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Created February 3, 2022 11:14
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Deleted tweets for CraigJJMcCann

The list below includes 1952 deleted tweets by CraigJJMcCann.

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown.

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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.

  • 10 January 2022: I’m being watched every day 👀
  • 10 January 2022: I did mine simply to justify my awful handwriting.
  • 10 January 2022: Got to get me one of these!
  • 10 January 2022: Sad news. Such a familiar face from when I was growing up watching Full House. RIP Bob Saget.
  • 9 January 2022: My 4 year old son: “Daddy did your white hairs say ‘hi guys’ to your black hairs and then push them out of the way”? Yep, that’s what happened.
  • 9 January 2022: Get angry at myself for not writing 😏
  • 8 January 2022: What could possibly go wrong? 🙄
  • 8 January 2022: I’ve seen enough. I’m jacking in my job and starting up a doggy daycare with a pool house 🐶
  • 7 January 2022: Still, amazing detection rate 😏
  • 7 January 2022: A calm, rational response to a question asked. Rather than vilifying this guy the only conclusion to draw is that the Health Secretary must do a better job of making the case for mandatory vaccinations. The focus should be on bringing people together, not driving them apart.
  • 7 January 2022: There are some pretty impressive definitional gymnastics at play here.
  • 7 January 2022: Some welcome food for thought here in the vulnerable / groomed vs rational actor discussion. I’m convinced we haven’t got this balance right.
  • 7 January 2022: No chance Phil, we need you to keep fighting the good fight 👊🏻
  • 7 January 2022:
  • 7 January 2022: Some welcome food for thought here in the vulnerable / groomed vs rational actor discussion. I’m convinced we haven’t got this balance right.
  • 7 January 2022: It was all getting rather out of hand. The real conversations that need to be had were lost in the hyperbole.
  • 7 January 2022: They’ve moved on from the Jihadis Phil, old news, it’s all about insurrection accelerationalism now. Get with the programme! 😏
  • 7 January 2022: While threats exist, it’s in the interests of many increasingly militant activists to grossly exaggerate the threat so they get to play firefighter to fires they don’t want to be put out.
  • 6 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 6 January 2022: RT @colinbrazierGBN: A man is stopped on a motorbike. He then pulls out a 2-foot-long machete and starts attacking police officers. Really,…
  • 6 January 2022: Not personally but I know people rate it.
  • 6 January 2022: True!
  • 6 January 2022: There are a range out there - the Vulnerability Assessment Framework (VAF) is used in the UK’s Channel programme.
  • 6 January 2022: These interventions must be tightly focussed on the at-risk cohort and clearly differentiate from other vulnerabilities which are not directly linked with ideologically justified violence.
  • 6 January 2022: The poorly defined “CVE” has over the years conflated terrorism with hate crime, public disorder & community cohesion efforts domestically and internationally. In managing 121 interventions we’ve always been clear that we’re working to prevent someone progressing to terrorism.
  • 6 January 2022: Great interview 👍🏻 I agree with the 4 x P approach to CT which covers the suite of tactical options ranging from Pursue (the investigative & kinetic elements you discussed), Protect, Prepare & Prevent. I’ve yet to hear a compelling case of why VE is different from terrorism.
  • 6 January 2022: Serious Analysis? 😏
  • 6 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 6 January 2022: Congratulations!
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: The general desire to be left alone should be in there too, as in “if I comply with ostensibly reasonable requests you’ll leave me alone” - only to then find the goalposts constantly shift & you’ll never be left alone because there are too many people invested in controlling you.
  • 5 January 2022: If it would stop the whining and was guaranteed to end the interminable shifting of goalposts I’d be game.
  • 5 January 2022: A loss also across the network. Simon’s stewardship of the NPCC #Prevent Lead role has been exceptional. A calm and steady hand during the most turbulent of times.
  • 5 January 2022: A loss also across the network. Simon’s stewardship of the NPCC #Prevent Lead role has been exceptional. A calm and steady hand during the most turbulent of times.
  • 5 January 2022: Actually pretty low across the board which is reassuring.
  • 5 January 2022: Questioning the narratives promulgated by the “MSM” is no longer the preserve of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. This absolutely has a role in why people are losing faith in once trusted institutions and contributes to the salience of extremist narratives.
  • 5 January 2022: “Accelerationism” seems to be the new shiny toy for P/CVE practitioners. It’s rather selective though and ignores the reciprocal nature of relationships between the activities of extremist groups on both the right & left. A rather large omission.
  • 5 January 2022: Public Safety vs Optics (true or assumed) #Taser as a #NonLethalOption must be on the table.
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: Thanks for the lift! I'm so happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter. #ChildrensBooks #KidsBooks #WritingCommunity
  • 5 January 2022: I covered this in my book in relation to the various threats posed by the EDL which never posed a terrorism threat but clearly posed threats to community cohesion & public order -
  • 5 January 2022: Too right - there is a spectrum of threats that aren’t terrorism which include threats to community cohesion & public order. Seeing all groups through the prism of the poorly defined “violent extremism” is fraught with risks, not least in being open to such broad interpretations.
  • 5 January 2022: When did media outlets start disabling the replies to stories?
  • 5 January 2022: The last thing we need is a further expansion of the “violent extremism agenda”. Let’s focus first on how VE can be tangibly differentiated from existing terrorism and hate crime provisions.
  • 5 January 2022: I moved Universities when my supervisor got a new job halfway through my PhD. I get on really well with him and didn’t want to change to someone else. That said, if you do need to change supervisor then it shouldn’t be a problem as a PhD is more about you than anyone else.
  • 4 January 2022: When did they stop putting toys in cereal boxes?
  • 4 January 2022: The apocalypse is scheduled for Friday. Didn’t you get the memo? 😬
  • 3 January 2022: nature of the support provided, and the implementing organization will be required to demonstrate a project output which may not be aligned with what the local partners actually need. It's good that @RUSI_org continues to draw these issues to the surface.
  • 3 January 2022: So much of this is driven by the Government-level priorities for project funding. A fragile beneficiary country may need some straightforward inter-agency capacity building to provide community safety, but if the donor country's funding is lined up with P/CVE, this changes the
  • 3 January 2022: The paper rightly calls for more clarity regarding the intention & outputs of projects. I've seen some pretty creative writing from some of these projects to draw a link between a community engagement initiative and a reduction in the terrorist threat.
  • 3 January 2022: It is also imperative that we see more emphasis on identifying what works in the online variations of P/CVE, particularly given the amount of Government funding for projects in this area. Do these methodologies have any impact? How do they relate to offline efforts?
  • 3 January 2022: I’ve seen in practice how some well-intentioned but ultimately inexperienced P/CVE activists have come up against the M&E frameworks of international development specialists and have been unable to clearly articulate their value-added and/or the impact of their work.
  • 3 January 2022: Great work here by the @RUSI_org team. For me there are still unresolved questions re P/CVE as a discipline within international development efforts. At the strategic & operational levels, how is P/CVE tangibly differentiated from peacebuilding / capacity building efforts?
  • 2 January 2022: In our house the table would also be on fire 🙄
  • 2 January 2022: Have no fear. Self doubt is baked into the #PhD process!
  • 2 January 2022: It’s not difficult is it? Non-Lethal Option.
  • 2 January 2022: This article contributes to our understanding of the impact of proscription on radical right groups. It’s clear to me proscription is necessary but is ltd to dealing with the supply side. Much more work is needed to deal with demand which is largely ignored currently.
  • 1 January 2022: If you’re crowdsourcing people to help count me in!
  • 1 January 2022: Congratulations!
  • 1 January 2022: And you mate - hope you’re dodging Covid better than I am 😉
  • 1 January 2022: Can’t we just have “bookshops” that cater for a range of audiences?
  • 1 January 2022: And flies in the face of the science.
  • 1 January 2022: Well done mate 👊🏻
  • 1 January 2022: Curious that a specialist in responses to right wing extremism would decry the misuse of terms directly associated with this area? Not curious at all really.
  • 1 January 2022: As a specialist in this area I’m adding this to my list of terms totally abused & misappropriated by people who have no idea of their meaning and have contributed to their devaluation. ✅ Extremist ✅ Nazi ✅ Far Right Extremism ✅ White Supremacy ✅ Radicalisation
  • 1 January 2022: Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2022. Looking forward to some exciting projects this year, spending more time with the family and writing 👊🏻
  • 31 December 2021: Cheers mate I’m not bad at all with it but good to know. Happy New Year!
  • 31 December 2021: Thanks mate! 👊🏻
  • 31 December 2021: Thanks Daniel - just cold-like symptoms but looks like I’m grounded tonight!
  • 31 December 2021: Me thinking I made it through 2021 without catching Covid and then testing positive on December 31st 😒
  • 29 December 2021: 300,001.
  • 28 December 2021: Same 👊🏻
  • 27 December 2021: Frankenstein is in my top 3 best ever books I’ve read.
  • 27 December 2021: There is no call we do not answer.
  • 27 December 2021: Barbie Day & Night Dream-house? Completed it mate.
  • 23 December 2021: Happy Christmas to you too mate!
  • 17 December 2021: Holy shit!!
  • 16 December 2021: It’s a tough decision but I’ve been there. I left the Met with 14 years service in 2016 and I haven’t looked back. Be proud of your service but know that it doesn’t define you. I wish you the best of luck with these next steps.
  • 14 December 2021: Congratulations Susan!
  • 12 December 2021: If they go through with this it will be badged as courageous & forward looking. When in fact it would be a great act of cowardice, one which declares open season on frontline cops I tweeted earlier about senior officers needing to find their voice. They must use it wisely.
  • 12 December 2021: The trouble with the grievance-monger industry out there is that nothing will ever be enough to appease them. This would be a futile act which would only embolden increasingly violent anti-police groups.
  • 12 December 2021: A publican in Essex, rightly concerned about the impact of Vaccine Passports on the hospitality industry, is doing a better job in asking the right questions of this Government than Her Majesty’s Official Opposition. 👏🏻 👏🏻👏🏻
  • 12 December 2021: No. A controversial view but the problem is not that the police aren’t listening, rather it’s that senior officers need to find their voice. They cannot continue to be passengers in these discussions, buffeted by the tides of EBP & political interference.
  • 11 December 2021: Some real Umbridge vibes here.
  • 11 December 2021: - Institutional Racism - Institutional Misogyny - Institutional Homophobia Is any other profession subjected to such regular sweeping generalisations? No? Just #Policing then. Ok.
  • 10 December 2021: Visited a police station in Kosovo today & it was great to see their trophy cabinet. When we were forced to sell off 25% of our police stations I heard the trophy cabinet at Leyton nick (my first) was thrown in a skip with all its contents. Made me think of this today.
  • 10 December 2021: He’s right you know. It’s all about control 👏🏻
  • 8 December 2021: Don’t let them get you down 👊🏻 #CovidPlanB
  • 8 December 2021: Lack of structured support for officers who do not fit into “positive action” categories. There has got to be a better way of valuing any officer throwing their hat into the circus that is police promotion.
  • 8 December 2021: Completely agree re proportionate steps given the passage of time. But to just bin it off like this looks awful.
  • 8 December 2021: “Content Warnings” How do these people even function as human beings? Behold the “leaders of tomorrow”. England needn’t tremble…
  • 8 December 2021: Where to start with this. Not starting an investigation due to a lack of evidence is a new one. I can’t defend the indefensible. The MPS has had a shocker here.
  • 8 December 2021: I’m honoured to be supporting the inter-governmental working group tasked to draft the new “national strategy against terrorism and violent extremism” in Kosovo 🇽🇰
  • 8 December 2021: Something my wife reminds me of regularly.
  • 7 December 2021: Speaking as a former DC…yeah you’re right 😳
  • 7 December 2021: What a superb thread 😂😂😂
  • 6 December 2021: “Let’s return to where Hogwarts began”….without inviting the Author….
  • 6 December 2021: Simon Cottee with some impressive carpet-truth-bombing in this piece.
  • 5 December 2021: The Emergency Services Notepad 👍🏻
  • 5 December 2021: Thank-you! 🙏🏻
  • 5 December 2021: So happy to announce my second children’s book is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter 😏 #ChildrensBooks #WritingCommunity #writerslift
  • 5 December 2021: So happy to announce my second children’s book in partnership with the amazing @happydesigner is now available. Kids are Monsters 👿 If you need of a night off, call the Monster-Sitter 😏 #ChildrensBooks #WritingCommunity #writerslift
  • 3 December 2021: Just read through some of the comments which are typical from the “pronouns in bios” crew 😒 Well done Vernal, a great post 👏🏻
  • 27 November 2021: Omicron sounds like it could be the new leader of the Decepticons.
  • 24 November 2021: Thanks! 🙏
  • 24 November 2021: Violence isn’t restricted to terrorism. left-wing extremist violence may be “the lesser of the three evils” but we can’t continue to look the other way.
  • 24 November 2021: Note the reluctance to discuss the continuing and overriding threat of Islamist terrorism even in the wake of the murder of Sir David Amess MP. This instead became a nonsensical sideshow of debates about social media anonymity.
  • 24 November 2021: – I couldn’t agree more. And yet this is exactly what has happened in response to right wing terrorism over the last ten years. So much so, that we’ve now taken our eye off the ball re Islamist terrorism.
  • 24 November 2021: Instead, we must adopt a full spectrum approach to threat analysis across all forms of extremism. This article states that “fairness means we hold all forms of extremism to the same standards, not that we consider all forms of extremism to be equally dangerous and harmful”
  • 24 November 2021: We should not selectively see the threats posed by groups / movements as strictly limited to terrorism offences (and even narrower still, to terrorism offences leading to significant loss of life).
  • 24 November 2021: It goes on to state that “Left-wing and anarchist extremism continued to pose a threat to public order in a number of EU Member States” with Belgium, Germany and Switzerland assessing that the violent activities committed by left wing extremists might escalate.
  • 24 November 2021: The European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend report 2021 highlights that in 2020, there were 24 completed left-wing and anarchist terrorist attacks, all of which took place in Italy. One plot was thwarted in France.
  • 24 November 2021: Threats to community cohesion and to the public order, yes. Terrorism, no. Sound familiar? Consider the activities associated with BLM and Antifa protests over the last year.
  • 24 November 2021: National Action didn’t enter the scene until much later and it was then that we saw the true face of right-wing terrorism. The EDL never posed a terrorism threat, but this didn’t stop calls from some quarters for them to be proscribed under terrorism legislation.
  • 24 November 2021: Too many have closed their minds to this. I think back to 2009/2010 and there was no such reluctance to recognize the threat posed by right wing terrorism, even though at the time this was manifested in the form of street-based protest movements such as the EDL.
  • 24 November 2021: Interesting article. However, just because left wing extremism hasn’t manifested as acts of terrorism leading to mass loss of life, we can’t continue to minimize the threats it does pose, principally to the public order and community cohesion.
  • 24 November 2021: We are absolutely in a wage trap right now. Our housing market is based on having a dual income. I’m able to support my family of 5 as the sole breadwinner because we made the choice that one of us would take on more of the childcare but appreciate this is rare nowadays.
  • 24 November 2021: You could stand a spoon up in that.
  • 23 November 2021: Indeed!
  • 23 November 2021: Facts don’t care about your feelings.
  • 22 November 2021: First time I’ve listened to this podcast - brilliant, balanced and on the money re so many topical issues. Especially the new Ghostbusters movie. Give it a listen.
  • 22 November 2021: Hail Lobster 🦞
  • 20 November 2021: The take home here is “I believe in our justice system….when I agree with the verdict”.
  • 19 November 2021: “Teenager who shot three black men with a rifle found not guilty on all charges” Spot the glaring mistake. This passes for journalism nowadays.
  • 19 November 2021: Happy #InternationalMensDay 👊🏻
  • 19 November 2021: Amazing how critics of the police service can continue to make damning claims and smear the reputations of the vast majority of officers, unencumbered by the requirement to provide any evidence of their assertions and without sufficient challenge from senior officers.
  • 18 November 2021: “I got 44 questions but OST ain’t one”
  • 12 November 2021: The end of another short trip to Kosovo where I’ve been working on a counter terrorism programme. Lovely people, great food (the bread in particular 😋), a hidden gem 🇬🇧 🇽🇰
  • 12 November 2021: 💙
  • 11 November 2021: Having witnessed the miracle of childbirth I’d say you’d be well justified 😏
  • 11 November 2021: Must have been written by a bloke 😏
  • 11 November 2021: I don’t think he “cancelled himself” as much as some try to spin this. He took a stand and well done to him for doing so.
  • 11 November 2021: Try Bikram Yoga - life changing!
  • 11 November 2021: Looking forward to this. In our response to “all forms of terrorism” this area has been neglected for too long. Even discussing how the activities of groups in this area have the potential to slide into terrorism offences has been too much for some so called CT commentators.
  • 11 November 2021: So you failed in your duty as a jury to weigh the evidence. Very simply, sentencing is not part of your consideration. That’s for the Judge.
  • 10 November 2021: “Why get the vaccine then if you’re not going to leave me alone?” A perfectly valid question right now.
  • 8 November 2021: Have you missed us? Yes we frickin have! Cannot wait to see this 😆
  • 7 November 2021: There’s a strong correlation between those who dismiss even the existence of bias within the mainstream media and those who believe in the social harm caused by misinformation promulgated by the “right wing media”.
  • 7 November 2021: Levelling criticism at the police is a tired exercise that distracts from honest conversations that need to be had. Yes the police have a role but that comes later. Upstream this is about young men living in broken homes & lacking positive MALE role models. Let’s start there.
  • 6 November 2021: @mark74brown @PoliceChiefs @Fest4BedsPCC Given the implications of what is being suggested and its obvious impact on officers, this intervention on behalf of the HMICFRS required at least some response from a representative of the NPCC today. Not populism, just a basic level of responsiveness is required.
  • 6 November 2021: This has caused a great deal of distress for many serving police officers who have been in touch with me throughout the day so thank you for showing leadership and speaking out on this issue. It’s more than the @PoliceChiefs have done.
  • 6 November 2021: Sorry to hear that mate - it’s a growing trend. I left in 2016 with 14 years service. Be assured there is life outside the job and you’ll have skills & experience that are in demand. Good luck!
  • 6 November 2021: The retention rates of staff in teaching, very much like for policing, should be much higher on the Government’s agenda. This issue has been woefully ignored.
  • 6 November 2021: Eagerly anticipating the robust response from @PoliceChiefs .
  • 6 November 2021: I’ve had similar conversations with a bunch of former colleagues recently. There seems to be a healthy pipeline of cops leaving for the trains.
  • 6 November 2021: That this is even being suggested demonstrates the hostile environment police officers are working in. Sweeping generalisations, political opportunism, the trampling of civil liberties of officers. The list goes on. To my brothers & sisters in blue, hold the line.
  • 5 November 2021: You lost me at “so called MSM”. Rather than being addled by it, I thought you’d be able to think a little more critically about the role of the media in shaping the discourse but obviously I was wrong.
  • 5 November 2021: 🤷🏻‍♂️ I refer you to my previous comment.
  • 5 November 2021: So it’s not relevant now? Post the Virginia vote it’s more relevant than ever.
  • 5 November 2021: Lions led by donkeys.
  • 5 November 2021: Regardless of how you’d define them as mainstream or not I wouldn’t be giving these outlets such a free pass on journalistic integrity.
  • 5 November 2021: Again, warm words from craven public order commanders and frontline troops hung out to dry.
  • 5 November 2021: Having differences of opinion & the ability to debate these differences are the very strengths of democracy. The MSM are not the gatekeepers to the truth they portray themselves as.
  • 5 November 2021: Turns on MSM…
  • 5 November 2021: Thanks very much -likewise, I hope all are well on your end. Not looking to get into politics just yet - plenty to do first!
  • 5 November 2021: Red Fury
  • 5 November 2021: I for one think they’ve done us a great public service. How else would we know what a melting chunk of ice looks like? 😏
  • 5 November 2021: A simpler time. Sigh’s wistfully.
  • 5 November 2021: As a former police officer myself it sends a shudder down my spine to see how victims of CSE have been failed by those charged to protect them over many years. This has to stop.
  • 5 November 2021: What a great evening with @trussliz in support of Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP @MPIainDS organised by Chingford & Woodford Green Conservatives. Good to catch up with @McivorJaymey , @KeithRBarber & the @BOCACampaign crew 👊🏻
  • 5 November 2021: It’s absolutely right that @PatrickChristys has again shone a light on this issue. We have to talk about this & ensure these horrific crimes are not swept under the carpet. These young girls are not a taboo subject, they are victims of CSE. And they deserve better.
  • 5 November 2021: Another sad gimmick “gesture” that does nothing to actually promote equality.
  • 5 November 2021: Agency, self determination, aspiration, confidence, small government, freedom. So many C/conservatives have abandoned these core principles in the face of Covid & fallen into the warm embrace of the nanny state.
  • 5 November 2021: The pendulum won’t swing back on its own.
  • 5 November 2021: It’s right that we should differentiate between being “woke” and the divisive, intolerant, regressive, intellectually vacuous & often unhinged manifestations we see marching under its banner.
  • 4 November 2021: “Brexit Derangement Syndrome” has given way to “Covid Derangement Syndrome”
  • 4 November 2021: This is desperately sad. Welfare in policing has been relegated to a taboo subject when balanced against so many other political agendas. Thank-you for all you do for policing.
  • 4 November 2021: “This does not mean they will automatically be susceptible to far right overtures, or even that they are the most vulnerable in the country to cohesion issues” What exactly does it mean then?
  • 3 November 2021: Sadly true. The sector has been infiltrated by many activists magnifying the threat posed by the far right as it aligns with their ideological stance. When we’re reminded of the Islamist terrorism threat it’s an inconvenience to the prevailing narrative within the echo chamber.
  • 1 November 2021: Legends. Every one of them.
  • 25 October 2021: A long awaited #DateNight with the missus @BTTFmusical @rogerbartoffic is fantastic as Doc Brown. What a brilliant performance. Where we’re going we don’t need roads 😎
  • 25 October 2021: Makes a beeline for the guy - it can smell the fear 🐀
  • 23 October 2021: Thank God Twitter isn’t real life.
  • 22 October 2021: The Gene Genie.
  • 21 October 2021: “Positive Action” becomes “Positive Discrimination”
  • 20 October 2021: Love this!
  • 20 October 2021: I’m half their size but the same thing happened to me while chasing a suspect in front of a large audience 😳
  • 20 October 2021: The biggest lie you’ll be told or that you’ll tell yourself is that life can be free of risk.
  • 20 October 2021: “HYDRA was founded on the belief humanity can’t be trusted with its own freedom. What we didn’t realise was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.” Arnim Zola’s words strangely prophetic now.
  • 19 October 2021: Agreed - I also study other forms of extremism inc Islamist & far left. The @C4ARR have put together this course because it’s primary focus is on the radical right.
  • 19 October 2021: Interested in learning about radical right #extremism or #terrorism ? You have 🚨only 2 days left🚨to join @C4ARR @richmonduni 's new MA in Spring 2022. Open to recent graduates and professionals alike, visit the MA site to lodge your application now 👇
  • 19 October 2021: “Insurrection”
  • 19 October 2021: “HYDRA was founded on the belief humanity can’t be trusted with its own freedom. What we didn’t realise was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist. The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.” Arnim Zola’s words strangely prophetic now.
  • 19 October 2021: Cheers mate! I’m good thanks - hope all is well on your end!
  • 19 October 2021: Don’t get me wrong, if the Government turns the heat up on social media companies so they take more responsibility for what happens on their platforms, then great. It’s been a long time coming. But the elephant in the room is the discussion about Islamist terrorism.
  • 19 October 2021: Amidst all the noise @WillBaldet did a great job here to explain the Channel programme, emphasising it’s voluntary nature.
  • 19 October 2021: Amidst all the noise Will did a great job here to explain the Channel programme, emphasising it’s voluntary nature.
  • 18 October 2021: I remember being part of a steering group overseeing research into lone actors. The data sets were so scarce that the researchers had to reframe and accept cases of “lone wolf packs” ie small groups just to have something to compare & contrast. Again, no silver bullets found.
  • 18 October 2021: Spot on. This is a smokescreen we can all see through.
  • 18 October 2021: I did this vlog 2 years ago where I talked about this very issue - Our integration strategy is still the poor cousin.
  • 18 October 2021: The Extremism Commission was created by May because she viewed the Dept for Communities & Local Government was not doing enough in the integration space. Integration was re-badged as Counter Extremism & here we are. Move this work back into @luhc & invest in integration.
  • 18 October 2021: The Extremism Commission was created by May because she viewed the Dept for Communities & Local Government was not doing enough in the integration space. Integration was re-badged as Counter Extremism & here we are. Move this work back into @luhc & invest in integration.
  • 18 October 2021: 🚩The gutting of neighbourhood policing over the last decade. 🚩The confusion of counter terrorism & counter extremism. 🚩The lack of robust defence of our #Prevent strategy. 🚩The lack of courage to have the difficult conversations. The🚩have been there for some time.
  • 18 October 2021: In fact, #Prevent has come a long way since then & despite attempts, no-one else has come up with a better model. Our approach is world leading. Prevent is a political football & persistent attacks from the usual suspects for their own agendas sow division & mistrust.
  • 18 October 2021: This is a red herring - it’s nothing to do with agencies being joined up & more to do with communities not referring individuals because of mistrust due to the way #Prevent was rolled out in 2006/7 & impact of a vociferous anti-Prevent lobby which includes media & politicians.
  • 17 October 2021: It all kicked off with the 24-hour news cycle and the need to “fill the air”. But it wasn’t filled with news, it was filled with opinion. This heavily editorialised version of the news has driven polarisation ever since.
  • 17 October 2021: RT @laralogan:
  • 17 October 2021: Perhaps it’s because from 2001-2010 Islamist terrorism dominated the discourse, then we all shifted to right wing terrorism & this is still centre stage despite the overwhelming threat from the former dwarfing the latter. And let’s not even whisper about left wing terrorism.
  • 17 October 2021: Perhaps it’s because from 2001-2010 Islamist terrorism dominated the discourse, then we all shifted to right wing terrorism & this is still centre stage despite the overwhelming threat from the former dwarfing the latter. And let’s not even whisper about left wing terrorism.
  • 17 October 2021: This report by Dame Louise Casey on integration & opportunity made very good suggestions - unfortunately it was shouted down & currently sits on a shelf in Whitehall. Perhaps we should dust it off & have the challenging conversations that need to be had.
  • 17 October 2021: Done 👍🏻
  • 17 October 2021: A good place to start would be to dust off Dame Louise Casey’s report on integration & opportunity which set out some decent practical recommendations.
  • 17 October 2021: My 2 pennies on discussion re #Prevent We should: ✅ Be proud of 🇬🇧 & our global role ✅ Be confident in our CT approach inc #Prevent ✅ Recognise limits of consent based interventions & explore alternatives ✅ Invest in community integration rather than counter extremism
  • 16 October 2021: Done! 👊🏻
  • 16 October 2021: Excited to announce that my next children’s book will be dropping soon, again in collaboration with the amazing @happydesigner For now I’m taking some time in #Maldives to work on other projects. #OfficeWithAView #AlwaysWriting #WritingCommunity #HardestWorkersInTheRoom 👊🏻
  • 15 October 2021: Such sad and shocking news about Sir David Amess MP. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends and colleagues.
  • 14 October 2021: Damn straight.
  • 12 October 2021: Wow - this is amazing!!!
  • 12 October 2021: Wise words here.
  • 12 October 2021: Old Blighty 🇬🇧 ❤️
  • 10 October 2021: Absolutely right. The PCDA & DHEP/D routes into policing are new and we don’t have nearly enough data to demonstrate their effectiveness yet. It’s sensible to keep another route into policing open in parallel rather than throwing all our eggs in one basket.
