗍 near_me
󰼋 necklace
󰎑 needle
󱧒 needle_off
󰝆 netflix
󰛳 network
󰲛 network_off
󰲜 network_off_outline
󰲝 network_outline
󱫋 network_pos
󰣴 network_strength_1
󰣵 network_strength_1_alert
󰣶 network_strength_2
󰣷 network_strength_2_alert
󰣸 network_strength_3
󰣹 network_strength_3_alert
󰣺 network_strength_4
󰣻 network_strength_4_alert
󱤚 network_strength_4_cog
󰣼 network_strength_off
󰣽 network_strength_off_outline
󰣾 network_strength_outline
󰎔 new_box
󰎕 newspaper
󱥃 newspaper_check
󰼌 newspaper_minus
󰼍 newspaper_plus
󱥄 newspaper_remove
󱀁 newspaper_variant
󱀂 newspaper_variant_multiple
󱀃 newspaper_variant_multiple_outline
󱀄 newspaper_variant_outline
󰎖 nfc
󰹓 nfc_search_variant
󰎗 nfc_tap
󰎘 nfc_variant
󰹔 nfc_variant_off
󰝴 ninja
󱎓 nintendo_game_boy
󰟡 nintendo_switch
󰖫 nintendo_wii
󰜭 nintendo_wiiu
󱄅 nix
󰎙 nodejs
󱅾 noodles
󰦍 not_equal
󰦎 not_equal_variant
󰎚 note
󱝽 note_alert
󱝾 note_alert_outline
󱝿 note_check
󱞀 note_check_outline
󱞁 note_edit
󱞂 note_edit_outline
󱙏 note_minus
󱙐 note_minus_outline
󰚸 note_multiple
󰚹 note_multiple_outline
󱞃 note_off
󱞄 note_off_outline
󰎛 note_outline
󰎜 note_plus
󰎝 note_plus_outline
󱙑 note_remove
󱙒 note_remove_outline
󱙓 note_search
󱙔 note_search_outline
󰎞 note_text
󱇗 note_text_outline
󰠮 notebook
󱓵 notebook_check
󱓶 notebook_check_outline
󱓧 notebook_edit
󱓩 notebook_edit_outline
󱨋 notebook_heart
󱨌 notebook_heart_outline
󱘐 notebook_minus
󱘑 notebook_minus_outline
󰹕 notebook_multiple
󰺿 notebook_outline
󱘒 notebook_plus
󱘓 notebook_plus_outline
󱘔 notebook_remove
󱘕 notebook_remove_outline
󰎟 notification_clear_all
󰛷 npm
󰚤 nuke
󰟢 null
󰎠 numeric
󰎡 numeric_0_box
󰼎 numeric_0_box_multiple
󰎢 numeric_0_box_multiple_outline
󰎣 numeric_0_box_outline
󰬺 numeric_1
󰿩 numeric_10
󰽽 numeric_10_box
󰿪 numeric_10_box_multiple
󰿫 numeric_10_box_multiple_outline
󰽾 numeric_10_box_outline
󰿬 numeric_10_circle
󰿭 numeric_10_circle_outline
󰎤 numeric_1_box
󰼏 numeric_1_box_multiple
󰎥 numeric_1_box_multiple_outline
󰎦 numeric_1_box_outline
󰲠 numeric_1_circle
󰲡 numeric_1_circle_outline
󰬻 numeric_2
󰎧 numeric_2_box
󰼐 numeric_2_box_multiple
󰎨 numeric_2_box_multiple_outline
󰎩 numeric_2_box_outline
󰲢 numeric_2_circle
󰲣 numeric_2_circle_outline
󰬼 numeric_3
󰎪 numeric_3_box
󰼑 numeric_3_box_multiple
󰎫 numeric_3_box_multiple_outline
󰎬 numeric_3_box_outline
󰲤 numeric_3_circle
󰲥 numeric_3_circle_outline
󰬽 numeric_4
󰎭 numeric_4_box
󰼒 numeric_4_box_multiple
󰎲 numeric_4_box_multiple_outline
󰎮 numeric_4_box_outline
󰲦 numeric_4_circle
󰲧 numeric_4_circle_outline
󰬾 numeric_5
󰎱 numeric_5_box
󰼓 numeric_5_box_multiple
󰎯 numeric_5_box_multiple_outline
󰎰 numeric_5_box_outline
󰲨 numeric_5_circle
󰲩 numeric_5_circle_outline
󰬿 numeric_6
󰎳 numeric_6_box
󰼔 numeric_6_box_multiple
󰎴 numeric_6_box_multiple_outline
󰎵 numeric_6_box_outline
󰲪 numeric_6_circle
󰲫 numeric_6_circle_outline
󰭀 numeric_7
󰎶 numeric_7_box
󰼕 numeric_7_box_multiple
󰎷 numeric_7_box_multiple_outline
󰎸 numeric_7_box_outline
󰲬 numeric_7_circle
󰲭 numeric_7_circle_outline
󰭁 numeric_8
󰎹 numeric_8_box
󰼖 numeric_8_box_multiple
󰎺 numeric_8_box_multiple_outline
󰎻 numeric_8_box_outline
󰲮 numeric_8_circle
󰲯 numeric_8_circle_outline
󰭂 numeric_9
󰎼 numeric_9_box
󰼗 numeric_9_box_multiple
󰎽 numeric_9_box_multiple_outline
󰎾 numeric_9_box_outline
󰲰 numeric_9_circle
󰲱 numeric_9_circle_outline
󰿮 numeric_9_plus
󰎿 numeric_9_plus_box
󰼘 numeric_9_plus_box_multiple
󰏀 numeric_9_plus_box_multiple_outline
󰏁 numeric_9_plus_box_outline
󰲲 numeric_9_plus_circle
󰲳 numeric_9_plus_circle_outline
󱁒 numeric_negative_1
󱧓 numeric_off
󱗋 numeric_positive_1
󰛸 nut
󰏂 nutrition
󱄆 nuxt
󰙼 oar
󰷠 ocarina
󱋩 oci
󱄺 ocr
󰏃 octagon
󰏄 octagon_outline
󰛹 octagram
󰝵 octagram_outline
󱥐 octahedron
󱥑 octahedron_off
󰏅 odnoklassniki
󱈛 offer
󰦑 office_building
󱥉 office_building_cog
󱥊 office_building_cog_outline
󱔠 office_building_marker
󱔡 office_building_marker_outline
󱔟 office_building_outline
󰏇 oil
󰼙 oil_lamp
󱁓 oil_level
󰿸 oil_temperature
󰥳 om
󰏉 omega
󰮭 one_up
󰢁 onepassword
󰗌 opacity
󰏋 open_in_app
󰏌 open_in_new
󰮮 open_source_initiative
󰏍 openid
󰏎 opera
󰀘 orbit
󱗛 orbit_variant
󰈍 order_alphabetical_ascending
󰴇 order_alphabetical_descending
󰊾 order_bool_ascending
󰦏 order_bool_ascending_variant
󱎄 order_bool_descending
󰦐 order_bool_descending_variant
󰕅 order_numeric_ascending
󰕆 order_numeric_descending
󰭃 origin
󰏏 ornament
󰏐 ornament_variant
󱁔 outdoor_lamp
󱀅 overscan
󰏒 owl
󰮯 pac_man
󰏓 package
󰏔 package_down
󰏕 package_up
󰏖 package_variant
󰏗 package_variant_closed
󱧔 package_variant_closed_minus
󱧕 package_variant_closed_plus
󱧖 package_variant_closed_remove
󱧗 package_variant_minus
󱧘 package_variant_plus
󱧙 package_variant_remove
󰘀 page_first
󰘁 page_last
󰛺 page_layout_body
󰛻 page_layout_footer
󰛼 page_layout_header
󰽿 page_layout_header_footer
󰛽 page_layout_sidebar_left
󰛾 page_layout_sidebar_right
󰮰 page_next
󰮱 page_next_outline
󰮲 page_previous
󰮳 page_previous_outline
󱐗 pail
󱐷 pail_minus
󱐼 pail_minus_outline
󱐹 pail_off
󱐾 pail_off_outline
󱐺 pail_outline
󱐶 pail_plus
󱐻 pail_plus_outline
󱐸 pail_remove
󱐽 pail_remove_outline
󰏘 palette
󰏙 palette_advanced
󰸌 palette_outline
󰢵 palette_swatch
󱍜 palette_swatch_outline
󱥚 palette_swatch_variant
󱁕 palm_tree
󰮴 pan
󰮵 pan_bottom_left
󰮶 pan_bottom_right
󰮷 pan_down
󰮸 pan_horizontal
󰮹 pan_left
󰮺 pan_right
󰮻 pan_top_left
󰮼 pan_top_right
󰮽 pan_up
󰮾 pan_vertical
󰏚 panda
󰏛 pandora
󰏜 panorama
󰏝 panorama_fisheye
󱤨 panorama_horizontal
󰏞 panorama_horizontal_outline
󱦌 panorama_outline
󱦍 panorama_sphere
󱦎 panorama_sphere_outline
󱦏 panorama_variant
󱦐 panorama_variant_outline
󱤩 panorama_vertical
󰏟 panorama_vertical_outline
󱥟 panorama_wide_angle
󰏠 panorama_wide_angle_outline
󰏡 paper_cut_vertical
󱅗 paper_roll
󱅘 paper_roll_outline
󰏢 paperclip
󱫆 paperclip_check
󱧚 paperclip_lock
󱫇 paperclip_minus
󱫈 paperclip_off
󱫉 paperclip_plus
󱫊 paperclip_remove
󰲴 parachute
󰲵 parachute_outline
󱝅 paragliding
󰏣 parking
󱁖 party_popper
󰟣 passport
󰷡 passport_biometric
󱅠 pasta
󰾀 patio_heater
󰢂 patreon
󰏤 pause
󰏥 pause_circle
󰏦 pause_circle_outline
󰏧 pause_octagon
󰏨 pause_octagon_outline
󰏩 paw
󰙗 paw_off
󱙶 paw_off_outline
󱙵 paw_outline
󰢄 peace
󰿼 peanut
󰿽 peanut_off
󰿿 peanut_off_outline
󰿾 peanut_outline
󰏪 pen
󰷢 pen_lock
󰷣 pen_minus
󰷤 pen_off
󰷥 pen_plus
󰷦 pen_remove
󰏫 pencil
󰏬 pencil_box
󱅄 pencil_box_multiple
󱅅 pencil_box_multiple_outline
󰏭 pencil_box_outline
󰛿 pencil_circle
󰝶 pencil_circle_outline
󰏮 pencil_lock
󰷧 pencil_lock_outline
󰷨 pencil_minus
󰷩 pencil_minus_outline
󰏯 pencil_off
󰷪 pencil_off_outline
󰲶 pencil_outline
󰷫 pencil_plus
󰷬 pencil_plus_outline
󰷭 pencil_remove
󰷮 pencil_remove_outline
󱍓 pencil_ruler
󰻀 penguin
󰜁 pentagon
󰜀 pentagon_outline
󱙧 pentagram
