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Last active January 9, 2017 06:29
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Generalised catMaybes/mapMaybe
import Control.Lens
import Data.Monoid
newtype Compose f g a =
Compose (f (g a))
instance (Foldable f, Foldable g) => Foldable (Compose f g) where
foldr f z (Compose x) =
foldr (\a b -> foldr f b a) z x
collapse0 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r) =>
Getting (Endo r) s a
-> s
-> r
collapse0 x =
foldrOf x cons (_Empty # ())
collapse1 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r) =>
Getting (Endo r) (Compose f g b) a
-> f (g b)
-> r
collapse1 x =
collapse0 x . Compose
collapse2 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r) =>
Getting (Endo r) (Compose (Compose f g) h b) a
-> f (g (h b))
-> r
collapse2 x =
collapse1 x . Compose
map1 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r, Functor f) =>
Getting (Endo r) (f c) a
-> (b -> c)
-> f b
-> r
map1 x f =
collapse0 x . fmap f
map2 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r, Functor f) =>
Getting (Endo r) (Compose f g c) a
-> (b -> g c)
-> f b
-> r
map2 x f =
collapse1 x . fmap f
map3 ::
(Cons r r a a, AsEmpty r, Functor f) =>
Getting (Endo r) (Compose (Compose f g) h c) a
-> (b -> g (h c))
-> f b
-> r
map3 x f =
collapse2 x . fmap f
mapMaybe ::
(a -> Maybe b)
-> [a]
-> [b]
mapMaybe =
map2 folded
catMaybes ::
[Maybe a]
-> [a]
catMaybes =
collapse1 folded
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