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Created May 22, 2014 09:04
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Terminal I/O with Free
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
data Free f a =
Done a
| More (f (Free f a))
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap f (Done a) =
Done (f a)
fmap f (More k) =
More ((fmap.fmap) f k)
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return =
Done a >>= f =
f a
More k >>= f =
More (fmap (>>= f) k)
data TerminalOp a =
ReadLine (String -> a)
| PutCharacter Char a
| PutLine String a
instance Functor TerminalOp where
fmap f (ReadLine k) =
ReadLine (f . k)
fmap f (PutCharacter c a) =
PutCharacter c (f a)
fmap f (PutLine s a) =
PutLine s (f a)
newtype Terminal a =
Terminal {
runTerminal ::
Free TerminalOp a
instance Functor Terminal where
fmap f (Terminal t) =
Terminal (fmap f t)
instance Monad Terminal where
return =
Terminal . return
Terminal t >>= f =
Terminal (t >>= runTerminal . f)
readLine ::
Terminal String
readLine =
Terminal (More (fmap Done (ReadLine id)))
putCharacter ::
-> Terminal ()
putCharacter c =
Terminal (More (fmap Done (PutCharacter c ())))
putLine ::
-> Terminal ()
putLine s =
Terminal (More (fmap Done (PutLine s ())))
example ::
Terminal ()
example =
do s <- readLine
putLine s
t <- readLine
case t of
[] -> putLine "<empty>"
(h:_) -> putCharacter h
u <- readLine
putLine (reverse u)
-- The following code is only necessary because: Haskell.
-- It is otherwise completely unnecessary.
-- We have a program without it.
data Hom f g =
Hom {
runHom ::
forall a. f a -> g a
type Interpreter =
Hom Terminal IO
interpret ::
interpret =
Hom (let run (More (ReadLine k)) =
readLn >>= run . k
run (More (PutCharacter c a)) =
putChar c >> run a
run (More (PutLine s a)) =
putStrLn s >> run a
run (Done a) =
return a
in run . runTerminal)
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