  • 8 October 2021: Sure!
  • 8 October 2021: 👊🏻
  • 8 October 2021: It’s so therapeutic! I got these for my 40th a couple of months ago. Locked myself away and got into the zone 😎 @LEGO_Group
  • 8 October 2021: “To live respected and die regretted” Rest in Peace James.
  • 8 October 2021: Thanks Hanif!
  • 7 October 2021: Great to be able to fly again. First trip since the end of lockdown to Kosovo, delivering #Prevent counter terrorism training to police recruits. 🇽🇰 💙
  • 5 October 2021: The Centre For Analysis of the Radical Right’s 2020-2021 Yearbook is available now. This is a must-read for anyone with an interest in better understanding the Radical Right. I contributed an article discussing how we can counter Radical Right narratives head on. @C4ARR
  • 5 October 2021: Alas there is very little political appetite to look into the bigger issues through a (way overdue) Royal Commission because these are exactly the themes that would take centre stage.
  • 4 October 2021: He started off with promise of building bridges between the police and communities but quickly descended into doing just the opposite. Like so many on this platform he went for the clickbait fodder of division. Sad.
  • 2 October 2021: “We’re going on a bear hunt”
  • 2 October 2021: We talk a lot about building resilience of young people to online grooming but the bigger and more urgent challenge is weaning adults off their diet of misinformation.
  • 2 October 2021: Unfashionable to say so but yes we do.
  • 2 October 2021: You want my DNA, come and get it.
  • 2 October 2021: Social Media can be a toxic place. Meanwhile, brave men and women continue to don the uniform and put themselves in harms way to protect us. The crimes of one man does not diminish them.
  • 2 October 2021: Again, there are no “extra police officers” Picture courtesy of @PCWibble
  • 2 October 2021: An interesting thread. I agree with some of the points. There are many officers serving & retired who continue to wring hands re a Royal Commission on Policing. Rather than piecemeal change, we must unite around a clear message, led by @PFEW_HQ to lobby for a Commission now.
  • 1 October 2021: @themetskipper @ADawg74871322 Exactly right - so much misinformation in circulation that’s being lapped up.
  • 1 October 2021: Had to step away from Twitter yesterday. The same old faces spinning the tragic murder of #SarahEverard to further their anti-police agenda is beyond contemptuous. When I saw the phrase “institutional misogyny” that was enough. They really are vile.
  • 30 September 2021: Indeed. Stereotype: “a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing”
  • 27 September 2021: “Shall we go help him?” Yeah, how about that 🙄 That must be the most filmed act of robbery in history.
  • 27 September 2021: “Fully Automated Luxury Condiments”
  • 27 September 2021: The biggest problem those advocating for countering / preventing “violent extremism” is demonstrating how their community cohesion programme reduces the risk of terrorism. Been reviewing some absolute corkers! The linguistic gymnastics (word salad) at play is something to behold
  • 27 September 2021: These guys helped me when I was transitioning from the job. They know their stuff 👍🏻
  • 27 September 2021: Hear, hear 👏🏻
  • 22 September 2021: Activism starting at home. Wouldn’t that be a fine thing.
  • 22 September 2021: Activism starting at home. Wouldn’t that be a fine thing.
  • 20 September 2021:
  • 20 September 2021: The way they flip the audiences allegiances to the characters is brilliant story-telling 👏🏻
  • 20 September 2021: “Safe and effective” But is it necessary?
  • 20 September 2021: “Safe and effective”. But the key question: Is it necessary?
  • 20 September 2021: Just beautiful ❤️
  • 20 September 2021: All under the guise of “profile raising” or “it’ll be great exposure for you” 😒
  • 19 September 2021: Why so serious?
  • 17 September 2021: Having two hosts with different political leanings is a great idea - it would go some way to eliminating allegations of bias and create a space for more meaningful debate. 👍🏻
  • 17 September 2021: “Nine-Nine”
  • 17 September 2021: What he said.
  • 16 September 2021: Class Act 👏🏻
  • 16 September 2021: Congratulations Alex 👏🏻
  • 16 September 2021: Every Brit waiting for our summer.
  • 15 September 2021: Absolutely right - our current police service is the product of a plethora of external influences. Many of those criticising the police today for the way they respond to incidents would do well to remember their own role in how we got here.
  • 15 September 2021: The lady being reunited with Fred the Ted brought a tear to my eye. This is why I love this show, it’s the beautiful personal stories.
  • 15 September 2021: Excellent work from @GoodwinMJ and @epkaufm clearly articulating the risks currently facing academic freedom within the HE sector.
  • 15 September 2021: Oysters - my favourite 🤤
  • 15 September 2021: This was inevitable. Watch how this now plays out - “too much emphasis from the police re the comfort of protesters vs keeping roads moving”. A crash involving four vehicles led to a woman in her 50s being airlifted to hospital with serious injuries.
  • 14 September 2021: The policing of opinions…only on Twitter folks 😉
  • 14 September 2021: Me being introduced to someone. “Wow” they say, “you’re a Dr, you must be really clever!” My beloved wife: “Well, it means he’s clever about one particular thing”. Keeping my feet on the ground like a boss 😳
  • 14 September 2021:
  • 14 September 2021: Wrong. This obsession with “leadership” in the upper echelons of policing over the last few years has not benefitted the police or the public they serve at all. The most critical aspect for policing is public service. Those on the frontline understand this better than anyone.
  • 14 September 2021: I currently have this playing on a loop.
  • 13 September 2021: There is something reassuring about this approach. Whereas so many leaders within policing have of late jumped on the latest fad, a return to the common sense basics of policing without fear or favour is welcome.
  • 12 September 2021: Excellent piece - been saying this for years. “Abandoning CVE for the more hopeful task of improving the lot of youth seems a more sensible way to go. But for all its waste, by being “seen to be doing something,” the CVE industry endures”.
  • 12 September 2021: What a speech 👏🏻
  • 11 September 2021: We all have our own story about the impact of 9/11 on our lives. For me, newly graduated from university & without direction, I heard the call. 20 years on & I’ve worked in policing, academia & international development, countering terrorism in all its forms.
  • 9 September 2021: Just watched this one - it’s brilliant!! 😂
  • 9 September 2021: This is superb - it’s in the eyes!
  • 5 September 2021: I’ve done my bit thanks!
  • 3 September 2021: Of course he’s a cat person 🙄
  • 1 September 2021: Congratulations Phil 👏🏻
  • 1 September 2021: FACT 👍🏻
  • 31 August 2021: It’s all just words at this point and of little operational utility to those actually doing the job of countering terrorism.
  • 31 August 2021: All the….😒
  • 30 August 2021: That’s more like it. Well done @metpoliceuk 👍🏻
  • 30 August 2021: I ventured to a very busy @altontowers this weekend. I reckon I saw less than 5% of people wearing face masks. Very happy to see how quickly we’re able to return to normality.
  • 27 August 2021: @MrPaulStott @Policy_Exchange Congratulations Paul, I wish you the best of luck!
  • 26 August 2021: I am more than how I vote in elections. I am more than my skin colour, my gender, my sexual orientation, my faith. I am more than my view on Covid vaccinations. I am more. I am me. And I will not let anyone put me in a box just so they can make sense of the world.
  • 26 August 2021: This isn’t about being defensive, it’s about rigorously analysing the data to inform effective policing. The IOPC failed to do this. Police Chiefs are right to highlight this failure.
  • 25 August 2021: @ajcdeane spot on here 👍🏻
  • 24 August 2021: Just received my copy of “The Radical Right During Crisis”, the @C4ARR Yearbook for 20/21. Great contributions from the contributing authors and expertly compiled by @evianeleidig Check out my piece on countering Radical Right narratives.
  • 23 August 2021: You know what, I was wrong. I could get behind this protest.
  • 23 August 2021: I want the Government to leave me alone.
  • 22 August 2021: I thought we were passed this.
  • 22 August 2021: Remember this?
  • 21 August 2021: These movements are disparate and fractious & just as it’s difficult to draw “group wide” conclusions re radical right movements, the same applies here. However it cannot be denied there are increasingly extremist elements within Extinction Rebellion engaging in escalating crime
  • 21 August 2021: The tone of this from @MattTwistMPS is bang on. Every officer deployed to these protests is an abstraction from serving the communities of London & dealing with burglaries and knife crime.
  • 21 August 2021: “Disagreeing well” should be part of the curriculum.
  • 21 August 2021: Absolutely right. Strange that many of those who advocate for such an expansion of “terrorism” cannot bear the thought of the same standards being applied to extreme left wing, anarchist & environmentalist groups who are heading in this direction.
  • 21 August 2021: If the last two years has taught us anything it’s that just because people call themselves a liberal doesn’t make it so.
  • 21 August 2021: “Antifa is terrorising us”. Watching from afar what is going on in Portland. It ain’t pretty.
  • 20 August 2021: Ditch Roads Policing straight off the bat 😏
  • 20 August 2021: I was being interviewed by a PhD student today & realised I’ve worked in #Prevent for more than 11 years so far! From UK policing to international dev. in some of the most fragile countries I’ve seen how Prevent can safeguard the most vulnerable from being drawn into terrorism.
  • 20 August 2021: “FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated”
  • 20 August 2021: I’d pay folding money to anyone who can make me feel this level of euphoria at the cinema again 🍿
  • 20 August 2021: All talk.
  • 20 August 2021: The new framework is about recognising and accrediting police officers with academic qualifications which reflect the complexity of their job. The Comms on the PEQF in the first instance has left a lot of conceptual baggage that still needs to be addressed.
  • 20 August 2021: Ably cutting through the spin.
  • 20 August 2021: Absolutely right. “Biden has gone full Trump” “It’s not ‘America’s back’, it’s ‘America First’” @RoryStewartUK cutting through the spin.
  • 20 August 2021: I left the MPS as a DCI with 14 years service in 2016 and Mightify assisted me with crafting a CV which is something I didn’t have much experience with! I highly recommend their services as they absolutely understand the transition from policing into other sectors.
  • 18 August 2021: Cheers Sean!
  • 18 August 2021: Good spelling is essential.
  • 18 August 2021: Thanks very much! 🙏🏻
  • 18 August 2021: Thank-you! 🙏🏻
  • 18 August 2021: Cheers mate!
  • 18 August 2021: And now I’m 40 😳 I’ll grow up next year 😉
  • 18 August 2021: We’re crying with you Jimmy. RIP Sean. Thanks for the laughs.
  • 18 August 2021: Gutted. RIP Sean. Thanks for the laughs.
  • 17 August 2021: @cerbera100 @DC_Defective Ok cheers, it’s changed since I left 5 years ago!
  • 17 August 2021: Are the leavers not shown on Notices any more?
  • 16 August 2021: An “intelligence failure” or a failure of politicians to listen to intelligence? #Afghanistan
  • 15 August 2021: “We are concerned”
  • 15 August 2021: “We are concerned”
  • 14 August 2021: I do this now! 😄
  • 13 August 2021: To the brave men and women of @DerbysPolice holding the thin blue line in the most trying of times. We know you’re doing your best to hold back the darkness and to keep us safe. We thank you for your service & for your sacrifice. With love and respect, The law abiding public
  • 13 August 2021: Absolutely right.
  • 13 August 2021: Mate this made me so angry 😡
  • 13 August 2021: Against the backdrop of all the pressures on policing what is she thinking? And to double down. Shockingly bad leadership.
  • 13 August 2021: If you’re looking for an example of shockingly bad leadership in a 21st Century Police Service, read this.
  • 11 August 2021: Why do so many journalists and PR people go into politics? Maybe because it’s more about how well networked you are and your understanding of the media machine rather than being able to demonstrate any real competence in service delivery.
  • 10 August 2021: That pram can’t be recycled now.
  • 10 August 2021: A must for any practitioners in this field.
  • 10 August 2021: RT @EstherMcVey1: Latest figures from the Ministry for Justice show that in the last year a thief with 200 previous convictions wasn’t sen…
  • 10 August 2021: …and provides tacit support for increasing levels of criminality which then precipitates a response from “right wing extremists” and “racists” who are then portrayed as proof that the country is a hotbed of racism. The merry-go-round keeps turning.
  • 5 August 2021: P/CVE Twitter is anyone out there compiling / analysing social media data pertaining to extreme left wing groups?
  • 4 August 2021: Good to see a more proactive response.
  • 4 August 2021: Oh well - I’m sure her tweet was nuanced, level headed and added some real value to the discourse.
  • 1 August 2021: Life imitating parody.
  • 28 July 2021: Beware those who purport to fight in the name of liberty for they may prove to be the dictators of tomorrow.
  • 28 July 2021: This is so difficult to listen to. But hear it we all must.
  • 28 July 2021: This is so difficult to listen to. But hear it we all must.
  • 26 July 2021: This is the hill I’d die on. If you’re part of police Twitter and you don’t think a Royal Commission on Policing is the only way out of this mess then you’re all talk no action. #ProtectTheProtectors #ThinBlueLine #RoyalCommissionOnPolicingNow
  • 26 July 2021: You are brilliant! 😂
  • 26 July 2021: Did I just hear an outbreak of morale??!!
  • 26 July 2021: Just home from recording an interview for BBC Radio 4 on the genesis of the CT Vulnerability Support Hubs in the UK. Should be airing later this year.
  • 26 July 2021: Thanks man! 🙏
  • 26 July 2021: My latest for @C4ARR ; “The new leadership of the Radical Right will be less characterized by its position on Islamist extremism…in favor of a strong opposition to the cultural threat posed by extreme left-wing groups”.
  • 26 July 2021: “As a matter of course” 🙄
  • 23 July 2021: A great interview, well done John.
  • 23 July 2021: Absolutely right. Kicking the can down the road to 2022 is weak leadership.
  • 22 July 2021: We need a Royal Commission on Policing and we need it now. #RoyalCommissionOnPolicingNow #ProtectTheProtectors #ThinBlueLine
  • 22 July 2021: With what’s happening to policing and the wider criminal justice system I’d be amazed if law & order isn’t more of a priority at the next election.
  • 22 July 2021: Absolutely gutted for my brothers and sisters in blue. This amounts to a pay cut and I wouldn’t be surprised if many of the more experienced officers are looking at their options right now. No amount of recruitment will solve the impending retention crisis.
  • 20 July 2021: The only way to deal with the consequences of political meddling in policing is…more political meddling 🧐
  • 15 July 2021: Click click click….😏
  • 15 July 2021: Sorry to hear that mate.
  • 15 July 2021: A great read - particularly the bit about the chihuahua effect. How Twitter ruined everything - UnHerd
  • 15 July 2021: Not controversial at all! The tapping fingers & H thing was bloody ridiculous!
  • 14 July 2021: Exactly right - everyone in the UK has skin in the game.
  • 14 July 2021: It’s a bizarre exercise in self-flagellation for so many of these people to actively look for opportunities to do their own country down. I don’t see this level of vitriol anywhere else in the world.
  • 14 July 2021: Disconnect from the noise. Take a walk. Calm.
  • 13 July 2021: "The Britain First teams were deployed at strategic locations in and around the city of Leicester” - a (very) small group of guys with a PA system driving around Leicester shouting their message really sounds “strategic” to me 😏
  • 13 July 2021: "The Britain First teams were deployed at strategic locations in and around the city of Leicester” - a (very) small group of guys with a PA system driving around Leicester shoring their message really screams “strategic” to me 😏
  • 11 July 2021: Gutted for tonight. Shaw, Maguire, Pickford & Rice stood out. Such great commitment throughout. Next time Gadget. #ENGITA #EnglandvsItaly
  • 11 July 2021: It’s amazing what a man can do in 2 minutes 😏 #Euro2020Final #ItsComingHome #ENGITA
  • 10 July 2021: A beautiful thing 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  • 10 July 2021: Is “minimum strength” a thing anymore? Not that it was paid much attention previously I guess but parading one officer is madness 😒
  • 9 July 2021: 😂
  • 9 July 2021: There’s a special place in hell for the inventor of ducking autocorrect.
  • 7 July 2021: The one thing better than watching England score is watching @IanWright0 watching England score. #ENGDEN #ItsComingHome
  • 4 July 2021: “How I destroyed the best police service in the world”
  • 29 June 2021: Institutional Heroism.
  • 11 June 2021: It’s all about the “optics” 😒
  • 9 June 2021: About time. Home Secretary to support the association’s call for the increased sharing of footage from police officers’ body-worn cameras to counter “selective” viral social media posts.
  • 8 June 2021: Hope all ok Will.
  • 4 June 2021: My 8-year-old daughter has turned our living room into a cinema. She’s put place markers on the floor for us to maintain social distancing while we’re queuing up. As a parent there’s something uniquely depressing about the conditioning our kids are going through.
  • 4 June 2021: My 8-year-old daughter has turned our living room into a cinema. She’s put place markers on the floor for us to maintain social distancing while we’re queuing up. As a parent there’s something uniquely depressing about the conditioning our kids are going through.
  • 4 June 2021:
  • 4 June 2021: There’s a fair bit of throwing the label of “far right” around!
  • 3 June 2021: Got mine - sending best wishes from 🇬🇧
  • 28 May 2021: Really wondering why I’m hanging around on this platform. It’s like on a night out where you’re surrounded by people having a good drink but you’re the designated driver.
  • 24 May 2021: After what she did to the Police Service, no chance.
  • 24 May 2021: Absolutely right. Seeing this a lot recently, just like the upsurge in the use of “your truth”. You have: A recollection A perception An account A version Elevating these to the level of “truth” is just the next step on our collective journey to dis-information armageddon.
  • 19 May 2021: Looks like the account of the person raising the original question has been deleted.
  • 19 May 2021: Thanks! 🙏
  • 19 May 2021: The term “reverse racism” is a source of further confusion as it suggests that non minority groups cannot be the victims of racism but rather “reverse racism”, as if the concept of racism itself is reserved for minority communities. However, racism is racism, pure and simple.
  • 19 May 2021: Many on the CRT side would suggest that there must be some form of power dynamic for there to be racism (majority / minority communities). However, racism is not contingent upon power and is not the preserve of what is perceived as the majority group, ie white communities.
  • 19 May 2021: typically one that is a minority or marginalised”. There is nothing in this definition that precludes a white person from being a victim of racism. Note in particular the use of the word “typically”, not “exclusively”.
  • 19 May 2021: Hi Kaley I’d argue from the other side - the definition of racism states that it is “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group...
  • 19 May 2021: Amen to that.
  • 19 May 2021: I feel like I’ve just woken up in some insane parallel universe. What on earth is going on here?
  • 18 May 2021: Ok Twitter, do your thing.
  • 18 May 2021: Ok Twitter, do your thing.
  • 18 May 2021: I’m not sure who the intended audience for this is at all. Unless its some kind of social experiment to test reactions on social media to nonsensical statements.
  • 18 May 2021: It feels like I’ve just emerged from a year long coma to find a world gone mad.
  • 18 May 2021: Absolutely right. The response from senior officers has been pretty weak though. Lots of talk of learning but not of the upholding of standards. And it’s this very weakness that leaves officers in the frontline high and dry when the wheel comes off.
  • 18 May 2021:
  • 18 May 2021: Speaking as a Spurs fan I’m sure we’ll oblige 😩
  • 18 May 2021: Something has definitely changed. I left only 4 years ago and this stuff wasn’t going on then.
  • 18 May 2021: No, sorry Chris I’ve read it repeatedly and I haven’t a clue 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 18 May 2021: The Police Service must act without fear or favour. This principle has been called into question of late and the Service must now halt the slide into identity politics to restore public trust.
  • 18 May 2021: I secured the funding for the original pilots and it’s fantastic to see them going from strength to strength and adding value to these critical safeguarding interventions.
  • 18 May 2021: Just awful. Our public order policing needs a dramatic kick up the backside.
  • 18 May 2021: “Without fear or favour”
  • 18 May 2021: “Without fear or favour”
  • 17 May 2021: While it’s reported the Met Police came “under fire” for its response there is a telling absence of a reference to the HMICFRS review which found “the Metropolitan Police acted appropriately at the Sarah Everard vigil”. Nothing like a bit of balanced reporting from Sky News.
  • 17 May 2021: Absolutely right. There are some very narrow readings of the full spectrum approach we’ve been advocating. It’s in vogue to talk about far right terrorism but God forbid we should actually discuss the existence of other threat profiles.
  • 17 May 2021: It’s not rude at all, it’s bang on. And not just in relation to politics. I regularly think to myself “what would Twitter advise” and then do the complete opposite.
  • 17 May 2021: In next week’s episode Tom takes a back seat for this guy.
  • 17 May 2021: Amen to that.
  • 17 May 2021: I guess the question should be: why wasn’t CVE approached in an evidence-based fashion in the first place?
  • 17 May 2021: Interesting to see many who would until very recently vehemently defend the CVE industry ditching it in a heartbeat when this announcement was made. Had some great conversations today with real experts in the field about where this is all going.
  • 17 May 2021: If Carlsberg did Guinness adverts...😏 Bravo 👏
  • 17 May 2021: If Carlsberg did Guinness adverts...😏 Bravo 👏
  • 17 May 2021: Tell you what, I’ll unfollow you and then follow you again. Just doing my bit.
  • 15 May 2021: While serving I completed a MA in Criminology focussing on AQ-inspired recruitment in London based Universities and then a PhD on state responses to right wing extremism.
  • 13 May 2021: “Fascist insignia”. If my eyes rolled any harder I’d achieve time travel.
  • 13 May 2021: “Fascist insignia” If my eyes rolled any harder I’d achieve time travel.
  • 13 May 2021: “Bit worrying” Do your homework and learn what it actually means.
  • 13 May 2021: Me with a decade of experience countering terrorism and a PhD in state responses to far right extremism searching this picture for symbolism associated with the far right & fascism.
  • 12 May 2021: Very good 😂
  • 12 May 2021: A friend of mine just called me up to say she was doing #Prevent training and recognised me in the video talking about Channel. This was from before I left the police service about 7 years ago! It was definitely pre 3 kids, notice the lack of grey hair 😩
  • 12 May 2021: If you’re in need of a laugh today read the replies to this tweet 😂
  • 11 May 2021: If that’s their understanding of full spectrum then they shouldn’t be doing the job.
  • 11 May 2021: Indeed - it’ll be interesting to see if the focus is wider than Jan 6th and encompasses Antifa’s activities as part of a full spectrum approach to threat analysis.
  • 11 May 2021: The end of CVE. Let’s hope this is the case. Perhaps 2021 is the year where we get to say #RIPCVE I’m very happy about the prospect we can finally consign this conceptual chaos to history.
  • 11 May 2021: Very happy with my new purchase which arrived today. Great to see some fun being had with this and to do a bit for charity. Now back to work! @jordanbpeterson @MikhailaAleksis #HailLobster #TurnThatSlurUpsideDown
  • 10 May 2021: Fair play to anyone who puts themselves out there on a ballot paper. It takes stones.
  • 10 May 2021: “Autobots, roll out”
  • 7 May 2021: Say it together: “kinder, gentler politics”
  • 7 May 2021: When it comes to cursing it’s never as good as the East London accent though 😉
  • 7 May 2021: Congratulations Holly, a tremendous result!
  • 7 May 2021: Absolutely right. Opposition Parties are a shambles. The biggest risk for us Conservatives is complacency.
  • 7 May 2021: Absolutely right. Opposition Parties are a shambles. The biggest risk for us Conservatives is complacency.
  • 7 May 2021: Congratulations!
  • 7 May 2021: If you know, you know.
  • 7 May 2021: “Labour is now the Party of pity, the Party of poor you”
  • 7 May 2021: Devolution has only been a disaster because of the SNP. The principle is sound, it’s the execution that’s been derailed by a Party that doesn’t understand how to work with others.
  • 7 May 2021: While I’m celebrating the excellent results from today’s elections I’m mindful of the risk of complacency. Rival political parties are in a mess but @Conservatives have a job to do. At future elections we’ll be judged on our ability to deliver. And deliver we must. Onwards.
  • 7 May 2021: Congratulations Keith 👏🏻
  • 7 May 2021: So proud of @McivorJaymey for being elected as the County Councillor for Ongar & Rural. Well done mate you smashed it and I know you’ll do a great job. @BOCACampaign
  • 7 May 2021: Brilliant 😂
  • 7 May 2021: Now this is class.
  • 7 May 2021: I’m off to the count - should I not wear a suit?! 😏
  • 7 May 2021: Perhaps it’s because honesty and decency are not the preserve of the Left.
  • 7 May 2021: And of respecting the results of elections...
  • 6 May 2021: Well done mate! 👊🏻
  • 6 May 2021: Tower Hamlets. We’ve been here before...
  • 6 May 2021: Some re-writing of very recent history here.
  • 6 May 2021: Maybe they should spend more time on their actual job and focus on pot holes and bin collections
  • 6 May 2021: The selective outrage of the woke.
  • 6 May 2021: Cowardly.
  • 6 May 2021: Just wow - this is the climate police are working in. Well done to the officers for their professionalism throughout.
  • 5 May 2021: For me there’s got to be more work on groups such as Antifa and the splinter groups arising from BLM. In the UK these protests are a game of two halves, during the day they go pretty well but from about 6pm it’s criminal damage & assaults on police as violent elements take over.
  • 5 May 2021: That’s not how it works! We have to let the fire break out before we send the firefighters in. 😏
  • 5 May 2021: There’s no market for it. Yet.
  • 5 May 2021: In the U.K. the EDL never posed a terrorism threat but it didn’t stop people calling for them to be proscribed. Threats to public order and community cohesion, yes. Terrorism, no. I’m not seeing anywhere near the same levels of moral outrage re violent left wing groups.
  • 5 May 2021: And it’s not all about terrorism. These groups pose a spectrum of threats which include to community cohesion and public order. Dismissing the threats posed by violent left wing groups “because it’s not terrorism” is well and truly putting the blinkers on.
  • 5 May 2021: It also says much about the lack of understanding / acceptance of how groups interact with one another. If you’re serious about combatting right wing extremism then you’ve got to get serious about the increasing role of left wing extremism in its upward trajectory.
  • 5 May 2021: A great piece. I think back to last summer & the flack I got for daring to challenge the status quo within the “CVE industry”. If those within this industry can’t even countenance the range of threats posed by violent left wing groups then it says a lot about their usefulness.
  • 5 May 2021: How have I only just seen this?
  • 4 May 2021: The US Government are looking to outsource the monitoring of “extremist” chatter online. But who will watch the watchers?
  • 4 May 2021: This is an excellent discussion in which many of the comments re the “expert consensus” resonated with me. The best quote for me was from @aaronsibarium who highlighted the “laundering of activist agendas as expertise” - I couldn’t have put it any better myself.
  • 4 May 2021: Post-truth 😒
  • 2 May 2021:
  • 2 May 2021: 👌🏻
  • 29 April 2021: “Peoplekind” and now this. He’s lost the plot.
  • 28 April 2021: It’s called Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
  • 28 April 2021: Out and about canvassing in Stapleford Abbotts with @McivorJaymey who’s standing in the forthcoming Essex County Council elections. #Jaymey4OngarAndRural @BOCACampaign
  • 28 April 2021: And also when they expect you to indulge in the never-ending provision of links to articles & evidence to support your points - haven’t got the time, go and read them yourself!
  • 28 April 2021: Seeing this a lot recently so let’s be clear, there is no such thing as “your truth”. You have: A recollection A perception An account A version Elevating these to the level of “truth” is just the next step on our collective journey to dis-information armageddon.
  • 26 April 2021: She’s just another one of the current crop of MP’s demeaning the title.
  • 26 April 2021: In other news: water, wet.
  • 26 April 2021: Something I said? 😆
  • 26 April 2021: Don’t waste your time Rakib, she’s bought into her own “truth”.
  • 25 April 2021: With all the anti-police rhetoric we’re inheriting from the U.S., it won’t be long before we see the same thing here.
