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Created November 8, 2021 04:34
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Deleted tweets by Alexander Ioffe

Deleted tweets for deusaquilus

The list below includes 510 deleted tweets by deusaquilus.

There are also 3 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.

This report was generated by ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown.

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  • 7 November 2021: Some people say that social media is a "Kangaroo Court." I'm realizing that it's more of an Animaniac. You can draw a tunnel on a rock and then actually go through because there's no difference between fantasy and reality!
  • 21 October 2021: Now I can call a specialized applySpecific[R](r: R): R before every e match ... (i.e. apply(e) match ...) in StatefulTransformer but then propagating state becomes a nightmare! So basically I go insane or try to do this with a state monad. Maybe zio-prelude?
  • 21 October 2021 (live): The reason that happens is because apply(Assignment)'s apply on Assignment::property will never hit apply(Ast), it will go right to the specialized one apply(Property) so things like CollectAst will need to override 20 apply specialized calls instead of one. (2/3)
  • 21 October 2021 (live): Holy #!@& the Quill AST itself is seriously being held back by the StatelessTransformer design. For example, Assignment::property should ALWAYS be a Property type but if you do that the organization of Stateless Transformer falls apart. (1/3)
  • 27 August 2021: As soon as their architects started boasting: “we can handle X messages per-second!” I knew they had no clue what they were doing. That’s not even the right performance measure for that kind of system. (3/3)
  • 27 August 2021: This company Thesys had absolutely no clue what they were doing. Instead of building an ETL system to solve this problem, they built a trading-platform. All the people they hired were former trading-platform developers. (2/3)
  • 27 August 2021: If you ever see articles like this about the Consolidated Audit Trail blaming Stock Exchanges (SROs) for the mess, know they are complete LIES. I worked on this system. The company Thesys that the SEC hired to build the system were utter morons. (1/3)
  • 5 August 2021: You CAN technically do the ANSI version of a "Update with Join" right now... although it's not exactly pretty, or efficient, or a join at all!
  • 20 July 2021: Compile-time errors emitted by Quill will also happen...
  • 20 July 2021 (live): Looks like the latest nightly IntelliJ will also show you Quill generated queries inline like VS Code. It shows up as a "Weak Warning" type.
  • 4 July 2021: Any thoughts @bvenners ?
  • 4 July 2021: I keep wishing ScalaTest would print the full-file-path + line number for every failed test. In quill-jdbc I have identically named tests and enough frames that when a test fails, it's impossible to tell which one unless you do full-stack print and then they're waaay to big!
  • 14 March 2021: ... and of course, this combination of features has only been tested together in yours truly: ProtoQuill! P.S. Just made a bug for it: scala/scala3#11731
  • 14 March 2021: For your daily dose of Dotty oddities.... Make a function, add a targetName, sprinkle a shitckle of 'inlilne', tack on a -YCheck:all and.... Yonder Show Blows!!!
  • 7 December 2020: Hard is not a guarantee of success and our society widely discriminates against many. However, hard work is almost always is a pre-requisite for success since without it, opportunities anyone EVER has are not taken. Articles like these make my skin crawl.
  • 29 November 2020: They take TYPE UNIONS!!! Dotty inline Typeclass extensions take Type Unions and the AST is completely agnostic to it! Dotty is Awesome!!!
  • 16 October 2020: Creating Quats for Quill reminds me of a Salvia trip it I took many years ago. Just as I think the giant psychedelic fan of lego-staircases is finally getting smaller... it turns an angle and massively opens up from another direction! zio/zio-quill#2010
  • 12 August 2020: That is to say, if you can serialize + base-64 the Quats before lifting, they go to the JVM String Pool instead of counting toward the 64K method limit... and binary serialization shouldn't hurt perf too bad. Baruch Hashem! Also, thanks @MasseGuillaume for confirming when I asked
  • 12 August 2020: After working on Quill AST types (Quats) for two months and finally trying them on corporate code they immediately blew up with "method too large" errors. After crying in the bathroom for a few minutes, I realized you can serialize the Quats before lifting zio/zio-quill#1928
  • 12 August 2020: Okay, okay, I'm wrong about @ConceptualJames , his latest posts are not kosher. Mea Culpa. Please have a look at the others though.
  • 12 August 2020:
  • 12 August 2020: Anyway, forget about @ConceptualJames , he's not even that relevant. What about @JonHaidt ? What about @EricRWeinstein ? What about @BretWeinstein ? Heck, what about @SamHarrisOrg ? What about @coldxman , @JohnHMcWhorter and @GlennLoury . Please, please look at what they are saying.
  • 12 August 2020: Yes, white people should be doubting their own objectivity. Needing to 'check' your privilege before you say something is real. How the heck does this translate into the very concept of Objectivity being synonymous with "Internalized Racial Superiority" as SJWs say? That's absurd
  • 12 August 2020: Just more toxicity 🤦
  • 12 August 2020: I think Kunth wanted to say: "overcomplicating an application due to premature performance concerns is the root of all evil." He oversimplified it. We took that over-simplification and made it into a religion. Sound familiar?
  • 12 August 2020: Yes, gender-dysphoria is real. Yes, if you categorically deny the condition then you're a narrow-minded transphobe. That's perfectly clear. How the heck does this broaden to any statement about gender biology being inherently transphobic?
