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[DEPRECATED]: Backbone.js - Modal extension. Note: Development of this Extension has moved to Backbone UI:

Backbone.js Modal extension

A simple way to extend your website content using modal containers


This plugin also supports Backbone APP which automates the rendering process of html fragments, although it is not a mandatory dependency.


Using Bower:

bower install backbone.ui.modal


After you include the contents of the assets folder in your app folder, the modal will be available to extend with custom options.

For example:

var MyModal = Backbone.UI.Modal.extend({
	options: {
                className: "my-modal",
                close: false

Each time you instantiate modal a new container will be created with the class name .ui-modal

var modal = new MyModal();


There are a number of things that can be set as options, towards customizing the modal for each specific case.

The options are split to the ones we use when setting up the modal and the ones used when rendering the template (if any).

Setup options

  • tagName: (default: div) The type of tag that will be used to create the container of the new modal
  • parentTag: (default: body) The parent container where the modal will be placed
  • className: (default: modal) The class name assigned to the modal container

Template options

  • overlay: (default: true) If we need to overlay the contents of the webpage with a seperate container.
  • wrap: (default: true) If we want to wrap all the content in a ".content" container
  • scroll : (default: true) If we want to disable scrolling when the modal is loaded
  • close: (default: true) If we want to add a close button


In addition to adding your own methods, especially if you want to customize the rendering of the modal, you can call or extend any of the following that are already available in the view

  • clickSubmit : triggered with input submission buttons in the popup

  • clickClose : closes the popup container


Created by Makis Tracend (@tracend).

Released at

Originally called Backbone.Modal, published as a gist.

Distributed under the MIT license

.ui-modal {
z-index: 99;
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
/* CSS centering: */
/* The ghost, nudged to maintain perfect centering */
.ui-modal:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: -0.25em; /* Adjusts for spacing */
.ui-modal .close {
z-index: 999;
position: absolute;
top : 10px;
right : 10px;
.ui-modal .overlay {
z-index: 99;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
background: rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.ui-modal .content {
z-index: 999;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
/* FB theme */
.fb.ui-modal.fb {
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
background: rgba(0,0,0, 0.5);
-moz-border-radius: 15px;
border-radius: 15px;
padding: 16px;
.fb.ui-modal .content {
position: relative;
background: #eee;
padding: 8px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.fb.ui-modal article {
height: 100%;
// Backbone.js Modal extension
// Created by: Makis Tracend (@tracend)
// Source:
// Licensed under the MIT license:
(function(_, Backbone) {
// fallbacks
if( _.isUndefined( Backbone.UI ) ) Backbone.UI = {};
// conditioning the existance of the Backbone APP()
var View = ( APP ) ? APP.View : Backbone.View;
Backbone.UI.Modal = View.extend({
// every modal is a new instance...
el: function(){ return $('<'+ this.options.tagName +' class="ui-modal '+ this.options.className +'"></'+ this.options.tagName +'>') },
options : {
close : true,
overlay : true,
wrap : true ,
scroll : true,
//layout : false,
className : "modal",
tagName : "div",
parentTag: "body"
// events
events: {
"click input[type='submit']" : "clickSubmit",
"click .close" : "clickClose"
initialize: function( options ){
_.bindAll(this, 'center', 'resize','scroll', 'clickSubmit', 'clickClose');
var self = this;
// el will be created by the className if not supplied...
$( this.options.parentTag ).append( this.el );
// unbind all previous modal events
// event handling - center window
// self.resize();;
return this, options );
setup: function( template ){
var self = this;
// include snippets
// - add close button
if( this.options.close ){
template = '<a class="close">[x]</a>' + template;
// - wrap the content
if( this.options.wrap ){
template = '<div class="content">'+ template +'</div>';
// - add overlay
if( this.options.overlay ){
template = '<div class="overlay"><!-- --></div>' + template;
// override default template with your own compiler...
this.template = _.template( template );
// loop through all the handlebar templates
var id = $(this).attr('id');
self.template[id] = Handlebars.compile( $(this).html() );
// attempt to render straight away
render: function(){
if( !this.template ) return;
var data = ( ) ? : {};
var html = this.template( data );
// add el to the DOM (if not available)
$(this.el).html( html );
// display (in case the container is hidden)
// center after rendering;
// check scrolling
this.scroll( false );
postRender: function(){
// display (in case the container is hidden)
// center after rendering;
// check scrolling
this.scroll( false );
update: function(){
// render the view
// presentation updates
// helpers
center: function(){
var scrollTop = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop || document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].scrollTop || 0;
$(this.el).css("top", scrollTop+"px");
// find the content container, fallback to the outter container
var container = ($(this.el).find(".content").length ) ? $(this.el).find(".content") : this.el;
var width = $(container).width();
var height = $(container).height();
// Firefox / IE scroll the html tag - Webkit (properly) the body tag...
var scrollTop = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].scrollTop || document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].scrollTop || 0;
var top = scrollTop + (window.innerHeight/2) - (height/2);
var left = (window.innerWidth/2) - (width/2);
$(container).css("top", top+"px");
$(container).css("left", left+"px");
// position the overlay, if any
if($(this.el).find(".overlay").length ){
$(this.el).find(".overlay").css("top", scrollTop+"px");
resize: function( e ){
// re-calculate proportions...
// click triggers
clickSubmit: function( e ){
// process request...
// after sending the request, close the panel
return false;
clickClose: function( e ){
// remove all contents
// unbind events
// hide from the page
// check scrolling
this.scroll( true );
return false;
scroll : function( flag ){
if( !this.options.scroll && app ){
// check if there's a model for the app state
if( app.state instanceof Backbone.Model ){
app.state.set({ scroll : flag });
} else {
app.state.scroll = flag;
// trigger app.update
if(app.update) app.update();
} else {
app.scroll = flag;
// hardcode a 'no-scroll' class on the body?
})(this._, this.Backbone);
"name": "backbone-ui-modal",
"version": "0.4.0",
"main": ["./js/backbone.ui.modal.js"],
"dependencies": {
"backbone" : "*",
"underscore" : "*",
"jquery" : "~1.8.2"
{{if options.overlay}}
<div class="overlay"><!-- --></div>
{{if options.wrap}}<div class="content" role="content">{{/if}}
{{if options.close}}
<a class="close">[x]</a>
<!-- Modal Content -->
<img src="{{image}}">
<!-- Modal Content -->
{{if options.wrap}}</div>{{/if}}
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tracend commented Mar 3, 2013

This gist is now DEPRECATED.
Project moved:

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