󰏰 percent
󱨂 percent_box
󱨃 percent_box_outline
󱨄 percent_circle
󱨅 percent_circle_outline
󱉸 percent_outline
󰢶 periodic_table
󰴣 perspective_less
󰴤 perspective_more
󱟅 ph
󰏲 phone
󰼚 phone_alert
󱆎 phone_alert_outline
󰏳 phone_bluetooth
󱆏 phone_bluetooth_outline
󱂼 phone_cancel
󱆐 phone_cancel_outline
󱆩 phone_check
󱆪 phone_check_outline
󰘂 phone_classic
󱉹 phone_classic_off
󱧛 phone_clock
󱕙 phone_dial
󱕚 phone_dial_outline
󰏴 phone_forward
󱆑 phone_forward_outline
󰏵 phone_hangup
󱆒 phone_hangup_outline
󰏶 phone_in_talk
󱆂 phone_in_talk_outline
󰏷 phone_incoming
󱆓 phone_incoming_outline
󰏸 phone_lock
󱆔 phone_lock_outline
󰏹 phone_log
󱆕 phone_log_outline
󱆖 phone_message
󱆗 phone_message_outline
󰙘 phone_minus
󱆘 phone_minus_outline
󰏺 phone_missed
󱆥 phone_missed_outline
󰷯 phone_off
󱆦 phone_off_outline
󰏻 phone_outgoing
󱆙 phone_outgoing_outline
󰷰 phone_outline
󰏼 phone_paused
󱆚 phone_paused_outline
󰙙 phone_plus
󱆛 phone_plus_outline
󱦓 phone_refresh
󱦔 phone_refresh_outline
󱔯 phone_remove
󱔰 phone_remove_outline
󰠯 phone_return
󱆜 phone_return_outline
󱆫 phone_ring
󱆬 phone_ring_outline
󰢅 phone_rotate_landscape
󰢆 phone_rotate_portrait
󰏽 phone_settings
󱆝 phone_settings_outline
󱦕 phone_sync
󱦖 phone_sync_outline
󰏾 phone_voip
󰏿 pi
󰐀 pi_box
󰷱 pi_hole
󰙽 piano
󰚘 piano_off
󰢷 pickaxe
󰹗 picture_in_picture_bottom_right
󰹘 picture_in_picture_bottom_right_outline
󰹙 picture_in_picture_top_right
󰹚 picture_in_picture_top_right_outline
󰢇 pier
󰢈 pier_crane
󰐁 pig
󱀆 pig_variant
󱙸 pig_variant_outline
󱀇 piggy_bank
󱙹 piggy_bank_outline
󰐂 pill
󱩜 pill_off
󰜂 pillar
󰐃 pin
󰐄 pin_off
󰤰 pin_off_outline
󰤱 pin_outline
󰐅 pine_tree
󰐆 pine_tree_box
󱐚 pine_tree_fire
󰐇 pinterest
󰫕 pinwheel
󰫖 pinwheel_outline
󰟥 pipe
󰟦 pipe_disconnected
󰢉 pipe_leak
󱡍 pipe_valve
󱍔 pipe_wrench
󰨈 pirate
󰜃 pistol
󰢊 piston
󱕓 pitchfork
󰐉 pizza
󰐊 play
󱉺 play_box
󱨖 play_box_lock
󱨗 play_box_lock_open
󱨘 play_box_lock_open_outline
󱨙 play_box_lock_outline
󰴙 play_box_multiple
󱏦 play_box_multiple_outline
󰐋 play_box_outline
󰐌 play_circle
󰐍 play_circle_outline
󰢋 play_network
󰲷 play_network_outline
󰼛 play_outline
󰐎 play_pause
󰐏 play_protected_content
󰣿 play_speed
󰗇 playlist_check
󰤀 playlist_edit
󰐐 playlist_minus
󰲸 playlist_music
󰲹 playlist_music_outline
󰐑 playlist_play
󰐒 playlist_plus
󰐓 playlist_remove
󰷲 playlist_star
󰚺 plex
󱦤 pliers
󰐕 plus
󰐖 plus_box
󰌴 plus_box_multiple
󱅃 plus_box_multiple_outline
󰜄 plus_box_outline
󰐗 plus_circle
󰍌 plus_circle_multiple
󰐘 plus_circle_multiple_outline
󰐙 plus_circle_outline
󱩝 plus_lock
󱩞 plus_lock_open
󰦒 plus_minus
󰦓 plus_minus_box
󱓉 plus_minus_variant
󰐚 plus_network
󰲺 plus_network_outline
󰜅 plus_outline
󱇬 plus_thick
󰦔 podcast
󰴥 podium
󰴦 podium_bronze
󰴧 podium_gold
󰴨 podium_silver
󰶒 point_of_sale
󰐝 pokeball
󰨉 pokemon_go
󰠰 poker_chip
󰐞 polaroid
󱅧 police_badge
󱅨 police_badge_outline
󱠹 police_station
󰐟 poll
󱓃 polo
󰐡 polymer
󰘆 pool
󱩟 pool_thermometer
󰐢 popcorn
󱀈 post
󱩠 post_lamp
󱀉 post_outline
󰲻 postage_stamp
󰋥 pot
󰙛 pot_mix
󰙷 pot_mix_outline
󰋿 pot_outline
󰙚 pot_steam
󰌦 pot_steam_outline
󰐣 pound
󰐤 pound_box
󱅿 pound_box_outline
󰐥 power
󰤁 power_cycle
󰤂 power_off
󰤃 power_on
󰚥 power_plug
󰚦 power_plug_off
󱐤 power_plug_off_outline
󱐥 power_plug_outline
󰐦 power_settings
󰤄 power_sleep
󰐧 power_socket
󰤅 power_socket_au
󰾳 power_socket_ch
󱄇 power_socket_de
󰟧 power_socket_eu
󱄈 power_socket_fr
󱓿 power_socket_it
󱄉 power_socket_jp
󰟨 power_socket_uk
󰟩 power_socket_us
󰤆 power_standby
󰨊 powershell
󰜆 prescription
󰐨 presentation
󰐩 presentation_play
󱕢 pretzel
󰐪 printer
󰐫 printer_3d
󰹛 printer_3d_nozzle
󱇀 printer_3d_nozzle_alert
󱇁 printer_3d_nozzle_alert_outline
󱢸 printer_3d_nozzle_heat
󱢹 printer_3d_nozzle_heat_outline
󰹜 printer_3d_nozzle_outline
󰐬 printer_alert
󱅆 printer_check
󱑘 printer_eye
󰹝 printer_off
󱞅 printer_off_outline
󱞆 printer_outline
󱁗 printer_pos
󱑗 printer_search
󰜇 printer_settings
󰨋 printer_wireless
󰘃 priority_high
󰘄 priority_low
󰐭 professional_hexagon
󰲼 progress_alert
󰦕 progress_check
󰦖 progress_clock
󱄊 progress_close
󰦗 progress_download
󱞇 progress_pencil
󱔢 progress_question
󱞈 progress_star
󰦘 progress_upload
󰲽 progress_wrench
󰐮 projector
󱨣 projector_off
󰐯 projector_screen
󱠍 projector_screen_off
󱠎 projector_screen_off_outline
󱜤 projector_screen_outline
󱠏 projector_screen_variant
󱠐 projector_screen_variant_off
󱠑 projector_screen_variant_off_outline
󱠒 projector_screen_variant_outline
󱍗 propane_tank
󱍘 propane_tank_outline
󰿘 protocol
󰚧 publish
󱥅 publish_off
󰐰 pulse
󱐂 pump
󰮿 pumpkin
󰼜 purse
󰼝 purse_outline
󰐱 puzzle
󱐦 puzzle_check
󱐧 puzzle_check_outline
󱓓 puzzle_edit
󱓙 puzzle_edit_outline
󱓔 puzzle_heart
󱓚 puzzle_heart_outline
󱓑 puzzle_minus
󱓗 puzzle_minus_outline
󰩦 puzzle_outline
󱓐 puzzle_plus
󱓖 puzzle_plus_outline
󱓒 puzzle_remove
󱓘 puzzle_remove_outline
󱓕 puzzle_star
󱓛 puzzle_star_outline
󱥒 pyramid
󱥓 pyramid_off
󰦙 qi
󰘅 qqchat
󰐲 qrcode
󰢸 qrcode_edit
󱆌 qrcode_minus
󱆋 qrcode_plus
󱆍 qrcode_remove
󰐳 qrcode_scan
󰐴 quadcopter
󰐵 quality_high
󰨌 quality_low
󰨍 quality_medium
󰴩 quora
󰤇 rabbit
󱩡 rabbit_variant
󱩢 rabbit_variant_outline
󰶓 racing_helmet
󰶔 racquetball
󰐷 radar
󰐸 radiator
󰫗 radiator_disabled
󰫘 radiator_off
󰐹 radio
󰲾 radio_am
󰲿 radio_fm
󰐺 radio_handheld
󱈜 radio_off
󰐻 radio_tower
󰐼 radioactive
󱡝 radioactive_circle
󱡞 radioactive_circle_outline
󰻁 radioactive_off
󰐾 radiobox_marked
󱓅 radiology_box
󱓆 radiology_box_outline
󰳀 radius
󰳁 radius_outline
󰼞 railroad_light
󱕄 rake
󰐿 raspberry_pi
󱨏 raw
󱨐 raw_off
󰑀 ray_end
󰑁 ray_end_arrow
󰑂 ray_start
󰑃 ray_start_arrow
󰑄 ray_start_end
󱗘 ray_start_vertex_end
󰑅 ray_vertex
󱦗 razor_double_edge
󱦘 razor_single_edge
󰜈 react
󰑇 read
󰑉 receipt
󱧜 receipt_outline
󱩣 receipt_text_check
󱩤 receipt_text_check_outline
󱩥 receipt_text_minus
󱩦 receipt_text_minus_outline
󱩧 receipt_text_plus
󱩨 receipt_text_plus_outline
󱩩 receipt_text_remove
󱩪 receipt_text_remove_outline
󰑊 record
󰻂 record_circle
󰻃 record_circle_outline
󰦚 record_player
󰑋 record_rec
󰹞 rectangle
󰹟 rectangle_outline
󰑌 recycle
󱎝 recycle_variant
󰑍 reddit
󱄛 redhat
󰑎 redo
󰑏 redo_variant
󰨎 reflect_horizontal
󰨏 reflect_vertical
󰑐 refresh
󱣲 refresh_auto
󱍷 refresh_circle
󰑑 regex
󰩧 registered_trademark
󱖈 reiterate
󱒖 relation_many_to_many
󱒗 relation_many_to_one
󱒘 relation_many_to_one_or_many
󱒙 relation_many_to_only_one
󱒚 relation_many_to_zero_or_many
󱒛 relation_many_to_zero_or_one
󱒜 relation_one_or_many_to_many
󱒝 relation_one_or_many_to_one
󱒞 relation_one_or_many_to_one_or_many
󱒟 relation_one_or_many_to_only_one
󱒠 relation_one_or_many_to_zero_or_many
󱒡 relation_one_or_many_to_zero_or_one
󱒢 relation_one_to_many
󱒣 relation_one_to_one
󱒤 relation_one_to_one_or_many
󱒥 relation_one_to_only_one
󱒦 relation_one_to_zero_or_many
