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Last active May 12, 2016 02:43
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Diagonal III
height: 600

Someone just wanted to animate boxes in diagonally. The key is mapping ℕ✕ℕ → ℕ by the Cantor pairing function!

This does not depend on data initially being sorted, or in any particular shape or arrangement; it could be square, rectangular, sparse, etc.

See also:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
margin: 0;
position: relative;
font-family: sans-serif;
div {
background: black;
border: 1px solid white;
position: absolute;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
font-size: 16px;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
padding-top: 10px;
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
var dimensions = [960,600];
var gridSize = 40;
var delay = 40;
var duration = 400;
var color = d3.scaleRainbow().domain([0,15]);'body')
.style('left', function(d) { return d.column * gridSize + 'px'; })
.style('top', function(d) { return d.row * gridSize + 'px'; })
.style('opacity', 0)
.text(function(d) { return cantorPairingFunction(d.column, d.row); })
.style('background-color', function(d,i) { return color(i); })
.delay(function(d,i) { return i * delay; })
.style('opacity', 1);
// i.e., from 2D coord to serialized 1D coord
function cantorPairingFunction(x,y) {
return (1/2) * (x + y) * (x + y + 1) + y;
function comparatorCantor(a,b) {
return cantorPairingFunction(a.column, a.row) - cantorPairingFunction(b.column, b.row);
function makeData() {
return d3.range((dimensions[0]/gridSize)*(dimensions[1]/gridSize)).map(function(d) {
return {
row: Math.floor(d / (dimensions[0]/gridSize)),
column: d % (dimensions[0]/gridSize)
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