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Last active January 12, 2025 00:53
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Podman Compose with OpenSuSE MicroOS - Container Autostart on System-Boot

It is really easy to configure a user-space systemd autostart for Containers on OpenSuSE MicroOS with Podman-Compose.

When your Podman Container YourContainerService is running, then generate the systemd user unit:

podman generate systemd --new YourContainerService > ~/.config/systemd/user/YourContainer.service

Then enabe the systemd user unit for autostart:

systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start YourContainer.service

If required, enable the systemd autostart:

systemctl --user enable YourContainer.service

If you are running more then one Container over Podman Compose, please add all the container service units, over the Container Name.

Easy. Thats it!


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