󱒧 relation_one_to_zero_or_one
󱒨 relation_only_one_to_many
󱒩 relation_only_one_to_one
󱒪 relation_only_one_to_one_or_many
󱒫 relation_only_one_to_only_one
󱒬 relation_only_one_to_zero_or_many
󱒭 relation_only_one_to_zero_or_one
󱒮 relation_zero_or_many_to_many
󱒯 relation_zero_or_many_to_one
󱒰 relation_zero_or_many_to_one_or_many
󱒱 relation_zero_or_many_to_only_one
󱒲 relation_zero_or_many_to_zero_or_many
󱒳 relation_zero_or_many_to_zero_or_one
󱒴 relation_zero_or_one_to_many
󱒵 relation_zero_or_one_to_one
󱒶 relation_zero_or_one_to_one_or_many
󱒷 relation_zero_or_one_to_only_one
󱒸 relation_zero_or_one_to_zero_or_many
󱒹 relation_zero_or_one_to_zero_or_one
󰑒 relative_scale
󰑓 reload
󱄋 reload_alert
󰢌 reminder
󰑔 remote
󰢹 remote_desktop
󰻄 remote_off
󰻅 remote_tv
󰻆 remote_tv_off
󰑕 rename_box
󰚈 reorder_horizontal
󰚉 reorder_vertical
󰑖 repeat
󰑗 repeat_off
󰑘 repeat_once
󰕇 repeat_variant
󰑙 replay
󰑚 reply
󰑛 reply_all
󰼟 reply_all_outline
󱆮 reply_circle
󰼠 reply_outline
󰑜 reproduction
󰭄 resistor
󰭅 resistor_nodes
󰩨 resize
󰑝 resize_bottom_right
󰑞 responsive
󰜉 restart
󱄌 restart_alert
󰶕 restart_off
󰦛 restore
󱄍 restore_alert
󰑟 rewind
󰴪 rewind_10
󱥆 rewind_15
󰶖 rewind_30
󱇹 rewind_5
󱘌 rewind_60
󰜊 rewind_outline
󰜋 rhombus
󰨐 rhombus_medium
󱓜 rhombus_medium_outline
󰜌 rhombus_outline
󰨑 rhombus_split
󱓝 rhombus_split_outline
󰑠 ribbon
󰟪 rice
󱖻 rickshaw
󱖼 rickshaw_electric
󰟫 ring
󰹠 rivet
󰑡 road
󰑢 road_variant
󱁘 robber
󰚩 robot
󱚝 robot_angry
󱚞 robot_angry_outline
󱚟 robot_confused
󱚠 robot_confused_outline
󱚡 robot_dead
󱚢 robot_dead_outline
󱚣 robot_excited
󱚤 robot_excited_outline
󱜙 robot_happy
󱜚 robot_happy_outline
󰭆 robot_industrial
󱨚 robot_industrial_outline
󱚥 robot_love
󱚦 robot_love_outline
󱇷 robot_mower
󱇳 robot_mower_outline
󱚧 robot_off
󱙻 robot_off_outline
󱙺 robot_outline
󰜍 robot_vacuum
󰤈 robot_vacuum_variant
󰑣 rocket
󱓞 rocket_launch
󱓟 rocket_launch_outline
󱎯 rocket_outline
󱌧 rodent
󱩫 roller_shade
󱩬 roller_shade_closed
󰴫 roller_skate
󰅅 roller_skate_off
󰴬 rollerblade
󰀮 rollerblade_off
󰯀 rollupjs
󱪹 rolodex
󱪺 rolodex_outline
󱂉 roman_numeral_2
󱂊 roman_numeral_3
󱂋 roman_numeral_4
󱂍 roman_numeral_6
󱂎 roman_numeral_7
󱂏 roman_numeral_8
󱂐 roman_numeral_9
󰢍 room_service
󰶗 room_service_outline
󱦙 rotate_360
󰻇 rotate_3d
󰑤 rotate_3d_variant
󰑥 rotate_left
󰑦 rotate_left_variant
󰶘 rotate_orbit
󰑧 rotate_right
󰑨 rotate_right_variant
󰘇 rounded_corner
󱇢 router
󱂇 router_network
󰑩 router_wireless
󱖣 router_wireless_off
󰩩 router_wireless_settings
󰑪 routes
󱁙 routes_clock
󰘈 rowing
󰑫 rss
󰑬 rss_box
󰼡 rss_off
󱑵 rug
󰶙 rugby
󰑭 ruler
󰳂 ruler_square
󰺾 ruler_square_compass
󰜎 run
󰑮 run_fast
󱇔 rv_truck
󰴮 sack
󰴯 sack_percent
󰩪 safe
󱉼 safe_square
󱉽 safe_square_outline
󰴰 safety_goggles
󰻈 sail_boat
󱫯 sail_boat_sink
󰑯 sale
󱨆 sale_outline
󰢎 salesforce
󰟬 sass
󰑰 satellite
󰤉 satellite_uplink
󰑱 satellite_variant
󰢺 sausage
󱞉 sausage_off
󰹡 saw_blade
󱑺 sawtooth_wave
󰘉 saxophone
󰑲 scale
󰗑 scale_balance
󰑳 scale_bathroom
󱁚 scale_off
󱦸 scale_unbalanced
󱏘 scan_helper
󰚫 scanner
󰤊 scanner_off
󰻉 scatter_plot
󰻊 scatter_plot_outline
󱥘 scent
󱥙 scent_off
󰑴 school
󱆀 school_outline
󰩫 scissors_cutting
󱖽 scooter
󱖾 scooter_electric
󱉾 scoreboard
󱉿 scoreboard_outline
󰑵 screen_rotation
󰑸 screen_rotation_lock
󰷳 screw_flat_top
󰷴 screw_lag
󰷵 screw_machine_flat_top
󰷶 screw_machine_round_top
󰷷 screw_round_top
󰑶 screwdriver
󰯁 script
󰑷 script_outline
󰯂 script_text
󱜥 script_text_key
󱜦 script_text_key_outline
󰯃 script_text_outline
󱜧 script_text_play
󱜨 script_text_play_outline
󰑹 sd
󰑺 seal
󰿙 seal_variant
󰜏 search_web
󰳃 seat
󰑻 seat_flat
󰑼 seat_flat_angled
󰑽 seat_individual_suite
󰑾 seat_legroom_extra
󰑿 seat_legroom_normal
󰒀 seat_legroom_reduced
󰳄 seat_outline
󱉉 seat_passenger
󰒁 seat_recline_extra
󰒂 seat_recline_normal
󰳅 seatbelt
󰒃 security
󰒄 security_network
󰹢 seed
󱏽 seed_off
󱏾 seed_off_outline
󰹣 seed_outline
󱩭 seed_plus
󱩮 seed_plus_outline
󱖤 seesaw
󰻋 segment
󰒅 select
󰒆 select_all
󰴱 select_color
󰫙 select_compare
󰩬 select_drag
󰾂 select_group
󰒇 select_inverse
󱊀 select_marker
󱊁 select_multiple
󱊂 select_multiple_marker
󰒈 select_off
󰿚 select_place
󱟁 select_remove
󱈄 select_search
󰒉 selection
󰩭 selection_drag
󰴲 selection_ellipse
󰼢 selection_ellipse_arrow_inside
󱟂 selection_ellipse_remove
󱊃 selection_marker
󱊅 selection_multiple
󱊄 selection_multiple_marker
󰝷 selection_off
󱟃 selection_remove
󱈅 selection_search
󱌖 semantic_web
󰒊 send
󱅡 send_check
󱅢 send_check_outline
󰷸 send_circle
󰷹 send_circle_outline
󱅣 send_clock
󱅤 send_clock_outline
󰟭 send_lock
󱅦 send_lock_outline
󱅥 send_outline
󰙜 serial_port
󰒋 server
󰒌 server_minus
󰒍 server_network
󰒎 server_network_off
󰒏 server_off
󰒐 server_plus
󰒑 server_remove
󰒒 server_security
󰝸 set_all
󰝹 set_center
󰝺 set_center_right
󰝻 set_left
󰝼 set_left_center
󰝽 set_left_right
󱓠 set_merge
󰝾 set_none
󰝿 set_right
󱓡 set_split
󱑝 set_square
󰦟 set_top_box
󰩮 settings_helper
󱄎 shaker
󱄏 shaker_outline
󰠱 shape
󰙝 shape_circle_plus
󰠲 shape_outline
󱇺 shape_oval_plus
󰒕 shape_plus
󰙞 shape_polygon_plus
󰙟 shape_rectangle_plus
󰙠 shape_square_plus
󱓺 shape_square_rounded_plus
󰒖 share
󱇴 share_all
󱇵 share_all_outline
󱆭 share_circle
󰼣 share_off
󰼤 share_off_outline
󰤲 share_outline
󰒗 share_variant
󱔔 share_variant_outline
󱢺 shark
󱙳 shark_fin
󱙴 shark_fin_outline
󱢻 shark_off
󰳆 sheep
󰒘 shield
󰢏 shield_account
󰨒 shield_account_outline
󱖧 shield_account_variant
󱖨 shield_account_variant_outline
󰚻 shield_airplane
󰳇 shield_airplane_outline
󰻌 shield_alert
󰻍 shield_alert_outline
󱏚 shield_bug
󱏛 shield_bug_outline
󰾃 shield_car
󰕥 shield_check
󰳈 shield_check_outline
󰳉 shield_cross
󰳊 shield_cross_outline
󱢼 shield_crown
󱢽 shield_crown_outline
󱆠 shield_edit
󱆡 shield_edit_outline
󱍠 shield_half
󰞀 shield_half_full
󰚊 shield_home
󰳋 shield_home_outline
󰯄 shield_key
󰯅 shield_key_outline
󰴳 shield_link_variant
󰴴 shield_link_variant_outline
󰦝 shield_lock
󱦚 shield_lock_open
󱦛 shield_lock_open_outline
󰳌 shield_lock_outline
󱠨 shield_moon
󱠩 shield_moon_outline
󰦞 shield_off
󰦜 shield_off_outline
󰒙 shield_outline
󰫚 shield_plus
󰫛 shield_plus_outline
󰂪 shield_refresh
󰇠 shield_refresh_outline
󰫜 shield_remove
󰫝 shield_remove_outline
󰶚 shield_search
󱄻 shield_star
󱄼 shield_star_outline
󱁝 shield_sun
󱁞 shield_sun_outline
󱢾 shield_sword
󱢿 shield_sword_outline
󱆢 shield_sync
󱆣 shield_sync_outline
󱕅 shimmer
󰠳 ship_wheel
󱡎 shipping_pallet
󱗊 shoe_ballet
󱗇 shoe_cleat
󰭇 shoe_formal
󰭈 shoe_heel
󰷺 shoe_print
󱗈 shoe_sneaker
󰒚 shopping
󰒛 shopping_music
󱇕 shopping_outline
󰾄 shopping_search
󱩯 shopping_search_outline
󱓹 shore
󰜐 shovel
󰜑 shovel_off
󰦠 shower
󰦡 shower_head
󰒜 shredder
󰒝 shuffle
󰒞 shuffle_disabled
󰒟 shuffle_variant
󱍿 shuriken
󱣀 sickle
󰒠 sigma