  • 12 August 2020: Believing in biological gender to the extent of saying that men don't have periods is equivalent to trans-phobia? How does that even make sense? How is this against trans -people?
  • 7 August 2020: Welcome to "Evergreen America"
  • 7 August 2020: James Lindsay ( @ConceptualJames ) is the farthest thing possible from alt-right. The fact that individuals are bending over backwards to show how 2 + 2 could be 5 for the sake of social justice is absurd. When he calls them out, he's branded as alt-right.
  • 7 August 2020: Furthermore, if the rules are self-consistent, then it merely proves they indeed are a product of academic colonialism.
  • 7 August 2020: If you have correctly internalized the Critical Social-Justice Theory of Mind, you know there is no contradiction here. Objectivity is nothing more than Self-Internalized Racial Superiority (or Inferiority). Claims of Objectivity of Mathematics are just an instance of that 🤪
  • 7 August 2020: Your loss. Haidt is one of the foremost researchers on moral reasoning on the planet. He's spoken on TED multiple times. He has never, ever, been anything remotely classifiable as 'conservative'. Also, have you heard of Bret Weinstein and Evergreen?
  • 7 August 2020: It's basically this!
  • 7 August 2020: This is both very, very true, and very, very false. Have you listened to anything by John Haidt recently e.g. his "Truth vs Social Justice" series of lectures? He's about as far as a person can be from the alt-right. Here's an example:
  • 7 August 2020: Was this is an "Information Overwhelm! Can't process!" type of moment? Or a "Eureka! It all makes sense!" type of moment?
  • 7 August 2020: I wonder if James Lindsay is the last of a dying breed or if there are many more academics like him who haven't spoken up yet.
  • 7 August 2020: There's a Jewish joke on this too. A prestigious Yeshiva has a "nothing room" where everyone publically yells "I'm nothing!" A new guy comes in, seeing everyone also screams "I'm nothing!" Two onlookers scoff "Poseur! He's been here just 3 days and already thinks he's nothing!"
  • 7 August 2020: Does the most pious middle-ages priest who stays up the longest at night, self-flagellating and saying the most hail-marys, in the whole monastery... secretly think they're G-d's gift to the world? I'd say it's about 50/50, that whip certainly hurts either way.
  • 7 August 2020: It seems that you are genuine about your beliefs and have a good deal of humility in your reasoning. I highly respect and value that. Unfortunately, the understanding of what is problematic can rapidly change. Things considered completely innocuous yesterday are no longer so.
  • 7 August 2020: The one thing that I can definitively say about these Scala community fights, that is when we're older and wiser we will ALL regret participating in them.
  • 7 August 2020: Welcome to the tribal wars of Scala
  • 7 August 2020: This entire political upheaval of the Scala community today is nothing more than a giant side-show. The fact that everyone (on both sides!) has given up on rational debate proves that.
  • 7 August 2020: Correct! The social justice "war" is the last and best publically sanctioned channel for the mass egotism of rich, pampered, white Anglo-Saxons and their elitist professors!
  • 4 August 2020: Ooooh no, we can't have that. Too many "proprietary secrets" involved. Meanwhile, they'll try to figure out how to take even more humans out of the picture.
  • 4 August 2020: Einstein once said: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." Einstein has never used an IDE
  • 2 August 2020: Thanks @cvogt ! Slick made my head implode, many, many times but in the end, it was all worth it since I learned so, so much! Quill is somewhat simpler because it's Query[T] instead of Query[E, U, C] but there are other gotchas.
  • 2 August 2020: I don't think it's strictly necessary but it helps. For Quill-Dotty I thought of getting rid of Quote since we're using blackbox+inline anyway but not knowing where a splice has happened makes it harder to tell if a tree can be compile-time introspected for SQL translation or not
  • 31 July 2020: All of this is meant jokingly of course. Anyway, I have to read @alexelcu 's paper and possibly rethink my position.
  • 31 July 2020: I think there was also one about piano turners. Pretty sure they don't ask those kinds of questions anymore.
  • 31 July 2020: I wonder if Microsoft has droves of people whose main talent is knowing how to move Mount Everest, or if Goldman Sachs has droves of people whose main talent is knowing how to measure how many golf balls fit in a 747!
  • 31 July 2020: Does anyone want to have the option to revert to the previous version of Quill's subquery-expansion via a -Darg if your queries are not working right? (i.e. ExpandNestedQueries before the Quats overhaul) I could keep it in the codebase for one version. zio/zio-quill#1921
  • 31 July 2020: Too bad those weren't acceptable as college entrance exams. You could have gotten into just about anywhere in that percentile!
  • 31 July 2020: I wonder if it's possible to increase one's big-5 trait-conscientiousness. It's a much bigger predictor of success than IQ.
  • 31 July 2020: The whole issue of mathematics vs verbal IQ is another confounding issue. Are symbolic and inferential forms of reasoning different intelligences or manifestations of the same thing? Admittedly, I don't know very much about this.
  • 31 July 2020: I can definitely believe IQ tests are biased, maybe learning something substantially different e.g. a new language or a musical instrument (to proficiency) changes IQ. I've also heard that doctors tell stroke victims to learn a new language in order to regain some function.
