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Created December 10, 2012 18:54
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Batch file for Pelican since make doesn't work on Windows
@echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
set _PELICAN=$pelican
set _PELICANOPTS=$pelicanopts
set _BASEDIR=%cd%
set _INPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%/content
set _OUTPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%/output
set _cmmd=tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq python.exe" /FO CSV /NH
echo DevServer already running...killing...
GOTO :killpydevserver
call :startpydevserver
start %_PELICAN% --debug --autoreload -r %_INPUTDIR% -o %_OUTPUTDIR% -s %_CONFFILE% %_PELICANOPTS%
taskkill /F /T /IM pelican.exe
start python -m SimpleHTTPServer
set o=
FOR /F "tokens=2* delims=," %%G IN ('%_cmmd%') DO (
set /a o+=1
set _srvpid=%%G
echo %_srvpid:~1,-1% > %_BASEDIR%\
call :startpelican
FOR /F %%a in ('type "%_BASEDIR%\"') DO (
echo Killing DevServer running at PID = %%a
taskkill /PID %%a
del %_BASEDIR%\
call :killpelican
@echo off
set _PELICAN=$pelican
set _PELICANOPTS=$pelicanopts
set _BASEDIR=%cd%
set _INPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%\content
set _OUTPUTDIR=%_BASEDIR%\output
set _FTP_HOST=$ftp_host
set _FTP_USER=$ftp_user
set _FTP_TARGET_DIR=$ftp_target_dir
set _SSH_HOST=$ssh_host
set _SSH_PORT=$ssh_port
set _SSH_USER=$ssh_user
set _SSH_TARGET_DIR=$ssh_target_dir
set _DROPBOX_DIR=$dropbox_dir
set _DEF=%1
set _UPLOAD=%2
IF "%_DEF%"=="html" (
GOTO :html
IF "%_DEF%"=="clean" (
GOTO :clean
IF "%_DEF%"=="regenerate" (
GOTO :regenerate
IF "%_DEF%"=="publish" (
GOTO :publish
IF "%_DEF%"=="serve" (
GOTO :serve
IF "%_DEF%"=="devserver" (
GOTO :devserver
IF "%_DEF%"=="upload" (
GOTO :upload
IF "%_DEF%"=="help" (
GOTO :help
echo No or incorrect argument given, please review your input or type
echo 'pmake help' for help.
GOTO :end
echo Batch file for a pelican Web site
echo Usage:
echo pmake COMMAND(S)
echo Commands:
echo html (re)generate the web site
echo clean remove the generated files
echo regenerate regenerate files upon modification
echo publish generate using production settings
echo serve serve site at http://localhost:8000
echo devserver start/restart
echo upload ssh upload the web site via SSH
echo upload rsync upload the web site via rsync+ssh
echo upload dropbox upload the web site via Dropbox
echo upload ftp upload the web site via FTP
echo upload github upload the web site via gh-pages
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican to generate HTML output
echo Done
GOTO :end
echo Cleaning Output directory (deleting everything)
rmdir /S %_OUTPUTDIR%
mkdir %_OUTPUTDIR%
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and regenerating upon file changes
echo Press Ctrl-C to end, Y or N on batch job, either will work.
GOTO :end
echo Press Ctrl-C to end the server.
echo Then Y or N to end the batch job. Both will end it.
cd %_OUTPUTDIR% && python -m SimpleHTTPServer
GOTO :end
call %_BASEDIR%/devserver.cmd
GOTO :end
echo Generating production ready HTML
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="ssh" (
GOTO :ssh
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="rsync" (
GOTO :rsync
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="dropbox" (
GOTO :dropbox
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="ftp" (
GOTO :ftp
IF "%_UPLOAD%"=="github" (
GOTO :github
echo No upload location given. Please provide a destination/protocol.
echo You can use 'pmake help' to see the available options.
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through SSH
call :publish
echo You must have WinSCP in your PATH variable. /console /command "open scp://%_SSH_USER%@%_SSH_HOST%:%_SSH_PORT%" "option batch on" "option confirm off" "cd %_SSH_TARGET_DIR%" "put %_OUTPUTDIR%\*" "exit"
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through Rsync
call :publish
echo You must have Rsync in your PATH variable.
echo Current best Windows Rsync version located at:
rsync.exe -e "ssh -p %_SSH_PORT%" -P -rvz --delete "/cygdrive/c%_RSYNC_OUTPUT:~2%/*" %_SSH_USER%@%_SSH_HOST%:%_SSH_TARGET_DIR%
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output to Dropbox
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output through FTP
call :publish
echo You must have WinSCP in your PATH variable. /console /command "open ftp://%_FTP_USER%@%_FTP_HOST%" "option batch on" "option confirm off" "cd %_FTP_TARGET_DIR%" "put %_OUTPUTDIR\*" "exit"
GOTO :end
echo Running Pelican and publishing output to Github
call :publish
ghp-import %_OUTPUTDIR%
git push origin gh-pages
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uknick commented May 30, 2013

Thanks a lot for this! I finally got Pelican to generate on Windows - spent a lot of time messing around with cygwin :)

c:\wamp\www\pelican>make.bat html
Running Pelican to generate HTML output
Done: Processed 2 articles and 1 pages in 0.31 seconds.

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opilar commented Jun 21, 2013

Doesn't work. Image. Output folder is empty.
UPD: sorry, forgot set _PELICANOPTS=. Works fine.

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Thanks very much for this! Got me up and running in a flash.

For others who are using pmake upload ssh: if WinSCP doesn't already have your host key cached, it will ask you if you want to add it, which will abort the pmake script before you get a chance to answer:

The server's host key was not found in the cache. You have no guarantee that the server is the computer you think it is.
The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 [etc]
If you trust this host, press Yes. To connect without adding host key to the cache, press No. To abandon the connection press Cancel.
Continue connecting and add host key to the cache?
(Y)es, (N)o, C(a)ncel, (C)opy Key:


The fix is to create a profile for your remote server in WinSCP and make sure its hostname is the same as your $ssh_host in pmake.cmd.

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Ok, this old, but still in use.
You should (for the FTP command), replace "put %_OUTPUTDIR\*" by "put %_OUTPUTDIR%\*"

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