  • 25 April 2021: Seething at the current environment whereby officers are seen as fair game. Equally enraged by senior public order commanders being more concerned about “the optics” and leaving staff high and dry yet again.
  • 25 April 2021: How many times does this have to happen before public order commanders are held to account for leaving frontline officers high and dry?
  • 25 April 2021: Pretty soon we won’t have the police service we need. We’ll have the police service we deserve.
  • 25 April 2021: Will the commanders in charge of this operation be held to account? I doubt it. I’m sick of seeing protests change up a gear and the management leaving their officers high and dry while being obsessed with “the optics”.
  • 25 April 2021: Sick of seeing this happening again and again. As these protests changed up a gear the police response was flat footed and these frontline officers were left high and dry. When will police commanders learn?
  • 24 April 2021: What a joke.
  • 22 April 2021: When did the phrase “your truth” become a thing?
  • 22 April 2021: I’ll be tuning in. The cognitive dissonance on display in response to this incident is something to behold. Black lives matter. The officer saved a young black girl’s life as she was about to be stabbed in front of him. That’s the story here.
  • 22 April 2021: Black lives do matter. And that officer saved a young black girl’s life. That’s the story here.
  • 22 April 2021: You know you’ve made it when this happens.
  • 22 April 2021: Does anyone remember when we used to speak of Cognitive Diversity? A bunch of people of different backgrounds coming together to solve the problems of the day. This kind of thinking is no longer in vogue because diversity is seen as skin deep.
  • 22 April 2021: Our Police Officers go where angels fear to tread. Best wishes to this officer. Hope you make a full recovery brother. 💙
  • 22 April 2021: “Uncomfortable”
  • 22 April 2021: This will be interesting. @LushLtd this is your opportunity to move on from your disastrous anti-police campaign from 3 years ago. Your move.
  • 22 April 2021: Bang on. Sadly so many who should know better have succumbed to the lure of clickbait sensationalism on this platform.
  • 22 April 2021: We only moved on from league tables what seems like 5 minutes ago. When I see stuff like this it just reinforces why I left when I did.
  • 22 April 2021: For the bantz - love it!
  • 21 April 2021: You may be onto something there 🧐
  • 21 April 2021: You’re dead to me 😏
  • 21 April 2021: It’s right that members of the Government should give a view but threatening to legislate was a step too far. This was yet another instance of jumping on the bandwagon.
  • 21 April 2021: One of the clearest and common sense responses re political tribalism I’ve seen in a long time. 👏
  • 21 April 2021: Exactly right 👇
  • 19 April 2021: The silence has been deafening.
  • 18 April 2021: Been saying it for years...😏
  • 18 April 2021: Beyond embarrassing. When will the police service learn? Next week he’ll be policing a demonstration and they’ll be screaming ACAB at him.
  • 18 April 2021: It’s been 24 hours since I watched @TENETFilm and my brain still hurts.
  • 18 April 2021: Never learn.
  • 18 April 2021: Beautiful day to be out and about canvassing for my mate, Jaymey McIvor, who’s standing for the Ongar & Rural seat in the upcoming County Council elections. #LocalElections2021 @BOCACampaign
  • 18 April 2021: And then they came for Bluey.
  • 18 April 2021: Googles “Brony” Yep I’m done for the day.
  • 18 April 2021: Happy birthday mate!
  • 17 April 2021: An idea which has taken a particularly dangerous form.
  • 17 April 2021: The penny is finally dropping - “The FBI is investigating far-left Antifa radicals linked to violent attacks around the country, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray told Congress on Thursday”
  • 16 April 2021: Sadly too many “experts” have been jumping on this bandwagon.
  • 16 April 2021: There’s a touch of the green-eyed monster at play too.
  • 15 April 2021: It’s not just the over 50’s 😏
  • 10 April 2021: But she’s smiling as she says it so it must be ok?
  • 10 April 2021: Thank-you to all my new followers, I just reached 1000. #TwitterGoals
  • 9 April 2021: Signed!
  • 9 April 2021: What a nasty piece of work.
  • 9 April 2021:
  • 9 April 2021: I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Totally out of order.
  • 9 April 2021: Well said - this was gutter behaviour bordering on harassment from someone who should know better.
  • 9 April 2021: Same thing happening in the UK in relation to the recently released report on racism.
  • 9 April 2021: Broken people taking to Twitter to revel in the death of Prince Philip. They may have a voice on this platform but I take solace in knowing they are not representative of our society.
  • 9 April 2021: Duty 🇬🇧
  • 8 April 2021: This is a great thread on studying for a PhD. I did mine just so I could wear the floppy hat and get my bank cards changed to say Dr 😏
  • 8 April 2021: Nothing to see here, just someone shouting “white supremacist” at the sight of🥛
  • 8 April 2021: Context schmontext, this is Twitter!
  • 8 April 2021: They’re currently filming Season 8. You’ve got some binge watching to do!
  • 8 April 2021: Life is too short to argue with people on Twitter.
  • 8 April 2021: You must be looking at a different thread Nick. I’ve actually got some counter terrorism work to do so I’ll leave you to waste someone else’s time.
  • 7 April 2021: Oh dear Nick, clearly you don’t like a healthy challenge to your views. Maybe you should step out of your echo chamber some time. When you do, let’s talk.
  • 7 April 2021: Well you’re clearly charging the right amount for your “advice” Nick. If you think I’m promoting a binary view of the world it shows the level of your analysis isn’t worth much.
  • 7 April 2021: Thanks for the advice on how laws should be used. I didn’t realise you were the authority on the threshold for the future application of terrorism legislation 🙄
  • 7 April 2021: While you’ve got your head in the sand Nick maybe you should have a read of the Terrorism Act. Terrorism doesn’t only emanate from the Islamists and the Far Right. For those of us preventing terrorism we have to be alive to the growing threat of all forms of extremism.
  • 7 April 2021: I refer to my original tweet.
  • 7 April 2021: It’s not a distraction when organisations move from criminal damage & anti-social behaviour to terrorism offences. We should at least be alive to the possibility of this evolution rather than denying it.
  • 7 April 2021: The Terrorism Act covers “serious damage to property”. As XR increase their “direct action” activities it won’t be long before they tip into the CT sphere of responses.
  • 7 April 2021: The Terrorism Act covers “serious damage to property”. As XR increase their “direct action” activities it won’t be long before they tip into the CT sphere of responses.
  • 4 April 2021: “Quite intimidating”
  • 3 April 2021: This Yearbook is a must-read for anyone with an interest in better understanding the Radical Right. I contributed an article discussing how we can counter Radical Right narratives head on. @C4ARR
  • 2 April 2021: If you’re tweeting to be controversial and to chase likes maybe take a beat and consider whether you’re actually making anything better.
  • 2 April 2021: Thanks very much! 🙏
  • 2 April 2021: Cheers mate I hope all is well on your end.
  • 2 April 2021: Another great piece from Rakib. We need more researchers & commentators who follow the evidence, not the bluster of social media.
  • 2 April 2021: This article is on the money: ✅ Moving away from deradicalization towards disengagement (been saying this for years). ✅ Not all terrorists want to disengage. Removing their agency & framing them as “vulnerable” is full of risk. ✅ Group dynamics must be better understood.
  • 2 April 2021: Great to be invited onto the Today Programme this morning to talk about yesterday’s conviction of a serving police officer for being a member of National Action. We discussed the increasing depth & breadth of the threat & the need for full spectrum analysis of threat profiles.
  • 1 April 2021: Thanks very much! 🙏
  • 1 April 2021: Thankyou very much! 🙏
  • 1 April 2021: It’s arrived! The paperback version of my book on #Prevent and right-wing extremism is now available for less than £ all good booksellers 😏
  • 1 April 2021: Great article by ⁦⁦ @NotThatBigIan ⁩. It echoes points I’ve made on the challenges facing “Digital CVE”. “Clicking on an advert and watching a video does not an intervention make”.
  • 30 March 2021: This is the bastard child of Job Speak and Identity Politics.
  • 30 March 2021: His legs are tired from jumping on bandwagons.
  • 30 March 2021: It appears “sorry” is the hardest word.
  • 30 March 2021: Sadly it was just this week’s bandwagon for people to jump on with the police again bearing the brunt of the wisdom of the mob.
  • 30 March 2021: Sadly it was just this week’s bandwagon for people to jump on with the police again bearing the brunt of the wisdom of the mob.
  • 30 March 2021: Never let facts get in the way of a victim narrative.
  • 30 March 2021: Well that’s two things I agree with you on David, this and Spurs.
  • 30 March 2021: Is this going to be the new business model? Execs move in and cut the movie to pieces only for the Director to then release their cut a few years later and they get to double up their money with two versions of the same movie?
  • 30 March 2021: I’ll take that deal.
  • 29 March 2021: Yum!
  • 28 March 2021: This is just tedious. Carry on reading and engaging with stuff you already agree with. That’s sure to make you a rounded and credible researcher 🙄 I’ve got work to do.
  • 28 March 2021: What’s to comment on, you’ve made your mind up. I’m not going to waste my time changing it.
  • 28 March 2021: Can’t wait to read your PhD thesis if you’re only reading books you think you might agree with before opening the cover. Either that or you’re clairvoyant.
  • 28 March 2021: You’re a PhD researcher so here’s a novel idea - read the book and find out.
  • 28 March 2021: Absolutely right - I covered the reporting of EDL protests in my book on state responses to right wing extremism.
  • 27 March 2021: Here’s hoping I never look up from my hospital bed to see her looking down at me.
  • 27 March 2021: Absolutely right. The lack of grip at the local government level is why we had the EDL in the first place.
  • 27 March 2021: The same thing happened with responses to ALM in Luton and CSE in Rotherham - both issues drew out not just the “far right” but local people rightly angered by what was happening. We’ve seen how the vacuum of local authorities’ silence is filled by those who shout loudest.
  • 27 March 2021: Another example of there being no appetite within local government to grip these issues and to have the difficult conversations. It is far easier to blame the government and national CT, hate crime, extremism and integration policies. Where is the local leadership?
  • 27 March 2021: Local elections coming up - go figure.
  • 27 March 2021: “Aaaand Scene”
  • 27 March 2021: “Aaaaand Scene”
  • 26 March 2021: I’m going to a protest and I don’t have a scooby doo what’s it’s all about, but you know.....PROTEST!!!
  • 25 March 2021: Can anyone remember when “the far right” actually meant something?
  • 25 March 2021: An article for anyone with an interest in “Digital CVE”. It’s right that we put our foot on the ball & challenge some of the claims made re online methodologies. We need more rigorous data & oversight of their implementation to ensure they do no harm.
  • 25 March 2021: It must be exhausting jumping on bandwagons every day.
  • 19 March 2021: Never apologise for your strength. Someday others will need it.
  • 18 March 2021: Disagree - policing needs all the support it can get right now.
  • 16 March 2021: Jon, he’s just not into you, move on.
  • 15 March 2021: That is pretty amazing - not the easiest medium to work with.
  • 15 March 2021: This is not an unpopular view at all @JohnnyMercerUK and thank-you for saying this.
  • 11 March 2021: "On balance, we believe that police leaders should think very carefully before they take any actions which may be interpreted as showing support for, or aversion towards, any protest or its stated aims; it will rarely be appropriate."
  • 3 March 2021: I refer to this as Supermarket Extremism. Covered in my book (shameless plug 😏) -
  • 26 February 2021: Contest is our Counter Terrorism Strategy. Prevent is one of the 4 pillars of Contest. Channel sits within Prevent. Does this clear it up for you?
  • 25 February 2021: Just finished @SchittsCreek . What a masterpiece. 👏 I’ve not been invested in characters like this in a long time. #IntoTheWineNotTheLabel
  • 25 February 2021: That’s just it though - all this work and broader community engagement, cohesion and integration is lumped in together and it’s a mess.
  • 25 February 2021: Let us make 2021 the year we consign the term “Countering Violent Extremism” to history. R.I.P C.V.E
  • 24 February 2021: Amen to that.
  • 24 February 2021: So, Hate Crime then? Not sure why we have to reinvent the wheel.
  • 24 February 2021: 😉
  • 24 February 2021: Capitalising on the sensationalism, right on cue, organisations lining up to help governments counter the “explosion in right wing violent extremism”. Yet none of them proposing good old fashioned community cohesion programmes - I wonder why that is.
  • 24 February 2021: The audacity of claiming to be fighting for justice & human rights when doing the exact opposite.
  • 24 February 2021: I endorse this tweet.
  • 23 February 2021: Reminds me of the loud calls in the U.K. to proscribe the EDL as a “terrorist” organisation. This was despite the EDL never presenting a terrorist threat. Threats to public order & community cohesion yes but terrorism?
  • 23 February 2021: I think it important to dispel some of the myths out there. For the MPS delivery of the PEQF, our team is comprised of former police officers with experience across a range of disciplines and they have the L6 qualifications requisite for delivering a degree-level course.
  • 23 February 2021: That’s exactly what it means. I’m working on the programme and can testify that my whole team is made up of former police officers who are doing a fantastic job training the next generation of MPS officers.
  • 23 February 2021: You also can’t apply without policing experience so BOTH L6 & experience required. Here’s the advert: “You will need to hold a level 6 qualification whilst also having had operational experience in policing”.
  • 23 February 2021: One doesn’t outweigh the other in relation to the requirements of the role. Both equally valued & we shouldn’t create the impression that qualifications trump experience. You’re referring to the availability of former officers with a L6 qualification which is a separate issue.
  • 23 February 2021: It’s actually both that are required to become a lecturer for the programme.
  • 22 February 2021: My favourite was from Sam Coates at Sky News: “if we go into a 4th lockdown, will this be a resignation matter PM?” Yeah Sam - total waste of a question you twat.
  • 22 February 2021: A fascinating article re our current counter terrorism discourse. This will be uncomfortable reading for some but I found it refreshingly challenging of the “accepted wisdom”. I particularly liked the idea that we should follow the evidence - wherever it takes us.
  • 22 February 2021: A fascinating article re our current counter terrorism discourse. This will be uncomfortable reading for some but I found it refreshingly challenging of the “accepted wisdom”. I particularly liked the idea that we should follow the evidence - wherever it takes us.
  • 22 February 2021: A fascinating article re our current counter terrorism discourse. This will be uncomfortable reading for some but I found it refreshingly challenging of the “accepted wisdom”. I particularly liked the idea that we should follow the evidence - wherever it takes us.
  • 21 February 2021: Really pleased to have been part of this work. There are significant gaps in our assessment of threats. Over time we’ve focussed on Islamist groups & extreme right wing but if we’re truly invested in countering all forms of terrorism we have to consider wider threat profiles.
  • 20 February 2021: I just saw! A shame, but plenty of other videos coming out from the real mission.
  • 19 February 2021: Love this #IveMetTheMet
  • 19 February 2021: Sitting in my house watching footage filmed from the surface of Mars. Just let that sink in for a moment. For all it’s faults mankind is amazing.
  • 16 February 2021: There’s only one person coming across in this story as “misery laden”.
  • 16 February 2021: About damn time.
  • 16 February 2021: A big risk right now - If you call everyone far right, Nazis & White Supremacists, what will you do when the real deal comes over the hill?
  • 16 February 2021: The new wing of the CVE industry 😉
  • 15 February 2021: Electro flexing his muscles for the next Spider-Man movie.
  • 15 February 2021: Oi! 😬
  • 14 February 2021: The research base on this is currently very limited but there are increasing moves in the CT / counter extremism space to pay more interest to forms of extremism other than Islamist / Far Right which is a welcome shift to better understand the phenomenon.
  • 13 February 2021: I’ve seen this time & time again. The idea that some of these activities are framed as “direct action” rather than being seen as the serious criminal offences they are should concern us all. If the same tactics were employed by the EDL there would be loud calls for arrests.
  • 13 February 2021: Is Pietro actually Mephisto in disguise, entering the illusion to torture Wanda?
  • 13 February 2021: Pietro has just gotta be Mephisto
  • 13 February 2021: Pietro is Mephisto right?
  • 10 February 2021: “Proclamation of professional exclusivity” - indeed, CT professionals have stringent security vetting so they can access Top Secret reporting re active plots. Some of which I read in my former role and can see why this could cause people sleepless nights.
  • 8 February 2021: It’s almost as if he wants to expedite the demise of the BBC. Tragic.
  • 8 February 2021: I’ve just written a piece about my favourite of all, “CVE” 😬
  • 8 February 2021: Don’t! That’s definitely on the list too...!
  • 8 February 2021:
  • 8 February 2021: “Towards a kinder, gentler politics” Now bend the fucking knee.
  • 8 February 2021: The use of the word “unpacking” has got to be one of the most infuriating examples of academic pomposity. Reading it is like taking a cheese grater to my brain.
  • 8 February 2021: What is it about the Left and providing cover for regimes carrying out human rights abuses?
  • 8 February 2021: With all the attacks on GB News from the usual suspects it just makes me want to watch it more.
  • 8 February 2021: I really wouldn’t worry too much about the good Dr’s gauge of intellect, it’s somewhat skewed by her world view.
  • 8 February 2021: “Racial Gatekeeper”? Where to even begin with that one.
  • 8 February 2021: Not to mention the rising threat from left wing terrorism across Europe and yet in the UK it’s a blind spot we’re not even talking about.
  • 8 February 2021: Boycotting a news channel before it has aired is peak echo-chamber protectionism.
  • 8 February 2021: Boycotting a news channel before it’s aired is peak echo-chamber protectionism.
  • 8 February 2021: Liam is bang on with this: “Producing the most extreme & incendiary possible interpretation of events can serve to signal ideological distance from the White supremacists, while to call for cool heads & restraint is to risk being eyed with suspicion or in ideological proximity”
  • 8 February 2021: @LiamSD12 bang on with this: “Producing the most extreme & incendiary possible interpretation of events can serve to signal ideological distance from the White supremacists, while to call for cool heads & restraint is to risk being eyed with suspicion or in ideological proximity”
  • 6 February 2021: I’ll do you one better, why is Pietro? 😏
  • 5 February 2021: It’s the equivalent of saying “Candyman” into a mirror three times. You just don’t do it.
  • 5 February 2021: Thank-you Twitter Comment Police. You are tedious.
  • 3 February 2021: He wants to unlearn his racism, I want to unwatch this tosh.
  • 3 February 2021: I don’t have to direct my frustration anywhere thanks
  • 3 February 2021: Probably more than you have
  • 3 February 2021: ...and then make assumptions that others haven’t.
  • 3 February 2021: Healthy discussion: “Do thorough research, volunteer & learn first-hand, then comment”
  • 3 February 2021: There are a lot of activists in the “CVE Industry” who have no interest in anything that’s not the radical right.
  • 3 February 2021: Who are you, the comment police?
  • 3 February 2021: We’ll completely gloss over the arson, criminal damage and assaults on staff then 🙄
  • 1 February 2021: Why do we need a Black History Month? Every month is black history month because black history is part of British history. (I pinched this from a Morgan Freeman interview where he was asked about Black History Month in the U.S - the same applies here)
  • 31 January 2021: That was an awesome movie though! 🍿
  • 31 January 2021: And I’m Greg 🙄
  • 30 January 2021: “Countering the Far Right” Like “CVE”, it’s a growth industry. Just don’t ask anyone what it means.
  • 30 January 2021: This is lovely 💙
  • 30 January 2021: Femi gonna Femi 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 30 January 2021: Sorry is truly the hardest word - what a shambles.
  • 30 January 2021: Sorry truly is the hardest word.
  • 29 January 2021: But how many people subscribe to the wisdom of the mob? The problem with this approach is, what about when the mob comes for you? 🤔
  • 29 January 2021: Femi gonna Femi.
  • 29 January 2021: Yep - they’re throwing some junior ranking technocrat under the bus
  • 29 January 2021: Meanwhile... Femi gonna Femi.
  • 29 January 2021: EU: "We reject the logic of first come, first served" Pull the other one.
  • 29 January 2021: "We reject the logic of first come, first served" Pull the other one.
  • 29 January 2021: Femi’s gonna Femi.
  • 29 January 2021: I’m afraid to say that I bashed the Bishop tonight too... 😏
  • 29 January 2021: The cognitive dissonance on display here is strong.
  • 29 January 2021: One thing’s for sure, Europe will outlive the EU.
  • 29 January 2021: One thing’s for sure - Europe will outlive the EU.
  • 29 January 2021: Europe will outlive the EU.
  • 29 January 2021: It’s like the EU is trying to accelerate its demise.
  • 29 January 2021:
  • 29 January 2021: The number of people totally misrepresenting what Shawcross actually said - makes you wonder what their agenda is.
  • 29 January 2021: Me too. The EU showing it’s true colours.
  • 29 January 2021: “Independence in Europe”. An oxymoron if ever I’ve seen one.
  • 29 January 2021: The truth really is stranger than fiction.
  • 29 January 2021: "We reject the logic of first come, first served" Pull the other one.
  • 28 January 2021: EU: “We reject the logic of first come, first served" Pull the other one.
  • 28 January 2021: "We reject the logic of first come, first served" Pull the other one.
  • 26 January 2021: Good news - now let’s get on with it.
  • 26 January 2021: Agreed. No more pandering. Let’s get on with it.
  • 26 January 2021: Hear hear!
  • 26 January 2021: Good news - now let’s get on with it.
  • 26 January 2021: God forbid we should look at someone’s experience and qualifications for a role rather than their gender and skin colour.
  • 26 January 2021: There are some people out there who take solace in the idea that the world is full of fascists. Everyone apart from them of course.
  • 25 January 2021: I get that this platform lacks nuance but is it really that difficult to understand the difference between loony Covid Sceptics and people who want to highlight the risks of ongoing lockdowns?
  • 25 January 2021: “racialised and colonial agenda” - where to even start with this 😒 In the interests of critical thinking I’ll carry on reading but that’s a pretty big bump in the road early on.
  • 24 January 2021: This accounts for journalistic scrutiny in the UK these days.
  • 24 January 2021: Thanks Matt - a welcome reprieve from the Misery Industry that dwells on social media.
  • 24 January 2021: This is indicative of an organisation that has disempowered line managers and promoted the prescriptive application of processes to tick boxes. Such a desperately sad case.
  • 23 January 2021: It’s “liberal” members 😏
  • 23 January 2021: Looks like Facebook backed down on their main page but some of their activist accounts remain shut down. They’ve done this before and then reinstated most of them. Give it time 🙄
  • 23 January 2021: I’ve lost count of the times I’ve watched this. It reminds me of the level of conversation I have with my mates down the pub & never fails to brighten up my day.
  • 23 January 2021: If you do one thing today, follow @WoofWoof_TV
  • 23 January 2021: That’s just it, who knows? Facebook’s been getting increased heat re the closure of accounts recently so this feels like a sacrificial lamb to show impartiality. Perhaps for all those championing censorship from BigTech will now consider the question: what if they come for you?
  • 23 January 2021: They did and then reinstated most of the accounts claiming it was an error. Let’s see what they do this time.
  • 23 January 2021: And then they came for “The Left”? Interesting move from Facebook. After so much criticism of their removal of accounts associated with “The Right” could this be a move to demonstrate even-handedness in their approach?
  • 17 January 2021: “Flawed”
  • 17 January 2021: McShane, you stabbed the devil in the back, Baba Yaga’s coming for you!
  • 17 January 2021: Let’s see how expansive the definition will be of “white supremacist”.
  • 16 January 2021: Good to see someone earning their money.
  • 16 January 2021: Happy to have hit “Like” on this and see the counter change to 198K
  • 16 January 2021: This will no doubt trigger someone: 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
  • 16 January 2021: 🇬🇧 🇬🇧 🇬🇧
  • 16 January 2021: 🇬🇧
  • 14 January 2021: #HugelyUnderratedBatman
  • 13 January 2021: May’s reign was indeed a dark period for policing.
  • 13 January 2021: The problem is the tectonic plates under our discourse on issues inc. immigration, population change & ID politics have moved the thinking so far to the left that centrists & evidence based academics challenging the prevailing “views” are labelled gateways / apologists for the FR
  • 10 January 2021: They should change the law to let this man run for President. He would be awesome.
  • 4 January 2021: And to you mate! 👊
  • 4 January 2021: 😂
  • 4 January 2021: The 4th marks the end of my Dry January. Thanks #nationallockdown
  • 4 January 2021: Everything in moderation 😏
  • 4 January 2021: Good point - hiding from the spoilers for 9 weeks is gonna be tough - week by week it is! 👍
  • 4 January 2021: Do I watch them week by week or binge them all in one go?? 🤯
  • 4 January 2021: Great piece mate - getting sick of those who throw these terms around with abandon, essentially degrading them to pithy comebacks on social media but creating a lot of white noise in which the actual threats are allowed to conceal themselves.
  • 2 January 2021: It is a truly awful piece - I don’t recognise the Britain he depicts at all.
  • 2 January 2021: “Guardian Politics” was the first clue.
  • 2 January 2021: Brutal 😂
  • 2 January 2021: What an awful piece - I don’t recognise the Britain the author talks of - “inward, polarized and absurdly self-aggrandizing, Britain has lost itself”. It comes across as petty, bitter and jaundiced in its thinking.
  • 1 January 2021: Like I said. Get some help pal.
  • 1 January 2021: I’m of the view that listening to a broad array of opinions helps to check my own position and hone my arguments. But on this platform people can hide behind anonymous accounts and spew such incessant bile that I too have started blocking people. Many are beyond reason.
  • 1 January 2021: Actually we haven’t. Classic case of Brexit Derangement Syndrome here.
  • 1 January 2021: It’s not about what you do, it’s what you’re seen to do.
  • 1 January 2021: We’ve left the European Union. We have not left Europe. 🙄
  • 30 December 2020: It’s not about what you do, it’s what you’re seen to be doing.
  • 29 December 2020: Season 8 was rushed with the directors opting for scale over character development. It could easily have gone on for another couple of seasons.
  • 27 December 2020: Keep it dude!
  • 25 December 2020: You can have one of mine 😉
  • 25 December 2020: A wonderful Christmas message.
  • 25 December 2020: I bet Jen’s great at parties.
  • 25 December 2020: BINGO!!!!!!!!!
  • 23 December 2020: Not correct - just look at the many (and increasing number of ) cases recently of officers being seriously assaulted and the suspects receiving fines / suspended sentences. The Police Federation have been very vocal on this of late.
  • 23 December 2020: Can police officers also be extended protection from hate crime by virtue of their job as well then please?!
  • 20 December 2020: This gets my vote.
  • 17 December 2020: @TitaniaMcGrath Not the Prophet we want. The Prophet we deserve.
  • 15 December 2020: And the question remains - should we respond through the vehicle of some poorly conceived definition of “extremism” or strengthen our approach to building integrated communities? I know where I’d put my money.
  • 14 December 2020: Absolutely right. In all my years of work to counter the extreme right I’ve found many of those claiming to do the same are instead making the situation much worse. And the problem is they just don’t care because it’s not about what you do, it’s what you’re seen to do.
  • 14 December 2020: Absolutely right. In all my years of work to counter the extreme right I’ve found many of those claiming to do the same are instead making the situation much worse. And the problem is they just don’t care because it’s not about what you do, it’s what you’re seen to do.
  • 14 December 2020: Classic bantz 😂
  • 14 December 2020: It’s not funny. It’s the truth.
  • 11 December 2020: No Die Hard?? For shame!
  • 9 December 2020: In the Multiverse I guess anything can happen!
  • 9 December 2020: These videos get me every time 🥲
  • 9 December 2020: These videos get me every time 🥲
  • 7 December 2020: Thankyou for having me!
  • 6 December 2020: A suspended sentence? Disgusted.
  • 4 December 2020: Diversity it appears is skin deep. I remember the days we spoke of cognitive diversity. That’s gone by the wayside.