  • 31 July 2020: Show me a 30-year-old moving up 20 IQ points (or even 10) by the time they're 40 and then I'll call it pseudo-scientific in a second.
  • 31 July 2020: That's interesting. I'll have to read the study. Maybe I'm wrong. That said, I have little difficulty believing a 12-year-old can increase IQ by 20 points by the time they're an 18 year old. Those are the most formative years of a person's frontal-cortex in their lifetime.
  • 31 July 2020: ... and they'll find some other statistical anomaly tomorrow in order to be able to say whatever other shit they want to say.
  • 31 July 2020: As for race science, as an Ashkenazic Jew, I think anyone who would have thrown me into a gas chamber one generation ago who now claims my people are the most developed race in existence because of some statistical anomaly must be utterly full of shit.
  • 31 July 2020: Curiously, cardiovascular exercise raises IQ by a couple points but only for a short time. Probably because your brain is more oxygenated.
  • 31 July 2020: Biological factors like malnutrition can substantially decrease IQ because they don't allow full development of the frontal cortex but very few other things have that much impact. Even the best kind of education doesn't raise it by more than 5 points.
  • 31 July 2020: The big-5 trait conscientiousness is a better predictor of job success in many areas then IQ but some baseline level of IQ is still a prerequisite. Have a listen to this (unless you're an SJW and think Peterson is a white supremacist which he's not):
  • 31 July 2020: The former is true but not the latter. Compared to most big-5 attributes, IQ is a very, very stable measure across tests. IQ does not predict how good a person does in repetitive tasks but it does predict how fast a person will learn to do them.
  • 29 July 2020: Nested Query expansion is now completely rewritten to take advantage of Quats!!! It has waaay more consistent behavior! No longer do we need to look into outer queries to know what fields we're supposed to select! zio/zio-quill#1920
  • 29 July 2020: JavaConversions are like religious conversions. They're the same damn person (err... variable) but magically different in the context. Java Converters are like Catalytic Converters, they're a device you shove toxic data structures into and out come less toxic ones.
  • 29 July 2020: Yes, White Privilege exists but how powerful is it? How much of an effect does it actually have? Coleman Hughes reveals a study with some sobering truths that you will NEVER find in the New York Times!
  • 29 July 2020: Then for Quill to print the full list of AST transforms, add the following before doing run(p.dynamic) System.setProperty("quill.trace.ast.simple", "false") System.setProperty("quill.trace.types", "sql,norm,standard") That will give you a ton of wonderfully pprint'ed info.
  • 29 July 2020: For example, say you're trying to go into the Quill transforms for some: val p = quote { query[Person] }; run(p) Just do run(p.dynamic) or add :Quoted[Query[Person]] to "val p". This forces Quill to run the query compilation at runtime. I literally debug Quill tests this way!
  • 29 July 2020: Here's a little trick, one way to debug a Quill query right inside your app/tests that's normally compile-time created, is to just add .dynamic or add a type annotation to the Quoted type.
  • 29 July 2020: Not wearing a mask becoming a virtue signal in the right wing is probably the most moronic phenomenon to come out of this pandemic. This idea that preschool can be done twice a week over zoom is a close second.
  • 28 July 2020: Oh and guess who these militias in place of the defunded cops are going to be?... That’s right! Trump Republicans! ... now imagine a band these guys with AR-15s up against a riot with looters! Want a civil war to happen???
  • 28 July 2020: Here’s what CNN dumbasses said just the other day: “Those seeking to disband police consider defunding an initial step toward creating an entirely different model of community-led public safety.” Here’s what that actually looks like! Private militias!
  • 27 July 2020: Does it matter? The point of the woke cultural revolution is to destroy symbols of the modern normative "order" which it deems to be fundamentally racist, fascist, and evil in its twisted conceptualization of reality.
  • 26 July 2020: Yes, the confederate flag is racist, it is absolutely racist! Their entire regime was bent on taking over Mexico and the Caribean, and becoming a slave empire! That has nothing to do with statues of Washington, Jefferson, Columbus, Lincoln, and an Elk!
  • 26 July 2020: Seen anyone toppling statues these days? How about seeking out secret white supremacists everywhere? I'm not talking about removing confederate flags here, those have to go! I'm talking about statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and even a freaking Elk! This is Fanaticism!
  • 26 July 2020: Idiotic Covid Response by Party: Idiotic Right: I have a right not to wear a mask to the bar and sneeze on everyone as I munch down my burger! Idiotic Left: Everybody must stay indoors!... except people who deliver my groceries, electricity, internet, TV, and designer clothing!
  • 26 July 2020: Things like Mutability, Statefulness, and Coupling are some examples of these.
  • 26 July 2020: We like to think of our applications as layered, compartmentalized things. This gives us a sense of control. The reality however is that a great many problems are either introduced or solved by a single design act.
  • 24 July 2020: ROTFL! It's the same thing as being the only one who knows how to write a maven plugin... get ready to become the build engineer!
  • 23 July 2020: This diagram should give a cold sweat to anyone who insists the US legal system treats all races the same way.
  • 23 July 2020: I'm going to tag various Quill issues as 'documented-solution'. For these issues, I will provide a full description of how to implement the solution from end to end ( zio/zio-quill#1685 is the first one). Hopefully, this will make contribution easier.