󰘫 sigma_lower
󰒡 sign_caution
󰞁 sign_direction
󱀀 sign_direction_minus
󰿜 sign_direction_plus
󰿝 sign_direction_remove
󱓸 sign_pole
󱄘 sign_real_estate
󰞂 sign_text
󰒢 signal
󰜒 signal_2g
󰜓 signal_3g
󰜔 signal_4g
󰩯 signal_5g
󰢼 signal_cellular_1
󰢽 signal_cellular_2
󰢾 signal_cellular_3
󰢿 signal_cellular_outline
󰹤 signal_distance_variant
󰜕 signal_hspa
󰜖 signal_hspa_plus
󰞃 signal_off
󰘊 signal_variant
󰷻 signature
󰷼 signature_freehand
󰷽 signature_image
󰷾 signature_text
󰭉 silo
󰒣 silverware
󰿞 silverware_clean
󰒤 silverware_fork
󰩰 silverware_fork_knife
󰒥 silverware_spoon
󰒦 silverware_variant
󰒧 sim
󰒨 sim_alert
󱗓 sim_alert_outline
󰒩 sim_off
󱗔 sim_off_outline
󱗕 sim_outline
󱌝 simple_icons
󰫟 sina_weibo
󰥛 sine_wave
󰒪 sitemap
󱦜 sitemap_outline
󱎥 size_m
󱎤 size_s
󱎧 size_xl
󱎣 size_xs
󱎨 size_xxl
󱎢 size_xxs
󱎩 size_xxxl
󰴵 skate
󰚙 skate_off
󱓂 skateboard
󰔁 skateboarding
󰴶 skew_less
󰴷 skew_more
󱌄 ski
󱌅 ski_cross_country
󱌆 ski_water
󰒫 skip_backward
󰼥 skip_backward_outline
󰒬 skip_forward
󰼦 skip_forward_outline
󰒭 skip_next
󰙡 skip_next_circle
󰙢 skip_next_circle_outline
󰼧 skip_next_outline
󰒮 skip_previous
󰙣 skip_previous_circle
󰙤 skip_previous_circle_outline
󰼨 skip_previous_outline
󰚌 skull
󰯆 skull_crossbones
󰯇 skull_crossbones_outline
󰯈 skull_outline
󱓇 skull_scan
󱓈 skull_scan_outline
󰒯 skype
󰒰 skype_business
󰒱 slack
󰿟 slash_forward
󰿠 slash_forward_box
󰐛 sledding
󰒲 sleep
󰒳 sleep_off
󱖥 slide
󰷿 slope_downhill
󰸀 slope_uphill
󱄔 slot_machine
󱄕 slot_machine_outline
󱂽 smart_card
󱣷 smart_card_off
󱣸 smart_card_off_outline
󱂾 smart_card_outline
󱂿 smart_card_reader
󱃀 smart_card_reader_outline
󰩱 smog
󱞙 smoke
󰎒 smoke_detector
󱤮 smoke_detector_alert
󱤯 smoke_detector_alert_outline
󱠉 smoke_detector_off
󱠊 smoke_detector_off_outline
󱠈 smoke_detector_outline
󱠋 smoke_detector_variant
󱤰 smoke_detector_variant_alert
󱠌 smoke_detector_variant_off
󰒴 smoking
󰒵 smoking_off
󱐍 smoking_pipe
󱐨 smoking_pipe_off
󱙷 snail
󱔎 snake
󰒶 snapchat
󱌇 snowboard
󰜗 snowflake
󰼩 snowflake_alert
󱩰 snowflake_check
󱋋 snowflake_melt
󱓣 snowflake_off
󱩱 snowflake_thermometer
󰼪 snowflake_variant
󰒷 snowman
󰛝 snowmobile
󱩲 snowshoeing
󰒸 soccer
󰠴 soccer_field
󱕹 social_distance_2_meters
󱕺 social_distance_6_feet
󰒹 sofa
󱕭 sofa_outline
󱕮 sofa_single
󱕯 sofa_single_outline
󰶛 solar_panel
󰶜 solar_panel_large
󰩲 solar_power
󱩳 solar_power_variant
󱩴 solar_power_variant_outline
󱂒 soldering_iron
󰚍 solid
󰐔 sony_playstation
󰒺 sort
󰖽 sort_alphabetical_ascending
󱅈 sort_alphabetical_ascending_variant
󰖿 sort_alphabetical_descending
󱅉 sort_alphabetical_descending_variant
󰒻 sort_alphabetical_variant
󰒼 sort_ascending
󱎅 sort_bool_ascending
󱎆 sort_bool_ascending_variant
󱎇 sort_bool_descending
󱎈 sort_bool_descending_variant
󱕇 sort_calendar_ascending
󱕈 sort_calendar_descending
󱕉 sort_clock_ascending
󱕊 sort_clock_ascending_outline
󱕋 sort_clock_descending
󱕌 sort_clock_descending_outline
󰒽 sort_descending
󱎉 sort_numeric_ascending
󰤍 sort_numeric_ascending_variant
󱎊 sort_numeric_descending
󰫒 sort_numeric_descending_variant
󰒾 sort_numeric_variant
󰌼 sort_reverse_variant
󰒿 sort_variant
󰳍 sort_variant_lock
󰳎 sort_variant_lock_open
󱪻 sort_variant_off
󱅇 sort_variant_remove
󱟛 soundbar
󰓀 soundcloud
󰘬 source_branch
󱓏 source_branch_check
󱓋 source_branch_minus
󱓊 source_branch_plus
󱓍 source_branch_refresh
󱓌 source_branch_remove
󱓎 source_branch_sync
󰜘 source_commit
󰜙 source_commit_end
󰜚 source_commit_end_local
󰜛 source_commit_local
󰜜 source_commit_next_local
󰜝 source_commit_start
󰜞 source_commit_start_next_local
󰓁 source_fork
󰘭 source_merge
󰓂 source_pull
󰳏 source_repository
󰳐 source_repository_multiple
󰟮 soy_sauce
󱏼 soy_sauce_off
󰳑 spa
󰳒 spa_outline
󰯉 space_invaders
󱎃 space_station
󰹥 spade
󰓃 speaker
󰦢 speaker_bluetooth
󰴸 speaker_multiple
󰓄 speaker_off
󰜟 speaker_wireless
󱡅 spear
󰓅 speedometer
󰾅 speedometer_medium
󰾆 speedometer_slow
󰓆 spellcheck
󱥔 sphere
󱥕 sphere_off
󱇪 spider
󱇫 spider_thread
󰯊 spider_web
󱓱 spirit_level
󱐩 spoon_sugar
󰓇 spotify
󰓈 spotlight
󰓉 spotlight_beam
󰙥 spray
󰫠 spray_bottle
󱁟 sprinkler
󱦝 sprinkler_fire
󱁠 sprinkler_variant
󰹦 sprout
󰹧 sprout_outline
󰝤 square
󱔀 square_circle
󰤌 square_edit_outline
󰨓 square_medium
󰨔 square_medium_outline
󱋮 square_off
󱋯 square_off_outline
󱡔 square_opacity
󰝣 square_outline
󰞄 square_root
󰦣 square_root_box
󱓻 square_rounded
󱨇 square_rounded_badge
󱨈 square_rounded_badge_outline
󱓼 square_rounded_outline
󰨕 square_small
󱑻 square_wave
󰫡 squeegee
󰣀 ssh
󰘋 stack_exchange
󰓌 stack_overflow
󰍙 stackpath
󰿹 stadium
󰜠 stadium_variant
󰓍 stairs
󱎞 stairs_box
󱊾 stairs_down
󱊽 stairs_up
󰴹 stamper
󰟯 standard_definition
󰓎 star
󰩳 star_box
󱊆 star_box_multiple
󱊇 star_box_multiple_outline
󰩴 star_box_outline
󱕦 star_check
󱕪 star_check_outline
󰓏 star_circle
󰦤 star_circle_outline
󱙨 star_cog
󱙩 star_cog_outline
󰥹 star_crescent
󰥺 star_david
󰦥 star_face
󰫢 star_four_points
󰫣 star_four_points_outline
󰉆 star_half
󰓐 star_half_full
󱕤 star_minus
󱕨 star_minus_outline
󰓑 star_off
󱕛 star_off_outline
󰓒 star_outline
󱕣 star_plus
󱕧 star_plus_outline
󱕥 star_remove
󱕩 star_remove_outline
󱙪 star_settings
󱙫 star_settings_outline
󱝁 star_shooting
󱝂 star_shooting_outline
󰫤 star_three_points
󰫥 star_three_points_outline
󱇯 state_machine
󰓓 steam
󰓔 steering
󰤎 steering_off
󰓕 step_backward
󰓖 step_backward_2
󰓗 step_forward
󰓘 step_forward_2
󰓙 stethoscope
󱍤 sticker
󱍥 sticker_alert
󱍦 sticker_alert_outline
󱍧 sticker_check
󱍨 sticker_check_outline
󰗐 sticker_circle_outline
󰞅 sticker_emoji
󱍩 sticker_minus
󱍪 sticker_minus_outline
󱍫 sticker_outline
󱍬 sticker_plus
󱍭 sticker_plus_outline
󱍮 sticker_remove
󱍯 sticker_remove_outline
󱞎 sticker_text
󱞏 sticker_text_outline
󰓚 stocking
󱂓 stomach
󱥝 stool
󱥞 stool_outline
󰓛 stop
󰙦 stop_circle
󰙧 stop_circle_outline
󱩵 storage_tank
󱩶 storage_tank_outline
󰓜 store
󰓝 store_24_hour
󱣁 store_alert
󱣂 store_alert_outline
󱣃 store_check
󱣄 store_check_outline
󱣅 store_clock
󱣆 store_clock_outline
󱣇 store_cog
󱣈 store_cog_outline
󱣉 store_edit
󱣊 store_edit_outline
󱣋 store_marker
󱣌 store_marker_outline
󱙞 store_minus
󱣍 store_minus_outline
󱣎 store_off
󱣏 store_off_outline
󱍡 store_outline
󱙟 store_plus
󱣐 store_plus_outline
󱙠 store_remove
󱣑 store_remove_outline
󱣒 store_search
󱣓 store_search_outline
󱣔 store_settings
󱣕 store_settings_outline
󰟇 storefront
󱃁 storefront_outline
󰓞 stove
󱇖 strategy
󰼫 stretch_to_page
󰼬 stretch_to_page_outline
󱊺 string_lights
󱊻 string_lights_off
󰘌 subdirectory_arrow_left
󰘍 subdirectory_arrow_right
󱕬 submarine
󰨖 subtitles
󰨗 subtitles_outline
󰚬 subway
󰶝 subway_alert_variant
󰓟 subway_variant
󰞆 summit
󱩷 sun_clock
󱩸 sun_clock_outline
󱦥 sun_compass
󱞖 sun_snowflake
󱩹 sun_snowflake_variant
󱣖 sun_thermometer