  • 29 November 2020: It’s just sooo much easier to do it from an armchair though 🛋😏
  • 28 November 2020: Critical thinkers. Do you: ✅ Recognise that others are entitled to disagree with you. ✅ Engage with people with whom you vehemently disagree. ✅ Recognise your own biases & don’t hide them. ✅ Seek to challenge & hone your arguments. If not, you’re not a critical thinker.
  • 28 November 2020: He’s All Show No Go.
  • 28 November 2020: Love it 😂
  • 28 November 2020: Critical thinkers. Do you: ✅ Recognise that others are entitled to disagree with you. ✅ Engage with people with whom you vehemently disagree. ✅ Recognise your own biases & don’t hide them. ✅ Seek to challenge & hone your arguments. If not, you’re not a critical thinker.
  • 28 November 2020: Gorgeous!
  • 28 November 2020: This is gorgeous!
  • 28 November 2020: Thanks Sean I’ve just listened to this recording. Very sobering and lots of food for thought for those of us working in safeguarding.
  • 27 November 2020: Ha! Poles apart!
  • 27 November 2020: Shameless plug 😏
  • 27 November 2020: The same way we respond to any form of extremism, through dialogue. But the first hurdle is to recognise that as other forms of extremism exist, Left-wing extremism is just as real and increasing incidents of Left-wing terrorism across Europe show us where it could go.
  • 27 November 2020: Another excellent article by @LiamSD12 “Macron’s strategy against Islamism warrants intense scrutiny, but that scrutiny must start with an acceptance that Islamism is a real phenomenon and a serious challenge to France, both in terms of violent radicalisation & social cohesion”
  • 27 November 2020:
  • 27 November 2020: Another episode of #lockdown Groundhog Day.
  • 25 November 2020: Best. One. Yet.
  • 25 November 2020: Nice 👍
  • 24 November 2020: Couldn’t have said it better myself.
  • 24 November 2020: If you see a crank being a crank, you’re entitled to cross to the other side of the street. You’re not making a statement about their freedom of speech, you’re just not buying what they’re selling.
  • 23 November 2020: Where do you find these guys Rakib?!
  • 23 November 2020: Sounds like the book will get a fair reading, she’s already referred to the author as “wrong and dangerous” but don’t worry she’s seeking to do a “grounded analysis” 🙄
  • 23 November 2020: @NorthantsChief every day of the week 😉
  • 23 November 2020: What a world - every sexual orientation is it’s own homogenous collective and each is characterised by distinct tv programme viewing appetites.
  • 23 November 2020: No one likes a grass 😉
  • 23 November 2020: The two are not mutually exclusive statements.
  • 22 November 2020: There’s a lot of sense in this article -
  • 22 November 2020:
  • 22 November 2020: I wouldn’t be so sure that will be the limit of his influence, particularly during Biden’s first term.
  • 22 November 2020: Perhaps you’re confused - no one is questioning the result of the election in this thread. With the vote share if you think Trumpism is done you’re very mistaken.
  • 22 November 2020: And with a vote share like that if you think Trumpism is done you’re very mistaken.
  • 22 November 2020: Yes, with the second largest number of votes in American history. Are you keeping up?
  • 22 November 2020: The police must serve without fear or favour to draw legitimacy from the communities they serve. This endless virtue signalling risks eroding that legitimacy.
  • 22 November 2020: He amassed the second largest vote in American history. He’s going nowhere.
  • 22 November 2020: I suppose there is comfort and stability in seeing everything in such a binary way. But the reality is that this is a pretty bleak way to live. They would do well to get out there and see more of the world. They’d see that life is messy, complicated and ultimately compromise.
  • 22 November 2020:
  • 21 November 2020: “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words” - 1984
  • 21 November 2020: That’s the name of your new rock band 😏
  • 21 November 2020: It’s really not that difficult - racism is racism. There aren’t levels of racism that give you license to say some groups are in and some groups are fair game.
  • 20 November 2020: “I disagree with him - he must be right wing”.
  • 20 November 2020: It’s really not that difficult - racism is racism. There aren’t levels of racism that give you license to say some groups are in and some groups are fair game.
  • 20 November 2020: After Predators 1 & 2 every movie has been an act of self-harm for this franchise.
  • 20 November 2020: So much time effort and money looking backwards instead of forwards.
  • 20 November 2020: I’d like to see how this would’ve turned out without the gun.
  • 20 November 2020: To many of his supporters there are different levels of racism, allowing them to be selective about which groups are in and which groups are fair game. Sickening stuff.
  • 20 November 2020: Equality is equality. No ifs, no buts.
  • 20 November 2020: Amen to that!
  • 20 November 2020: Thanks Jay 🙏
  • 20 November 2020: Racism is...... Racism.
  • 20 November 2020: You’re welcome.
  • 20 November 2020: And the NHS are ring fenced...we can see again the political calculus in action.
  • 20 November 2020: Rather than being defined by your identity, be defined by your actions.
  • 20 November 2020: Rather than being defined by your identity, be defined by your actions.
  • 20 November 2020: Rather than being defined by your identity, be defined by your actions.
  • 19 November 2020: Emily’s ethics gymnastics was a sight to behold.
  • 19 November 2020: “Present but not involved”
  • 19 November 2020: A great series - I know it has its haters and as a supporter of the Royal Family this series has been at times difficult to watch but the performances have been top class.
  • 19 November 2020: Google’s “herrenvolk” and wondering what planet The Pogues are on.
  • 19 November 2020: Google’s “herrenvolk” and doesn’t get what The Pogues are playing at.
  • 19 November 2020: I don’t get the point of this new update @Twitter
  • 18 November 2020: Divisive is the new progressive.
  • 17 November 2020: “BBC Presenter doesn’t know what racism is”
  • 17 November 2020: Miserable weather today. #IBlameThePolice
  • 16 November 2020: Damn you Capitalism!
  • 16 November 2020: This whole thing is a self-defeating mess.
  • 16 November 2020: Looking forward to the day the pendulum rests in the middle.
  • 16 November 2020: Looking forward to the day the pendulum rests in the middle.
  • 16 November 2020: Racism is defined as “prejudice, discrimination or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized” Typically, NOT exclusively.
  • 15 November 2020: They’re all jumping on the bandwagon.
  • 15 November 2020: Yet again our police service are made the scapegoats. It’s not about Government policy, scientific advice, or personal responsibility. It’s about dredging out the same old tired tropes about policing.
  • 15 November 2020: 😂
  • 15 November 2020: Yet again our police service are made the scapegoats. It’s not about Government policy, scientific advice, or personal responsibility. It’s about dredging out the same old tired tropes about policing.
  • 15 November 2020: Yet again our police service are made the scape goats. It’s not about Government policy, scientific advice, or personal responsibility. It’s about dredging out the same old tired tropes about policing.
  • 15 November 2020: 😂 That’s great, thank-you!!
  • 15 November 2020: Just thumbing though my #PhD thesis from 3 years ago & remembering why I quoted Indiana Jones in my Methods Section. With so much CT/CVE research of late being based on the work of others & bouncing around in its own echo chamber, a reminder to get out of the library.
  • 15 November 2020: I understand why the police have had to do this though - it’s effectively to reduce pressure on the 101 and 999 lines where people need to report serious crimes. I think we should give them a break.
  • 15 November 2020: But Antifa is “only an idea” and BLM is a “human rights movement”. The stuff coming out of the US right now paints a very different picture. This is truly the madness of crowds.
  • 15 November 2020: Nailed it 👇
  • 14 November 2020: Shaun this is completely the wrong approach - you should be diverging from Khan’s awful legacy on policing not doubling down on it.
  • 14 November 2020: Trust me when I say they’d much rather be catching burglars than issuing tickets.
  • 14 November 2020: If looks could kill. Biden will want rid of her soon. AOC’s made no secret of her frustrations with the Party’s direction of travel and he won’t want her derailing his efforts to build bridges with more centrist-minded Republicans.
  • 14 November 2020: Hear hear! 👏
  • 14 November 2020: So much for investing in evidence-based policing. Again Khan fails to understand his responsibly to keep Londoners safe and resorts to PR spin.
  • 14 November 2020: Same old same old from Khan. “Deflect, Distract, Demean” is his mantra. He is All Show No Go.
  • 14 November 2020: Loved this series - looking forward to S2.
  • 14 November 2020: Yep pretty much. Personally I think it’s a great idea 😏
  • 13 November 2020: 👍 🇬🇧
  • 13 November 2020: Making the fundamental assumption that diversity is skin deep. Khan “All Show No Go” is at it again.
  • 13 November 2020: I didn’t think we could even say BAME anymore.
  • 13 November 2020: I’m not crying you’re crying.
  • 13 November 2020: When the tyres hit the tarmac and risk has to be managed the police & security services have to make difficult decisions, often based on an incomplete intelligence picture. The constant non-evidence based “this could be playing into the hands of terrorists” is beyond tiresome
  • 13 November 2020: So Trump = Hitler? We’re past due a shakeup of the mainstream media.
  • 13 November 2020: Exactly my thoughts!
  • 13 November 2020: Exactly - just with none of that bothersome professionalism, training and accountability.
  • 13 November 2020: “Academic and BLM Activist” recommends non police bodies take responsibility for the “policing” of demonstrations. What could possibly go wrong?
  • 12 November 2020: If looks could kill.
  • 12 November 2020: Nope, they’re all out - “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words”
  • 12 November 2020: I say this as a former police officer - the police should act without fear or favour. When we consider the police response to recent BLM protests and Extinction Rebellion activity it’s plain to see that this has knocked public confidence.
  • 11 November 2020: It’s almost as if they’re intentionally trying to alienate people. Dumbasses - if you want us to help you to save the world don’t keep doing dumb shit.
  • 11 November 2020: 😂
  • 11 November 2020: It’s almost as if they’re intentionally trying to alienate people. Dumbasses - if you want us to help you to save the world don’t keep doing dumb shit.
  • 11 November 2020: I recently saw a guy on Twitter enquiring why the police are so conditioned to the threats out there. “Is there a video they watch during police training that tells them to be shit scared” he asked - maybe when you step outside your bubble you’ll see the world can be shit scary.
  • 11 November 2020: I recently saw a guy on Twitter enquiring why the police are so conditioned to the threats out there. “Is there a video they watch during police training that tells them to be shit scared” he asked - maybe when you step outside your bubble you’ll see the world can be shit scary.
  • 11 November 2020: Congratulations mate!
  • 11 November 2020: This clears everything up.
  • 10 November 2020: Populism’s not going anywhere. It has served to bridge the governed and those who govern and is not the dirty word many think it is. The days of “let’s make politics boring again” are over.
  • 10 November 2020: Seems fair - I can live with that 😏
  • 10 November 2020: Boulton being taken to school.
  • 10 November 2020: I remember when journalists reported the news rather than try so desperately to be the news.
  • 10 November 2020: I remember when journalists reported the news rather than try so desperately to be the news.
  • 10 November 2020: I remember when journalists reported the news rather than try so desperately to be the news.
  • 10 November 2020: I have no doubt the inevitable backlash against this will be framed as indicating an increase in “far right extremism”.
  • 10 November 2020: Good to see the classics being quoted there too - BLM & ACAB
  • 10 November 2020: He typifies the fall of journalistic integrity into the ugly activism we’re seeing so much of now.
  • 10 November 2020: They’ve hated him all along. It will be interesting without the bogeyman of Trump to see how America responds to Antifa now. Biden has to take a stronger stance rather than framing them as “an idea”. The public disorder & criminal damage they’ve wrought tells a different story.
  • 10 November 2020: They’ve hated him all along. It will be interesting without the bogeyman of Trump to see how America responds to Antifa now. Biden has to take a stronger stance rather than framing them as “an idea” The public disorder & criminal damage they’ve wrought tells a different story.
  • 10 November 2020: Too right - the door swings both ways.
  • 10 November 2020: Every now and then you find a Tweet that crystallises the complexity of so many strands of argument into a succinct & coherent statement that nails it. This is one of those Tweets.
  • 10 November 2020:
  • 10 November 2020: Watch this -
  • 10 November 2020: Thanks! 😂
  • 9 November 2020: All those who jumped on the bandwagon need to take a good look at themselves. There is a lot of anger at how lockdown impacted on Remembrance Day but they took this as an opportunity to bash the police and frame this as being some kind of attack on veterans. Get a grip.
  • 9 November 2020: All those who jumped on the bandwagon need to take a good look at themselves. There is a lot of anger at how lockdown impacted on Remembrance Day but they took this as an opportunity to bash the police and frame this being some kind of attack on veterans. Get a grip.
  • 9 November 2020: Unfortunate there isn’t a double-like button.
  • 9 November 2020: Oh well then, if they’re paying him why not get him to do the whole movie?
  • 9 November 2020: I reckon AOC will be off soon - Biden won’t want her constant sniping from the left of the Party as he’s trying to build coalitions.
  • 9 November 2020: This is great - a really insightful breakdown of this incident.
  • 9 November 2020: Hilarious!! 😂
  • 9 November 2020: He’s nearly as effective as having this guy out campaigning for you.
  • 9 November 2020: I hear that brother - it’s been a long time coming.
  • 9 November 2020: @rickygervais you should insist on doing your interviews like this 😂
  • 9 November 2020: An idea taken form.
  • 9 November 2020: Love that book - the truth it seems is not just stranger but more authoritarian than fiction.
  • 9 November 2020: The responses I’ve received to my tweets about this incident have been very telling. My conclusion - armchair Twitter policing experts would run pretty shitty cordons.
  • 9 November 2020: It’s still going today! 🙄
  • 9 November 2020: I agree with your second point.
  • 9 November 2020: The comments on this! Police cordons are there for a reason so do not try to walk through them. The officer in this case acted entirely proportionately in the circumstances. The Piper (apparently deliberately) walked straight into him and he made space by pushing him away.
  • 9 November 2020: Class 👏
  • 8 November 2020: Please tell me one of them was Die Hard.
  • 8 November 2020: If true this is pretty chilling stuff.
  • 8 November 2020: This was entirely orchestrated by the Piper. NFA for the Officer doing his job. As for the Piper - no doubt he’s proud of his 5 minutes of fame.
  • 8 November 2020: Cheers mate!! 😂
  • 8 November 2020: The officer acted proportionately in the circumstances. However, on the separate point, I am in agreement with you on the policing response to the BLM protests and wrote a piece for @WestmonsterUK to that effect at the time. The police must act without fear or favour.
  • 8 November 2020: Can you flog some of my books then? 😉
  • 8 November 2020: The question could have been phrased better but it served as an opportunity for the General to remind everyone why Remembrance Day is so important. I didn’t conclude that you were trying to demean it in any way. Sorry you’ve had so much abuse.
  • 8 November 2020: If you want a laugh this evening read through this thread 😂
  • 8 November 2020: Good news, this guy has been afforded a huge platform across the MSM for years based upon very little ability.
  • 8 November 2020: I say yes - you don’t walk through police cordons.
  • 8 November 2020: “We do not merely destroy our enemies; we change them” - 1984. Let the reprisals begin against those who are “complicit” - whatever that means.
  • 8 November 2020: Public Services Announcement: When you see a police cordon do not try to walk through it.
  • 8 November 2020: So there’s a cordon there for all to see. The guy does a sharp left turn into it and the officer pushes him away. What was the officer supposed to do, let him walk into him?
  • 8 November 2020: She has a point here. Long may it continue.
  • 7 November 2020: Remember to Unless it’s to anyone who doesn’t think like you do.
  • 7 November 2020: “The last thing we want to see here is a black man being arrested by the POlice” - that’s really the take home here 🙄
  • 7 November 2020: He has a point here.
  • 7 November 2020: Thank God it’s official now!
  • 7 November 2020: Remember everyone to But only to people who think like you.
  • 7 November 2020: Remember,
  • 7 November 2020: I agree mate - he still gets a platform from MSM so what does that say? There will always be cranks but I don’t get why we have to listen to this crap on our news. It’s not as if he’s qualified in the areas he’s asked to provide commentary on. Just another bloke with an opinion
  • 7 November 2020: Doubt he has the range.
  • 7 November 2020: He still gets invited on to provide his rather unique take on global affairs so he must be doing something right 😏
  • 7 November 2020: That 4 being the wrong way round is messing with my head.
  • 7 November 2020: I spend money in the shops that sell the stuff I want to buy. I don’t care who owns them and I don’t care who’s behind the register. It’s really that simple.
  • 7 November 2020: And yet Macron being framed as the bad guy in this has traction with a lot of commentators in the CE / CVE area, particularly those supporting expansive definitions of Islamophobia.
  • 7 November 2020: There’s a lot of noise about this right now but the most important thing is how this translates into proof which can be heard & tested in a Court. I get people saying there’s no smoke without fire but at some point we have to prove there is a fire.
  • 7 November 2020: The analysis tells an interesting story but how this translates into evidence of fraud is the most important thing.
  • 7 November 2020: @PatrickChristys After what she did to policing - no.
  • 7 November 2020: We’ll have to sit tight with cool heads and await due process - it’s impossible to say at this stage if what has come to light will make a difference to the overall result.
  • 7 November 2020: 👍😂
  • 7 November 2020: The one about COVID 19 being made up to allow the Government to lock us in our homes so they can change the batteries in all the pigeons 😏
  • 7 November 2020: What???? That’s not true??!! 😏
  • 7 November 2020: A bit of humour for a Saturday morning 😂
  • 7 November 2020: When the dust settles I can see him creating his very own platform and then boycotting Twitter.
  • 7 November 2020: “You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves” - 1984
  • 7 November 2020: Just goes to show that no politician and no party “owns” your vote based on who you are.
  • 7 November 2020: Excellent point and it says much about their role in driving the divisive nature of our discourse right now.
  • 7 November 2020: I remember when reporters saw their job as reporting the news rather than being the news. Simpler times.
  • 6 November 2020: Solved it 👍
  • 6 November 2020: They’re not even feigning journalistic impartiality anymore.
  • 6 November 2020: She seems nice.
  • 6 November 2020: Because dogs will love you no matter how much of a crank you are!
  • 6 November 2020: It’s an exercise in cognitive dissonance.
  • 6 November 2020: “One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship” - 1984.
  • 6 November 2020: Remember the whole thing? To many these were just words weren’t they?
  • 6 November 2020: Makes sense.
  • 6 November 2020: Bloody Capitalists.
  • 6 November 2020: That’s exactly what we need right now 🙄
  • 6 November 2020: That looks like just what we need right now 😏
  • 6 November 2020: The media used to report the news, not be the news.
  • 6 November 2020: Fear not, Antifa is just “an idea”.
  • 6 November 2020: Absolutely right - reporting without the editorialising - a refreshing change.
  • 6 November 2020: The Law Courts determine guilt, not the Court of Social Media - a reminder for many.
  • 6 November 2020: Biden’s making the right noises about being a President for “all Americans” - the proof will be in the pudding.
  • 6 November 2020: Absolute rubbish - the police have made a statement explaining what happened and acted entirely appropriately given the very difficult circumstances.
  • 6 November 2020: No politician and no party owns the vote of any individual or community.
  • 4 November 2020: Thank-you! 🙏
  • 4 November 2020: 💙
  • 4 November 2020:
  • 4 November 2020: Populism hasn’t entered the mainstream. The tectonic plates have shifted beneath our politics moving it so far to the left that even centre-ground politics is being framed as “populism”.
  • 4 November 2020: Thank-you very much! 🙏
  • 4 November 2020: The world watching Florida right now.
  • 4 November 2020: Me watching commentary on #FloridaElection #USElection2020
  • 4 November 2020: Just another attention seeking activist desperately trying to remain relevant post Brexit. Walk on, nothing to see here!
  • 4 November 2020: Thanks Norman we’ll all be feeling this today. This is a short poem I wrote for him 💙
  • 3 November 2020: This is a fascinating insight into Trump’s appeal when balanced with the alternative.
  • 3 November 2020: Leadership 👇
  • 2 November 2020: I agree - there is so much complexity but the skill is in explaining this in a clear & accessible way to most of us who don’t have a clue about the subject matter. With so much of politics being about the narrative or the “optics” the Government have to improve their messaging.
  • 2 November 2020: Hitting home that this will be us for the long run #GenerationCovid #lockdown2uk
  • 1 November 2020: In other news: water, wet. 😏
  • 1 November 2020: I still can’t get to the bottom of what offence he’s been arrested for? So much noise on SM!
  • 1 November 2020: I can’t make head nor tail of that video! As you say, the truth will come out in the wash.
  • 1 November 2020: Late in the day but well done.
  • 31 October 2020: The limits on freedom of speech should be determined by terrorists. I really don’t see everyone’s problem with this.
  • 31 October 2020: I agree with everything @EmmanuelMacron says here.
  • 31 October 2020: The tail is wagging the dog on this one. A sovereign state is taking a very firm stand against terrorism and is being framed as the bad guy. France isn’t over-reaching, this is the right thing to do. Anyone who can’t see this needs to give their moral compass a service.
  • 31 October 2020: I’ll never forget him challenging someone who made reference to “mankind”. “We like to say peoplekind” he said. That’s all you need to know about Trudeau right there.
  • 31 October 2020: No they’re not Gareth. Headline grabbing grandstanding is all they do.
  • 31 October 2020: “Freedom of speech should have limits” and those limits should be determined by terrorists. An article devoid of morality.
  • 31 October 2020: “Freedom of speech should have limits” and those limits should be determined by terrorists.
  • 31 October 2020: Absolutely appalling instances of victim blaming at a national level.
  • 31 October 2020: Me watching tonight’s #lockdown2 announcement.
  • 31 October 2020: Sorry for your loss brother 💙
  • 31 October 2020: “The French love of blasphemy”? This article is all kinds of wrong. Victim blaming at a national scale.
  • 31 October 2020: “The French love of blasphemy”? This article is all kinds of wrong. Victim blaming at a national scale.
  • 31 October 2020: RIP Sir Sean. Sean Connery: James Bond actor dies aged 90 - BBC News
  • 31 October 2020:
  • 31 October 2020: Normal is what you make it.
  • 30 October 2020: It’s difficult to see how Starmer could possibly move on without suspending him in the wake of his response to the EHRC report.
  • 30 October 2020: Thankyou for your service 💙
  • 30 October 2020: I’ve long said this - Islamists drew the radical right onto the streets ten years ago but its the radical left who are keeping them out there now.
  • 30 October 2020: #NewProfilePic
  • 30 October 2020: The telescreen received & transmitted simultaneously. Any sound Winston made, above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by it; moreover, so long as he remained within the field of vision which the metal plaque commanded, he could be seen as well as heard - 1984
  • 30 October 2020: Deputy Leader who was out on doorsteps in December campaigning for the bloke to be our PM! Couldn’t make it up!
  • 30 October 2020: Really @guardian ? This is in pretty bad taste given what’s happening in France right now. Have a word with yourselves.
  • 29 October 2020:
  • 29 October 2020: The police should be releasing footage from their body worn cameras to show the public the reality of what they’re dealing with. It would be very telling.
  • 29 October 2020: Keep fighting Norman - you’re doing a fantastic job!
  • 29 October 2020: As we say #Prevent is 1% of the budget, 99% of the conversation.
  • 29 October 2020: The word “sorry” is tellingly missing.
  • 29 October 2020: Sorry is indeed the hardest word.
  • 29 October 2020: Sorry is indeed the hardest word.
  • 29 October 2020: Great article - some uncomfortable truths being highlighted here.
  • 28 October 2020: There is enough content for a whole chapter of the yet-to-be-completed independent review of Prevent to be dedicated to the hugely disproportionate impact of the anti-Prevent lobby. Our international partners stare in disbelief when I describe this state of affairs to them!
  • 28 October 2020: And he fucking nailed it.
  • 28 October 2020: The alliances on both sides of this argument are growing. Who will blink first? Amidst all the political posturing many are wilfully glossing over the fact that this all started with a teacher being beheaded.
  • 28 October 2020: I’ll never forget when I was on the crime squad & at Mags Court applying for a warrant in plain clothes. The Mags filed in scowling at me. I introduced myself & they burst out laughing “sorry officer we thought you were a PYO”. Bright red face & howls of laughter from my team 😳
  • 28 October 2020: Looking to cauterise the wound. But the release of this report marks the beginning, not the end.
  • 28 October 2020: It’s wrong but understandable - just look at how the politically driven opposition to the use of stop & search by policing has led to officers retreating from its use & the explosion of knife crime in London. This climate of fear affects frontline decision-making.
  • 28 October 2020: It is nonsense. The police want nothing to do with this pantomime - they want to be out there catching criminals.
  • 28 October 2020: Another win for those seeking to recruit to the extreme right wing. Khan’s politics of division only drives polarisation in communities - who knows why? Perhaps to divert attention away from his own failings as Mayor. Every time he opens his mouth he makes our job harder.
  • 28 October 2020: Straight out of the Khan playbook. Should we expect anything else? His divisive stance is just so predictable now.
  • 28 October 2020: Alexa, show me “cognitive dissonance”
  • 27 October 2020: How is S&S being used in proactive policing? Each area has lists of nominals based upon criminal convictions. If the same 10 people with pre cons for knifepoint robbery are searched whenever they are stopped in a robbery hotspot, this must be better represented in the data.
  • 27 October 2020: Interesting! I think there was some research on the “shy Tories” phenomenon with regard to social media engagement rather than polling data from early this year. I’ll have to dig it out!
  • 27 October 2020: How is S&S being used in proactive policing? Each area has lists of nominals based upon criminal convictions. If the same 10 people with pre cons for knifepoint robbery are searched whenever they are stopped in a robbery hotspot, this must be better represented in the data.
  • 27 October 2020: It would be more interesting to find out of those searched, to break it down by how many had previous convictions for e.g. poss. of knives / knifepoint robbery / poss. of drugs. S&S as part of proactive policing targeting known e.g. top 10 offenders should be a distinct data-set.
  • 27 October 2020: It would be more interesting to find out of those searched, to break it down by how many had previous convictions for e.g. poss. of knives / knifepoint robbery / poss. of drugs. S&S as part of proactive policing targeting known e.g. top 10 offenders should be a distinct data-set.
  • 27 October 2020: I think you’re right - we saw this with the shy Tories in our own election. It’ll be very interesting in the coming weeks.
  • 27 October 2020: Can you please point me in the direction of the Centre Left? They’ve been missing in action for some time.
  • 27 October 2020: Cavill every day of the week.
  • 27 October 2020: Or this! 😉
  • 27 October 2020: A thing of beauty.
  • 27 October 2020: In short: - There must be more emphasis on what works & why. - Narratives must reflect lived experiences. - They are not the silver bullet & more needs to be done to instil confidence.
  • 27 October 2020: My latest piece covering the use of narratives in countering the radical right on behalf of @C4ARR : - There must be more emphasis on what works & why - Narratives must reflect lived experiences - They are not the silver bullet & more needs to be done to instil confidence.
  • 26 October 2020: “The white working class have been used as cannon fodder for decades” - some really important insights here.
  • 26 October 2020: I’ve got this hang up - I know that on paper Spider-Man would completely annihilate Batman BUT I can’t help but think Batman could take him with the right prep - I’ve had blazing rows about this but I still reckon Batsy could edge it during Spidey’s fight commentary 😉
  • 26 October 2020: I can only assume she was receiving the training rather than delivering it.
  • 25 October 2020: I don’t think it’s down to the idea of devolution. It’s more about the tribal nature of our politics where there remain few who are able to reach across the House to forge alliances on the things that matter to people. The response to COVID has highlighted this more than ever.
  • 25 October 2020: Hear hear!
  • 25 October 2020: But Sean, tell us what you really think...
  • 25 October 2020: I’m a localism guy - more power away from central government the better. I get the point about rival political tribes but I don’t think this should be a bar to the empowerment of local decision makers over Westminster.
