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Last active February 10, 2025 18:09
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OpenSUSE MicroOS Howto with AMDGPU / ROCm - To run CUDA AI Apps like Ollama

Howto run Ollama "local AI" with ROCm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed / MicroOS / AEON Desktop with AMDGPU / ROCm

ITs just totally easy to install amdgpu-dkms kernel driver with ROCm/AMDGPU on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed or better MicroOS/AEON, if you know what to do...

  • Install Longtime Kernel Support + Devel Packages
sudo transactional-update --continue pkg install kernel-longterm kernel-longterm-devel
  • Reboot the System to get the new kernel active!
sudo systemctl reboot
  • Remove the Default Kernel
sudo transactional-update --continue pkg remove kernel-default
  • Add Repository "AMD RADEON for SLE-15.6" (is possible to be used for Tumbleweed)
sudo transactional-update --continue shell
sudo zypper addrepo amdgpu-latest
sudo zypper ref

Please note - dont forget to accept the AMD Repo GPG Key! transactional-update shell is required, because the gpg key refresh is only finally working over that environment!

IMPORTANT: Please verify / check if DKMS is running already before you building/install amdgpu-dkms module

 sudo systemctl status dkms

If not enabled / running - you have to enable the dkms service, then also the amdgpu-dkms build will be "included in the next snapshot latter"!

sudo systemctl enable --now dkms

Please be aware, that this will enable dkms kernel module builds on your system!

  • Installation of AMDGPU-DKMS
sudo transactional-update --continue pkg install amdgpu-dkms amdgpu-dkms-firmware

REBOOT required

Important: To get the rootless Ollama Container working - you have to add the following udev-rules, if not already done:

transactional-update --continue shell


KERNEL=="kfd", GROUP=="video", MODE="0660"


SUBSYSTEM=="kfd", KERNEL=="kfd", TAG+="uaccess", GROUP="video"

dont forget to reboot, to get this change active on a transactional system, e.g. MicroOS/ALP or simply reload udev:

udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Because of missing ROCm Release for Tumbleweed, simply run the supported ROCm Container Release as Distrobox Container!

  • distrobox.ini
additional_packages="build-essential libtcmalloc-minimal4 wget git software-properties-common libgl1 libglib2.0-0 neofetch vulkan-tools cmake ninja-build"
additional_flags="--device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri"

# User ID/Group ID Mapping (Rootless)
subuid = 100000  # Your subuid start
subgid = 100000  # Your subgid start

# Group Management (Within the Container)
init_hooks="addgroup --gid 486 render"
init_hooks="addgroup --gid 483 video"
init_hooks="addgroup --gid 100000 nogroup"
init_hooks="usermod -aG render,video,nogroup $LOGNAME;"

# ROCm Environment
init_hooks="export ROCM_PATH=/opt/rocm;"

# Set HSX Override - if required! Choose your GFX Version!
init_hooks="export HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0;"

# Distrobox Options
  • Assemble the ROCm Ubuntu Distrobox Container
distrobox-assemble create --file distrobox.ini

If required - the following settings should be set over /etc/subuid - /etc/subguid for the rootless Container (recommended!) Please only set the default for your username - dont run the container with root permission, its not required!

  • Start the Distrobox Container rootless!
distrobox enter ollama-rocm-amd

just simply install ollama:

curl -fsSL | sh

Finally just do:

systemctl status ollama

Hint: If starting over systemd doesnt use your GPU, please feel free to use an .profile / or .bashrc export, for this setting: (Version depending on your AMD GPU!)


I dont figure out, if sometimes it is working successfully and sometimes not. Starting over the distrobox User should work fine!

Thats iT! You have now Ollama running at Tumbleweed / MicroOS with AMDGPU Support for ROCm! AI locally working great and safe - locally over a rootless distrobox container!

Have a lot fun with your Ollama local AI-Setup on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed / MicroOS / Aeon Desktop

Links & Sources


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I'm mad about getting OpenCL (ROCm) to work in my Tumbleweed, to get Darktable and "Davinci Resolve" to work using openCL.
I got it to work, using SLE repositories, but it's a headache when I need to reinstall my system.

You know distrobox and Podman very well, so I wanted to ask you about it. In my case, I want all the applications I install to be able to use openCL/ROCm, which option is the right one, Distrobox or Podman?

Thank you

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...which option is the right one, Distrobox or Podman?

In case anyone reading this is still wondering. Distrobox executes containers using Podman or Docker, Distrobox vs Podman is not really a good comparison. (So yes you need distrobox)

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Thanks for the tip!!! I really was confused about if Distrobox use it's own containerization technology.

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Please note - dont forget to accept the AMD Repo GPG Key!

For anyone wondering how to do that, just execute the commands from here

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Thank you for the guide, I'm on opensuse tumbleweed, and wanted to ask you if it is necessary to install LTS kernel? it kinda kills rolling updates which I'm enjoying.

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