󱣗 sun_thermometer_outline
󱟾 sun_wireless
󱟿 sun_wireless_outline
󰓠 sunglasses
󱝆 surfing
󰗅 surround_sound
󰟰 surround_sound_2_0
󱜩 surround_sound_2_1
󰟱 surround_sound_3_1
󰟲 surround_sound_5_1
󱜪 surround_sound_5_1_2
󰟳 surround_sound_7_1
󰜡 svg
󰓡 swap_horizontal
󰯍 swap_horizontal_bold
󰿡 swap_horizontal_circle
󰿢 swap_horizontal_circle_outline
󰣁 swap_horizontal_variant
󰓢 swap_vertical
󰯎 swap_vertical_bold
󰿣 swap_vertical_circle
󰿤 swap_vertical_circle_outline
󰣂 swap_vertical_variant
󰓣 swim
󰓤 switch
󰓥 sword
󰞇 sword_cross
󱌳 syllabary_hangul
󱌴 syllabary_hiragana
󱌵 syllabary_katakana
󱌶 syllabary_katakana_halfwidth
󱔁 symbol
󰫦 symfony
󰓦 sync
󰓧 sync_alert
󱍸 sync_circle
󰓨 sync_off
󰓩 tab
󰭋 tab_minus
󰝜 tab_plus
󰭌 tab_remove
󱦞 tab_search
󰓪 tab_unselected
󰓫 table
󱎹 table_account
󱎺 table_alert
󱎻 table_arrow_down
󱎼 table_arrow_left
󱎽 table_arrow_right
󱎾 table_arrow_up
󰨘 table_border
󱎿 table_cancel
󱁡 table_chair
󱏀 table_check
󱏁 table_clock
󱏂 table_cog
󰠵 table_column
󰓬 table_column_plus_after
󰓭 table_column_plus_before
󰓮 table_column_remove
󰓯 table_column_width
󰓰 table_edit
󱂔 table_eye
󱏃 table_eye_off
󰖼 table_furniture
󱈝 table_headers_eye
󱈞 table_headers_eye_off
󱏄 table_heart
󱏅 table_key
󰓱 table_large
󰾇 table_large_plus
󰾈 table_large_remove
󱏆 table_lock
󰦦 table_merge_cells
󱏇 table_minus
󱏈 table_multiple
󱏉 table_network
󰠶 table_of_contents
󱏊 table_off
󱝃 table_picnic
󱠼 table_pivot
󰩵 table_plus
󱎠 table_refresh
󰩶 table_remove
󰠷 table_row
󰓲 table_row_height
󰓳 table_row_plus_after
󰓴 table_row_plus_before
󰓵 table_row_remove
󰤏 table_search
󰠸 table_settings
󱐪 table_split_cell
󱏋 table_star
󱎡 table_sync
󰹨 table_tennis
󰓶 tablet
󰓷 tablet_android
󰦧 tablet_cellphone
󰻎 tablet_dashboard
󰝢 taco
󰓹 tag
󱜫 tag_arrow_down
󱜬 tag_arrow_down_outline
󱜭 tag_arrow_left
󱜮 tag_arrow_left_outline
󱜯 tag_arrow_right
󱜰 tag_arrow_right_outline
󱜱 tag_arrow_up
󱜲 tag_arrow_up_outline
󱩺 tag_check
󱩻 tag_check_outline
󰓺 tag_faces
󰚋 tag_heart
󰯏 tag_heart_outline
󰤐 tag_minus
󱈟 tag_minus_outline
󰓻 tag_multiple
󱋷 tag_multiple_outline
󱈠 tag_off
󱈡 tag_off_outline
󰓼 tag_outline
󰜢 tag_plus
󱈢 tag_plus_outline
󰜣 tag_remove
󱈣 tag_remove_outline
󱤇 tag_search
󱤈 tag_search_outline
󱈤 tag_text
󰓽 tag_text_outline
󱏿 tailwind
󱪼 tally_mark_1
󱪽 tally_mark_2
󱪾 tally_mark_3
󱪿 tally_mark_4
󱫀 tally_mark_5
󰓸 tangram
󰴺 tank
󰿥 tanker_truck
󱛟 tape_drive
󰭍 tape_measure
󰓾 target
󰯐 target_account
󰩷 target_variant
󰓿 taxi
󰶞 tea
󰶟 tea_outline
󰔀 teamviewer
󱣻 teddy_bear
󰭎 telescope
󰔂 television
󱍖 television_ambient_light
󰠹 television_box
󰟴 television_classic
󰠺 television_classic_off
󰔃 television_guide
󰠻 television_off
󰾉 television_pause
󰻏 television_play
󱄐 television_shimmer
󰾊 television_stop
󰔄 temperature_celsius
󰔅 temperature_fahrenheit
󰔆 temperature_kelvin
󰶠 tennis
󰔇 tennis_ball
󰔈 tent
󱁢 terraform
󰙨 test_tube
󰤑 test_tube_empty
󰤒 test_tube_off
󰦨 text
󱕰 text_account
󰈚 text_box
󰺦 text_box_check
󰺧 text_box_check_outline
󱩼 text_box_edit
󱩽 text_box_edit_outline
󰺨 text_box_minus
󰺩 text_box_minus_outline
󰪷 text_box_multiple
󰪸 text_box_multiple_outline
󰧭 text_box_outline
󰺪 text_box_plus
󰺫 text_box_plus_outline
󰺬 text_box_remove
󰺭 text_box_remove_outline
󰺮 text_box_search
󰺯 text_box_search_outline
󰦪 text_long
󱄽 text_recognition
󱎸 text_search
󱩾 text_search_variant
󰙩 text_shadow
󰦩 text_short
󰔊 text_to_speech
󰔋 text_to_speech_off
󰔌 texture
󰿦 texture_box
󰔍 theater
󰔎 theme_light_dark
󰔏 thermometer
󰸁 thermometer_alert
󱢕 thermometer_bluetooth
󱩿 thermometer_check
󰸂 thermometer_chevron_down
󰸃 thermometer_chevron_up
󱃂 thermometer_high
󰔐 thermometer_lines
󱃃 thermometer_low
󰸄 thermometer_minus
󱔱 thermometer_off
󰸅 thermometer_plus
󱪀 thermometer_water
󰎓 thermostat
󰢑 thermostat_box
󰟶 thought_bubble
󰟷 thought_bubble_outline
󰔑 thumb_down
󰔒 thumb_down_outline
󰔓 thumb_up
󰔔 thumb_up_outline
󰔕 thumbs_up_down
󱤔 thumbs_up_down_outline
󰔖 ticket
󰔗 ticket_account
󰔘 ticket_confirmation
󱎪 ticket_confirmation_outline
󰤓 ticket_outline
󰜤 ticket_percent
󱐫 ticket_percent_outline
󰔙 tie
󰜥 tilde
󱣳 tilde_off
󰔚 timelapse
󰯑 timeline
󰾕 timeline_alert
󰾘 timeline_alert_outline
󱔲 timeline_check
󱔳 timeline_check_outline
󱇻 timeline_clock
󱇼 timeline_clock_outline
󰾙 timeline_help
󰾚 timeline_help_outline
󱔴 timeline_minus
󱔵 timeline_minus_outline
󰯒 timeline_outline
󰾖 timeline_plus
󰾗 timeline_plus_outline
󱔶 timeline_remove
󱔷 timeline_remove_outline
󰯓 timeline_text
󰯔 timeline_text_outline
󱎫 timer
󰔜 timer_10
󰔝 timer_3
󱫌 timer_alert
󱫍 timer_alert_outline
󱫎 timer_cancel
󱫏 timer_cancel_outline
󱫐 timer_check
󱫑 timer_check_outline
󱤥 timer_cog
󱤦 timer_cog_outline
󱫒 timer_edit
󱫓 timer_edit_outline
󱫔 timer_lock
󱫕 timer_lock_open
󱫖 timer_lock_open_outline
󱫗 timer_lock_outline
󱫘 timer_marker
󱫙 timer_marker_outline
󱫚 timer_minus
󱫛 timer_minus_outline
󱫜 timer_music
󱫝 timer_music_outline
󱎬 timer_off
󰔞 timer_off_outline
󰔛 timer_outline
󱫞 timer_pause
󱫟 timer_pause_outline
󱫠 timer_play
󱫡 timer_play_outline
󱫢 timer_plus
󱫣 timer_plus_outline
󱫤 timer_refresh
󱫥 timer_refresh_outline
󱫦 timer_remove
󱫧 timer_remove_outline
󰔟 timer_sand
󱦟 timer_sand_complete
󰚭 timer_sand_empty
󰞌 timer_sand_full
󱦠 timer_sand_paused
󱤣 timer_settings
󱤤 timer_settings_outline
󱫨 timer_star
󱫩 timer_star_outline
󱫪 timer_stop
󱫫 timer_stop_outline
󱫬 timer_sync
󱫭 timer_sync_outline
󰔠 timetable
󱢖 tire
󱁣 toaster
󱆷 toaster_off
󰳓 toaster_oven
󰔡 toggle_switch
󰔢 toggle_switch_off
󰨙 toggle_switch_off_outline
󰨚 toggle_switch_outline
󱨥 toggle_switch_variant
󱨦 toggle_switch_variant_off
󰦫 toilet
󰦬 toolbox
󰦭 toolbox_outline
󱁤 tools
󰔣 tooltip
󰀌 tooltip_account
󱠻 tooltip_cellphone
󱕜 tooltip_check
󱕝 tooltip_check_outline
󰔤 tooltip_edit
󱋅 tooltip_edit_outline
󰔥 tooltip_image
󰯕 tooltip_image_outline
󱕞 tooltip_minus
󱕟 tooltip_minus_outline
󰔦 tooltip_outline
󰯖 tooltip_plus
󰔧 tooltip_plus_outline
󱕠 tooltip_remove
󱕡 tooltip_remove_outline
󰔨 tooltip_text
󰯗 tooltip_text_outline
󰣃 tooth
󰔩 tooth_outline
󱄩 toothbrush
󱄬 toothbrush_electric
󱄪 toothbrush_paste
󱘆 torch
󰴻 tortoise
󱊸 toslink
󰦮 tournament
󰠼 tow_truck
󰚁 tower_beach
󰚂 tower_fire
󱡵 town_hall
󱊈 toy_brick
󱊉 toy_brick_marker
󱊊 toy_brick_marker_outline
󱊋 toy_brick_minus
󱊌 toy_brick_minus_outline
󱊍 toy_brick_outline
󱊎 toy_brick_plus
󱊏 toy_brick_plus_outline
󱊐 toy_brick_remove
󱊑 toy_brick_remove_outline
󱊒 toy_brick_search
󱊓 toy_brick_search_outline
󰤔 track_light
󰟸 trackpad
󰤳 trackpad_lock
󰢒 tractor
󱓄 tractor_variant
󰩸 trademark
󱍼 traffic_cone
󰔫 traffic_light
󱠪 traffic_light_outline
󰔬 train
󰯘 train_car
󱜳 train_car_passenger
󱜴 train_car_passenger_door
󱜵 train_car_passenger_door_open
󱜶 train_car_passenger_variant
󰣄 train_variant
󰔭 tram
󰿧 tram_side
󰔮 transcribe
