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Last active February 6, 2017 05:39
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Save toolforger/b87b3019babdcc073dd4ad4d176fc195 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Steps to reproduce MasterDuke's AIOOBE from scratch
# Setup installation directory
mkdir install
# Create an environment setup shell file for sourcing
# Make it so that it can be repeated with no ill effects
cat > <<EOF
if [ ".\$perl6_prefix" = "." ]; then
export perl6_prefix=`pwd`/install
export PATH=\$perl6_prefix/bin:\$PATH
# ... and source it for the rest of this script
# Try to be somewhat offline-ready: Download first, then build.
# Download all relevant repositories
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone
git clone
# Alternate: Update existing repositories
# We rebase the line number branch to freshly checked-out master
# just 12 hours between nqp and rakudo were enough to make rakudo complain about outdated nqp...
cd MoarVM
git pull --recurse-submodules
cd ../nqp
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
git pull
cd ../rakudo
git pull
cd ..
# Build and install MoarVM
cd MoarVM
# The following still wants to be online for the submodules,
# even though we have a current copy.
# I'd like to avoid this but don't yet know how.
perl --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install NQP
cd nqp
# get the branch that shows the problem
git checkout source_file_line_numbers_on_jvm
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
cd ..
# Build and install Rakudo
cd rakudo
perl --backends=moar,jvm --prefix=$perl6_prefix --make-install
# FAILS with a complaint that nqp-j is too old. Dangit.
# ===SORRY!===
# nqp-j is too old
# The nqp-m binary is too old
# To automatically clone (git) and build a copy of NQP 2017.01-64-gf21c8f1,
# try re-running with the '--gen-moar' option.
# Or, use '--prefix=' to explicitly specify the path where the NQP and MoarVM
# executables can be found that are use to build Rakudo.
cd ..
# "from scratch" is done, onwards to "reproduce"!
perl6-j --ll-exception -e 'say 1/0'
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No, we're using 4.1 of asm.

Did you re-run rakudo's after checking out at the right version?

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toolforger commented Feb 5, 2017

git clone
cd rakudo
perl --backends=jvm,moar --gen-nqp --gen-moar
# Installs to rakudo/install, which is fine.
./perl6-j --ll-exception -e 'say 1/0'
# Fails with Attempt to divide 1 by zero using div, which is fine.
cat perl6-j

Mmmm... more fragilities.
It uses -noverify. I.e. if the generated bytecode is invalid, you will get crashes instead of a nice error message.
$CLASSPATH near the start of the -cp - mmm, did you install asm as a package, maybe? If your distro puts installed jars into CLASSPATH, this will override the asm lib used by rakudo.

Now that I have a working standard rakudo, what did you exactly do to get the exception?
Which jars did you unpack, did you vary the command line you used to run Perl6?

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toolforger commented Feb 5, 2017

I didn't check out your nqp yet. First thing I wanted to try is whether I can reproduce the problem without line numbers, if only to see how things should look like normally.
One thing I noted is that leaving out -noverify does not cause any errors. So if you want to build confidence in your asm usage, remove that option and the JVM will tell you whether any class file is invalid right when it tries to load it.

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Not sure whether I re-ran I usually use, but sometimes (rarely) I just use make.

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