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Created June 17, 2014 05:57
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import qualified Prelude as P
data Free f a =
Done a
| More (f (Free f a))
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Done a) =
Done (f a)
fmap f (More k) =
More (fmap (fmap f) k)
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return =
Done a >>= f =
f a
More k >>= f =
More (fmap (>>= f) k)
-- pass in all arguments to ctor, then function Ret -> a
data Grammar a =
PrintO String a
| PrintE String a
| ReadChar (Char -> a)
| ReadFile String (String -> a)
instance Functor Grammar where
fmap f (PrintO s a) =
PrintO s (f a)
fmap f (PrintE s a) =
PrintE s (f a)
fmap f (ReadChar k) =
ReadChar (f . k)
fmap f (ReadFile s k) =
ReadFile s (f . k)
type Yay a =
Free Grammar a
printO ::
-> Yay ()
printO s =
More (fmap Done (PrintO s ()))
printE ::
-> Yay ()
printE s =
More (fmap Done (PrintE s ()))
readChar ::
Yay Char
readChar =
More (fmap Done (ReadChar id))
readFile ::
-> Yay String
readFile s =
More (fmap Done (ReadFile s id))
program ::
Yay ()
program =
do printO "hi"
c <- readChar
printE [c]
f <- readFile "/etc/group"
printO f
hom ::
Yay a
-> IO a
hom (Done a) =
return a
hom (More (PrintO s a)) =
do putStrLn s
hom a
hom (More (PrintE s a)) =
do putStrLn s
hom a
hom (More (ReadChar k)) =
do c <- getChar
hom (k c)
hom (More (ReadFile s k)) =
do f <- P.readFile s
hom (k f)
data Free' f a =
Free' (forall x. (a -> x) -> (f (Free' f a) -> x) -> x)
thisWay ::
Functor f =>
Free f a
-> Free' f a
thisWay (Done a) =
Free' (\d _ -> d a)
thisWay (More k) =
Free' (\_ m -> m (fmap thisWay k))
thatWay ::
Functor f =>
Free' f a
-> Free f a
thatWay (Free' q) =
q Done (More . fmap thatWay)
data FreeT t f a =
FreeT (forall x. (a -> t x) -> (f (Free' f a) -> t x) -> t x)
data Id a = Id a
instance Functor Id where
fmap f (Id a) =
Id (f a)
type Free'' f a = FreeT Id f a
instance (Functor t, Functor f) => Functor (FreeT t f) where
fmap f (FreeT q) =
FreeT undefined
instance (Monad t, Functor f) => Monad (FreeT t f) where
return =
(>>=) =
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