  • 25 October 2020: You’re welcome. Like you I’d fight to defend anyone’s right to freedom of speech but we all know this doesn’t include threats to someone’s safety. When they do this they don’t only lose the argument, they lose a bit of themselves too.
  • 25 October 2020: Well said
  • 25 October 2020: This is awful on so many levels. For all those who have campaigned for this inquiry for so long this must feel like a kick in the teeth. I’ve written a lot about how state responses can cause the very community tensions they were seeking to avoid - case in point.
  • 25 October 2020: For anyone who wants a laugh this evening the replies to this appeal have had me in stitches 😂😂😂 Hope the bloke is safe and well, no matter how old he is!!
  • 25 October 2020: Absolutely right!
  • 25 October 2020: Unfortunately I see a lot of the same mistakes being made and this announcement regarding the inquiry is just the latest. The very community tension local actors were seeking to avoid has been exacerbated by their actions, or rather in-action.
  • 25 October 2020: I think we're getting to a point where throwing the word "racism" around has peaked and we can now actually have the difficult conversations we need to have - I wrote this some time ago but seems relevant:
  • 25 October 2020: (1). I've done more to counter terrorism than you ever will. (2). You'll find that I'm one of very few researchers writing about how state responses can feed polarization, principally through failing to deal with issues such as CSE -
  • 25 October 2020: It's more about state actors failing to respond effectively to events, not reasonably predicting how things will play out & failing to understand their role - I wrote about this recently in relation to the BLM protests in London -
  • 25 October 2020: If you'd read anything I've written you'll know that's not true. I'm one of the very few researchers writing about how state responses to issues such as CSE, uncontrolled immigration & recently BLM protests are causing polarization in communities, driving people to the extremes.
  • 25 October 2020: We saw this in response to the Islamist protest to the Royal Anglian Homecoming March in Luton, March 2009, where Bedfordshire Police dropped the ball and this ultimately gave rise to the EDL - I wrote about this recently:
  • 25 October 2020: Yes the radical right, not necessarily “far” or “extreme”. This is NOT to say that anyone protesting re CSE subscribes to these groups. However it cannot be denied there are those on the rad right who use these issues to galvanise their base.
  • 25 October 2020: Good question!
  • 25 October 2020: I suspect you’re right. There’s very little research on the street based protests associated with CSE to draw any substantive conclusions as yet. I do believe that if the inquiry doesn’t generate confidence we’ll see many more protests.
  • 25 October 2020: Good question - this particular issue doesn’t tend to draw out the radical left. Where there have been instances of groups coming out to counter protest against the radical right they have been cancelled due to the optics of being seen to be defending the exploitation of kids.
  • 24 October 2020: This not only fails victims but gives fuel to the radical right who are framing themselves as being the protectors of communities who are being let down by politicians and a police service driven by political correctness. The implications for community tensions are huge.
  • 24 October 2020: It’s difficult to see how there can be much confidence in this inquiry. This only plays into the radical right playbook with the grooming gangs scandal being a significant driver to both street protest and online activity. This needs a drastic rethink.
  • 24 October 2020: And with it often the weight of the world!
  • 24 October 2020: It’s almost as broad, unhelpful, non-descriptive and ultimately divisive as “person of colour” which has been in vogue more recently.
  • 24 October 2020: How moronic are you? Blocked.
  • 24 October 2020: The idiots really are out today - blocked
  • 24 October 2020: “Righteousness Porn” - expertly put.
  • 24 October 2020: RT @ianbremmer: 40% of my country will vote for Trump no matter what. I refuse to vilify them. But I’m not joining in. Here’s why. https://…
  • 24 October 2020: 30,000 assaults on officers in the last year. Shocking. #BlueLivesMatter
  • 24 October 2020: Happy to conform to your preconceived opinion of how all police officers must view the world.
  • 24 October 2020: I remember the days when you could disagree without taking offence Conversations have become so combative, largely facilitated by social media This is partly down to the shift from fact based to emotion based discourse and it’s difficult to see how we can move the needle back
  • 24 October 2020: I remember the days when you could disagree without taking offence Conversations have become so combative, largely facilitated by social media This is partly down to the shift from fact based to emotion based discourse and it’s difficult to see how we can move the needle back
  • 23 October 2020: It’s the nature of this platform I’m afraid Laurence. It’s not real life and there’s no way many people would say the things they say on here to someone’s face. Social media creates this strange detachment from normal decency and human interaction.
  • 23 October 2020: Heartbreaking - watching @C4Gogglebox this evening reminds me how much Cancer affects all of us and unites us. We watched Emily’s story together and we cried together.
  • 23 October 2020: Another 4 months in the bloody sin-bin! 🙄
  • 23 October 2020: I patrol the streets to the tune of “Here Comes the Hotstepper”
  • 23 October 2020: This looks awesome!
  • 23 October 2020: Pray I don’t find you Duffy!
  • 23 October 2020: Just checked too - still there!
  • 23 October 2020: Antifa has been described as “an idea” - this is that idea given form. Public disorder, criminal damage and violence, with the police being seen as fair game. The truth laid bare.
  • 23 October 2020: Thank you very much I’ll check it out 🙏
  • 23 October 2020: And to test the limits on both.
  • 23 October 2020: An excellent article and one among many from both sides of the pond highlighting the objectives and implications of the BLM movement.
  • 23 October 2020: Clearly making the mistake that Twitter is representative of the real world.
  • 23 October 2020: Very interesting indeed - I’ll have to search online for not just the response but the wider debate. Thanks for sharing Norman!
  • 23 October 2020: “I’m no gun expert but...” - great line and fantastic job!
  • 23 October 2020: I was simply exploring the acceptability of making hiring decisions for this role on the basis of race as this is worthy of further debate. Thanks for the good good natured conversation - all the best.
  • 23 October 2020: It was a good conversation!
  • 23 October 2020: Incidentally I very much believe that centrists deserve rights.
  • 23 October 2020: Well thanks! Although I have to say that protections must apply equally across the board and to suggest this doesn’t seem like a perversion of their spirit at all.
  • 23 October 2020: It’s different because there are laws protecting against employing someone purely on the basis of their skin. There are plenty of writers who write very well about people of other genders / colours / creeds - it’s not about writers “staying in their lane”
  • 23 October 2020: You do raise an interesting point about the wider acceptability of discrimination in a range of decision making. In this case however it is about employing an individual for a job and there are rightly laws to protect against discrimination in the workplace.
  • 23 October 2020: The question here really is about what kinds of discrimination are acceptable. Discriminating as you’ve set out in your restaurant selection example isn’t the same as discriminating in the way you recruit someone for a job.
  • 23 October 2020: I guess the question here is whether there are instances where we should accept discrimination on the basis of the colour of someone’s skin. In short, if black screenwriters are under-represented then is discrimination an acceptable way of increasing representation?
  • 23 October 2020: This is really interesting - in this case you’re discriminating on the basis of the experience of the repairman, not on the colour of his skin.
  • 23 October 2020: Isn’t this discriminatory? Like saying because Tony Stark is white we’re looking to hire white writers - I’d imagine this would provoke quite a response. Isn’t this more about getting the best writers for Blade who is a character that appeals to audiences of all colours?
  • 23 October 2020: If the crime is motivated by hate then this is an aggravating factor when it comes to any sentencing powers down the line. Personally I’m in favour of this being applied to war memorials.
  • 23 October 2020: Absolutely right - people want a police service acting without fear or favour. By allowing themselves to be dragged into this constant virtue signalling they risk damaging public confidence.
  • 22 October 2020: These “mostly peaceful” protests are something aren’t they?!
  • 22 October 2020: “There ain’t no justice like angry mob justice”
  • 22 October 2020: Advocacy groups? You’re being kind there Will!
  • 22 October 2020: Congratulations Matt!
  • 21 October 2020: @C4ARR has just dropped its new Yearbook titled “Mainstreaming the Radical Right”. This is a must read for anyone with an interest in the Radical Right and I'm very happy to have contributed a piece on the #Prevent Strategy.
  • 20 October 2020: This is how it’s done 👍
  • 20 October 2020: 😂 I’ll add the Homelander laser eyes on the next one!!
  • 20 October 2020: #NewProfilePic
  • 19 October 2020: He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy...😏
  • 19 October 2020: Interesting article re. Extremism Strategy; "there would also be value in ending the interminable debate as to the meaning of 'extremism'" I couldn't agree more, the Extremism Strategy has become an entirely theoretical exercise, divorced from the reality of front-end delivery.
  • 19 October 2020: At the tactical level the "far right" and the "far left" look pretty similar. I've never placed much stock in the whole "reciprocal radicalization" line of enquiry but those with an interest in this area should check this out.
  • 19 October 2020: I’ve been back on Twitter for an hour after a 4-month break and I’m already thinking screw this I’m heading back to @Instagram 😳
  • 19 October 2020: My latest piece covering the use of narratives in countering the radical right on behalf of @C4ARR : - There must be more emphasis on what works & why - Narratives must reflect lived experiences - They are not the silver bullet & more needs to be done to instil confidence.
  • 19 October 2020: After not being able to access my account since June I’m back! What did I miss??!!
  • 13 June 2020: (5/5) 10). Apparently the Mayan calendar was read wrong so we're all going to die next week anyway. I'm going to have a beer.
  • 13 June 2020: (4/5) 9). The CVE industry have been found wanting this week. Despite many of the same organisations & individuals coming up on the "far left", there's very little understanding of what this means from a risk perspective. More needs to be done.
  • 13 June 2020: (3/5) want to prevent. 5). We have a blind spot in our understanding of the far left. 6). We had a similar blind spot in relation to the far right in 2009 but there was more willingness to address it. 7). The term "far right" is abused. 8). The term "far left" is abused.
  • 13 June 2020: (2/5) 3). Attacking statues is wrong. You have a problem with one, take it up with the local Council. You cant appoint yourself Judge Judy & Executioner. 4). We have to recognise & be honest about our biases or we risk contributing to the very polarisation of the debate that we
  • 13 June 2020: Thoughts on the past week: (A thread 1/5) 1). I'm biased - I'm a former cop and I hate seeing officers being attacked regardless of who it is throwing the punches. 2). I am critical of the response by police leaders to these protests. Officers must act without fear or favour
  • 13 June 2020: It depends on whether you’re even bothering to look for it. But you seem to be too busy celebrating the toppling of statues of “dead white racists”. If you can’t recognise your own biases as a “CVE practitioner” then you’re contributing to the polarisation you claim to oppose.
  • 13 June 2020: Without knowing the motivations of individuals you could make the same argument against those who attacked the police last weekend.
  • 13 June 2020: The police are to act without fear or favour. I am critical of the response in Bristol last week as these images emboldened further acts of criminal damage rather than promoting debate. Just hope those involved learn the lessons for future protests.
  • 13 June 2020: Feels like a tinderbox right now - reminiscent of August 2011.
  • 13 June 2020: Shouts of “where were you last week”? Legitimate questions to be asked of senior leaders about the policing of last weeks protests. Amidst the anger & the vitriol from all sides today I’m thinking of the officers out there on the frontline doing their job to keep us all safe.
  • 13 June 2020: Sorry! I’ll get you in the next one! Didn’t think you’d want to hear the ranting I expose @LiamSD12 to 😏
  • 13 June 2020: A recent report showed that by 2023 a third of officers will have less than 3 years service - this is seismic change. Thinking of the frontline supervisors having to adjust to these challenges.
  • 13 June 2020: Ouch!
  • 13 June 2020: This is really sad. I also hear of officers looking to move on. I left after 14 years service for many of the reasons being discussed right now. There has been much coverage of recruitment but senior officers need to seriously think about retention too.
  • 13 June 2020: I’ve deleted my last post depicting a poster calling for attacks on police officers as the police officer whose account this originated from has since verified it was one of the fakes in circulation.
  • 13 June 2020: Reporting is completely skewed conflating people out there greatly distressed by attacks on war memorials with far right groups capitalising on the situation and spoiling for a fight. And yet the “experts” are silent on the violent undercurrent of the extreme left.
  • 13 June 2020: There are no doubt fakes out there and I’ve seen many of them debunked but there are also plenty of examples of literature inciting violence against police from police accounts. The threats to police officers are real and cannot be dismissed Responsibility goes both ways.
  • 13 June 2020: “Peaceful Protest”
  • 13 June 2020: Starmer must feel like the 6th Form Head Boy, dreading to find out what his peers have done now and then having to field questions on it.
  • 13 June 2020: Spot on here.
  • 13 June 2020: The protests have indeed been hijacked by extremists. But not the far right. Yet you’re silent on this Mr Mayor.
  • 13 June 2020: What he said.
  • 12 June 2020: “A mob by any other name is...well, it’s a mob”
  • 12 June 2020: They’ve done better than that - the MPS Events Twitter Account has referred to counter demonstrators as “right wing and associated groups” - presumably including veterans groups and anyone turning out to protect war memorials - great Comms 🙄
  • 12 June 2020: Stick the Boy Scouts from Poole in there for good measure too. Obviously a bunch of Nazis. You have lost the plot.
  • 12 June 2020: Great to see veterans groups lumped in with the “right wing” (?) as an “associated group” - this is completely unnecessarily inflammatory - happy to deliver a training session on right wing extremism to whatever imbecile tweeted this.
  • 12 June 2020: Great to see veterans groups lumped in with the “right wing” as an “associated group” - this is completely unnecessarily inflammatory - happy to deliver a training session on right wing extremism to whatever imbecile tweeted this.
  • 12 June 2020: MPS Events are now designating groups as “right wing” - does this mean far right, extreme right, slightly right? Amazing achievement as even the academic community studying this shit can’t even agree on definitions. Met Police what are you playing at?
  • 12 June 2020: MPS Events are now designating groups as “right wing” - does this mean far right, extreme right, slightly right? Amazing achievement as even the academic community studying this shit can’t even agree on definitions. Met Police what are you playing at?
  • 12 June 2020: People are messy, complicated. Life is compromise. That’s how we get things done. I’ve met pillars of the community who’ve done some bad things and career criminals who would do anything for their kids. Experience will tell you that life is not a zero sum game.
  • 12 June 2020: I heard it on the news, it must be true.
  • 12 June 2020: Thanks very much!
  • 12 June 2020: Sadly it was predictable that this would lead to tit for tat attacks on statues. Can we all just agree to stop breaking and defacing public property? If you disagree with the presence of a statue then lobby your local council to have it removed. Do it right.
  • 12 June 2020: It's good to know you're looking, we'll need some data to inform decision making rather than the noise we hear on social media. Given the rise of left-wing terrorist / anarchist movements in Greece, Italy & Spain, this is something we need to start investing time into exploring.
  • 12 June 2020: I’m worried that those pandering to the actions of the mob will give them license for further crimes. But you knew that already 🙄
  • 12 June 2020: And what of those who are not concerned about “exposure” but are rightly concerned about the erasure of history because of what we learn from it, not least in trying not to repeat elements of it. Let’s not forget about them shall we. 🧐
  • 12 June 2020: It was covered on GMB this morning and veterans groups are up in arms. All they had to do was distinguish between far right agitators and veterans groups / furious members of the public - but no, we're throwing "far right" around again with abandon.
  • 12 June 2020: And we saw disorder last weekend without the far right. Scores of officers assaulted, property damaged. For public safety its right that communities are aware of others who are hijacking the BLM cause I would have thought. Lets be honest here.
  • 12 June 2020: This is the new reciprocal radicalization. Far right vs far left groups. The Islamists may have brought the far right out onto the streets, but it'll be the far left that keep them out there. If we continue to talk about one and ignore the other, we'll miss threats.
  • 12 June 2020: There are plenty of people rightfully angered by the actions of the mob who have hijacked the BLM cause. They have to be called out, not pandered to. Now we have veterans groups being labelled "far right" - this will help no-one and only fuel further disorder.
  • 12 June 2020: This is a time for measured language from the Mayor. In highlighting "far right" groups (a term used ever-expansively & unhelpfully as it risks missing the real threats) without also talking about far-left & anarchist groups hijacking BLM protests he only feeds polarization.
  • 12 June 2020: So we should cover historical monuments commemorating those who fought against fascism against attack from left wing extremists & anarchists? That’s a really great take on the current situation.
  • 12 June 2020: Helpful. Thanks for the contribution 🙄
  • 12 June 2020: Different? It’s been off the chain!
  • 12 June 2020: In Sadiq Khan’s reality anyone turning out to protect the Cenotaph or Winston Churchill’s statue are “far right groups” Tells you everything you need to know about London’s Mayor.
  • 12 June 2020: Stop policing with the handbrake on. I’m saying this as a former police officer - he’s absolutely spot on.
  • 12 June 2020: He helped open Pandora’s Box. Too late for a touch of the seconds.
  • 11 June 2020: I saw this too. For those whinging “it’s only a statue”, you fail to see this means something. This is part of our history as a country. If you can’t see why the man who is voted No. 1 in our greatest Britons is special to us then you are without hope. 🇬🇧
  • 11 June 2020: If Cilla Black were still with us, she’d be in trouble. God bless her.
  • 11 June 2020: We’re having to protect the Cenotaph. This breaks my heart.
  • 11 June 2020: When you watch stuff like this it’s got to be a sure bet @realDonaldTrump is getting a 2nd term.
  • 11 June 2020: These images will draw plenty of decent people onto the streets to oppose this continued madness. They won’t be “the far right” or “hooligans”. They will be normal people who won’t submit to the justice of the mob. The police service need to grip this.
  • 11 June 2020: Speak for yourself, I’m completely sane 🤪
  • 11 June 2020: I wonder if that police commander in Bristol last weekend would make a different call in the knowledge that this was the moment that created the momentum for further statues to topple, for the cancel culture to take hold, & for us to erase our past rather than reconcile with it.
  • 11 June 2020: Watching what’s happening in Poole I make you right.
  • 11 June 2020: The irony’s not lost on me 😉
  • 11 June 2020: I remember a time when having a view on contentious issues didn’t lead to demands you get sacked from your job, that your reputation should be trashed or that you would receive threats to your life. Simpler times.
  • 11 June 2020: Faith in humanity restored - good on them. Tragic that it should come to this.
  • 11 June 2020: The tweet is not about Candace at all but is rather more focused on Stan Collymore’s description of her.
  • 11 June 2020: Cheers mate I’ll check it out!
  • 11 June 2020: I hope you’re wrong but from previous experience I fear you may be right.
  • 11 June 2020: Thank god someone did. As for those filming and taking selfies...
  • 11 June 2020: Made me chuckle 😏
  • 11 June 2020: Isn't the CVE industry operating in the pre-criminal space to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism? Its surprising many are silent on the rise of left-wing extremism & anarchist movements. We just have to look to Greece, Italy & Spain for where this could go.
  • 11 June 2020: If it’s not 1. Islamist terrorism or 2. Far right terrorism, many in the “CVE industry” aren’t interested mate.
  • 11 June 2020: Thanks very much! 🙏
  • 11 June 2020: My article for @WestmonsterUK ; "Enough is enough: Police must not allow a repeat of last weekend’s violence"
  • 11 June 2020: Good.
  • 11 June 2020: I’ve just written an article on this very issue - due out later today.
  • 11 June 2020: This is why we had the EDL in the first place. They stepped in as Bedfordshire Police failed to deal with Al Muhajiroun’s sickening demo at the Royal Anglian homecoming March in Luton, 2009. This is not down to frontline officers but leaders who are seen as weak & complicit.
  • 11 June 2020: This is all reminding me of the case back in 2000 of the paediatrician who was attacked because people confused the word with paedophile. #TheWisdomOfTheMob
  • 11 June 2020: A great article, challenging and with plenty of food for thought.
  • 11 June 2020: Congratulations! A beautiful book that I read with my kids all the time.
  • 11 June 2020: I wrote a book on responses to the EDL. In exploring the origins of the movement it was clear this view that the police were no longer effective at preserving public safety brought people onto the streets to protect their way of life. This thread is absolutely right.
  • 10 June 2020: Oh we’re past ridiculous now.
  • 10 June 2020: That’s it I’ve had enough of this shit. You want Chase you’re gonna have to come through me.
  • 10 June 2020: No doubt highlighting how it’s all the officers’ fault.
  • 10 June 2020: Outnumbered, alone, getting tired, scared. But she doesn’t leave her wounded colleague. She does her best to help him. I for one am proud of her. She’s worth ten of some armchair critic who’s first reaction is this tweet.
  • 10 June 2020: “Unable to do basic policing” while outnumbered by armed attackers Watch out Norman we’ve got another Twitter expert on policing here 🙄
  • 10 June 2020: Absolutely disgraceful - the Thin Blue Line feels very thin right now. Watching this makes me furious.
  • 10 June 2020: The Thin Blue Line feels very thin right now.
  • 10 June 2020: Bedfordshire Police dropping the ball on the Al Muhajiroun demonstration against the Royal Anglian parade in Luton 2009 was the birth of the EDL. Unless the police grip this the public will coalesce around groups who will oppose those who are out of control on our streets.
  • 10 June 2020: Bedfordshire Police dropping the ball on the Al Muhajiroun demonstration against the Royal Anglian parade in Luton 2009 was the birth of the EDL. Unless the police grip this the public will coalesce around groups who will oppose those who are out of control on our streets.
  • 10 June 2020: You could be right 👽
  • 10 June 2020:
  • 10 June 2020: I’ve been there - those guys don’t mess around!
  • 10 June 2020: I get it - classic "prisoners with jobs" 😉
  • 10 June 2020: Don’t let the facts get in the way of some good old fashioned angry mob justice 😉
  • 10 June 2020: Well we lost Little Britain last night + big discussion about whether we can have monuments of people who are in any way related to other people who were involved in the slave trade. All in all, a quiet Tuesday night.
  • 10 June 2020: These too 😏
  • 9 June 2020: The sins of the father are visited upon the son - seems fair 🙄 This isn’t about education, it’s eradication.
  • 9 June 2020: Educate not eradicate.
  • 9 June 2020: Bow to your new overlords.
  • 9 June 2020: Yes, we all should.
  • 9 June 2020: His moral compass is so broken I’m surprised he can walk in a straight line.
  • 9 June 2020: The police response this weekend has only emboldened these groups. It’s open season on anything and anyone now. The first rule of the mob: There are no rules.
  • 9 June 2020: Isn’t this whitewashing our history? How ironic 😏
  • 9 June 2020: Good to see he’s dealt with the pressing issues of his office, notably knife crime. Must be why he’s got so much time on his hands to pull down statues across our capital city.
  • 9 June 2020: This is chilling. The intolerant Left strike again.
  • 9 June 2020: This is nothing but the whitewashing of our history - how ironic.
  • 9 June 2020: Speaking as a former police officer the correct balance has not been struck in the policing of these protests at all. No wonder the Federation are angry and very publicly calling for an apology.
  • 9 June 2020: Did you expect anything different? Amazing how much of a platform the BBC gives Ash. You never had a chance 😏
  • 9 June 2020: And will the people donating be told what the money is actually being spent on? I bet they won’t. “Abolish the Police” will fall away as another meaningless slogan, like many we’ve seen this weekend. They don’t deserve the police service we’ve got. Best in the world 🇬🇧
  • 9 June 2020: Nowhere is the phrase “Twitter is not real life” more appropriate than when describing the discourse on policing. Every poll places public trust & confidence in policing above all other professions. Support intersects classes, races, cultures & religions. We 💙 our police.
  • 9 June 2020: Alas it’s too late now. The judgement of the mob has prevailed. Now emboldened by not a single punitive action, what will they do next?
  • 9 June 2020: This is the way it’s been going for the last 8 years. CT practitioners countering “all forms of terrorism” can add left wing terrorism to the ever diversifying threat landscape. Huddersfield man accused of 'left-wing' terror offences - BBC News
  • 9 June 2020: McCarthyism is back. You’re either with the script or you’ll be hounded by the mob. And the script keeps changing. Every night Squealer’s out there with his white paint amending it on the barn wall. How the real police service navigate all this is particularly challenging.
  • 8 June 2020: This is straight up an act of war.
  • 8 June 2020: Proud 🇬🇧
  • 8 June 2020: Proud 🇬🇧
  • 8 June 2020: No but if you don’t pronounce your opposition to racism loudly in your Twitter bio & at any opportunity there will be those who doubt your commitment 🙄
  • 8 June 2020: It truly is a race to the bottom.
  • 8 June 2020: That’s a straight up act of war.
  • 8 June 2020: It’s also been interesting to see how some people in the “CVE industry” have responded. For those who still can’t differentiate between peaceful protest / positive activism and the increasing threat from left-wing extremists, you’re in the wrong job.
  • 8 June 2020: As a former cop I’ll always be typecast by those who see this as a zero sum game. It won’t stop me calling out the violence towards police & acts of criminal damage this weekend. It also won’t stop me criticising a police response which emboldens those hijacking protest.
  • 7 June 2020: Let’s hope she’s identified and arrested quickly.
  • 7 June 2020: It was just weird
  • 7 June 2020: “I can understand why people would have wanted us to do our jobs but you know....context” Heard it all now. A huge tactical mistake that will only embolden those seeking to carry out large scale disorder & criminal damage. Just wait and see what the mob does next.
  • 7 June 2020: That officer’s worth ten of her.
  • 7 June 2020: The ballot box hasn’t been kind to them so this is all they’ve got, meaningless slogans and the justice of the mob. Is there anyone who can pave the way back for the Left in this country?
  • 7 June 2020: The Left:
  • 7 June 2020: This is about equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
  • 7 June 2020: Wrong - police officers are to act without fear or favour. Take it from someone who used to be one.
  • 7 June 2020: The Left:
  • 7 June 2020: If you’ll believe social media there was a peaceful protest yesterday but the police ruined it. Officers graffitied monuments, fell off horses, injured themselves. There was even a report of a police horse trying to steal someone’s bike. Shameful 😏
  • 7 June 2020: “It’s the horse’s fault for being there” Isn’t that victim blaming? 🧐
  • 7 June 2020: Owen victim blaming - these guys really have lost their moral compass.
  • 7 June 2020: The only victims here are the injured police officers and horses. Shocking scenes at the so called “protest” which was used as a cover for violence.
  • 7 June 2020: Victim blaming
  • 6 June 2020: See him take on Dog the Bounty Hunter. Let’s settle this once and for all.
  • 6 June 2020: Thanks very much! 🙏
  • 5 June 2020: Count me in.
  • 5 June 2020: Damn straight.
  • 5 June 2020: Done!
  • 5 June 2020: Defund the police because they’re more likely to be dealing with people in a mental health crisis? Just more evidence that you really should have to pass some kind of basic intelligence test to have a Twitter account.
  • 5 June 2020: Defund the police because they’re more likely to be dealing with people in a mental health crisis? Just more evidence that you really should have to pass some kind of basic intelligence test to have a Twitter account.
  • 5 June 2020: Thanks Ian!
  • 5 June 2020: Thanks very much! 🙏
  • 5 June 2020: I don’t think the phrase implies an “us vs them” belief. We’ve got approx 125,000 officers policing a pop. of 66 million so the line is very thin indeed. This necessitates a consent based policing model with the police & society working together rather than being in conflict.
  • 5 June 2020: Thanks mate! 🙏
  • 5 June 2020: You can count on it! 👍
  • 5 June 2020: Thanks very much Sean! 🙏
  • 5 June 2020: It does feel good to get my head out of CT and do something creative!
  • 5 June 2020: Amazing to see something that started life being scribbled on pieces of paper now fully illustrated, published and available for people to buy. #childrensbook #WritingCommunity @KAbooks1 @happydesigner
  • 5 June 2020: 🤫
  • 5 June 2020: As a departure from my normal writing my debut children's book, The Tidy Spidey, illustrated by the amazing @happydesigner , is now available for pre-order from @KAbooks1 Written by a dad for parents to read with their kids, I hope you enjoy it.
