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Created January 2, 2010 15:13
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Eight queens puzzle in clojure.
;; usage: (print-solutions (eight-queens))
(ns eight-queens
(:use clojure.test)
(:use clojure.contrib.str-utils))
(def N 8)
(defn distance [x y] (Math/abs (- x y)))
(defn solution? [state]
(= N (count state)))
(defn next-states [s]
"compute the successor states of s"
(map #(conj s %) (range N)))
(defn attack? [s i j]
"whether the i-th and j-th queen in state s are attacking each other"
(let [xi (s i)
xj (s j)]
(or (= xi xj)
(= (distance xi xj) (distance i j)))))
(defn valid-state? [s]
"s is valid if the last queen in s is not able to attack the others"
(let [max-idx (dec (count s))
pairs (map #(list % max-idx) (range max-idx))
no-attack? (fn [pair]
(not (attack? s (first pair) (last pair))))]
(every? no-attack? pairs)))
(defn next-valid-states [s]
"seq of the valid successor states of s"
(filter valid-state? (next-states s)))
(defn backtrack [state]
(if (solution? state)
(let [next-states (next-valid-states state)]
(mapcat backtrack next-states))))
(defn eight-queens [] (backtrack []))
;; printing helper functions
(defn format-solution [solution]
(let [letters (vec (seq "ABCDEFGH"))
positions (map #(str-join "" [%1 (+ 1 %2)]) letters solution)]
(str-join ", " positions)))
(defn print-solutions [solutions]
(doseq [solution solutions]
(println (format-solution solution))))
(defn print-all-solution []
(print-solutions (eight-queens)))
;; tests
(deftest test-next-states
(is (= (next-states []) [[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]])))
(deftest test-attack?
(are [x y] (= x (attack? y 0 2))
true [0 1 0]
false [0 1 1]
true [0 1 2]))
(deftest test-valid-state?
(are [x y] (= x (valid-state? y))
false [0 0]
false [0 1]
false [0 2 1]
true [1 3 5 7 2 0 6 4] ; one of the solutios
(deftest test-next-valid-states
(is (= (next-valid-states [1 3 5 7 2])
'([1 3 5 7 2 0]
[1 3 5 7 2 4]))))
(deftest test-eight-queens
(is (= 92 (count (eight-queens)))))
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