  • 23 July 2020: Yeah, BouncyCastle has it's own implementation of a linked list and other datastructures for reasons that I cannot fathom. It's a totally crazy library.
  • 23 July 2020: My inner dialoge: Arg, expanding embedded objects in nested queries is sooo hard... Wait... now with Quats just select the leaf-fields No! Can't be that simple!... what about duplicate selections!? Dude! It's an inner query... you're not decoding from there... just dedupe them!
  • 23 July 2020: That seems about right...
  • 23 July 2020: I don't know of a single person alive who likes BouncyCastle libraries. Thing is, I like calling command-line utilities from the JVM even less...
  • 22 July 2020: When I joined Nasdaq several years ago the amount of stuff I had to learn about certs/ciphers/etc... drove me nuts. In the end, I realized that it's just yet another skill set that I had to develop.
  • 22 July 2020: What do you need to do with the PublicKey? You probably need to use BouncyCastle libraries to import it into a PGPPublicKey and then transform it from there. Have a look at this library which makes that a bit easier:
  • 22 July 2020: Here's an example of the type of issue we can now solve with Quill SQL-Types (Quats) that was not solvable before. zio/zio-quill#1685 (comment)
  • 21 July 2020: This is far, far from the completion of what I intend to do with SQL-Types. Instead, it's a first step that carves the way forward, taking the burden of any future-facing internal changes that are there to service future features.
  • 21 July 2020: Presenting the first iteration of Types for the Quill AST, they are called Quill-Application-Types i.e. Quats. Here's what I've been working on for nearly two months! zio/zio-quill#1911
  • 21 July 2020: By the way... "The prevalence of white dominant culture and racism leads to an internalized racial superiority for those who adhere to it." That means if you're not white and believe in hard work, that means you have "internalized racial inferiority!"
  • 21 July 2020: According to SJWs, hard work, individualism, impulse control, and even Scientific Method are now White Values, not American ones! This infographic is straight from a Smithsonian Museum! Anyone who doesn't believe these people are fanatics should seriously reconsider.
  • 19 July 2020: Is anyone using dynamicQuerySchema[T] with ScalaJS? I may not be able to support this method in ScalaJS in the future (regular Scala is fine). If you are using ScalaJS and need it, please let me know and we can discuss alternatives.
  • 16 July 2020: I feel an immense disturbance in the force , as if millions of voices just cried out together.... In relief.
  • 12 July 2020: The problem with Agile is that it is a methodology based on a philosophy based on a workflow based on a bug tracking system. That is why it utterly fails to describe non-iterative development processes like core-design. The bigger problem with Agile is, we have nothing better...
  • 10 July 2020: Also, it is almost always much simpler to reform a justice system than to rollback the anarchy that results from mob-rule. If prison systems are de-privatized for a few years and minor drug offenders are expeditiously released, it would solve half the problem.
  • 10 July 2020: A group of people who believe that consistency, experimental repeatability, and rigorous statistical methodology are all just 'academic colonialism' (and even mathematics itself is an aspect of white-hegemony), cannot possibly be allowed to take justice into their own hands.
  • 10 July 2020: Holy crap! This could go to hell in a handbasket so, so quickly!
  • 10 July 2020: However, if these Vigilanties are ideologues who don't believe in human individuality, personal responsibility, or any kind of objective standards of behavior, it's not even a conversation worth having.
  • 10 July 2020: I think the idea of Cancel Culture is similar to Vigilante Justice. If the Vigilantes are sane people with high moral character, they might be wrong but at least some kind of interesting argument for their actions can be made.
  • 9 July 2020: So Thomas, did you ever get around to doing this? I'm skeptical that Python/Regex is powerful enough. I think you'll need something deep-neural maybe Word2Vec.
  • 9 July 2020: They actually did fold and reduce right! That's very impressive.
  • 9 July 2020: You mean new developers who are on the "edges" of the ecosystem?
  • 9 July 2020: I'm sorry if I sound like a troll and I appreciate you giving me enough benefit of the doubt to engage in a real conversation. That's a rare virtue on social media these days.
  • 9 July 2020: What you define as over-correction, the proponents of Critical Social Justice Theory define as 'barely enough' which is a fervor of Haidt's well-defined sanctity/purity value akin to the worst kind of religious fundamentalism.
  • 9 July 2020: The only possible way to rise above that is by accepting personal responsibility for all my actions as an individual and accepting faith that humanity can make individual decisions to be better and look at its previous errors as objectively wrong.
  • 9 July 2020: As an Orthodox Jew and an immigrant from the USSR, my ancestors have been excluded from "progress" for hundreds of years and it feels absolutely horrible and degrading in the worst sense.
  • 8 July 2020: Don't believe me that Critical Social Justice Theorists want a philosophical genocide of whites? Watch this:
  • 8 July 2020: I agree with you about the lack of any interpretation here. That's not my point.
  • 8 July 2020: I'm not disagreeing with you about that. That's not my point.
  • 8 July 2020: Can you personally guarantee that you have never said anything (especially under the influence of alcohol) that somebody can't interpret as racist in your entire life?