  • 5 June 2020: Thankless task and for many in the anti-Prevent lobby nothing less than complete condemnation and scrapping Prevent will be good enough. “We want a review but if it doesn’t lead to scrapping Prevent we’ll cry foul” 🙄 The new reviewer will have to go in eyes wide open.
  • 5 June 2020: It’ll all come out in the wash with the independent review.
  • 5 June 2020: Channel referral
  • 5 June 2020: Just seen a Greater Spotted Woodpecker in the garden. A good start to the day!
  • 4 June 2020: Says more about them than you though doesn’t it!
  • 4 June 2020: Without Fear or Favour
  • 4 June 2020: This time around NPCC have to be proactive in communicating the law / rules distinction so that frontline officers aren’t left high and dry again. The police role or lack thereof must be crystal clear.
  • 4 June 2020: This was never the police service’s calculated strategy but the actions of small numbers of officers poorly gripped by leaders.
  • 4 June 2020: The police are there to act without fear or favour. In taking the knee he’s very overtly (in uniform) taking a position on the subject matter of the protest. He’s entitled to his view but he has to understand the ramifications of doing this in the middle of a violent protest.
  • 3 June 2020: Talking about practical steps to better understand and improve the situation? Rather than virtue signalling & feeding further polarization of communities? It’ll never catch on.
  • 3 June 2020: Self flagellation is very in vogue at the moment. Doesn’t help anyone but it’s social media so it’s all about the virtue signalling.
  • 3 June 2020: And then they came for the comedians. And where there was laughter, there is now only silence.
  • 3 June 2020: Saw this poor man being filmed by people who should have been helping him. I’m not seeing anything practical coming out of these tragedies, just endless virtue signalling, us&them politicking, protest mutating into looting & murder, and social media fuelled tribalism.
  • 2 June 2020: It’s tough getting into the zone at the moment.
  • 1 June 2020: Some just need any opportunity to bang that drum. They should get on a plane and check out policing in most other countries. The professionalism and even-handedness of our police service is envied across the world.
  • 1 June 2020: We’re beyond warm words. Now is the time for change and that needs vision, action and courage. Otherwise those seeking to capitalise on the situation by sowing further discord will be able to run rampant.
  • 30 May 2020: Would be cool to reprise the role in a one-off multiverse movie though? Think of the possibilities!
  • 30 May 2020: Well done. I’ve found the same with my 7 year old daughter. Getting the 1-2-1 every day has really brought her reading on.
  • 28 May 2020: Trump just broke the internet
  • 28 May 2020: Thanks!
  • 28 May 2020: Congratulations!
  • 28 May 2020: Thanks Ivan!
  • 28 May 2020: Thanks Matthew!
  • 28 May 2020: Thanks very much! Unfortunately we continue to neglect efforts to build integrated communities and place much more emphasis (certainly at the policy level) on exploring increasingly expansive interpretations of “extremism”.
  • 27 May 2020: Remember the days when we’d get the news from legends like Trevor McDonald and Peter Sissons? Impartiality. Integrity. Professionalism. A different time.
  • 26 May 2020: All day long #mediascum has been trending in the U.K. What a sorry state of affairs. I grew up getting the news from the legend that is Sir Trevor McDonald. I wonder what he’d say about all this. #BringBackTrevorMcDonald
  • 26 May 2020: All day long #mediascum has been trending in the U.K. What a sorry state of affairs. I grew up getting the news from the legend that is Sir Trevor McDonald. I wonder what he’d say about all this. #BringBackTrevorMcDonald
  • 26 May 2020: All day long #mediascum has been trending in the U.K. What a sorry state of affairs. I grew up getting the news from the legend that is Sir Trevor McDonald. I wonder what he’d say about all this. #BringBackTrevorMcDonald
  • 26 May 2020: Thanks Will!
  • 26 May 2020: Thanks Liam!
  • 26 May 2020: My latest article on behalf of @C4ARR sets out why in tackling the radical right we have to get back to basics.
  • 25 May 2020: Noobmaster69 we meet at last.
  • 25 May 2020:
  • 21 May 2020: Hope so.
  • 21 May 2020: Holy shit he’s a Jedi too?
  • 21 May 2020: Wakanda Forever!
  • 20 May 2020: Good article - If we can’t talk about the difficult stuff we just surrender the narrative to those who will use it to sow further division.
  • 18 May 2020: Our upcoming war against the Atlanteans.
  • 18 May 2020: Our upcoming war against the Atlanteans.
  • 18 May 2020: Delighted to have contributed a short piece for this upcoming book - for those with an interest in responses to the radical right check it out!
  • 17 May 2020: Nowhere in this meandering collection of spiteful nonsensical whinging was there anything resembling a coherent or in any way useful social commentary. Utter crap.
  • 15 May 2020: This guy is superb in Santa Clarita Diet. Can’t wait for S2, the cast looks awesome 👏
  • 15 May 2020: Maybe it’s another clone taking up the Boba Fett mantle 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 15 May 2020: Absolutely right! Time to retire the concept of “hard to reach” communities and to reinvigorate engagement with ALL communities.
  • 15 May 2020: Fuck No! Plenty of baddies to explore as it is - I’m hoping they bring in Mr Sinister at some point 🤞
  • 15 May 2020: The only deradicalisation programme on the market with a confirmed cast-iron 100% success rate.
  • 15 May 2020:
  • 15 May 2020:
  • 15 May 2020:
  • 15 May 2020:
  • 15 May 2020: A great article highlighting very pertinent areas for community safety.
  • 15 May 2020: Absolutely. Like this guy said.
  • 14 May 2020: Reminds me of Nebula.
  • 13 May 2020: I remember the MCB partnering with Dal Babu to create a “more transparent” version of the Channel programme called Safe & Secure. Can’t find any further information on it though - would be great to find out if it was indeed more effective as an intervention programme.
  • 8 May 2020: Did it? No idea why - thought it was a really interesting take 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 8 May 2020: Dude you should definitely watch it! A great movie covering some of the difficult decisions to be taken in the midst of a terror campaign. + Washington, Willis & Bening on good form 👍
  • 8 May 2020: Why didn’t The Siege make the cut?!
  • 8 May 2020: For me: Inspiring Courageous Humble
  • 8 May 2020: “You’re the Health Minister. Deal with it!”
  • 8 May 2020: Congratulations Alicia!
  • 7 May 2020: But every year is “the safest carnival ever” 🧐
  • 7 May 2020: One of the biggest abstractions in the policing calendar.
  • 4 May 2020: Just make sure you print off enough leaflets
  • 4 May 2020: Liam reading his manifesto.
  • 4 May 2020: Depends on circumstances of the case.
  • 4 May 2020: Read books, learn stuff.
  • 3 May 2020: Absolutely right - all my research on the far right points in the same direction. If we don't fight to keep these issues in the mainstream, we surrender them to the extremes.
  • 3 May 2020: About damn time!
  • 3 May 2020: You’re right it’s down to 1st & 2nd line managers to supervise their teams but the Chiefs have to set the tone - for too long there’s been tacit acceptance of this. + Supervisors need to know their SLT will have their back in enforcing rules.
  • 3 May 2020: Its gone on long enough - good to finally see some grip on this.
  • 3 May 2020: Just saw this on Facebook too - great memories, I passed out Oct 2002. Seeing those buildings again reminds me of....The Avengers blowing them to hell in Age of Ultron 😏
  • 1 May 2020: Eh?!
  • 1 May 2020: Holy shit didn’t that guy once lead the Labour Party?
  • 30 April 2020: Wasn’t the Blue Lagoon story debunked? It had been dyed black many times before due to safety concerns.
  • 30 April 2020: Absolutely! A cameo as part of an alternate Earth in the multiverse, possibly fighting their version of Thanos & in need of some inspiration as to how to defeat him 🧐
  • 29 April 2020: Hi is there any update on this please?
  • 29 April 2020: His partner just gave birth to their son so maybe we’ll let this no-show at PMQs slide shall we?
  • 27 April 2020: Enough already this is just embarrassing.
  • 27 April 2020: “Entitled to their points of view”? Are they political commentators or journalists? Can they tell the difference anymore?
  • 27 April 2020: Screw it, I’ll throw my hat in the ring.
  • 26 April 2020: “Whatever it takes”
  • 25 April 2020: "If you think the answer to the rise in the far-right threat lies in CT and/or counter-extremism policies, you're looking in the wrong place. Rather, it lies in the way we build integrated, cohesive communities. We're failing to do this". @HJS_Org
  • 25 April 2020: If you think the answer to the rise in the far-right threat lies in counter-terrorism and/or counter-extremism policies, you are looking in the wrong place. Rather, it lies in the way we build integrated, cohesive communities. We are failing to do this.
  • 25 April 2020: I use the definition put forward by Carter in “The Extreme Right in Western Europe – Success or Failure?”; (1) Rejection of the fundamental values, procedures & institutions of the democratic constitutional state, and (2) Rejection of the principle of fundamental human equality
  • 22 April 2020: Cabin Fever has taken her.
  • 22 April 2020: He won the argument though....😏
  • 22 April 2020: Jesus Christ - haven’t we had enough?
  • 22 April 2020: But but...he won the argument??
  • 22 April 2020: Someone’s been playing too much Tetris.
  • 22 April 2020: The difference between reporting the news and being the news is lost on a lot of our current crop of journalists.
  • 22 April 2020: Did he? I thought he looked at the crop of potential leaders and said fuck this, let’s open the leadership contest up to people who aren’t even MP’s...😏
  • 22 April 2020:
  • 22 April 2020: It’s like listening to someone talk at half speed. No thanks.
  • 22 April 2020: Medical Fascist Agenda Fuck me sideways.
  • 22 April 2020: Jeez Adam you try to put some positivity out there and the Twitter Crazies come out in force 😂
  • 21 April 2020: We hope it is! When we get the roll-out of credible testing we’ll see just how much of the population have had this thing. Then we can get things moving again 🤞
  • 21 April 2020: Do not pass go, do not collect £100. Channel referral every day of the week 😏
  • 21 April 2020: The part of the far right that wanted to secure power through the ballot box has been in severe decline but the growth of groups who reject it & instead believe in direct action has grown. These groups may be small in number (thankfully) but they & their ambition are rising.
  • 21 April 2020: Risk is we follow the ball like a ten-year-old's football game in leaping online rather than maintain our positions, understand that online is just one more flank to deal with - the priority must always be to deal with the social drivers to joining terrorism in the real world.
  • 21 April 2020: I agree - to join a group, particularly abroad, some form of logistical support / guidance from an online network is useful / necessary. To be drawn into terrorism in the first instance, this needs a physical peer group to mutually reinforce, support & justify violent ends.
  • 21 April 2020: You shouldn't feel criminal for thinking like that. Broadly speaking, if we fail to target our resources towards risk & threat rather than differing political/social views then we'll not only fail in our fight against the far right, we will push more people towards the extremes.
  • 21 April 2020: If we don't reclaim contentious subjects such as controlled vs. uncontrolled immigration, inequality across the U.K. & the impact of globalization, we will continue to see polarization. We have to keep this stuff in the centre ground rather than surrender debate to extremes.
  • 21 April 2020: This is the problem - "far right" is used to describe everyone ranging from social conservatives, Eurosceptics through to white supremacists. For the true face of the far right look at National Action & Sonnenkrieg Division. Here the threat is rising;
  • 21 April 2020: Agreed - "far right" & "Nazi" over-used & lost meaning in the last year in the U.K. But the attention being paid to the far right is in line with the threat & level of ambition we're seeing. You're bang on re. the extreme left - it's a rising threat & focus needs to broaden.
  • 21 April 2020: It's undeniably on the rise - just look at the level of police / security service activity. It doesn't however mean that all responses should be of a CT nature - we've failed to build integrated communities & safe spaces for honest debate for years.
  • 21 April 2020: In my experience we're social creatures and would require a physical network of peers to share ideas, justify & carry out terrorist activity. I'm not dismissive of "online only" recruitment, I just don't see a lot of evidence of it in the absence of a physical network.
  • 21 April 2020: For my research I randomly assigned numbers to the interviews and referred to participants using only their job titles.
  • 21 April 2020: For anyone interested in responding to the rise of the far right, please read this report. My contribution makes the case for better integration of communities as a way of neutralizing the threat of the far right in the United Kingdom. #Prevent #CVE #PVE
  • 18 April 2020: Fucking knew it 😏
  • 17 April 2020: Cannot be beaten 😍
  • 17 April 2020: If something ain’t broke it doesn’t need fixing 🧐
  • 17 April 2020: Just seen it on Facebook - it’s by Dave H Remembrance Art
  • 17 April 2020: This is not a good look for @metpoliceuk
  • 17 April 2020:
  • 16 April 2020: Meanwhile on Planet Carole....
  • 16 April 2020: Let’s hope so - my international work isn’t looking like restarting until at least September.
  • 16 April 2020: “Nothing in common with Englishmen” 🙄
  • 16 April 2020: A vaccine is 18 months away. The only way we’re getting moving again in the interim is when we confirm you can’t get the virus more than once and roll out large scale testing.
  • 16 April 2020:
  • 16 April 2020: Phew Today’s workout was a toughie @thebodycoach but I feel better for it 💪
  • 16 April 2020: I loved this series. I still remember how much The Cave episode freaked me out.
  • 15 April 2020: Every episode except The Lost Sister.
  • 15 April 2020: On the day a 99-year old veteran raises £10million for the NHS the grievance mongers are pushing the idea we live in a country mired in racism to which we must not return after this crisis has abated. It’s about division, not unity at all.
  • 15 April 2020: @spikedonline On the day a 99-year old veteran raises £10million for the NHS the grievance mongers are pushing the idea we live in a country mired in racism to which we must not return after this crises has abated. It’s about division, not unity at all.
  • 15 April 2020: On the day a 99-year old veteran raises £10million for the NHS the grievance mongers are pushing the idea we live in a country mired in racism to which we must not return after this crises has abated. It’s about division, not unity at all.
  • 15 April 2020: Didn’t you used to work for RICU?? 🧐 Twat 😂
  • 15 April 2020: Without the Division Industry a lot of people would have to go out and get real jobs.
  • 15 April 2020: Just another straw man campaign. Nothing to see here.
  • 15 April 2020: 1. Ask a question. 2. Listen to the answer. 3. Challenge where necessary. It’s not difficult.
  • 15 April 2020: You see a car and mutter; “that’s worth a stop”.
  • 13 April 2020: Just carried out a mission under cover of darkness to put out my heavily-laden glass bin...😳
  • 13 April 2020: It’s been a long time coming.
  • 10 April 2020: I’ve literally never done so much gardening 😩
  • 6 April 2020: Don’t forget about those demanding a lockdown who are now whingeing about not being able to sunbathe in the park 🙄
  • 4 April 2020: The important thing is that you feel valued 😏
  • 3 April 2020: Just wait for this guy..,
  • 3 April 2020: Fully automated luxury apology.
  • 3 April 2020: Fixed it for you: Headline: “Rod Liddle loves this...the Coronavirus is a chance for him to act like even more of an anti-police bell-end than usual”
  • 2 April 2020: I’ll take a hard pass. I’m WFH while home schooling three kids under 7. Alcohol is literally the only thing keeping me going right now.
  • 2 April 2020: Thanks very much!
  • 2 April 2020: My latest piece on behalf of @C4ARR explores the impact of proscription legislation on radical right groups in the U.K.
  • 25 March 2020: Congratulations Paul - much needed and timely research.
  • 23 March 2020: Thanks @thebodycoach for helping us to kick off home schooling in the McCann household with great energy - we’ll be tuning in again tomorrow!
  • 23 March 2020: Check out my YouTube channel -
  • 22 March 2020: Which is weird because “service users” surely also covers victims of crime too?
  • 22 March 2020: Deluded til the end.
  • 22 March 2020: Is he still here? Someone call this bloke a cab.
  • 20 March 2020: Fast forward six months to where EVERY piece of evidence in police promotion applications will start with; “During the Coronavirus pandemic I led the response to....”
  • 20 March 2020: I’d raise a glass to your health but that’d be 3 months down the drain...
  • 20 March 2020: The first step to dealing with your problem Is realising you’ve got a problem 😏
  • 20 March 2020: Apologise? Wouldn’t be an option for a member of the public - they’d be nicked under the Public Order Act. But laws don’t apply to MPs clearly.
  • 19 March 2020: I’m good thanks mate - hope you are too! I’ve had to self-isolate, not because I’ve got symptoms but because it was getting increasingly likely that I was going to lose my shit due to people’s selfishness / stupidity.
  • 19 March 2020: It’s a little early for April Fools.
  • 19 March 2020: The international community will play nice until we’re through the crisis not least because we need to share information on the nature of the virus. But then will come the time for finger pointing and given the delays at the start of this thing, rightly so.
  • 19 March 2020: That right there is an underrated movie.
  • 18 March 2020: Those who seek offence won’t stop for a measly pandemic 🦠
  • 14 March 2020: Yep that makes no sense 🧐
  • 12 March 2020: I’m on tonight’s @trtworld Roundtable show talking about the rise of the far right. - We need to be bold & confident in talking about the topics that underpin far right narratives. - This battle will be fought and won in the integration not CT space.
  • 12 March 2020: I have no doubt that longer term, history will be kinder to him than the recent past
  • 12 March 2020: Thanks very much!
  • 11 March 2020: Equating EndPrevent with the fight for women’s votes & ending capital punishment? Now I’ve heard it all. If you don’t engage in debate you don’t change anything. You just relegate yourself to the sidelines wearing a tinfoil hat and shouting in your own echo-chamber.
  • 11 March 2020: “If the aim is to end Prevent” - doesn’t sound like you’d be talking to a particularly open-minded group of people anyway. Minds made up, fingers in ears, not listening.
  • 11 March 2020: 😂
  • 11 March 2020: ...because we’d rather people are banged up for terrorism offences...
  • 11 March 2020: Another badge demonstrating pig-shit ignorance.
  • 11 March 2020: Despite what she says its not a joke at all. She knows what she’s doing and is very deliberately capitalising on division between communities while claiming the opposite. And all the while she’ll continue to be invited by mainstream media to push her agenda.
  • 11 March 2020: But remember @Sean_Arbuthnot_ that it’s #Prevent that has a “chilling effect on debate”. Bloody ridiculous - looking forward to the standard of students this university produces if this is how they engage with different ideas.
  • 8 March 2020: On behalf of everyone out there actually countering terrorism this is counterproductive, divisive and bloody moronic.
  • 7 March 2020: Was that a Wagon Wheel? Classic.
  • 7 March 2020: A much needed dose of common sense this week. In defence of #Prevent
  • 6 March 2020: He’s invented a time machine!
  • 5 March 2020: Congratulations Mark!
  • 5 March 2020: How could it not?!
  • 4 March 2020: Absolutely right - the EU Terrorism Situation & Trend reports (among others) are now covering the rise of Far-Left terrorism. We are behind the curve on this.
  • 4 March 2020: Khan is #AllShowNoGo
  • 4 March 2020: There’s a lot of that going around.
  • 4 March 2020: It’s just beyond boring now and is stating the bleeding obvious to anyone who knows what they’re doing in this area.
  • 4 March 2020: The headline “all efforts to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism must be conducted within a human rights complaint framework” doesn’t sell as well I guess. Nothing but empty platitudes to see here people, move along.
  • 4 March 2020: But without the brown ring on the inside of the mug how do you know how much hot water to put in?
  • 4 March 2020: So much for due process I guess
  • 3 March 2020: Lots for the Independent Reviewer to consider. The @CrestAdvisory report makes a useful contribution to shifting the dial towards fact-based discussion about #Prevent delivery. My thoughts on the areas of focus for the review of the strategy are here:
  • 3 March 2020: Absolutely right - I’m far more concerned about the lack of emphasis on our integration strategy at a local level.
  • 3 March 2020: And now you get suggestions far right narratives are mainstreamed. They have not - centre right politicians have kept contentious topics inc. immigration, the impact of globalisation & identity in the centre ground, rather than allow these topics to be co-opted by the extremes.
  • 2 March 2020: It’ll go nowhere - after what will be months of putting these officers through the ringer someone will ultimately NFA this. But the damage to the officers, and the wider service will still be there. Totally unnecessary, malicious and costly.
  • 2 March 2020: In other news; “water, wet”
  • 2 March 2020:
  • 2 March 2020: Been saying this for years. Just because the small minority have been given a platform for their anti- #Prevent rhetoric does not make them representative of communities' views. We should be engaging in constructive dialogue & stop pandering to the extremes on this topic.
  • 2 March 2020: Congratulations Daniel - good luck!
  • 2 March 2020: Investigations are underway but some already have all the answers.
  • 28 February 2020: The fact these issues require partnership solutions is a given. Assume we all know that. It is important that #Prevent projects do not stray into other areas as mission drift has happened before, damaging the trust hard earned by frontline practitioners.
  • 28 February 2020: Well done - great result. Catching a burglar in the act is as rare as hens teeth.
  • 28 February 2020: Conflating policy responses will always end up being used as a means of attacking #Prevent so those delivering it have to get the language right.
  • 28 February 2020: “...and crying” How true...😂
  • 28 February 2020: All forms of hate? That’s what we’ve got a Hate Crime Action Plan for. #Prevent doesn’t deal with hate, it deals with individuals who are vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.
  • 28 February 2020: I get why he brought him back but he should have done so in Force Awakens to build the storyline out rather than adding him in at the end of the trilogy. It felt like someone thought oh shit we need a baddie cos we killed off Snoke - is the Palpsmeister free?
  • 28 February 2020: There’s an election coming up but rather than talk about policy this is what the current Mayor is doing - bloody embarrassing. Khan is #AllShowNoGo
  • 28 February 2020: I’ll shut up then - good luck
  • 28 February 2020: Models aren’t really even used as models anymore. In many places they’re seen as a cautionary tale about over-reliance on concepts of neat progressions to terrorism that are divorced from reality. They’re used more as guides to inform professional discussions but that’s it.
  • 28 February 2020: It was great to be part of this discussion - thanks to @iijmalta for inviting me along. Multi-actor risk management is something we take for granted in western contexts and it was of great value to discuss what this could look like in countries with poor governance structures.
  • 27 February 2020: This will have its critics but I think this is great news. I used to run a Wanted Offenders unit in the Met tracking down people with warrants out for them. These tools would have made our job much easier and protected more members of the public.
  • 27 February 2020: This cannot be right. This is what we’re paying a police officer? A police officer. You know what they do right?
  • 27 February 2020: Great job guys - very interesting - well done!
  • 27 February 2020: Just what The Job needs... When you’re out of ideas, form a Taskforce.
  • 26 February 2020: Absolutely right - this is not the time to be making claims about “the establishment” based upon no evidence other than suspicion. Victims come from all backgrounds and it’s dangerous to suggest the police response would be different based upon class distinction.
  • 25 February 2020: I deliver #Prevent programming all over the world. The UK is still leading the way on this aspect of counter terrorism.
  • 25 February 2020: I deliver #Prevent programming all over the world. The UK is still leading the way on this aspect of counter terrorism.
  • 25 February 2020: Super sleuthing! @YorkshireTea FYI this may help with your responses to the rabid hordes who have been contacting you over the last few days.
  • 24 February 2020: With friends like these...
  • 24 February 2020: Savage!!
  • 24 February 2020: If positive discrimination is the answer, you’re asking the wrong question.
  • 23 February 2020: Why? Their characters couldn’t have been further apart 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 23 February 2020: This is good news for policing. The shadow cabinet has to be a viable government and it never was with Abbott as the potential Home Secretary. After what has happened to policing over the last 10 years both the Government and the opposition have to do much better.
  • 23 February 2020: This is good news for policing. The shadow cabinet has to be a viable government and it never did with Abbott as the potential Home Secretary. After what has happened to policing over the last 10 years both the Government and the opposition have to do much better.
  • 22 February 2020: I left after 14 - don’t regret it at all! Still very proud to have served.
  • 22 February 2020: This madness has to stop!
  • 22 February 2020: On it.
  • 21 February 2020: It’s the same old line from Rob - he’s all for the independent review of #Prevent as long as it concludes that the strategy should be scrapped 🧐 So, like many in the anti-Prevent treehouse, totally open-minded and evidence-based.
  • 21 February 2020: But Prevent is responsible for creating a “chilling atmosphere” - no wait...
  • 21 February 2020: Where to start with many assumptions based on a redacted document and a host of biases. When concerns are reported to safeguarding professionals this MAY be recorded as a referral - I’m frickin’ shocked. Yes #Prevent needs reform but this is rank sensationalism.
  • 21 February 2020: I’d want @SgtBargus262 to be the one sending me a cake with a file hidden inside.
  • 21 February 2020: Ben Affleck was a great Batman.
  • 21 February 2020: Thanks very much mate, you’re very kind!
  • 21 February 2020: Heartbreaking.
  • 21 February 2020: Just nothing in national security. Loose lips sink ships 😂
  • 21 February 2020: Very pleased to have been made a Research Fellow within the @GlobalEuropeCen at the School of Politics and International Relations. I've got a lot of love for @UniKent - I studied there for my Degree, Masters and then returned for my PhD. Its also where I met my wife!
  • 21 February 2020: Prevent isn’t concerned with non-violent forms of extremism. This the purview of the Extremism Strategy.
  • 20 February 2020: A pretty sensible position to take and one shared by most of us who know anything about Prevent delivery.
  • 20 February 2020: Some thoughts on my recent work to raise awareness of preventative counter-terrorism approaches across East Africa. #Prevent #CVE #PVE
  • 20 February 2020: It’s racist about an as-yet undiscovered race.
  • 20 February 2020: It’s beyond boring now. #Prevent is being used as a political football by people who clearly haven’t bothered reading it.
  • 20 February 2020: Boring boring boring - another politician banging the anti- #Prevent drum while being incapable of coming up with a viable alternative that doesn’t look exactly the same as what we’ve already got.
  • 19 February 2020: She’s still getting these gigs then? Thought we’d moved on.
  • 19 February 2020: Looks like a Phil to me.
  • 19 February 2020: Good news - this storyline has real depth and it’d be a shame to move on without exploring further.
  • 19 February 2020: Thor 2 is massively underrated.
  • 18 February 2020: Must’ve been a tourist.
  • 18 February 2020:
  • 18 February 2020: There was a Europe before the Union and there will be a Europe long after.
  • 18 February 2020: Nice Cameron throw-back 👍
  • 18 February 2020: But if this is the climate created by senior officers, front line officers will be far less inclined to use their discretionary powers of arrest. Arrest has become a dirty word with creative thinking on alternative measures being used as a cover for weak leadership.
  • 18 February 2020: Great to be part of this team. Check out the range of services on offer from this group of cross-sector experts.
  • 18 February 2020: That was an easy one!
  • 18 February 2020: So it’s “the laws” fault? Talk about making excuses for poor decision making.
  • 17 February 2020: That I’d had a Falling Down moment. “I’m the bad guy?”
  • 17 February 2020: Hard to reconcile the sacrifice of safe spaces with being a feminist.
  • 17 February 2020: No one’s shouting. If you can’t engage in the art of conversation, try a different platform.
  • 17 February 2020: Your policing plan must be revisited. The current approach only emboldens this group. Offences are being committed & require a better response than this. Look at London over last summer - it’s a matter of time before members of the public take the law into their own hands.
  • 17 February 2020: I don’t disagree!
  • 17 February 2020: Travel across East Africa and then tell me it’s a lie.
  • 17 February 2020: Unfortunately most murders in this country are as a result of an escalation of domestic violence over sustained periods. The police and CPS have adopted this positive arrest and charging policy to save lives. This fact shouldn’t be lost in the current discussion.
  • 17 February 2020: The infrastructure projects have some major strings attached. Typically in the form of loans that the recipient country defaults on, leaving control of roads and ports to the Chinese government. Let’s not pretend this is a benevolent endeavour.
  • 17 February 2020: Just look at how China is investing & developing infrastructure to expand its influence across Africa. This will matter in our near future.
