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Created February 21, 2015 05:54
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object ApplyUnapply {
import language.higherKinds // I laugh every time
In order to define Prism, we must define:
* Choice
In order to define Choice, we must define Profunctor
* Applicative
In order to define Applicative, we must define Functor
// Let's define Profunctor
trait Profunctor[~>[_, _]] {
def dimap[A, B, C, D](f: C => A, g: B => D): (A ~> B) => C ~> D
// so now we can define Choice
trait Choice[~>[_, _]] extends Profunctor[~>] {
def left[A, B, C](f: A ~> B): (A Either C) ~> (B Either C)
def right[A, B, C](f: A ~> B): (C Either A) ~> (C Either B)
// Functor as we know it
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def fmap[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
// And so Applicative, as we know it
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Functor[F] {
def pure[A]: A => F[A]
def ap[A, B](f: F[A => B]): F[A] => F[B]
// Finally, we can define Prism
trait Prism[S, T, A, B] {
def prism[~>[_, _]: Choice, F[_]: Applicative]
(f: A ~> F[B]): (S ~> F[T])
// And now we can start answering the question. Restated for clarity (fixed typos):
// ----
Is there a standard typeclass name for a typeclass that exposes apply/unapply methods for the type?
trait ApplyUnapply[T, A] {
def apply(a: A): T
def unapply(t: T): Option[A]
This obviously has variants for different arities, so:
trait ApplyUnapply2[T, A, B] {
def apply(a: A, b: B): T
def unapply(t: T): Option[(A, B)]
And so on. There's also an obvious pair of laws:
unapply(apply(a)) == Option(a) // unapply gets the value out again
unapply(t).map(apply(_) == t).getOrElse(true) // apply puts the value in again
// ----
// To the answer.
// First, let's define a construction function for prisms. This function is
// similar, but not the same, as apply/unapply.
def prism[S, T, A, B]
a: B => T // "apply"
, u: S => (T Either A) // "unapply"
): Prism[S, T, A, B] =
new Prism[S, T, A, B] {
def prism[~>[_, _]: Choice, F[_]: Applicative]
(f: A ~> F[B]): (S ~> F[T]) = {
val C = implicitly[Choice[~>]]
val F = implicitly[Applicative[F]]
// the important part
, (_: T Either F[B]).fold(F.pure, F.fmap(a))
// Second, let us define a type-alias that specialises Prism. This type-alias
// removes the "polymorphic update" aspect of Prism. That's because the original
// question does not have a need for it (at least, not the way it was phrased).
// That is to say, if we turn (T) into (A), we are also turning (A) into (T) on
// the way back. We are not turning (A) into (B) and then (S) into (T).
// The `Prismy` type-alias specialises Prism by removing the polymorphism during
// transformation of values. We have only (T) and (A) values.
type Prismy[T, A] =
Prism[T, T, A, A]
// As a consequence of our `Prismy` type-alias, we can further specialise our
// construction function, by turning the polymorphic `Either` result to
// `Option`.
def prismy[T, A](
a: A => T // "apply"
, u: T => Option[A] // "unapply"
): Prismy[T, A] = // a note on this return type below
, x => u(x).fold(
Left(x): T Either A)( // pardon me Scala, but did you say "type inference"?
// We have declared the return type of `prismy` to be `Prismy[T, A]`, which is
// the same as `Prism[T, T, A, A]`. However, this is over-specialised, since
// none of the operations demand that the loop back from the "unapply" to
// "apply" are the same type. That is to say, the (A) to (A) part is
// over-specialised and so the return type could well have been
// `Prism[T, T, A, B]`.
// However, to get more to the point of the question, we can now start to see a
// similarity. The `prismy` function captures the idea of `ApplyUnapply` in the
// original question statement.
// There is a catch though. These construction functions are unrecoverable from
// the prism. That is to say, given `ApplyUnapply`, we can obtain the `apply`
// and `unapply` functions. This is not true for a `Prism`.
// However, in practice, these are rarely necessary. Instead, the derivable
// operations of a prism are an intersecting set where:
// a) the few operations on `ApplyUnapply`, but not `Prism`, are almost never
// necessary
// b) the much larger set of operations on `Prism` but not `ApplyUnapply` are
// usually contributory to the solution.
// We sacrifice very little (in practice, nothing) for a large benefit.
// Defining the remainder of the `Prism` library is left as an exercise.
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