  • 8 July 2020: The people perpetuating cancel culture are "Critical Social Justice Theorists" who believe self-determinism doesn't exist and we need a philosophical genocide of "Whiteness". Do you know what happened to Brett Weinstein at Evergreen State? Watch this:
  • 8 July 2020: This is very, very impressive! An example to all of us!
  • 8 July 2020: This a REAL diversity training course. Individualism and Objectivity are nothing more then Internalized Racial Superiority! The very notion that human beings can self-determinate is now classified as Racist! #wokequisition
  • 8 July 2020: On our next installment of America's Funniest Home Videos, we watch Dawkins do a 90° swerve at high speed to avoid a large epiphany!
  • 8 July 2020: Now they're going after Steven Pinker! The #wokequisition continues!
  • 8 July 2020: Collapse the statues of the slave-owning heretics, just as Savonarola burned the vanities! It's all just a desire for sanctity/purity that the SJWs have discovered. Behold the #wokequisition .
  • 7 July 2020: Wow! Here is an organization called ICE that is both stupid AND evil. It's hard enough as it to find good minds for top tier graduate stem fields. Nobody will bother going to US universities if they have to remain abroad!
  • 7 July 2020: However, history repeats itself and just as the Spanish Inquisition ultimately forced Christian reformation, Wokedom will force new institutions who reject the aspirations of “critical social justice theory”. The Don Quitoxe of the 21st century will be the soul-searching SJW.
  • 7 July 2020: Just as Savonarola burned nude paintings, nude statues, cosmetics and musical instruments in a massive public longing for purity, statues of Washington, Jefferson, and others must be destroyed out of a public need for purification.
  • 7 July 2020: This single-minded approach is the only way to fully root-out the heretics who secretly practice crypto-racism and neoclassical academic colonialism. Otherwise, the institutional white-male hegemonic cast system just goes on and on.
  • 7 July 2020: In Wokedom, micro-aggressions are racism, biological-gender is transphobia, chivalry is misogyny, freedom of sexual preference choice for bisexuals is homophobia, and anyone who would associate with a racist IS a racist themselves.
  • 7 July 2020: Wokedom is an inquisition against the false-conversos who have decided to yield to the forced-baptism of political correctness.
  • 7 July 2020: The ability to pretend that the problem doesn't exist has reached new heights of insanity.
  • 3 July 2020: So @flaviusbraz, when you wrote the Quill transforms, did you just do all of this stuff in your head like the genius that you are? This is taking virtually all of my brainpower to reason through...
  • 1 July 2020: Btw, to all Quill users. Again I apologize for my absence. I am trying to do an overhaul of many internal mechanisms to make them much more robust by introducing a basic SQL-Level type-system.
  • 1 July 2020: How did I realize this? It's because after NormalizeAggregationIdent, Quat-Types did not Typecheck!
  • 1 July 2020: Day 22 of adding SQL-Types (Quats) to Quill AST. - Completely rewrote RenameProperties based on Quats. More robust and 1/3 of the code! - Looks like the phase NormalizeAggregationIdent is just a hack to get around previous limitations of RenameProperties. Not needed anymore!
  • 18 June 2020: Quill's transforms in ApplyMap are very cryptic. I'm thinking of rewriting them in terms of tables Gin and Tonic. Also, Gin is a byproduct of Spirit when Map transforms are involved. It sounds less professional but easier to understand. Should I do it?
  • 17 June 2020: What is social responsibility? The biblical Adam refused to own his actions which didn't end well. Noah took responsibility for his household but didn't shed a tear for the world's apocalypse. Abraham was different. He took responsibility for all mankind.
  • 17 June 2020: In light of everything going on in the world, I've realized that I should start making posts about ethics. Judaism has a plethora of interesting and surprising things to say on many topics.
  • 15 June 2020: On a warm and pleasant August evening, this one brought me clarity and peace of mind.
  • 15 June 2020: The next one took me a while to divine but now I am certain of what it means.
  • 15 June 2020: This is something that I've always wanted to do but never gotten around to. Proudly presenting, Alex's Horoscopes. Behold your destiny!
  • 14 June 2020: Thanks for the support!
  • 14 June 2020: I'll do just one more tonight.
  • 14 June 2020: I can go on to do the others if you'd like.
  • 14 June 2020: @ChiefScientist
  • 14 June 2020:
  • 14 June 2020:
  • 12 June 2020: Make no mistake! This campaign of his is nothing less than a cyber-inquisition. Like the wrong tweet, follow the wrong account, and you find yourself targetted by droves of hateful individuals ready to stereotype you without knowing anything except your name and a tiny avatar pic
  • 12 June 2020: This is utterly and completely abusive! @travisbrown is the epitome of an abusive troll and cyber-bully. This crusade of guilt-by-association is utterly disgusting. As an Orthodox Jew and a USSR immigrant, I feel that this behavior represents an affront to basic human decency!
  • 10 June 2020: Ha! Oracle had a lawsuit filed against them when they messed around with their own accounting practices to make more products seem like "cloud-based revenue" to keep their board happy!
  • 9 June 2020: This is not an entirely empty concern. Community members who have Never espoused despicable values such as misogyny, homophobia, or white supremacy have been harassed for having the wrong associations and/or focus. A line between these must be drawn in any rational discourse.
