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Last active December 14, 2015 16:29
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  • Save tonymorris/5115683 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tonymorris/5115683 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Demonstration of pure-functional random generation using the free monad. Person is a recursive product type. The program prints a random value of the type Person.
package com.nicta
package rng
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect._
// A data type representing a person.
// We are going to produce random instances.
// Note that this data type is recursive.
// The `children` field holds 0 or many Person instances.
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, surname: Option[String], children: List[Person])
object Person {
// Implement a `Show` instance for `Person` so that we can display the result.
implicit val ShowPerson: Show[Person] = =>
("Person(": Cord) ++ ++ "," ++ ++ "," ++
(p.surname | "<no-surname>") ++ "," ++ ++ ")"
// Use the `SafeApp` trait from scalaz to maintain purity.
// This use-case will override the `runc` method
// which returns a value of the type `IO[Unit]`.
object RunPerson extends SafeApp {
import Rng._
// The random generator for person
// is constructed from generators for its parts.
val randomPerson: Rng[Person] =
for {
// The `name` field is generated as a proper noun.
// The size of the name is limited to a maximum of 10.
n <- propernounstring(Size(10))
// The `age` field is generated as an integer between 0 and 120.
a <- chooseint(0, 120)
// The optional surname field is generated as an alpha string
// with a size limited to a maximum of 15.
s <- alphastring(15).option
// The `children` field is generated as a recursive call.
// The `list` random generator is used
// and size is limited to a maximum of 2.
c <- randomPerson.list(2)
} yield Person(n, a, s, c)
override def runc = {
// Run the person generator.
// Produces an `IO` of `Person`.
val p =
// Return the action that prints result of the person generator.
p map (_.println)
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They are internal for now, sorry.

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