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Created December 30, 2012 18:27
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Beyond Category
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, TypeOperators #-}
import Prelude(undefined, Either(..), either, Functor(..))
data Store a b =
Store (a -> b) a
instance Functor (Store a) where
fmap f (Store p g) =
Store (f . p) g
data a :@ b =
Lens (a -> Store b a)
class Semigroupoid (~>) where
(.) ::
b ~> c
-> a ~> b
-> a ~> c
class Semigroupoid (~>) => Category (~>) where
id ::
a ~> a
instance Semigroupoid (->) where
f . g =
\x -> f (g x)
instance Category (->) where
id a =
instance Semigroupoid (:@) where
Lens x . Lens y =
Lens (\i -> let Store p q = y i
Store r s = x q
in Store (p . r) s)
-- what constraints belong here?
class Tensor (~>) where
(***) ::
a ~> b
-> c ~> d
-> (a, c) ~> (b, d)
-- what constraints belong here?
class Disjoint (~>) where
(|||) ::
a ~> b
-> c ~> d
-> Either a c ~> Either b d
-- what constraints belong here?
class Choice (~>) where
(.|.) ::
a ~> x
-> b ~> x
-> Either a b ~> x
-- what constraints belong here?
class Combine (~>) where
(.*.) ::
a ~> x
-> b ~> x
-> (a, b) ~> x
-- what constraints belong here?
class Cochoice (~>) where
(|.|) ::
a ~> x
-> b ~> x
-> x ~> Either a b
-- what constraints belong here?
class Cocombine (~>) where
(*.*) ::
a ~> x
-> b ~> x
-> x ~> (a, b)
instance Tensor Store where
Store a b *** Store c d =
Store (\(a', c') -> (a a', c c')) (b, d)
instance Tensor (:@) where
Lens x *** Lens y =
Lens (\(i, j) -> x i *** y j)
instance Choice (:@) where
Lens x .|. Lens y =
Lens (either (fmap Left . x) (fmap Right . y))
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