  • 9 June 2020: @posco Your post seems to be a sincere crisis of self and community identity, longing to do good and protect the innocent. This is very admirable. What many people are concerned with is that they will be wrongly labelled as racists for failing to uphold a particular platform
  • 9 June 2020: An excellent point in response to the ALM controversy.
  • 8 June 2020: The trend of "Like this Tweet or You are a Racist!" is unprofessional and appalling. People should take up the call against racism from their own hearts, not by the coercion of virtual-signaling bullies. This scene perfectly describes what is going on!
  • 4 June 2020: I think the word "looting" is too strong here. We can't necessarily expect other development communities to think about things like ad-hoc-polymorphism in the same way that we do.
  • 4 June 2020: given Functor[List] { def [A, B](original: List[A]).map(mapper: A => B): List[B] = (mapper) }
  • 4 June 2020: C# is going to have type-classes!!! 🤣
  • 3 June 2020: As I've mentioned on LinkedIn, @Ryan_Signify I hope you emerge from this event rapidly and unharmed, both emotionally and financially!
  • 3 June 2020: It is tragically ironic that in a proclaimed battle to fight hate and marginalization, people will engage in these very things with vehement vitriol. It is a frightening parallel to the atrocities the Church committed in the middle ages, all in the name of peace and salvation.
  • 3 June 2020: Nobody says it’s okay. It’s not okay in any reality ever!
  • 3 June 2020: The cops are egregiously guilty here but the video does not convey the fact that she was warned multiple times, there were looters in the area, +400 unexpected protesters. That is an example of Haidt’s principle of “twitter zero-context media evolving to cause maximal outrage”.
  • 3 June 2020: This is the tragic nature of civil unrest. Poliece try to clear an area out of fear of looting but when peaceful protesters refuse to move the nervous ones get violent. It’s the collective fear of human beings that causes violence but there still must be individual responsibility
  • 2 June 2020: Over and over again, the message of "You must denounce/expel/no-platform this person or you are evil!" is spewed from atop of a soap-box of assumed sincerity that is eventually inseparable from self-aggrandizement. In the end, we are reduced by this into a mindless trolling mob!
  • 2 June 2020: Does anyone remember how years ago the Republicans claimed that Obama should not be allowed the presidency because of his association with Bill Ayers? This kind of tactic is being played by high-ranking members of the Scala community against one another almost weekly!
  • 2 June 2020: By ostracising a particular maintainer, organizer, or business leader over and over again, we are risking the destruction of our own ability to use Scala on a daily basis!
  • 2 June 2020: This fractalization WILL destroy Scala if it continues! The very network-economies holding our products together will be torn apart and Scala will drown into obscurity, because corporations will refuse to allow it's broad usage.
  • 2 June 2020: In the beginning, all of this was honorable. There was an overwhelming desire to protect the innocent and to rectify a toxic situation. It has since evolved into something entirely different. It has become an outright trolling war that threatens to destroy people's livelihoods!
  • 2 June 2020: In recent days, the Scala community's noble message of "we cannot ignore his evil acts" has conflated with "we cannot ignore his evil politics" and which has then been conflated with "we cannot ignore his evil associations". This latter thing is pure tyranny!
  • 2 June 2020: That’s wonderful! Thank you!!!
  • 2 June 2020: That's Oracle XE 18c database. Oracle's XE line was around long before XAE or whatever. Maybe it's the other way around!
  • 2 June 2020: Hello @AlainFuhrer , thank you for your great post on reducing 11 XE docker sizes! I'm trying to apply them to 18c XE. Any chance you could post updated instructions? I need this for an OS library I maintain called Quill. Many OS authors would be grateful!
  • 1 June 2020: Thank you so much @juliano !!!
  • 1 June 2020: This could be a prophecy of our DOOM! Are the forces ripping our nation apart stronger than those keeping it together!?
  • 1 June 2020: This whole thing is a giant vicious cycle that could destroy our country!
  • 1 June 2020: Liberals and Conservatives! You are living in TWO DIFFERENT FACT-UNIVERSES. Law enforcement responds to mass looting incidents, but fear turns them brutal against innocents and causes more waves of unrest. Compare this: To this:
  • 1 June 2020: Wow! Just wow!
  • 27 May 2020: I’m wondering if it’s possible to create multiple Travis pipelines for a single GitHub repo. Has anyone had success with this? In my particular case, I want a build pipeline for 2.11 to be auxiliary to the main build.
  • 27 May 2020: Please, please tell me this isn’t real!
  • 27 May 2020: Quill’s build is getting waaay too big. Cumulative build time is over 1.5 hours. Part of this is because we’re using a 13 GB docker image to test Oracle 😅 (cache docker images???). The codegen build also probably needs to be moved out into a separate project.
  • 27 May 2020: Zizek being awesome!
  • 26 May 2020: Is this true? I have no idea. “Alternatively, these results may indicate the deadly COVID-19 pandemic – with mortality rates generally under 1% – is no more deadly than the seasonal influenza.“
  • 26 May 2020: It's really nice to have Dotty inline overrides! Using this feature, I might be able to share QueryDsl (minus the macros) with Quill-Dotty:
  • 25 May 2020: Sometimes my humor does a failure-to-launch thing...
  • 25 May 2020: I know. I was just continuing the line of logic.
  • 25 May 2020: Ha! Only if HDFS or S3 have a /dev/null path/key. Otherwise no! By the same kind of logic if we have 0 bits and 0 apps, every app gets one bit!