  • 17 February 2020: Especially if you have to pay for it!
  • 17 February 2020: The approach is incoherent and needs to be reviewed.
  • 17 February 2020: The CoP should create a system for allocating credits for longer serving officers which could be topped up with streamlined courses to get their Degrees. Otherwise this is grossly unfair.
  • 17 February 2020: Blocking ambulances from attending calls does cause harm.
  • 17 February 2020: Weak Weak Weak This will only embolden this group of criminals.
  • 17 February 2020: For the process covering powers of arrest check out Code G of the Police & Criminal Evidence Act. In my view given the circumstances arrests would be entirely proportionate.
  • 17 February 2020: We have the most proportionate and Human Rights compliant police service in the world. But we are bending over backwards to accommodate a movement who are emboldened by a lack of proactive policing. Enough is enough.
  • 17 February 2020: That rather depends on these “activists” providing their ID to the police. Given their stance towards communicating with the police re. demonstrations so far that’s unlikely.
  • 17 February 2020: Could be anyone’s though couldn’t it? That’s the point - their “direct action” is indiscriminate and is turning people against what is actually an important message. It’s totally counterproductive.
  • 17 February 2020: Not overkill at all - you’re right, this is illegal behaviour and it has a power of arrest attached. The police should be using it.
  • 17 February 2020: Sadiq Khan #AllShowNoGo
  • 17 February 2020: The police need to kick into gear on this - arrests must be made and these people placed in front of the courts. Anything less is weak and allowing dangerous precedents to be set. Extinction Rebellion destroy prized Trinity College lawn in mass protest
  • 16 February 2020: @EssexPR @xr_cambridge I’m looking forward to the day your “direct action” is seen for what it is and your so-called activists start getting prison sentences. Your tactics aren’t galvanising support, they’re turning people off from your message - totally counterproductive.
  • 16 February 2020: Too right. I’m sure history will be kinder to him than the present day.
  • 16 February 2020: Our police service have been battered by cuts, years of political intrusion & attacks from all sides, most notably sections of the media. God forbid they enforce the law, bleeding heart liberals line up to take pot shots. They really are damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
  • 15 February 2020: Absolutely the right direction - double crewing should be the standard. In policing there are only two levels of risk: High and Unknown. Basic contact & cover is required for all scenarios. #Protecttheprotectors
  • 15 February 2020: Parenting like a boss.
  • 15 February 2020: It was good to get back to discussing local issues. Lots of support on the doorstep.
  • 15 February 2020: If you’re a University applying #Prevent in this way, you’re doing it wrong. Again, the self-inflicted “chilling effect” of how some Universities are implementing the Prevent Duty is more indicative of their lack of training than it is of the government being “overzealous”.
  • 15 February 2020: Another one in a long list of the CJS failing our police officers.
  • 15 February 2020: The Waynes are officially the most murdered couple in history.
  • 14 February 2020: #LabourShambles
  • 14 February 2020: There were a few blushes around the room when I said it 😏
  • 14 February 2020:
  • 14 February 2020: “Cordial and Jolly”
  • 14 February 2020: Best bingo call; “A meal for two, with a terrible view”
  • 14 February 2020: I dunno - I loved Affleck’s Batman. I’ve got an open mind for Pattinson’s, I hope it works.
  • 14 February 2020: Alicia Silverstone is back! Can’t wait for this 😁
  • 13 February 2020: Love Slack!
  • 13 February 2020: A case of the tail wagging the dog.
  • 13 February 2020: Smart money on Penny Mordaunt for a top position. She was a touch of class in the GE.
  • 12 February 2020: Shaun this is not the right approach - the key to reducing burglaries is reinvesting in neighbourhood policing (prevention) and main offices (detection). The Met don’t need another squad.
  • 12 February 2020: They all did.
  • 12 February 2020: Why has it taken so long to get to this point? This crisis didn’t happen overnight. The NPCC should have been surveying officers 5 years ago. That’s when I started to see DCs transferring back to uniform and it’s got exponentially worse since.
  • 12 February 2020: Not one of them can point to an instance where they took a stand. Far better to acknowledge this happened on their watch and that the Party needs to change. That starts with them being honest about their role in it and outright apologising.
  • 12 February 2020: No Shaun the last thing the Met needs is another squad. It needs investment in relief teams so they’re not operating below minimum strengths to ensure the initial investigation is completed properly. And it needs help to reinstate the Main Office so DCs can detect.
  • 12 February 2020: The turd that won’t flush
  • 12 February 2020: Just look at the MoJ - the much needed reforms across the sector have been desperately mishandled due to this lack of leadership continuity and the whole criminal justice system is suffering as a result.
  • 12 February 2020: The trouble is it’s in vogue to criticise prison rehabilitation programmes but the truth is they’ve been operating with one hand tied behind their back for years - under-funded & poorly evaluated. Prison sentences are a distraction from the conversation we need to be having.
  • 12 February 2020: This is madness. The census is “as good as it can be” and yet they’re looking to replace it with a compilation of data sets that don’t provide the same level of information & would cost a fortune to adapt in ways that bring us to where we are already.
  • 11 February 2020: The Begum situation is a mess but not because it promotes some kind of “two-tier citizenship status”. It’s a mess because the Government fails to see it as an opportunity to get in front of the next ISIS.
  • 11 February 2020: Great article. Many countries have modeled their "preventative" CT approaches on the U.K.'s but wouldn't admit it due to negative stigma attached to the #Prevent Strategy. There's still some way to go but we are leading the conversation on this agenda internationally.
  • 11 February 2020: Wash out your goddam mouth!!
  • 11 February 2020: Great article. It's currently in vogue to criticize rehabilitation programmes but they're being run with one hand tied behind their back - chronically under-funded & poorly evaluated. Short term, we'll keep offenders in prison for longer but they'll have to leave eventually.
  • 11 February 2020: One of the most fascinating and rewarding roles I performed in policing was as a Channel Coordinator - I'd thoroughly recommend it.
  • 11 February 2020: When I was running the Muslim Contact Unit & was trying to bring representatives of Muslim communities together in a shared forum many wouldn’t attend if the Ahmadiyya community were going to be in attendance.
  • 11 February 2020: This case is setting a bad precedent. If we don’t take responsibility for due process of our own citizens we can’t reasonably expect other international partners in the fight against terrorism to do the same.
  • 7 February 2020: Jedi level cocking there
  • 7 February 2020: The previous two governments should rightly be held to account for what has happened to policing but let’s not forget all those police leaders who stood by and let this happen on their watch. With very few exceptions they are every bit as culpable.
  • 5 February 2020: Yes we need longer term solutions but the threat needs to be managed NOW. We can’t wait for a focus group and it’s right that short term measures are put on place to protect the public.
  • 5 February 2020: Currently in beautiful snow-covered Kosovo working with the Ministries of Health & Education and developing cross-sector training to deliver interventions for individuals who are vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. Great levels of commitment to partner working. #Prevent
  • 4 February 2020: To his mate on the way past.
  • 4 February 2020: Counter terrorism / terrorism - we’ve all done it! 😂
  • 3 February 2020: Can we talk about how these movements could be gateways to terrorism yet? “Causing serious damage to property” to “influence the government” falls within the Terrorism Act 2006 definition.
  • 3 February 2020: As a Channel Coordinator I had good relationships with MAPPA practitioners and there are many overlaps. However, much of this depends more on personal relationships than codified processes so thanks for raising this question as this needs looking at again.
  • 3 February 2020: That’s AT LEAST 75 😏
  • 3 February 2020: Running to where angels fear to tread.
  • 31 January 2020: We’ll soon be at the tipping point where most of Hollywood will have either been in or is scheduled to be in a @Marvel movie.
  • 31 January 2020: Central Line? Same 😡
  • 31 January 2020: It’s available at all good comic book stores and you can get it on Amazon. It’s a special event comic bringing together I think about eight comics in one title. I thoroughly recommend it!
  • 30 January 2020: Has to be “Holding out for a Hero” in Shrek 2
  • 30 January 2020: Knife crime is out of control in London. We’re seeing the impact of not just under-funding in the police but of the Mayor’s politicisation of Stop&Search which has damaged trust in what is a necessary policing approach. It’s time for the changes @ShaunBaileyUK is proposing.
  • 29 January 2020: Wanda was like many Avengers operating with reduced powers in the movies but she was de-powered more than anyone. If you don’t think she’s the most powerful then read House of M.
  • 28 January 2020: Much will depend on bringing other partners (statutory & non-statutory) with policing with info sharing being a challenge. For me the narrative has to change from it being the police who need to accept this new-found wisdom to valuing the service’s expertise in this area.
  • 28 January 2020: The whole public health approach to policing is the latest fad. Policing was originally invented as a crime prevention organisation, detection came later. It is better placed re. prevention than others because of its attitude to risk management & partnership working.
  • 28 January 2020: Ask Alexa to play “The Poo Song” - my kids have it on repeat.
  • 28 January 2020: Rehabilitation of the offender is just one of the roles of the prison system. Another role which is often forgotten in these discussions is its role in protecting the public from violent offenders. It can fail in one area while succeeding in another.
  • 28 January 2020: “The name is Bargus and if you’re looking for staff for aid, I can tell you I don't have any. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you”.
  • 28 January 2020: Has to be Sentry - what a storyline this could be 😍
  • 28 January 2020: Been there! I was OIC for a fraud job and was sitting in the Mags Court for a separate job when blow me my fraud suspect comes into court for a PCMH hearing where the CPS lawyer stands up and asks for half my charges to be dropped - first I’d heard of it! 😡
  • 24 January 2020: I always find the words come easier when I’m ensconced in a book.
  • 24 January 2020: Yes Sophie we get it, you don’t like the police. As for everyone else; our thoughts, support and pride are with PC Outten.
  • 24 January 2020: I love this!
  • 24 January 2020: That’s not getting out of my head any time soon.
  • 24 January 2020: There is nothing to stop him doing it right now.
  • 24 January 2020: I thought all the callbacks in Endgame were awesome fan service.
  • 22 January 2020: Someone wrote this and sent it out into the world. Do us all a favour - if you’re angry or the thread isn’t going your way; 1 - write your comment but don’t tweet it 2 - leave it, go & have a cup of tea 3 - come back to your comment and delete it 4 - find some joy in your day
  • 22 January 2020: Someone wrote this and sent it out into the world. Do us all a favour - if you’re angry or the thread isn’t going your way; 1 - write your comment but don’t tweet it 2 - leave it, go & have a cup of tea 3 - come back to your comment and delete it 4 - find some joy in your day
  • 21 January 2020: He’s nailing The Witcher!
  • 21 January 2020: 👍
  • 21 January 2020: I just thought it was lazy writing but each to their own! Overall it’s just a shame we won’t be Cavill & Affleck in their capes again - I thought they were brilliantly cast and had so much more to do in the roles.
  • 21 January 2020: Shield did let Hydra grow within it for decades...but that right there is a plot gap I just accepted and moved on for the sake of the narrative. It’s like the whole Martha thing in Superman V Batman. It sucked but I accepted it because the rest of the movie was awesome.
  • 21 January 2020: Celebrate Luther! Wash your mouth out 😉
  • 21 January 2020: It’s a broad church of political activism and should not be immune from challenge. The more extreme elements of it have distorted what you rightly refer to as the original core intention of positive change but change comes through evolution not revolution.
  • 21 January 2020: Absolutely right that this is reviewed. It should be an opportunity to look at “front-end” preventative interventions (Channel) all the way through to “back end” de-rad programmes as well as post-release monitoring / risk assessment.
  • 21 January 2020: I thought Obama articulated the point very well -
  • 21 January 2020: That’s not what’s happening though is it 🙄
  • 21 January 2020: Full custody suite. The shame ☹️
  • 21 January 2020: Ok, my new favourite 😂
  • 21 January 2020:
  • 21 January 2020: I was PACE Inspector and when being briefed by the Custody Sgt I was absent mindedly throwing and catching my drink bottle. Finished the briefing and walked off to the cells, twisting the cap off and releasing an explosion of Dr Pepper over myself. I was pretty sleep-deprived 😳
  • 21 January 2020: And you mate!
  • 21 January 2020: I’ve watched both films many times in fact and my conclusion is that Zemo did his homework and had the best plan for taking on his enemy. We can of course agree to disagree without suggesting anyone is being in any way ignorant of the content of the films.
  • 21 January 2020: 2020 is the year we wake up and challenge this divisive & abusive aberration of political activism.
  • 20 January 2020: Zemo did his homework - know your enemy.
  • 20 January 2020: Writing is like sex but you get to grade your own performance.
  • 20 January 2020: @LozzaFox already has his own anthem, we just need a means of projecting his signal into the sky when we need an injection of common sense.
  • 20 January 2020: I’m sure it would be a balanced piece of quality journalism 😏
  • 20 January 2020: Worth also checking out the #StrategicOutlook2020 by @riskadvisory
  • 20 January 2020: And you don’t even start paying it back until you’re earning more than £25k, soon to be increased to £26k.
  • 20 January 2020: I hope you’re right but my sense is the game has changed and we may see significant threats emanating from this space.
  • 20 January 2020: And let’s not forget the clean bill of health she gave the Labour Party in her review on anti-semitism.
  • 20 January 2020: Gavin re the section of the findings; “and this may result in increased offending behaviour” - how were negative views of S&S and police legitimacy linked with individuals actually increasing their offending behaviour?
  • 20 January 2020: Yep! 😉
  • 19 January 2020: A cause + a sense of urgency + a justification for more extreme acts because “people aren’t listening”. All the ingredients are there for climate change-related terrorism. We can sleepwalk into it as we’ve done before or we can get in front of it.
  • 17 January 2020: On behalf of all police officers past and present - yes.
  • 17 January 2020:’s The Guardian.
  • 17 January 2020: Nailed it.
  • 15 January 2020: After a period of reflection their conclusion is they should carry on with business as usual.
  • 15 January 2020: We must consider where tomorrow's threats are likely to come from so its good to see a section on climate change-related terrorism in this 2020 outlook. "Feelings of urgency alongside a belief that peaceful tactics are ineffectual nearly always drive terrorist radicalisation"
  • 15 January 2020: The juxtaposition of this story and the debate over “white privilege” yesterday tells you a lot about the current state of discourse in the U.K.
  • 14 January 2020: I have an “advantage” because I was born in the world’s 5th largest economy but I am not “privileged” by virtue of the colour of my skin. The use of the label is wrong, divisive, and disempowering, breeding toxic cultures of victimhood and guilt.
  • 11 January 2020: Read it again Dave 🙄
  • 10 January 2020: I...breathe oxygen...therefore I am pro- EU
  • 10 January 2020: Nice! I’m good thanks, hope all going well your end!
  • 10 January 2020: Still astronomical levels of sass from my young Padawan 😩
  • 10 January 2020: Dear Amazon Customer Services, I think my Alexa is malfunctioning 😏
  • 10 January 2020: Show me!! 😂
  • 10 January 2020: Give it time Nik - all the elements are there for individuals to spin out of this protest movement and to believe direct action is the only means of getting their message heard.
  • 10 January 2020: It’s the first incident like this that I’m aware of so the CT police response & high level of public interest make complete sense.
  • 10 January 2020: Alexa, please show me how to start 2020 with a less divisive political debate, rooted in policy and not personality.
  • 10 January 2020: No matter how my day is going, I can watch @hollywills & @Schofe and instantly feel better about the world 😂
  • 9 January 2020: Good on him for this - spot on.
  • 9 January 2020: It’s great how so many character arcs have to be explained after RoS - it’s not like they had 3 frickin’ movies to play with.
  • 7 January 2020: Thanks Mark!
  • 7 January 2020: Exclusions have to be one of the options on the table. Schools have to deliver a quality education for ALL pupils so must also balance the rights of others when considering those who are disruptive and pose a risk to them.
  • 7 January 2020: An opportunity to look at: Police functions - What should they do? How is it prioritised? What should partners be doing? Police numbers - How many do we need to carry out these functions? Police structures - How can they best deliver effectively & efficiently?
  • 6 January 2020: Like many people on the London tube to work this morning, erupting into spontaneous laughter watching @rickygervais opening the Golden Globes last night - awesome stuff! Dame Judi Dench! 😬
  • 3 January 2020: @RobFaureWalker Spoiler Alert: No, we don’t.
  • 3 January 2020: We keep the kids tea-party crockery for the really important guests.
  • 2 January 2020: Haters gonna hate
  • 31 December 2019:
  • 31 December 2019: Always best to leave significant character development arcs outside of the actual movie.
  • 31 December 2019: I dunno, you have broad appeal? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 31 December 2019: The whole Palpatine angle felt so rushed. He should have been introduced at the end of The Force Awakens and developed through The Last Jedi which was a wasted movie. It’s like they killed off Snoke and thought “fuck we need a baddy, is Palpatine busy?”
  • 30 December 2019: I can use my brain in an entirely different way.
  • 29 December 2019: Corbynism Is Not A Thing
  • 28 December 2019: Al-Shabab described here as an “extremist group”. No. They are a proscribed terrorist group. Let’s call them what they are.
  • 24 December 2019: #diehardisachristmasmovie
  • 24 December 2019: A complete offence warranting a mandatory custodial sentence - but let’s see.
  • 21 December 2019: Welcome back!!
  • 20 December 2019: One of these men has just discreetly placed a whoopee cushion on the other’s seat. Guess which one it is.
  • 20 December 2019: Ok but which God?!
  • 20 December 2019: Who sets the rules though? As communities become more and more atomised the balance between society and the individual is all the more difficult to strike.
  • 19 December 2019: Stop complaining and get on with those dishes!!
  • 18 December 2019: The Job has well and truly lost its sense of humour 🙄 I’m starting a petition #SaveBargus
  • 17 December 2019: My latest piece on behalf of the Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right which sets out my response to the @CommissionCE report on "Hateful Extremism". @C4ARR #CVE #Prevent
  • 16 December 2019: Powerful stuff.
  • 16 December 2019: Couldn’t resist!
  • 16 December 2019: @herboo44 @C4ARR @matthew_feldman @WillBaldet @Hedayah_CVE Better than all the rest...
  • 16 December 2019: Congratulations and good luck!
  • 13 December 2019: The country doesn’t need a continuation of the left wing extremism that’s taken hold of Labour of late. Now is the time for the Party to jettison Momentum and to find a vote winner.
  • 13 December 2019: Huge congratulations and thanks to all the Friends and school staff who helped today and made this such a fantastic event 👏 🎉 🎄
  • 13 December 2019: Congratulations Alicia! A fantastic result - you ran a great campaign and should be very proud of yourself and your team.
  • 13 December 2019: Well done Holly! You ran a fantastic campaign and should be very proud. Next time...!
  • 13 December 2019: Huge congratulations to @alexburghart , what a fantastic result for this area! Now let’s get this done!
  • 13 December 2019: Stood on the Labour ticket that would have sent of all people Corbyn to Number 10. What some people would do for power. Now its time for Labour moderates who have stood by and allowed this farce to go on for so long to reflect on their part in this.
  • 13 December 2019: Momentum: “Corbynism! It’s a thing!” 🇬🇧: Nah.
  • 13 December 2019: Momentum: “Corbynism!” 🇬🇧: No thanks.
  • 13 December 2019: The title of that tweet should be: “Personal reflections on where it all went wrong”
  • 12 December 2019: McDonnell on the TV now pushing that this is all about Brexit. He just can’t bring himself to acknowledge that he & Corbyn dragging their party to the extreme Left is a factor at all.
  • 12 December 2019: I just made the mistake of switching on Sky News. Saw Bercow. Switched over to watch Shaun of the Dead until the election coverage starts on BBC1.
  • 12 December 2019: I’d have gone with Hag!
  • 12 December 2019: Lots of people voting where I live - looks like concerns about low turnout were wrong!
  • 12 December 2019: We’re in the endgame now.
  • 12 December 2019: From the inside of his self-indulgent padded cell.
  • 12 December 2019: Labour are known for being good with numbers.
  • 11 December 2019: And have therefore contributed to ushering in a Corbyn-led government.
  • 11 December 2019: Not an unpopular view!
  • 11 December 2019: The irony of Labour campaigning on this in Wales where they’ve run the NHS into the ground. Why would we give them the opportunity to do it in the rest of the UK?
  • 9 December 2019: In the last 30 seconds I was waiting for a post-credit scene. Maybe I’ve watched too many @MarvelStudios movies 🤓
  • 9 December 2019: Jesus - give them both the Globes for those two minutes alone.
  • 9 December 2019: There are some truly sick people out there.
  • 8 December 2019: And hopefully never will.
  • 8 December 2019: Still playing the “Tories are going to sell the NHS” tune. All you’ve got is fearmongering and you’ve been found out. Focus on some credible policies that won’t bankrupt the economy.
  • 8 December 2019: Who you calling old?
  • 8 December 2019: This is desperate stuff.
  • 8 December 2019: You’re nothing if not original.
  • 8 December 2019: For some, their desperation to prevent Brexit is so overpowering that they’re willing to support a man who presides over antisemitism in his party and sides with enemies of this country at any opportunity. They will let the joker out of the box and watch as the world burns.
  • 8 December 2019: For some, their desperation to prevent Brexit is so overpowering that they’re willing to support a man who presides over antisemitism in his party and sides with enemies of this country at any opportunity. They will let the joker out of the box and watch as the world burns.
  • 7 December 2019: He’s literally been friends with members of proscribed terror organisations, has a long history of opposing legislation that strengthens national security and sides with our enemies at every opportunity. But then we all know this.
  • 7 December 2019: “Well I don’t know Jeremy Corbyn” - ok then Ben so you’re just going to give him a free pass on antisemitism and support for terrorists? Just so we’re clear.
  • 7 December 2019: Thanks for this - in my scenario they don’t dress as a woman, it’s more about how they define themselves. I find the practical implications of how self-definition can rub up against social norms interesting.
  • 7 December 2019: Great to be out campaigning for our local candidate @alexburghart in Ongar today. #VoteConservative2019
  • 7 December 2019: Former MI6 chief calls Jeremy Corbyn a danger to national security. Spot on.
  • 6 December 2019: I’m sure Diane would have a plan for replacing our counter terrorism architecture in order to protect our national security. Just sorry we won’t get to see it.
  • 6 December 2019: Who did he meet from the Israelis again?
  • 6 December 2019: Shaun, I give up 🤦🏻‍♂️
  • 6 December 2019: Really? He’s literally friends with members of proscribed terrorist groups. Do you want me to draw you a picture?
  • 6 December 2019: That’s just poetic!!
  • 6 December 2019: Like Alicia, I’m a Counter Terrorism professional and I endorse this message. Corbyn has proved himself uniquely incapable of keeping us safe from terrorism.
  • 6 December 2019: Counter Terrorism is my day job. Corbyn has proved himself uniquely incapable of keeping us safe from terrorism.
  • 6 December 2019: A totally discredited report which was immediately rewarded with a seat in the Lords - the whole thing reeks.
  • 6 December 2019: I apologise unreservedly to the people of Earth 😏
  • 6 December 2019: I’ve never heard such rubbish in my life. How on earth is this racism?
  • 6 December 2019: I’ve met Penny and I’ve got no doubt she’ll be a future PM.
  • 6 December 2019: We’re really in the post-truth era now.
  • 6 December 2019: Chingford’s the place to be.
  • 6 December 2019:
  • 6 December 2019: Oh dear, it’s come to this. The Lib Dems are clearly not immune to peddling a bit of Fake News.
  • 6 December 2019: “Damn I’m good”
  • 5 December 2019: Figures - there are very few moderates left in Labour. How far the Party has fallen.
  • 5 December 2019:
  • 5 December 2019: There isn’t. And you are 😉
  • 5 December 2019: As has been proved by the coverage of the Lib Dem’s misleading campaign literature. If you can’t beat them join them I guess.
  • 5 December 2019: Everyone knows Catch-Up is capable of defying the space time continuum 🙄 But she misses the point. He lied and he got caught out. This is not about whether he watches the Queens Speech, it’s about him seeing the need to lie about it.
  • 5 December 2019: What this, Corbyn engaging in meaningless gesture politics? Whatever next?
  • 5 December 2019: My day job is literally countering terrorism. How anyone could stand on a Labour ticket with terrorist apologist Corbyn at the helm is beyond me. The cognitive dissonance on display from Labour candidates up and down the country shows how far the Party has fallen.
  • 5 December 2019: Hugh should be careful who he jumps into bed with.
  • 5 December 2019:
  • 5 December 2019: Exactly - and there will be more no doubt. It ain’t over til it’s over.
  • 5 December 2019: Will he at least concede that he needs to stand down candidates in marginal seats to support the Conservatives, the only other Party honouring the referendum result?
  • 5 December 2019: The penny’s dropping that this is the only way we’ll #GetBrexitDone - this isn’t about ego anymore, this is a clear choice; do you want to leave the EU or not? If you do then #VoteConservative
  • 5 December 2019: And more to come no doubt.
  • 5 December 2019: They’re necessary and useful if only to protect our police from her son.
  • 5 December 2019: Not as bad as exscape instead of escape!!
  • 5 December 2019: Grumpy? In response to a leader who sits on the fence over #Brexit , presides over rampant antisemitism in his party, and acts as an apologist for terrorists at any opportunity, not to mention his plans to bankrupt our economy - grumpy is not the word I’d use.
  • 5 December 2019: He nailed it here #GetBrexitDone
  • 5 December 2019: Absolutely right. A touch of the green eyed monster methinks.
  • 5 December 2019: In practice: Man identifies as a woman. He’s not had a sex change, doesn’t dress as a woman but his official documents state he’s a woman. He commits a murder & the police are searching for him. On the Crimestoppers appeal he’d be described as a man regardless of what he says.
  • 4 December 2019: But isn’t that because they didn’t implement “proper” socialism? Or was it because the capitalists sabotaged it? I can’t keep up with the varying revisions of recent history 🙄
  • 4 December 2019: Corbyn’s still there after losing the last GE and a no-confidence vote from his own MP’s. Hopefully this time he’ll get the message.
  • 4 December 2019: Looking forward to her next valuable input on the police use of spit hoods!
  • 4 December 2019: And Abbott opposes spit hoods. Maybe it’s because she just didn’t want to see her son in one.
  • 4 December 2019: Just home from the Brentwood & Ongar hustings - a really well run event with lots of national & local issues covered. @alexburghart knocked it out of the park. A clear message to #GetBrexitDone & an inspiring range of @Conservatives policies to unleash the country’s potential.
  • 3 December 2019: Just got home from the #EppingForest hustings this evening. It’s clear the only candidate with credible policies and a clear message of hope & aspiration for this area is @eleanor4epping .
  • 3 December 2019: Countering terrorism is my day job. There is no way Corbyn the apologist for terrorism should be allowed anywhere near 10 Downing St. For those prepared to hold their noses and vote for this man “because of austerity” or “because of the Tories”, shame on you.
  • 3 December 2019: Although maybe I don’t want to believe you! 😳
  • 30 November 2019: Meanwhile on Planet Jasper....
  • 30 November 2019: Sure, what you do with them in custody is important but given the national security implications they should be serving their full sentences in the first place. The most serious risk offenders are segregated from the wider prison population to stop them influencing others.
  • 30 November 2019: The judge in the previous case had stated he should not be released while he continued to pose a threat to the public - for some of these guys terrorism is a way of life and they should be kept in custody to serve their full sentences at the very least.
  • 30 November 2019: They should maybe stay off Twitter for the day and reflect on how much of a douche they are.
  • 29 November 2019: Someone’s moral compass is so broken I wonder how they make their way out of bed in the morning.
  • 29 November 2019: People claiming this is a false flag? They disgrace our brave protectors and those members of the public who intervened.
