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Last active July 15, 2019 05:56
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Control.Monad(join)
import Data.List(foldl', permutations, sort)
import System.Environment(getArgs)
factorial ::
-> Integer
factorial n =
foldl' (*) 1 [1..n]
catalan ::
-> Integer
catalan n =
factorial (2 * n) `div` (join (*) (factorial n) * (n + 1))
isos ::
-> Integer
isos n =
factorial n * catalan (n - 1)
listof ::
[(String, String, String, String)]
listof =
map (\n -> ("n: " ++ show n, "n!: " ++ show (factorial n), "C(n): " ++ show (catalan n), "n! * C(n): " ++ show (isos n)))
main ::
IO ()
main =
do args <- getArgs
case args of
[] ->
putStrLn "enter an argument"
h:_ ->
case reads h of
(n, _):_ ->
mapM_ (\(a, b, c, d) -> putStrLn (a ++ " " ++ b ++ " " ++ c ++ " " ++ d)) (take n listof)
_ ->
putStrLn "the argument is not an Int"
data Tree a =
Leaf a
| Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Leaf a) =
Leaf (f a)
fmap f (Node x y) =
Node (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
instance Applicative Tree where
pure =
Leaf f <*> x =
fmap f x
Node x y <*> r =
Node (x <*> r) (y <*> r)
instance Monad Tree where
return =
Leaf a >>= f =
f a
Node x y >>= f =
Node (x >>= f) (y >>= f)
> let r = func [1,2,3] in mapM_ (putStrLn . printTree) r
{1 {2 3}}
{{1 2} 3}
{2 {1 3}}
{{2 1} 3}
{3 {2 1}}
{{3 2} 1}
{2 {3 1}}
{{2 3} 1}
{3 {1 2}}
{{3 1} 2}
{1 {3 2}}
{{1 3} 2}
printTree ::
Show a =>
Tree a
-> String
printTree (Leaf a) =
show a
printTree (Node x y) =
, printTree x
, " "
, printTree y
, "}"
leafpair ::
-> a
-> Tree a
leafpair a b =
Node (Leaf a) (Leaf b)
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.List(length)
-- | Given a list of values, generate all unique full binary trees (data in leaves).
-- prop> \x -> not (null x) ==> let r = {- big lists take a while -} take 5 x in toInteger (length (func r)) == isos (toInteger (length r))
func ::
-> [Tree a]
func r =
permutations r >>= tree
tree ::
-> [Tree a]
tree [a] =
[Leaf a]
tree x =
let -- this is gross
parts q = zipWith (\n -> (const . splitAt n) q) [0..] q
in parts x >>= (\(q, r) -> Node <$> tree q <*> tree r)
-- |
-- prop> functest1
functest1 ::
Ord a =>
-> Bool
functest1 a =
let expect =
[Leaf a]
actual =
func [a]
in expect .==. actual
-- |
-- prop> functest2
functest2 ::
Ord a =>
-> a
-> Bool
functest2 a b =
let expect =
leafpair a b
, leafpair b a
actual =
func [a, b]
in expect .==. actual
-- |
-- prop> functest3
functest3 ::
Ord a =>
-> a
-> a
-> Bool
functest3 a b c =
let expect =
Node (leafpair a b) (Leaf c)
, Node (leafpair a c) (Leaf b)
, Node (leafpair b c) (Leaf a)
, Node (leafpair b a) (Leaf c)
, Node (leafpair c a) (Leaf b)
, Node (leafpair c b) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf a) (leafpair b c)
, Node (Leaf a) (leafpair c b)
, Node (Leaf b) (leafpair c a)
, Node (Leaf b) (leafpair a c)
, Node (Leaf c) (leafpair a b)
, Node (Leaf c) (leafpair b a)
actual =
func [a, b, c]
in expect .==. actual
-- |
-- prop> functest4
functest4 ::
Ord a =>
-> a
-> a
-> a
-> Bool
functest4 a b c d =
let expect =
Node (Node (leafpair a b) (Leaf c)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair c d))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair b c)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair b c) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair a b) (leafpair c d)
, Node (Node (leafpair b a) (Leaf c)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair c d))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair a c)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair a c) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair b a) (leafpair c d)
, Node (Node (leafpair c b) (Leaf a)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair a d))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair b a)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair b a) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair c b) (leafpair a d)
, Node (Node (leafpair b c) (Leaf a)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair a d))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair c a)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair c a) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair b c) (leafpair a d)
, Node (Node (leafpair c a) (Leaf b)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair b d))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair a b)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair a b) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair c a) (leafpair b d)
, Node (Node (leafpair a c) (Leaf b)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair b d))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair c b)) (Leaf d)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair c b) (Leaf d))
, Node (leafpair a c) (leafpair b d)
, Node (Node (leafpair d c) (Leaf b)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair b a))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair c b)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair c b) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair d c) (leafpair b a)
, Node (Node (leafpair c d) (Leaf b)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair b a))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair d b)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair d b) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair c d) (leafpair b a)
, Node (Node (leafpair c b) (Leaf d)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair d a))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair b d)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair b d) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair c b) (leafpair d a)
, Node (Node (leafpair d b) (Leaf c)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair c a))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair b c)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair b c) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair d b) (leafpair c a)
, Node (Node (leafpair b d) (Leaf c)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair c a))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair d c)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair d c) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair b d) (leafpair c a)
, Node (Node (leafpair b c) (Leaf d)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair d a))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair c d)) (Leaf a)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair c d) (Leaf a))