󰔯 transcribe_close
󱁥 transfer
󰶡 transfer_down
󰶢 transfer_left
󰔰 transfer_right
󰶣 transfer_up
󰴼 transit_connection
󱕆 transit_connection_horizontal
󰴽 transit_connection_variant
󰾋 transit_detour
󱔕 transit_skip
󰚮 transit_transfer
󰤕 transition
󰤖 transition_masked
󰗊 translate
󰸆 translate_off
󰴾 transmission_tower
󱤬 transmission_tower_export
󱤭 transmission_tower_import
󱧝 transmission_tower_off
󰩹 trash_can
󰩺 trash_can_outline
󱊔 tray
󱊕 tray_alert
󰄠 tray_arrow_down
󰄝 tray_arrow_up
󱊖 tray_full
󱊗 tray_minus
󱊘 tray_plus
󱊙 tray_remove
󰜦 treasure_chest
󰔱 tree
󰹩 tree_outline
󰔲 trello
󰔳 trending_down
󰔴 trending_neutral
󰔵 trending_up
󰔶 triangle
󰔷 triangle_outline
󱨉 triangle_small_down
󱨊 triangle_small_up
󱑼 triangle_wave
󰯙 triforce
󰔸 trophy
󰔹 trophy_award
󰶤 trophy_broken
󰔺 trophy_outline
󰔻 trophy_variant
󰔼 trophy_variant_outline
󰔽 truck
󱧞 truck_alert
󱧟 truck_alert_outline
󱣘 truck_cargo_container
󰳔 truck_check
󱊚 truck_check_outline
󰔾 truck_delivery
󱊛 truck_delivery_outline
󰞈 truck_fast
󱊜 truck_fast_outline
󱢑 truck_flatbed
󱦮 truck_minus
󱦽 truck_minus_outline
󱊝 truck_outline
󱦭 truck_plus
󱦼 truck_plus_outline
󱦯 truck_remove
󱦾 truck_remove_outline
󱦦 truck_snowflake
󰜧 truck_trailer
󱂖 trumpet
󰩻 tshirt_crew
󰔿 tshirt_crew_outline
󰩼 tshirt_v
󰕀 tshirt_v_outline
󱪁 tsunami
󰤗 tumble_dryer
󱆺 tumble_dryer_alert
󱆻 tumble_dryer_off
󰘮 tune
󱕂 tune_variant
󰙪 tune_vertical
󱕃 tune_vertical_variant
󱠽 tunnel
󱠾 tunnel_outline
󱪂 turbine
󱜛 turkey
󰳕 turnstile
󰳖 turnstile_outline
󰳗 turtle
󰕃 twitch
󰕄 twitter
󰦯 two_factor_authentication
󰼭 typewriter
󰯚 ubisoft
󰕈 ubuntu
󱃄 ufo
󱃅 ufo_outline
󰟹 ultra_high_definition
󰕉 umbraco
󰕊 umbrella
󱢊 umbrella_beach
󱢋 umbrella_beach_outline
󰦰 umbrella_closed
󱏢 umbrella_closed_outline
󱏡 umbrella_closed_variant
󰕋 umbrella_outline
󰕌 undo
󰕍 undo_variant
󰕎 unfold_less_horizontal
󰝠 unfold_less_vertical
󰕏 unfold_more_horizontal
󰝡 unfold_more_vertical
󰕐 ungroup
󰻐 unicode
󱗂 unicorn
󱗃 unicorn_variant
󱗥 unicycle
󰚯 unity
󰦱 unreal
󰚰 update
󰕒 upload
󱍳 upload_lock
󱍴 upload_lock_outline
󰠽 upload_multiple
󰛶 upload_network
󰳘 upload_network_outline
󱃆 upload_off
󱃇 upload_off_outline
󰸇 upload_outline
󰕓 usb
󱊞 usb_flash_drive
󱊟 usb_flash_drive_outline
󱇰 usb_port
󱦡 vacuum
󱦢 vacuum_outline
󱁦 valve
󱁧 valve_closed
󱁨 valve_open
󰟺 van_passenger
󰟻 van_utility
󰟼 vanish
󱕔 vanish_quarter
󱇡 vanity_light
󰫧 variable
󱄑 variable_box
󰕔 vector_arrange_above
󰕕 vector_arrange_below
󰫨 vector_bezier
󰕖 vector_circle
󰕗 vector_circle_variant
󰕘 vector_combine
󰕙 vector_curve
󰕚 vector_difference
󰕛 vector_difference_ab
󰕜 vector_difference_ba
󰢓 vector_ellipse
󰕝 vector_intersection
󰕞 vector_line
󰿨 vector_link
󰕟 vector_point
󰕠 vector_polygon
󱡖 vector_polygon_variant
󰕡 vector_polyline
󱈥 vector_polyline_edit
󱈦 vector_polyline_minus
󱈧 vector_polyline_plus
󱈨 vector_polyline_remove
󰝊 vector_radius
󰗆 vector_rectangle
󰕢 vector_selection
󰀁 vector_square
󱡗 vector_square_close
󱣙 vector_square_edit
󱣚 vector_square_minus
󱡘 vector_square_open
󱣛 vector_square_plus
󱣜 vector_square_remove
󰕣 vector_triangle
󰕤 vector_union
󰨛 vhs
󰕦 vibrate
󰳙 vibrate_off
󰕧 video
󱨜 video_2d
󰟽 video_3d
󱏙 video_3d_off
󰻑 video_3d_variant
󰠾 video_4k_box
󰤙 video_account
󰃽 video_box
󰃾 video_box_off
󱁩 video_check
󱁪 video_check_outline
󱔮 video_high_definition
󰤚 video_image
󰠿 video_input_antenna
󰡀 video_input_component
󰡁 video_input_hdmi
󰾌 video_input_scart
󰡂 video_input_svideo
󱦩 video_marker
󱦪 video_marker_outline
󰦲 video_minus
󰊺 video_minus_outline
󰕨 video_off
󰯛 video_off_outline
󰯜 video_outline
󰦳 video_plus
󰇓 video_plus_outline
󰤛 video_stabilization
󰕩 video_switch
󰞐 video_switch_outline
󰨜 video_vintage
󰻒 video_wireless
󰻓 video_wireless_outline
󰕪 view_agenda
󱇘 view_agenda_outline
󰕫 view_array
󱒅 view_array_outline
󰕬 view_carousel
󱒆 view_carousel_outline
󰕭 view_column
󱒇 view_column_outline
󰹪 view_comfy
󱒈 view_comfy_outline
󰹫 view_compact
󰹬 view_compact_outline
󰕮 view_dashboard
󱥇 view_dashboard_edit
󱥈 view_dashboard_edit_outline
󰨝 view_dashboard_outline
󰡃 view_dashboard_variant
󱒉 view_dashboard_variant_outline
󰕯 view_day
󱒊 view_day_outline
󱢈 view_gallery
󱢉 view_gallery_outline
󰕰 view_grid
󱇙 view_grid_outline
󰾍 view_grid_plus
󱇚 view_grid_plus_outline
󰕱 view_headline
󰕲 view_list
󱒋 view_list_outline
󰕳 view_module
󱒌 view_module_outline
󰜨 view_parallel
󱒍 view_parallel_outline
󰕴 view_quilt
󱒎 view_quilt_outline
󰜩 view_sequential
󱒏 view_sequential_outline
󰯋 view_split_horizontal
󰯌 view_split_vertical
󰕵 view_stream
󱒐 view_stream_outline
󰕶 view_week
󱒑 view_week_outline
󰕷 vimeo
󰘏 violin
󰢔 virtual_reality
󱎶 virus
󱣡 virus_off
󱣢 virus_off_outline
󱎷 virus_outline
󰕼 vlc
󰕽 voicemail
󱪃 volcano
󱪄 volcano_outline
󰦴 volleyball
󰕾 volume_high
󰕿 volume_low
󰖀 volume_medium
󰝞 volume_minus
󰝟 volume_mute
󰖁 volume_off
󰝝 volume_plus
󱄠 volume_source
󰸈 volume_variant_off
󱄡 volume_vibrate
󰨟 vote
󰨠 vote_outline
󰖂 vpn
󰡄 vuejs
󰹭 vuetify
󰖃 walk
󰟾 wall
󱨑 wall_fire
󰤜 wall_sconce
󰤝 wall_sconce_flat
󱟉 wall_sconce_flat_outline
󰐜 wall_sconce_flat_variant
󱟊 wall_sconce_flat_variant_outline
󱟋 wall_sconce_outline
󰝈 wall_sconce_round
󱟌 wall_sconce_round_outline
󰤞 wall_sconce_round_variant
󱟍 wall_sconce_round_variant_outline
󰖄 wallet
󰖅 wallet_giftcard
󰖆 wallet_membership
󰯝 wallet_outline
󰾎 wallet_plus
󰾏 wallet_plus_outline
󰖇 wallet_travel
󰸉 wallpaper
󰖈 wan
󰾐 wardrobe
󰾑 wardrobe_outline
󰾁 warehouse
󰜪 washing_machine
󱆼 washing_machine_alert
󱆽 washing_machine_off
󰖉 watch
󰖊 watch_export
󰢕 watch_export_variant
󰖋 watch_import
󰢖 watch_import_variant
󰢗 watch_variant
󰚱 watch_vibrate
󰳚 watch_vibrate_off
󰖌 water
󱔂 water_alert
󱔃 water_alert_outline
󰾒 water_boiler
󱆳 water_boiler_alert
󱆴 water_boiler_off
󱔄 water_check
󱔅 water_check_outline
󱠆 water_circle
󱔆 water_minus
󱔇 water_minus_outline
󰖍 water_off
󱔈 water_off_outline
󱡕 water_opacity
󰸊 water_outline
󰖎 water_percent
󱔉 water_percent_alert
󱔊 water_plus
󱔋 water_plus_outline
󱊠 water_polo
󰖏 water_pump
󰾓 water_pump_off
󱔌 water_remove
󱔍 water_remove_outline
󱟆 water_sync
󱪅 water_thermometer
󱪆 water_thermometer_outline
󱁫 water_well
󱁬 water_well_outline
󱡉 waterfall
󱒁 watering_can
󱒂 watering_can_outline
󰘒 watermark
󰼮 wave
󱑽 waveform
󰞍 waves
󱡙 waves_arrow_left
󱡚 waves_arrow_right
󱡛 waves_arrow_up
󰯞 waze
󰖐 weather_cloudy
󰼯 weather_cloudy_alert
󰹮 weather_cloudy_arrow_right
󱣶 weather_cloudy_clock
󰖑 weather_fog
󰖒 weather_hail
󰼰 weather_hazy
󰢘 weather_hurricane
󰖓 weather_lightning
󰙾 weather_lightning_rainy
󰖔 weather_night
󰼱 weather_night_partly_cloudy
󰖕 weather_partly_cloudy
󰼲 weather_partly_lightning
󰼳 weather_partly_rainy
󰼴 weather_partly_snowy
󰼵 weather_partly_snowy_rainy
󰖖 weather_pouring
󰖗 weather_rainy