  • 29 November 2019: His response to Al-Baghdadi being shot (while wearing a bomb vest) was that he should have been arrested. Let’s see what he has to say about London Bridge 🤔
  • 29 November 2019: Footage of great bravery from the police and members of the public coming out of #LondonBridge #TerrorHasNoPlaceHere
  • 27 November 2019: I’m guessing @afneil was a detective in a former life.
  • 27 November 2019: The whole thing is totally confusing 🤯
  • 26 November 2019: They’re brimming with talent to succeed him 🙄
  • 22 November 2019: Something a bit different - a good effort, if only I could agree with any of the messages!
  • 22 November 2019: The system works!!
  • 20 November 2019: Who on earth advised him that this was a good idea? Or maybe he was advised against it and in typical fashion blundered on anyway.
  • 19 November 2019: Just don’t use an airplane 😬
  • 14 November 2019: And a free unicorn for every household. They’re not even trying to be serious any more.
  • 14 November 2019: The animals of Animal Farm never had the benefit of playback. Corbyn’s very own Squealers caught out again🐷
  • 14 November 2019: Cheers Matt!
  • 13 November 2019: My thoughts on the recently published Challenging Hateful Extremism report. #extremism #terrorism #pve #cve #Prevent
  • 13 November 2019: I found it really difficult to follow this incoherent and contradictory stream of consciousness - who is this guy?!
  • 12 November 2019: We’re all equal. But some are more equal than others.
  • 12 November 2019: That well known champion of civil liberties...🙄
  • 12 November 2019: Can’t believe they’re going after The Dark Knight. Nothing is sacred.
  • 12 November 2019: Great to be out and about with @alexburghart in a wet and windy North Weald today. Lots of support for getting Brexit done and delivering on local priorities #ToryCanvass #GE2019
  • 12 November 2019: To be fair, no-one knows what it is.
  • 12 November 2019: That’s the face I make when I open my wallet too...!
  • 12 November 2019: Now she’s a political pollster too!
  • 12 November 2019: And now they’re coming for Batman. A comic book character. Yep, that happened. #GE2019
  • 9 November 2019: Congratulations Holly!
  • 9 November 2019: Sally I don’t know you and may not agree with you politically but I just wanted to say I really feel for you as I know becoming a candidate can be a gruelling process. I think your statement is a mark of your dedication and professionalism. I wish you well with your next steps.
  • 9 November 2019: Congratulations Alicia!
  • 8 November 2019: This’ll be a tough one for them to unpick - they’re funding Faith Matters to do “counter extremism” work and in so doing they target Corbyn who’s leading a party being investigated for anti-semitism. Glad I’m not the one determining the operational lines around that one!
  • 8 November 2019: BSBT is a funding stream emanating from the Counter Extremism Strategy, not Prevent.
  • 8 November 2019: And you!
  • 8 November 2019: I travel all over the world in my current job and it’s clear to me that we have the best public services in the world. Could they be better, yes, but still something to be very proud of.
  • 8 November 2019: Like you, I’ve got a public sector background and I’ve seen some good private companies working in this space, and some bad. I think if we’re pragmatic, they have a role to play as long as they’re effective, efficient and working for the taxpayer.
  • 8 November 2019: Sacred cow is right. The NHS like any other organisation is not immune from reform and there are certainly ways it can be improved while still retaining its unique nature. We do need to have serious conversations about the NHS that aren’t aligned with electoral cycles.
  • 8 November 2019: I am optimistic about our trade negotiations for the future though. I think Brexit has highlighted how inexperienced our parliamentarians (across all parties) are at dealing with this due to perhaps an over-reliance on EU negotiators for so long.
  • 8 November 2019: Thanks for this - The Labour narrative just feels like a barrage of scaremongering in the absence of credible policies. Much will depend upon the future trade negotiations with the US and our government’s position is that the NHS isn’t on the table.
  • 7 November 2019:
  • 7 November 2019: “It’s a real threat” based on no evidence. Labour grasping at straws on this one.
  • 7 November 2019: Good luck!!
  • 7 November 2019: The Lib Dem’s at it again in this campaign - I thought they were better than fake news?
  • 7 November 2019: This was one of the central recommendations in my book - rather than framing the response to local grievances through counter extremism policies, we should be investing in building integrated communities & creating safe spaces for talking about challenging / taboo subjects.
  • 7 November 2019: That’s a pleasant contribution to the conversation. Good day to you too.
  • 7 November 2019: A councillor? An elected official? Please let us know who this is - this kind of behaviour has to be called out.
  • 7 November 2019: That is appalling - wonder if they’d ever say it to your face. These trolls are nothing but cowards.
  • 7 November 2019: Despite the cold it’s great to see so many people out and about in support of our local @Conservatives candidates!
  • 7 November 2019: Add that to the fact the Conservatives have been in government since 2010 so they’ve been in position to privatise the NHS for 9 years. And haven’t.
  • 7 November 2019: That was us out in support of @halfon4harlow !
  • 6 November 2019: Key will be getting across a message of hope. Too much time is focussed on why people shouldn’t vote for Corbyn, not enough on the positives of a @Conservative government.
  • 6 November 2019: A bitterly cold #ToryCanvass today in Harlow but great to be out in support of the fantastic @halfon4harlow
  • 4 November 2019: Thanks for update that women can be Prime Ministers Jo, we’ve had two, both Conservatives.
  • 4 November 2019: Very recently! It was great to be back on the old ground!
  • 3 November 2019: “Present but definitely not involved”
  • 3 November 2019: A great day knocking on doors across #Chingford & #WoodfordGreen today supporting @MPlainDS. Only the @Conservatives can take our country forward and deliver on the people's priorities. 🔵 #torycanvass
  • 2 November 2019: If you’re divorcing someone after 40 years of marriage it doesn’t happen overnight.
  • 2 November 2019: I have, although I refer to them as disengagement programmes as the jury’s still out on whether you can de-radicalise someone. The best models I’ve seen are the UK’s Channel programme, the Danish Aarhus Model and the Multi-Agency approach in Toronto.
  • 2 November 2019: You’re playing this so badly Nigel - splitting the vote like this will leave Brexit in the hands of a Remain dominated Parliament for even longer. The deal isn’t perfection but it was never going to be, that’s compromise. Get out of your own way and let Boris get this done.
  • 2 November 2019: Needed that today 😁
  • 2 November 2019:
  • 2 November 2019: The Future? Really?
  • 2 November 2019: The top 1% contribute 27% of the tax in this country. How will Corbyn’s politics of envy and spite make up the shortfall if they leave? From my pocket and yours, that’s where.
  • 2 November 2019: He harnessed the Speed Force for that one, Barry Allen would be impressed.
  • 2 November 2019: The top 1% contribute 27% of the tax in this country. If he sends them packing how will this economic genius make up the shortfall? From our pockets, that’s where.
  • 1 November 2019: “All animals are equal” We saw how that turned out 🐷
  • 31 October 2019: Us white guys are all the same - a homogeneous mass of privileged maleficence.
  • 31 October 2019: 👏 What she said
  • 30 October 2019: But but but, he’s got an allotment....!
  • 30 October 2019: Jeez this is excellent stuff!
  • 30 October 2019: You’re making me blush - cheers mate, likewise!
  • 30 October 2019: Bloody hell Ian watch your blood/sugar levels!
  • 28 October 2019: The use of a bull as part of a community re-integration process in Uganda was particularly fascinating when considering approaches to returning foreign fighters... #CVE #PVE
  • 28 October 2019: I'm writing up my findings as while I was delivering training I was also learning a lot from these front-line practitioners about the political, operational and cultural challenges they face while countering terrorism in their countries.
  • 28 October 2019: I finished up this summer's tour of East Africa delivering training to CT officers & government representatives with a session in Djibouti where I was able to visit La Chaumiere, the restaurant that was the scene of the al Shabaab suicide bombing in 2014.
  • 28 October 2019: We should just play this on a loop during the election - says all you need to know.
  • 27 October 2019: #InTitaniaWeTrust
  • 27 October 2019:
  • 27 October 2019: Spent a good deal of time sending a manuscript through to literary agents - not so much a win but I’ve at least got a system in place for what feels like quite an industrialised process
  • 27 October 2019: Give him a break, it must be difficult even for him to keep up with his current party allegiance & job title.
  • 27 October 2019: Congratulations Holly!
  • 27 October 2019: He underestimated the powerful forces in Parliament seeking to reverse Brexit. It will happen, just with an amended timetable.
  • 27 October 2019: What a disgraceful waste of council funds. Very reminiscent of the London Mayor’s prioritisation of expensive PR campaigns over public safety.
  • 27 October 2019: This was her moment to reflect on the wisdom of her words. But instead she doubled down. Prediction - she won’t see in 2020 as Lib Dem Leader.
  • 27 October 2019: I submit this as a meagre offering to the altar of wokeism. I seek your guidance as to how I should think about this for as a white male I’m conscious my first instinct is inherently wrong?
  • 27 October 2019: This is classic!
  • 27 October 2019: What is it about arch-Remainer MPs constantly ceding decision-making to other governments? It’ll be interesting to see how this generation of MPs fare post Brexit when the stabilisers come off.
  • 23 October 2019: And we’re still waiting for the sequel.
  • 23 October 2019: Depends what day of the week it is.
  • 23 October 2019: This is about re-establishing some Party discipline after 3 years of neglect.
  • 23 October 2019: Grey & Turquoise - the colours of unoriginality
  • 23 October 2019: That’s what the original Safer Neighbourhods model was based upon - as a Sergeant, I had two PCs & 3 PCSOs to cover a ward of 11,000 people - this was about right.
  • 23 October 2019: I left after 14 years service - on my last day I couldn’t find my Superintendent but found my framed service certificate on a pile of paperwork on the floor in her office. I left my warrant card on her desk, picked up my certificate and walked out. Cheers.
  • 23 October 2019: I left after 14 years service - on my last day I couldn’t find my Superintendent but found my framed service certificate on a pile of paperwork on the floor in her office. I left my warrant card on her desk, picked up my certificate and walked out. Cheers.
  • 23 October 2019: @GoodwinMJ @NewStatesman We’re in the grip of post-liberalism now.
  • 23 October 2019: Such a desperate state of affairs for Cable to openly consider advertising externally for leadership contenders! He literally looked around within the party and thought, n’ah.
  • 23 October 2019: She typifies the new post-liberalism. From what I’ve seen it means you hate everything and everyone, at times even yourself. It must be fucking exhausting.
  • 23 October 2019: If only she’d said “old” too, she’d have hit the hate trifecta.
  • 23 October 2019: I’d get the rationale for a 2nd referendum if the Remain side had changed the failed narrative of 2016 and were talking less about negative impact of leaving and more about the positives of EU membership. Over the last 3 years they have totally failed to do this.
  • 23 October 2019: A lot of the economic arguments seem to be re-hashes of what we’ve heard before. Trouble is, this is unknown territory so we just don’t know what the true economic impact will be but the projections don’t look as apocalyptic as Project Fear made out.
  • 23 October 2019: The main thrust of the argument for a 2nd ref seems to be that we know more than we did 3 years ago. Do we? True we spent more time debating Turkish ascension than the Irish border but sound plans are in place to resolve the border issue - just what are these new facts?
  • 23 October 2019: Why should we have another referendum before we’ve implemented the result of the last one?
  • 23 October 2019: It’s called post-liberalism now. What is it? From what I’ve seen it’s being angry about everything and everyone, even yourself.
  • 23 October 2019: I disagree with their comments but please don’t be comparing Black Panther to The Godfather or Goodfellas, please.
  • 23 October 2019: This guy has had a torrid 😂
  • 23 October 2019: Ok great thanks!
  • 23 October 2019: You’re right, this is the stuff that leads to grievance & marginalisation and we’re missing it.
  • 23 October 2019: Has there been any kind of review to identify where it went well / opportunities for improvement?
  • 23 October 2019: Cute...and apt! 😉
  • 23 October 2019: It’d be a welcome approach compared to their recent efforts. They’d change the police cars’ eyes though - currently they’re too aggressive & not approachable.
  • 23 October 2019: Classic of Corbyn’s Labour Party to be air-brushing history. It reminds me of Squealer changing the commandments on the side of the barn in Animal Farm.
  • 23 October 2019: Come one! We all know that PhDs are the real doctors 😏
  • 23 October 2019: With that kind of dithering and delay he’s in the right Party.
  • 23 October 2019: Her recent race-baiting comments about our fire service were hardly inspirational.
  • 23 October 2019: It’s not like they do anything useful there.
  • 23 October 2019: This guy’s grip on reality is tenuous at best.
  • 23 October 2019: Still waiting on that public apology from @DLawrenceOBE for her disgraceful race-baiting slur.
  • 23 October 2019: Why? Has Saudi Arabia run out of money??
  • 23 October 2019: Looking forward to it!
  • 22 October 2019: Corbyn coming third in a two horse race - that’s about right.
  • 22 October 2019: You’ve got to feel sorry for the moderates on the Labour benches. Pretty soon they’ll be canvassing to put no-confidence vote-winner Corbyn into No. 10.
  • 22 October 2019: So forensic that the Leader of the Opposition rejected the deal before it had been released! You couldn’t make it up.
  • 22 October 2019: We’re ready. A GE will be the end of this dismal iteration of the Labour Party.
  • 22 October 2019: How many trees would that pay for?
  • 22 October 2019: Consider also that the more sizeable counter demonstrations against the EDL were used as a justification for banning marches due to increased policing numbers & mutual aid requirements.
  • 22 October 2019: Some important questions asked here on our response to right wing extremism. My research supports the adoption of a truly whole of government cross-policy response spanning integration, hate crime and #Prevent than is currently in evidence.
  • 21 October 2019: “It’s the end of the world as we know it”, R.E.M.
  • 20 October 2019: Signed - she needs to be held accountable for this disgraceful slur.
  • 20 October 2019: This was a great blog @WearyDetective - made me laugh out loud. One of the best things about the Job was being able to see the funny side. Sad that this is becoming an old-fashioned notion.
  • 20 October 2019: A great article on a pressing issue with inputs from me, @vidhya_ra & @jdbirdwell
  • 20 October 2019: I’m quoted in @GoodwinMJ ’s Times piece today “Hate Inc.” We have to more willing to discuss the social issues that underpin the narratives of the far-right. Otherwise we are surrendering these topics to those who will manipulate them for their own ends.
  • 19 October 2019: This is hard for me to say as a former police officer but I agree with May here.
  • 19 October 2019: Why should the PM be bound by an Act invalidated by the EU position that they’ve had enough, agreed a deal, and won’t therefore grant an extension?
  • 19 October 2019: He’s absolutely right - the letter came from our supposed Parliament, not him. Today’s antics are further evidence that he’ll walk the next GE.
  • 19 October 2019: The LFB have asked for a meeting with her - let’s see if she eats humble pie after that.
  • 19 October 2019: Corbyn’s lost one general election so far and how many votes of no confidence from his own MP’s? His position on Brexit has left splinters from the fence in his arse. Not sure he’s a horse I’d be backing.
  • 19 October 2019: We’ll get there - these are the death throes of those trying to prevent the inevitability of Brexit - Boris’s response was excellent, one of hope, optimism and determination to see this through.
  • 19 October 2019: Notwithstanding some of the things she’s said previously, there’s a palpable sense she has gone too far this time. Will an apology be forthcoming? Let’s see...
  • 19 October 2019: We’ll get there - these are the last twists and turns of the Brexit saga but it will make our exit all the more momentous.
  • 19 October 2019: Does the guy wearing the “I’m European” shirt know he’ll still be European post-Brexit?
  • 19 October 2019: I can’t see how he’d be breaching the terms of the Benn Act by not applying for an extension the EU have already said they won’t grant.
  • 18 October 2019: #PRfail
  • 17 October 2019:
  • 17 October 2019: Sadiq Khan #AllShowNoGo
  • 17 October 2019: The cognitive dissonance on display here is something to behold.
  • 17 October 2019: Simply, read this.
  • 17 October 2019: Absolutely right but I’m not seeing anything from NPCC on retention at all. They are leading the service over a cliff.
  • 17 October 2019: This has gone down like a lead balloon and been widely trounced as virtue signalling nonsense. Maybe someone got a promotion out if it though.
  • 17 October 2019: The last vestiges of pretence have disappeared. This was never about No Deal. They don’t want Brexit, never wanted it, and will do anything to stop it.
  • 16 October 2019: We’re already playing catch-up - years after the expansion of the strategy to encompass “all forms of extremism” I found little evidence of the challenge to RWE ideology, aside from the work of the Channel programme at a 1-2-1 level.
  • 16 October 2019: Begging? How they are diminishing us in the eyes of the world.
  • 15 October 2019: Just finished delivering training to CT officers in Mogadishu covering "whole of government” approaches to CT. Nothing but respect for these officers, working in the most dangerous of operating environments, making their part of the world a little bit safer. #Prevent
  • 14 October 2019: Problem solved - get some ID, vote!
  • 14 October 2019: Currently reading Animal Farm - these are another two candidates for the part of Squealer 🐷
  • 14 October 2019: Heavens Above! Who let him in??!! 😂
  • 14 October 2019: Looks like I’ll have to bash out the “present but not involved” line again...
  • 14 October 2019: Some of us do!
  • 13 October 2019:
  • 13 October 2019: Signed.
  • 13 October 2019: Nailed it! I left mid-service as a DCI because I was so fed up of making the tea.
  • 13 October 2019: When I first read the original tweet I wrongly assumed it was from a parody account. But fear not, patriots still walk these lands, proud of our country as a power for good in this turbulent world. 🇬🇧
  • 12 October 2019: Amen to that.
  • 12 October 2019: We really have got the best police service in the world. Tell me where else they would exercise this level of professionalism & restraint to facilitate people’s right to protest. Answer: Nowhere.
  • 11 October 2019: There isn’t enough hand sanitiser in the world. Sorry, you’ll have to lose that hand.
  • 11 October 2019: The Turkish incursion into Syria will force host countries to make a decision on this question. Ideally in my view these combatants should face a war crimes tribunal but this is moving too slowly. Leaving them in Syria kicks the can down the road but not very far at all.
  • 11 October 2019: States know who and what they are. Their potential to rise again doesn’t preclude them from being taken back by host countries, being prosecuted & then rehabilitated (if possible). In fact it makes the task more urgent.
  • 11 October 2019: How depressing.
  • 10 October 2019: Let’s call it what it is, it’s a coup! I’d be worried but look at who’s involved. None of them could run a bath.
  • 10 October 2019: No more drugs for that man.
  • 10 October 2019: Both interviewer and interviewee on top form. I was informed by this interview. This is how it’s done.
  • 10 October 2019: Made me glow with pride
  • 10 October 2019: Aliens must be watching this thinking we can take these guys
  • 10 October 2019: I think I just threw up in my mouth
  • 10 October 2019: I’m proud of them mate
  • 10 October 2019: Think of the additional fumes being pumped into the atmosphere by all the planes now having to circle the airport because they can’t land due to this guy 🙄
  • 10 October 2019: Sarge, its actually a twix! Do him for intent to supply.
  • 10 October 2019: The best solution would be that they face a War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague. What they did to the Yazidi people was a crime against humanity. Start prosecuting these fighters as war criminals, not terrorists. Watch that take the sheen off their message.
  • 10 October 2019: “Let us walk to cool our tongues” King Leonidas, 300.
  • 10 October 2019: Probably thinking “I’d rather be off catching criminals” 🙄
  • 10 October 2019: I’ll be watching because I value free speech and want to be informed by listening to varying perspectives. Rather that than stick my head in the ground and pretend people that disagree with me don’t have the same rights.
  • 10 October 2019: @afneil again showing us how to conduct an interview - well researched, professional, dispassionate & perfectly paced. I conducted police interviews for years and for anyone seeking the truth his technique is something to behold.
  • 10 October 2019: @afneil again showing us how to conduct an interview - well researched, professional, dispassionate & perfectly paced. I conducted police interviews for years and for anyone seeking the truth his technique is something to behold.
  • 9 October 2019: Imagine having the front to say that to a member of your team!
  • 9 October 2019: Yep, last time checked a negotiation goes two ways but I’m not seeing anything from the EU side to break the deadlock. A lot of people are saying “why should they, they’re acting in the EU’s best interests” but this alone isn’t a justification for intransigence.
  • 9 October 2019: Thanks for having me on to talk about why we need to move on from #CVE & #PVE towards preventative counter terrorism and integration/cohesion #Prevent
  • 9 October 2019: RT @CCLeicsPolice: Secure but not 'secret'....The @guardian have published my letter about their article earlier this week on #Prevent @Te…
  • 7 October 2019: Don’t let facts get in the way of a non-story
  • 7 October 2019: You know what they say; Dance like nobody’s washing
  • 7 October 2019: Welcome aboard
  • 7 October 2019: @S__A__M @ArchRose90 @RoryStewartUK
  • 7 October 2019: Heidi Allen: “Follow me One Nation Tories”
  • 7 October 2019: Hoping the next GE will be the end of Corbyn, he surely couldn’t survive another defeat.
  • 7 October 2019: He should stick around as it won’t be long before she sees another shiny thing and flits off.
  • 7 October 2019: FML 😬
  • 7 October 2019: He’s All Show, No Go.
  • 7 October 2019: Wishing the officers a speedy recovery. And yet there remain some vehemently opposed to our police being issued with Tasers despite the evidence that violence against officers is becoming more frequent and more serious. This has to stop.
  • 7 October 2019: Bet they’re getting Happy Meals with their non-recyclable plastic toy too, the savages!
  • 6 October 2019: The bags are packed but I fear there are some twists yet to come in this tale.
  • 6 October 2019: Absolutely right. The review would do well to shine a light on the success stories within Prevent as well as highlighting areas for development - I talk about this here:
  • 6 October 2019: It’s abundantly sensible and also a requirement of policies such as Working Together to Safeguard Children to record referrals to any safeguarding process. This smacks of sensationalism just because it’s Prevent.
  • 6 October 2019: I’ll swap your “l” for an “n”
  • 6 October 2019: An unfortunate arm gesture there...
  • 6 October 2019: Absolutely right. For me this is why we shouldn’t be focusing on countering “extremism” (as yet to be defined) but should instead be redoubling our efforts to build integrated communities. It’s vital that @mhclg lead on this, not @ukhomeoffice
  • 6 October 2019: When I was first briefed on this I advised MOPAC it was a flawed strategy. As usual for this Mayor, All Show No Go.
  • 6 October 2019: A party of opposition but certainly not of government, as underlined by their stance on Brexit.
  • 5 October 2019: The police already have that power for certain public order scenarios!
  • 5 October 2019: You really can’t trust anything you read on social media! With improved digital literacy people will increasingly look to the raw information (in this case the speech transcript) to get to the truth behind the spin rather than compound mistruths by spreading them.
  • 3 October 2019: Thanks for having me along to talk about “the rise of extreme right wing & other forms of non-Jihadi terrorism”. #Prevent #CVE #PVE
  • 2 October 2019: Nope! I thought the idea of representative democracy was to remove the need to protest on the streets, and yet we have an Opposition actively encouraging mass demonstrations rather than doing their jobs. Are they MPs or street activists?
  • 1 October 2019: This?
  • 1 October 2019: How could this ever be likened to rendition? We extol the virtues of our rule of law based system all over the world, and we don’t walk the walk when it comes to our criminals in Kurdish camps. Like it or not they’re our responsibility to deal with.
  • 29 September 2019: A Knight of the Realm 🙄
  • 27 September 2019: This is great news for our police service...finally.
  • 27 September 2019: King et al is particularly good!
  • 23 September 2019: This is just thoroughly depressing reading.
  • 21 September 2019: Disgusting - can you imagine the uproar if this was one of the other party leaders?
  • 21 September 2019: She may need some aloe vera because she just got burned!
  • 21 September 2019: PhD?
  • 21 September 2019: They should get back to school...but they’re not Prevent.
  • 20 September 2019: When Ed Miliband won over David, a key point in our recent political history.
  • 19 September 2019: I’m up on the 12th November. Hopefully by then I’ll have something sensible to say.
  • 13 September 2019: Are we experiencing an invasion of the body-snatchers? That’s quite a u-turn in her narrative over a very short period of time 🤔
  • 13 September 2019: I’m sorry, I was momentarily distracted, what was the question?
  • 12 September 2019: Yet more evidence of why he’ll be a single term Mayor - abysmal.
  • 10 September 2019: I’m not crying, you’re crying!
  • 10 September 2019: This is excellent news and not before time.
  • 10 September 2019: This is great news. Not the Royal Commisson we were asking for but a very positive step forward in rebuilding the relationship between policing and the government. This will be an opportunity to explore the current role of policing in England & Wales.
  • 9 September 2019: The slow death of meritocracy.
  • 8 September 2019: Someone didn’t get the memo 😬
  • 7 September 2019: Absolutely!
  • 6 September 2019: Just catching up on last night’s #bbcqt - @IainDale taking numbers was great to watch. The inadequacy of some of our elected officials was laid bare.
  • 5 September 2019: And how about replacing the police staff so these new officers don’t get sucked into back-office functions?
  • 5 September 2019: “It’s a deal, it’s a steal. It’s sale of the fucking century”
  • 4 September 2019: That was like listening to someone scratching their nails down a chalkboard
  • 3 September 2019: The comments on this thread 😂
  • 2 September 2019: That’s not his sunglasses! I think we’ve found batman!
  • 2 September 2019: What a country to live in and to be proud of!
  • 2 September 2019: "What mortality rate are you willing to accept in the event of a no-deal Brexit?" What kind of a question is that?? That's straight out of the fear playbook, kept in the fear cupboard in fear castle on fear mountain.
  • 2 September 2019: I hope to God he doesn't call a GE before he's delivered Brexit. That would be a car crash of epic proportions.
  • 1 September 2019: Very interested to see where this review of #Prevent goes.
  • 1 September 2019: Is it time for tasers? Absolutely yes. The frequency and severity of assaults on OUR officers is justification enough. Chief Constables have operational responsibility to keep their workforce as safe as possible. More of them should be following the example of @NorthamptonPol
  • 1 September 2019: A common sense approach? It’ll never catch on 😉
  • 18 June 2019: RT @InspGadgetBlogs: After this incident, police will need to #stopandsearch anyone in the vicinity who fits the description, to look for s…
  • 6 June 2019: @ajcdeane I just assumed it was a joke
  • 18 May 2019: It took me a long time to write mine but you’re right, there is no other way, burn them all.
  • 30 April 2019: @OSINTprofession @ExtremandDem Thanks very much!
  • 30 April 2019: My book on the Prevent Strategy and Right Wing Extremism is now on general release @ExtremandDem
  • 23 April 2019: @GameOfThrones So now they’re all off to the crypts...they do know the Night-King can raise the dead, right...right?
  • 10 April 2019: RT @toadmeister: If I’m a Nazi what do you call actual Nazis?
  • 26 January 2019: Ok I’ll do my bit - bye all!
  • 20 December 2018: RT @MenInBlack: The universe is expanding. 🕶️ Watch the trailer for #MIBInternational, in theaters summer.
  • 28 November 2018: RT @stephenpollard: Private Eye 👌
  • 28 November 2018: @PoliceInspForum @SpecCoffeeHouse @MrSteerpike @LouHaigh D'oh! Sorry @LouHaigh - they're absolutely right, present company excepted!
  • 8 November 2018: RT @laurennnjoness2: my history professor is tired of our shit
  • 14 May 2018: @stephenfry @Hardigirl @elvis717 What in the name of Bonaparte’s Balls?! 😁
  • 24 December 2017: @Tory_Generation @thetimes Good news - this was a disastrous policy idea in the last election campaign and gave Labour an open goal
  • 11 November 2017: @UKCopHumour Or maybe he thought the suspect was challenging him to bash out 20 push-ups?
  • 21 October 2017: RT @OrdnanceSurvey: Have an adventure like #GetOutside Champion @AndyExplores with your map... #NationalMapReadingWeek…
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