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Created February 18, 2013 04:14
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import scalaz._, Scalaz._, NonEmptyList._
sealed trait Interval[+A] {
val min: A
val max: A
def map[B: Order](f: A => B): Interval[B] =
Interval(f(min), f(max))
def merge[AA >: A](i: Interval[AA])(implicit E: Enum[AA]): Option[Interval[AA]] =
if(((min lte i.max) && ((max: AA).succ gte i.min)) || ((i.min lte max) && (i.max gte min)))
Some(Interval(min min i.min, max max i.max))
def isPoint[AA >: A](implicit E: Equal[AA]): Boolean =
(min: AA) === max
def pair: (A, A) =
(min, max)
def zipWith[AA >:A, B, C](i: Interval[B])(f: A => B => C)(implicit O: Order[C]): Interval[C] =
Interval(f(min)(i.min), f(max)(i.max))
def zip[AA >:A, B](i: Interval[B]): Interval[(AA, B)] =
Interval.interval((min, i.min), (max, i.max))
def ***[AA >:A, B](i: Interval[B]): Interval[(AA, B)] =
def either[B](i: Interval[B]): Interval[A \/ B] =
Interval.interval(min.left, i.max.right)
def list: List[A] =
List(min, max)
def list1: NonEmptyList[A] =
nel(min, List(max))
def ===[AA >: A](i: Interval[AA])(implicit E: Equal[AA]): Boolean =
pair === i.pair
def compare[AA >: A](i: Interval[AA])(implicit O: Order[AA]): Ordering =
pair ?|? i.pair
def show[AA >: A](implicit E: Equal[AA], S: Show[AA]): Cord =
'[' -: ((min: AA).show ++ (if(isPoint[AA]) Cord.empty else '|' -: (max: AA).show)) :- ']'
def |+|[AA >: A](i: Interval[AA])(implicit O: Order[AA], S: Semigroup[AA]): Interval[AA] =
zipWith(i)(a => (a: AA) |+| _)
object Interval {
def apply[A](i: A, x: A)(implicit O: Order[A]): Interval[A] = {
if(i lte x)
interval(i, x)
interval(x, i)
// i >= x must hold
private[epistest] def interval[A](i: A, x: A): Interval[A] =
new Interval[A] {
val min = i
val max = x
def point[A](a: A): Interval[A] =
new Interval[A] {
val min = a
val max = a
def unzip[A, B](i: Interval[(A, B)]): (Interval[A], Interval[B]) =
(interval(i.min._1, i.max._1), interval(i.min._2, i.max._2))
def counzip[A, B](i: Interval[A] \/ Interval[B]): Interval[A \/ B] =
i match {
case -\/(a) =>
new Interval[A \/ B] {
val min = a.min.left
val max = a.max.left
case \/-(b) =>
new Interval[A \/ B] {
val min = b.min.right
val max = b.max.right
implicit def IntervalEqual[A](implicit E: Equal[A]): Equal[Interval[A]] =
Equal.equal(_ === _)
implicit def IntervalOrder[A](implicit O: Order[A]): Order[Interval[A]] =
Order.order(_ compare _)
implicit def IntervalShow[A](implicit E: Equal[A], S: Show[A]): Show[Interval[A]] =
implicit val IntervalZip: Zip[Interval] =
new Zip[Interval] {
def zip[A, B](a: => Interval[A], b: => Interval[B]) =
a zip b
object Range {
val unit: Interval[Unit] =
val boolean: Interval[Boolean] =
interval(false, true)
val byte: Interval[Byte] =
interval(Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue)
val char: Interval[Char] =
interval(Char.MinValue, Char.MaxValue)
val double: Interval[Double] =
interval(Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue)
val float: Interval[Float] =
interval(Float.MinValue, Float.MaxValue)
val int: Interval[Int] =
interval(Int.MinValue, Int.MaxValue)
val long: Interval[Long] =
interval(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)
val short: Interval[Short] =
interval(Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue)
val digit: Interval[Digit] =
interval(Digit._0, Digit._9)
val ordering: Interval[Ordering] =
interval(Ordering.LT, Ordering.GT)
def list[A](i: Interval[A], size: Int): Interval[List[A]] =
interval(Nil, List.fill(size)(i.max))
def vector[A](i: Interval[A], size: Int): Interval[Vector[A]] =
interval(Vector(), Vector.fill(size)(i.max))
def stream[A](i: Interval[A], size: Int): Interval[EphemeralStream[A]] =
interval(EphemeralStream(), EphemeralStream.unfold(size, (z: Int) => if(z <= 0) None else Some((i.max, z - 1))))
def string(size: Int): Interval[String] =
list(char, size) map (_.mkString)
def pair[A, B](i: Interval[A], j: Interval[B]): Interval[(A, B)] =
i zip j
def triple[A, B, C](i: Interval[A], j: Interval[B], k: Interval[C]): Interval[(A, B, C)] =
interval((i.min, j.min, k.min), (i.max, j.max, k.max))
def either[A, B](i: Interval[A], j: Interval[B]): Interval[A \/ B] =
i either j
def numeric: Interval[Char] =
interval('0', '9')
def lower: Interval[Char] =
interval('a', 'z')
def upper: Interval[Char] =
interval('A', 'A')
def numericstring(size: Int): Interval[String] =
list(numeric, size) map (_.mkString)
def lowerstring(size: Int): Interval[String] =
list(lower, size) map (_.mkString)
def upperstring(size: Int): Interval[String] =
list(upper, size) map (_.mkString)
def positivedouble: Interval[Double] =
interval(0, Double.MaxValue)
def negativedouble: Interval[Double] =
interval(Double.MinValue, -1)
def positivefloat: Interval[Float] =
interval(0, Float.MaxValue)
def negativefloat: Interval[Float] =
interval(Float.MinValue, -1)
def positivelong: Interval[Long] =
interval(0, Long.MaxValue)
def negativelong: Interval[Long] =
interval(Long.MinValue, -1)
def positiveint: Interval[Int] =
interval(0, Int.MaxValue)
def negativeint: Interval[Int] =
interval(Int.MinValue, -1)
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