󰖘 weather_snowy
󰼶 weather_snowy_heavy
󰙿 weather_snowy_rainy
󰖙 weather_sunny
󰼷 weather_sunny_alert
󱓤 weather_sunny_off
󰖚 weather_sunset
󰖛 weather_sunset_down
󰖜 weather_sunset_up
󰼸 weather_tornado
󰖝 weather_windy
󰖞 weather_windy_variant
󰖟 web
󰾔 web_box
󱞐 web_cancel
󰞉 web_check
󱉊 web_clock
󱂠 web_minus
󰪎 web_off
󰀳 web_plus
󱞑 web_refresh
󰕑 web_remove
󱞒 web_sync
󰖠 webcam
󱜷 webcam_off
󰘯 webhook
󰜫 webpack
󱉈 webrtc
󰘑 wechat
󰖡 weight
󰴿 weight_gram
󰖢 weight_kilogram
󱅝 weight_lifter
󰦵 weight_pound
󰖣 whatsapp
󱓲 wheel_barrow
󱪇 wheelchair
󰖤 wheelchair_accessibility
󰦶 whistle
󱊼 whistle_outline
󰖥 white_balance_auto
󰖦 white_balance_incandescent
󰖧 white_balance_iridescent
󰖨 white_balance_sunny
󰜬 widgets
󱍕 widgets_outline
󰖩 wifi
󱚵 wifi_alert
󱚶 wifi_arrow_down
󱚷 wifi_arrow_left
󱚸 wifi_arrow_left_right
󱚹 wifi_arrow_right
󱚺 wifi_arrow_up
󱚻 wifi_arrow_up_down
󱚼 wifi_cancel
󱚽 wifi_check
󱚾 wifi_cog
󱚿 wifi_lock
󱛀 wifi_lock_open
󱛁 wifi_marker
󱛂 wifi_minus
󰖪 wifi_off
󱛃 wifi_plus
󱛄 wifi_refresh
󱛅 wifi_remove
󱛆 wifi_settings
󰸋 wifi_star
󰤟 wifi_strength_1
󰤠 wifi_strength_1_alert
󰤡 wifi_strength_1_lock
󱛋 wifi_strength_1_lock_open
󰤢 wifi_strength_2
󰤣 wifi_strength_2_alert
󰤤 wifi_strength_2_lock
󱛌 wifi_strength_2_lock_open
󰤥 wifi_strength_3
󰤦 wifi_strength_3_alert
󰤧 wifi_strength_3_lock
󱛍 wifi_strength_3_lock_open
󰤨 wifi_strength_4
󰤩 wifi_strength_4_alert
󰤪 wifi_strength_4_lock
󱛎 wifi_strength_4_lock_open
󰤫 wifi_strength_alert_outline
󱛏 wifi_strength_lock_open_outline
󰤬 wifi_strength_lock_outline
󰤭 wifi_strength_off
󰤮 wifi_strength_off_outline
󰤯 wifi_strength_outline
󱛇 wifi_sync
󰖬 wikipedia
󱪈 wind_power
󱪉 wind_power_outline
󰶥 wind_turbine
󱦫 wind_turbine_alert
󱦬 wind_turbine_check
󰖭 window_close
󰖮 window_closed
󱇛 window_closed_variant
󰖯 window_maximize
󰖰 window_minimize
󰖱 window_open
󱇜 window_open_variant
󰖲 window_restore
󱄜 window_shutter
󱄝 window_shutter_alert
󱪊 window_shutter_cog
󱄞 window_shutter_open
󱪋 window_shutter_settings
󱗺 windsock
󰫩 wiper
󰶦 wiper_wash
󱣟 wiper_wash_alert
󱑷 wizard_hat
󰖴 wordpress
󰖶 wrap
󰯟 wrap_disabled
󰖷 wrench
󱦣 wrench_clock
󰯠 wrench_outline
󰡅 xamarin
󰗀 xml
󰟿 xmpp
󰭏 yahoo
󰗁 yeast
󰚀 yin_yang
󱅼 yoga
󰗃 youtube
󰡈 youtube_gaming
󰡇 youtube_studio
󰵀 youtube_subscription
󰑈 youtube_tv
󱔖 yurt
󰫪 z_wave
󰫫 zend
󰵁 zigbee
󰗄 zip_box
󰿺 zip_box_outline
󰨣 zip_disk
󰩽 zodiac_aquarius
󰩾 zodiac_aries
󰩿 zodiac_cancer
󰪀 zodiac_capricorn
󰪁 zodiac_gemini
󰪂 zodiac_leo
󰪃 zodiac_libra
󰪄 zodiac_pisces
󰪅 zodiac_sagittarius
󰪆 zodiac_scorpio
󰪇 zodiac_taurus
󰪈 zodiac_virgo
 accessibility
 accessibility_inset
 alert
 alert_fill
 apps
 archive
 arrow_both
 arrow_down
 arrow_down_left
 arrow_down_right
 arrow_left
 arrow_right
 arrow_switch
 arrow_up
 arrow_up_left
 arrow_up_right
 beaker
 bell
 bell_fill
 bell_slash
 blocked
 bold
 book
 bookmark
 bookmark_fill
 bookmark_slash
 bookmark_slash_fill
 briefcase
 broadcast
 browser
 bug
 cache
 calendar
 check
 check_circle
 check_circle_fill
 checkbox
 checklist
 chevron_down
 chevron_left
 chevron_right
 chevron_up
 circle
 circle_slash
 clock
 clock_fill
 cloud
 cloud_offline
 code
 code_of_conduct
 code_review
 code_square
 codescan
 codescan_checkmark
 codespaces
 columns
 command_palette
 comment
 comment_discussion
 commit
 container
 copilot
 copilot_error
 copilot_warning
 copy
 cpu
 credit_card
 cross_reference
 dash
 database
 dependabot
 desktop_download
 device_camera
 device_camera_video
 device_desktop
 device_mobile
 diamond
 diff
 diff_added
 diff_ignored
 diff_modified
 diff_removed
 diff_renamed
 discussion_closed
 discussion_duplicate
 discussion_outdated
 dot
 dot_fill
 download
 duplicate
 ellipsis
 eye
 eye_closed
 feed_discussion
 feed_forked
 feed_heart
 feed_merged
 feed_person
 feed_repo
 feed_rocket
 feed_star
 feed_tag
 feed_trophy
 file
 file_added
 file_badge
 file_binary
 file_code
 file_diff
 file_directory
 file_directory_fill
 file_directory_open_fill
 file_media
 file_moved
 file_removed
 file_submodule
 file_symlink_directory
 file_symlink_file
 file_zip
 filter
 fiscal_host
 flame
 fold
 fold_down
 fold_up
 gear
 gift
 git_branch
 git_commit
 git_compare
 git_merge
 git_merge_queue
 git_pull_request
 git_pull_request_closed
 git_pull_request_draft
 globe
 goal
 grabber
 graph
 hash
 heading
♥ heart
 heart_fill
 history
 home
 home_fill
 horizontal_rule
 hourglass
 hubot
 id_badge
 image
 inbox
 infinity
 info
 issue_closed
 issue_draft
 issue_opened
 issue_reopened
 issue_tracked_by
 issue_tracks
 italic
 iterations
 kebab_horizontal
 key
 key_asterisk
 law
 light_bulb
 link
 link_external
 list_ordered
 list_unordered
 location
 lock
 log
 logo_gist
 logo_github
 mail
 mark_github
 markdown
 megaphone
 mention
 meter
 milestone
 mirror
 moon
 mortar_board
 move_to_bottom
 move_to_end
 move_to_start
 move_to_top
 multi_select
 mute
 no_entry
 north_star
 note
 number
 organization
 package
 package_dependencies
 package_dependents
 paintbrush
 paper_airplane
 paperclip
 passkey_fill
 paste
 pencil
 people
 person
 person_add
 person_fill
 pin
 play
 plug
 plus
 plus_circle
 project
 project_roadmap
 project_symlink
 project_template
 pulse
 question
 quote
 read
 rel_file_path
 reply
 repo
 repo_clone
 repo_deleted
 repo_forked
 repo_locked
 repo_pull
 repo_push
 repo_template
 report
 rocket
 rows
 rss
 ruby
 screen_full
 screen_normal
 search
 server
 share
 share_android
 shield
 shield_check
 shield_lock
 shield_slash
 shield_x
 sidebar_collapse
 sidebar_expand
 sign_in
 sign_out
 single_select
 skip
 skip_fill
 sliders
 smiley
 sort_asc
 sort_desc
 sparkle_fill
 sponsor_tiers
 square
 square_fill
 squirrel
 stack
 star
 star_fill
 stop
 stopwatch
 strikethrough
 sun
 sync
 tab
 tab_external
 table
 tag
 tasklist
 telescope
 telescope_fill
 terminal
 three_bars
 thumbsdown
 thumbsup
 tools
 trash
 triangle_down
 triangle_left
 triangle_right
 triangle_up
 trophy
 typography
 unfold
 unlink
 unlock
 unmute
 unread
 unverified
 upload
 verified
 versions
 video
 webhook
 workflow
 x
 x_circle
 x_circle_fill
⚡ zap
 zoom_in
 zoom_out
 branch
 current_line
 hostname
 left_hard_divider
 left_soft_divider
 line_number
 readonly
 right_hard_divider
 right_soft_divider
 backslash_separator
 backslash_separator_redundant
 column_number
 current_column
 flame_thick
 flame_thick_mirrored
 flame_thin
 flame_thin_mirrored
 forwardslash_separator
 forwardslash_separator_redundant
 honeycomb
 honeycomb_outline
 ice_waveform
 ice_waveform_mirrored
 left_half_circle_thick
 left_half_circle_thin
 left_hard_divider_inverse
 lego_block_facing