, Node (leafpair b c) (leafpair d a)
, Node (Node (leafpair d a) (Leaf b)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair b c))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair a b)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair a b) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair d a) (leafpair b c)
, Node (Node (leafpair a d) (Leaf b)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair b c))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair d b)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair d b) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair a d) (leafpair b c)
, Node (Node (leafpair a b) (Leaf d)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair d c))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair b d)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair b d) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair a b) (leafpair d c)
, Node (Node (leafpair d b) (Leaf a)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair a c))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair b a)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair b a) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair d b) (leafpair a c)
, Node (Node (leafpair b d) (Leaf a)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair a c))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair d a)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair d a) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair b d) (leafpair a c)
, Node (Node (leafpair b a) (Leaf d)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair d c))
, Node (Node (Leaf b) (leafpair a d)) (Leaf c)
, Node (Leaf b) (Node (leafpair a d) (Leaf c))
, Node (leafpair b a) (leafpair d c)
, Node (Node (leafpair d a) (Leaf c)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair c b))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair a c)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair a c) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair d a) (leafpair c b)
, Node (Node (leafpair a d) (Leaf c)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair c b))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair d c)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair d c) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair a d) (leafpair c b)
, Node (Node (leafpair a c) (Leaf d)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair d b))
, Node (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair c d)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf a) (Node (leafpair c d) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair a c) (leafpair d b)
, Node (Node (leafpair d c) (Leaf a)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair a b))
, Node (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair c a)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf d) (Node (leafpair c a) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair d c) (leafpair a b)
, Node (Node (leafpair c d) (Leaf a)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf d) (leafpair a b))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair d a)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair d a) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair c d) (leafpair a b)
, Node (Node (leafpair c a) (Leaf d)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (Leaf a) (leafpair d b))
, Node (Node (Leaf c) (leafpair a d)) (Leaf b)
, Node (Leaf c) (Node (leafpair a d) (Leaf b))
, Node (leafpair c a) (leafpair d b)
actual =
func [a, b, c, d]
in expect .==. actual
(.==.) ::
Ord a =>
-> [a]
-> Bool
x .==. y =
sort x == sort y
---- addendum
-- | This implementation is gross. Make it better?
-- >>> parts' []
-- []
-- parts' [1]
-- [([],[1])]
-- parts' [1,2]
-- [([],[1,2]),([1],[2])]
-- >>> parts' [1,2,3]
-- [([],[1,2,3]),([1],[2,3]),([1,2],[3])]
-- >>> parts' [1,2,3,4]
-- [([],[1,2,3,4]),([1],[2,3,4]),([1,2],[3,4]),([1,2,3],[4])]
-- >>> parts' [1,2,3,4,5]
-- [([],[1,2,3,4,5]),([1],[2,3,4,5]),([1,2],[3,4,5]),([1,2,3],[4,5]),([1,2,3,4],[5])]
parts' ::
-> [([a], [a])]
parts' q =
zipWith (\n -> (const . splitAt n) q) [0..] q
mkNode4 =
let r = permutations "abcd"
s (a, b, c, d) =
"Node (Node (leafpair " ++ a ++ " " ++ b ++ ") (Leaf " ++ c ++ ")) (Leaf " ++ d ++ ")"
, "Node (Leaf " ++ a ++ ") (Node (Leaf " ++ b ++ ") (leafpair " ++ c ++ " " ++ d ++ "))"
, "Node (Node (Leaf " ++ a ++ ") (leafpair " ++ b ++ " " ++ c ++ ")) (Leaf " ++ d ++ ")"
, "Node (Leaf " ++ a ++ ") (Node (leafpair " ++ b ++ " " ++ c ++ ") (Leaf " ++ d ++ "))"
, "Node (leafpair " ++ a ++ " " ++ b ++ ") (leafpair " ++ c ++ " " ++ d ++ ")"
in intercalate "\n, " (r >>= \[a, b, c, d] -> s ([a], [b], [c], [d]))
data ListDerivative a =
ListDerivative [a] [a]
deriving (Eq, Show)
toListDerivative ::
-> ListDerivative a
toListDerivative =
ListDerivative []
moveRight ::
ListDerivative a
-> Maybe (ListDerivative a)
moveRight (ListDerivative _ []) =
moveRight (ListDerivative x (h:t)) =
Just (ListDerivative (h:x) t)
moveLeft ::
ListDerivative a
-> Maybe (ListDerivative a)
moveLeft (ListDerivative [] _) =
moveLeft (ListDerivative (h:t) x) =
Just (ListDerivative t (h:x))
instance Functor ListDerivative where
fmap f (ListDerivative x y) =
ListDerivative (fmap f x) (fmap f y)
instance Foldable ListDerivative where
foldMap f (ListDerivative x y) =
foldMap f (reverse x ++ y)
duplicateListDerivative ::
ListDerivative a
-> ListDerivative (ListDerivative a)
duplicateListDerivative =
extendListDerivative id
extendListDerivative ::
(ListDerivative a -> b)
-> ListDerivative a
-> ListDerivative b
extendListDerivative k r@(ListDerivative x y) =
let dups q =
unfoldr (fmap (k >>= (,)) . q) r
in ListDerivative
(dups moveLeft)
(dups moveRight)
pairListDerivative ::
ListDerivative a
-> ([a], [a])
pairListDerivative =
foldListDerivative (,)
modifyLeftListDerivative ::
([a] -> [a])
-> ListDerivative a
-> ListDerivative a
modifyLeftListDerivative k (ListDerivative x y) =
ListDerivative (k x) y
modifyRightListDerivative ::
([a] -> [a])
-> ListDerivative a
-> ListDerivative a
modifyRightListDerivative k (ListDerivative x y) =
ListDerivative x (k y)
foldListDerivative ::
([a] -> [a] -> b)
-> ListDerivative a
-> b
foldListDerivative k (ListDerivative x y) =
k x y
swapListDerivative ::
ListDerivative a
-> ListDerivative a
swapListDerivative (ListDerivative x y) =
ListDerivative y x
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