  • 25 May 2020: Do you remember the video with the two pandas about how “MongoDB is Web Scale”?
  • 25 May 2020: Finally migrated Quill-Dotty codebase to 0.24-RC1 (from 0.22-RC1). Found two odd behaviors. Bug reports to follow :)
  • 25 May 2020: Yes! This! If there is anything that could be a game-changer for mass Scala adoption, this is it!!!
  • 24 May 2020: Note that this totally coincidental. I didn't actually expect it to work!
  • 24 May 2020: SchemaMeta in Quill-Dotty has a neat Dotty-Idiomatic encoding: inline given SchemaMeta[Person] = schemaMeta("tblPerson", -> "colName") Drop the 'inline' and the query becomes dynamic: given SchemaMeta[Person] = schemaMeta("tblPerson", -> "colName")
  • 24 May 2020: If instead of blocking each other like idiots, we could actually heed the concluding words of BOTH Zizek and Peterson!
  • 22 May 2020: and now it’s bad again...*1vlgymo*_ga*UGVyOXUyb09MSEtUUTM5QUlYMnlLQXMyTTlJTDA1RGRkOWVNYXI1MXM1TnBaaXdXa3hQOVFMYmdqMmpRRm5FUw ..
  • 22 May 2020: It's hard for me to describe my cases situationally. I'll try to make a recording so I can capture what kind of scenarios happen. How large are worksheets expected to be and still behave well?
  • 22 May 2020: Did I say something wrong? If I did I sincerely apologize.
  • 21 May 2020: I try to keep the code I have in worksheets scoped and in small independent chunks. I then slowly move the chunks out to real code. Unfortunately this somewhat reduces the effectiveness of worksheets :(
  • 21 May 2020: Also, are you familiar with Transpersonal Psychology or the works of Stanislav Grof?
  • 21 May 2020: The idea of “feminine chaos” is a parsing of Jung’s reading into archetypal characters like Kali and Lilith. It’s the “dragon persona.” They’re a thematic opposite of Mary and Freya. I think it’s a reasonable cross comparison of the mythos. Do you know what Jung’s main idea is?
  • 21 May 2020: I don't think so. What's your reasoning?
  • 21 May 2020: I’ve had good and bad experiences with worksheets. What do you do when it’s gets stuck re-evaluating previous lines that are different now and the state of the whole thing is odd?
  • 21 May 2020: We never decided that. Do you consider Peterson to be a misogynist?
  • 21 May 2020: Prager, Shapiro, Rubin... so many Jews today are somehow called Nazis! I read an article on Arutz-7 here and there so by this kind of warped logic I'm probably one too! That's sad because actual Nazis killed my great grandparents!
  • 21 May 2020: I remember that. Fun article!
  • 21 May 2020: ... and the hammer and sickle too! I guess that's to honor the soviet police would who go to random people's doors in the 30s and cart them off to Siberia because they had a quota of "enemies of the state" to fill up.
  • 21 May 2020: My next question would be how these two facts can coexist in the same universe, per his reasoning model.
  • 21 May 2020: Awesome talk about adding performance optimizations to Graal by the creator of Quill! This is a significant step toward solving the megamorphic inlining problem!
  • 20 May 2020: Hahahaha! He blocked me! I asked him to clarify some simple axioms of his reasoning and he blocked me! I’m sorry @mpilquist , but I’m not taking anything he says seriously ever again and neither should you!
  • 20 May 2020: Dave is a Jew though. At what point in history were nationalistic Jews with his opinion mix in the category of being white supremacists? Is Ben Shapiro also a white supremacist?
  • 20 May 2020: I'm trying to understand your reasoning. How is Rubin a white supremacist?
  • 20 May 2020: Do you consider individuals like Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, and John Haidt to be white supremacists?
  • 17 May 2020: I'm hoping the result of all of these gardening metaphors will be a more understandable set of Quill internals.
  • 17 May 2020: Using this naming, understanding quipperExpr as Expr[Query[T]=>Query[R]] and baqExpr as Expr[R=>T] is doable. Then we introduce quipperLotExpr as Expr[Quoted[Query[T]=>Query[R]]]. Where a QuotationLot is the "real-estate" of a Quoted[T] carved out in an 'unquote' call.
  • 17 May 2020: Just came up for the Quill-internal naming for QueryMeta: "quip" i.e. Query + Flip. The quipper is the function Query[T] => Query[R], the R=>T function is called the 'baq' correspondingly.
  • 17 May 2020: How are Databricks/Confluent different from Horton/Cloudera as well as RedHat? All three seem to have unconventional OSS models to me.
  • 17 May 2020: So the answer is to capture pieces of the pie from more common langs/communities like Java, Python, and R? Support for OS frameworks and integration certainly does work sometimes if it’s correctly done. Just look at Horton and Cloudera.
  • 15 May 2020: Thank you @bishabosha for the update! I wanted to reply earlier but had to take some time to formulate my thoughts.
  • 15 May 2020: Anyone who has ever complained about Trump or Putin and wondering how the heck they came to be world leaders, watch this! Anyone who has wondered how Kadafi or Sadam Hussain ruled for so long while butchering their own people... watch this!!!