 lego_block_sideways
 lego_separator
 lego_separator_thin
 lower_left_triangle
 lower_right_triangle
 pixelated_squares_big
 pixelated_squares_big_mirrored
 pixelated_squares_small
 pixelated_squares_small_mirrored
 right_half_circle_thick
 right_half_circle_thin
 right_hard_divider_inverse
 trapezoid_top_bottom
 trapezoid_top_bottom_mirrored
 upper_left_triangle
 upper_right_triangle
 away
 clean_code
 external_interruption
 internal_interruption
 long_pause
 pair_programming
 pomodoro_done
 pomodoro_estimated
 pomodoro_squashed
 pomodoro_ticking
 short_pause
 apple
 argdown
 asm
 audio
 babel
 bazel
 bicep
 bower
 bsl
 c
 c_sharp
 cake
 cake_php
 checkbox
 checkbox_unchecked
 cjsx
 clock
 clojure
 code_climate
 code_search
 coffee
 coldfusion
 config
 cpp
 crystal
 crystal_embedded
 css
 csv
 cu
 d
 dart
 db
 default
 deprecation_cop
 docker
 editorconfig
 ejs
 elixir
 elixir_script
 elm
 error
 eslint
 ethereum
 f_sharp
 favicon
 firebase
 firefox
 folder
 font
 git
 git_folder
 git_ignore
 github
 gitlab
 go
 go2
 godot
 gradle
 grails
 graphql
 grunt
 gulp
 hacklang
 haml
 happenings
 haskell
 haxe
 heroku
 hex
 home
 html
 ignored
 illustrator
 image
 info
 ionic
 jade
 java
 javascript
 jenkins
 jinja
 json
 julia
 karma
 kotlin
 less
 license
 liquid
 livescript
 lock
 lua
 makefile
 markdown
 maven
 mdo
 mustache
 new_file
 nim
 notebook
 npm
 npm_ignored
 nunjucks
 ocaml
 odata
 pddl
 pdf
 perl
 photoshop
 php
 pipeline
 plan
 platformio
 play_arrow
 powershell
 prisma
 project
 prolog
 pug
 puppet
 purescript
 python
 r
 rails
 react
 reasonml
 rescript
 rollup
 ruby
 rust
 salesforce
 sass
 sbt
 scala
 search
 settings
 shell
 slim
 smarty
 spring
 stylelint
 stylus
 sublime
 svelte
 svg
 swift
 terraform
 tex
 text
 time_cop
 todo
 tsconfig
 twig
 typescript
 vala
 video
 vue
 wasm
 wat
 webpack
 wgt
 word
 xls
 xml
 yarn
 yml
 zig
 zip
 alien
 aliens
 barometer
 celsius
 cloud
 cloud_down
 cloud_refresh
 cloud_up
 cloudy
 cloudy_gusts
 cloudy_windy
 day_cloudy
 day_cloudy_gusts
 day_cloudy_high
 day_cloudy_windy
 day_fog
 day_hail
 day_haze
 day_light_wind
 day_lightning
 day_rain
 day_rain_mix
 day_rain_wind
 day_showers
 day_sleet
 day_sleet_storm
 day_snow
 day_snow_thunderstorm
 day_snow_wind
 day_sprinkle
 day_storm_showers
 day_sunny
 day_sunny_overcast
 day_thunderstorm
 day_windy
 degrees
 direction_down
 direction_down_left
 direction_down_right
 direction_left
 direction_right
 direction_up
 direction_up_left
 direction_up_right
 dust
 earthquake
 fahrenheit
 fire
 flood
 fog
 gale_warning
 hail
 horizon
 horizon_alt
 hot
 humidity
 hurricane
 hurricane_warning
 lightning
 lunar_eclipse
 meteor
 moon_alt_first_quarter
 moon_alt_full
 moon_alt_new
 moon_alt_third_quarter
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_1
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_2
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_3
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_4
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_5
 moon_alt_waning_crescent_6
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_1
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_2
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_3
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_4
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_5
 moon_alt_waning_gibbous_6
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_1
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_2
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_3
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_4
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_5
 moon_alt_waxing_crescent_6
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_1
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_2
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_3
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_4
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_5
 moon_alt_waxing_gibbous_6
 moon_first_quarter
 moon_full
 moon_new
 moon_third_quarter
 moon_waning_crescent_1
 moon_waning_crescent_2
 moon_waning_crescent_3
 moon_waning_crescent_4
 moon_waning_crescent_5
 moon_waning_crescent_6
 moon_waning_gibbous_1
 moon_waning_gibbous_2
 moon_waning_gibbous_3
 moon_waning_gibbous_4
 moon_waning_gibbous_5
 moon_waning_gibbous_6
 moon_waxing_crescent_1
 moon_waxing_crescent_2
 moon_waxing_crescent_3
 moon_waxing_crescent_4
 moon_waxing_crescent_5
 moon_waxing_crescent_6
 moon_waxing_gibbous_1
 moon_waxing_gibbous_2
 moon_waxing_gibbous_3
 moon_waxing_gibbous_4
 moon_waxing_gibbous_5
 moon_waxing_gibbous_6
 moonrise
 moonset
 na
 night_alt_cloudy
 night_alt_cloudy_gusts
 night_alt_cloudy_high
 night_alt_cloudy_windy
 night_alt_hail
 night_alt_lightning
 night_alt_partly_cloudy
 night_alt_rain
 night_alt_rain_mix
 night_alt_rain_wind
 night_alt_showers
 night_alt_sleet
 night_alt_sleet_storm
 night_alt_snow
 night_alt_snow_thunderstorm
 night_alt_snow_wind
 night_alt_sprinkle
 night_alt_storm_showers
 night_alt_thunderstorm
 night_clear
 night_cloudy
 night_cloudy_gusts
 night_cloudy_high
 night_cloudy_windy
 night_fog
 night_hail
 night_lightning
 night_partly_cloudy
 night_rain
 night_rain_mix
 night_rain_wind
 night_showers
 night_sleet
 night_sleet_storm
 night_snow
 night_snow_thunderstorm
 night_snow_wind
 night_sprinkle
 night_storm_showers
 night_thunderstorm
 rain
 rain_mix
 rain_wind
 raindrop
 raindrops
 refresh
 refresh_alt
 sandstorm
 showers
 sleet
 small_craft_advisory
 smog
 smoke
 snow
 snow_wind
 snowflake_cold
 solar_eclipse
 sprinkle
 stars
 storm_showers
 storm_warning
 strong_wind
 sunrise
 sunset
 thermometer
 thermometer_exterior
 thermometer_internal
 thunderstorm
 time_1
 time_10
 time_11
 time_12
 time_2
 time_3
 time_4
 time_5
 time_6
 time_7
 time_8
 time_9
 tornado
 train
 tsunami
 umbrella
 volcano
 wind_beaufort_0
 wind_beaufort_1
 wind_beaufort_10
 wind_beaufort_11
 wind_beaufort_12
 wind_beaufort_2
 wind_beaufort_3
 wind_beaufort_4
 wind_beaufort_5
 wind_beaufort_6
 wind_beaufort_7
 wind_beaufort_8
 wind_beaufort_9
 wind_direction
 wind_east
 wind_north
 wind_north_east
 wind_north_west
 wind_south
 wind_south_east
 wind_south_west
 wind_west
 windy
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tong commented Apr 19, 2024

Use fzf to select and copy to clipboard:

ic=$(cat ~/.local/share/ | fzf --prompt="") && echo "${ic:0:1}" | wl-copy && echo "Copied ${ic:0:1} to clipboard"

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