  • 14 May 2020: “Nutrition as a science” isn’t too far way from this:
  • 14 May 2020: Nutrition is in a whole league of absurdity of it’s own! Remember the exhaled Food Pyramid? The entire thing was a product of the farming lobby!
  • 14 May 2020: Dialogue is very consistent: Politician: Drug X is good! Opponents: It’s not! You’re hurting/killing people! Publication: Actual results are... Politician: Told you so! / Well I had only the info I had! Opponents: Told you so! / Well you shouldn’t give medical advice anyway!
  • 14 May 2020: So hydroxychloroquine actually does help...
  • 14 May 2020: Everything I have seen in the finance industry suggests the polar opposite of this. Billionaires and Mega-corporations (both Plaintiffs and Defendants) would kiss the very earth that Federal Judges walk upon if they thought it would improve their chances in trial.
  • 14 May 2020: The Good Fight Season 3 takes another step into the absurd. This time around the premise is that rich people can arbitrarily get favorable rulings by leaving judges a blank piece of paper with the writing “Memo 618”.
  • 13 May 2020: That’s nice to hear. You’re welcome!
  • 13 May 2020: Another unpopular opinion: Docker and Kubernetes are not actually “Serverless.” Nothing where you have to think about things like ulimits, virtual memory, and package management can remotely be considered serverless. Docker and Kubernetes are just really, really good PasS.
  • 13 May 2020: This may be a very unpopular opinion but I do not believe that Docker and Kubernetes are actually SaaS and they’re certainly not FaaS. They’re just a very, very well designed way to do PaaS!
  • 12 May 2020: In exchange for this tradeoff, you will be able to use Scala 3 inline functions in order to arbitrarily transform compile-time Quill query logic. E.g., using inline recursion to add an arbitrary number of filters should now be possible. Presently this can only be done at runtime
  • 12 May 2020: In Scala 3 to get compile-time query generation QueryMeta[T] will have to be an "inline def" just like Query[T]. Whitebox types will not be used anymore.
  • 12 May 2020: Since QueryMeta changes the type of Query, and Dotty macros require fully typed expressions, implementing this presented some unique challenges!
  • 12 May 2020: QueryMeta in Quill-Dotty is working for both Static and Dynamic Queries!
  • 11 May 2020: Left! No! Right! No! Why oh why do I have to man this yet again!?
  • 11 May 2020: As to the problem of having too many nested if-statements... typically this is a code-smell!
  • 11 May 2020: The pattern of short circuiting returns to avoid if-statement noise is frequently deceiving, especially when state is mutated in between the short-circuits. I see this kind of pattern frequently in Spring Http filters and it is horrifying to read.
  • 11 May 2020: @jaceklaskowski Whoa! wholeStageMaxNumFields changes my life! Right now I'm doing a super-complicated dance in Quill-Spark around skipping fields that don't need to be double-checked for nullability. Thanks for sharing!
  • 10 May 2020: Lemma: “Especially the economists that are frequently cited in finance magazines and rank highly in google search results.”
  • 10 May 2020: In Quill-Dotty, the materializeQueryMeta system will be driven by this.
  • 10 May 2020: The Dotty macro-encoded Typeclass Derivation is hands down the Most useful feature of the language for library writers of data transformation frameworks. Spark’s entire schema-generation system could be done with this! Thanks @biboudis for this sample!
  • 7 May 2020: It's is one thing to loathe the elected representatives of a group of people. Personally reasoning about them as a "disgusting" element of society is another thing entirely.
  • 7 May 2020: Paul Ekman famously speaks about how "Disgust is the language of Hate." Nazi propaganda frequently refers to Jews as roaches and vermin. I therefore find it interesting when friends of mine post about how much Republicans (as a category!) disgust them so much.
  • 6 May 2020: Dotty Type-Quotes are '[Really[Really[$nice]]] but they need to support path-depenent-types in order to be useful. I ran into this while implementing QueryMeta in Dotty: scala/scala3#8887
  • 3 May 2020: High/Low priority implicits are indeed an anti-pattern! Thank you @odersky for summonExpr and other Dotty goodies!
  • 28 April 2020: That is to say, maybe the whole presumption that H1N1 immunity not giving you immunity to B/Victoria (in 2020) is actually false and the late rise of B/Victoria was just a ‘red-herring’ whereas in reality, it was corona that was causing many people to become sick twice. Thoughts?
  • 28 April 2020: Here it is: "Between the early start, rise in B strains, and spike in A-strain, this flu season officially has infectious disease experts stumped [...] you can get sick twice" ... or maybe you can't and the whole A/B Strain thing is a giant red herring!
  • 28 April 2020: Turns out Coronavirus was in the US long before we knew about it! They were even calling 2020 flu season in Feb a "Double-Barreled Shotgun" because you could somehow get it twice in a season... Yeah... I'm not so sure one of those "barrels" was the flu!
  • 27 April 2020: Correct. Everything I know about how to understand the data is based on one 3blue1brown video 😂
  • 27 April 2020: Okay. We're well past the inflection point in the US now.
  • 19 April 2020: Been wrangling with Dotty Quoted Matching porting the Quill parser for a few days. An update on my findings:
  • 19 April 2020: Oy! Of all the Dotty bugs I've encountered so far, this one is a show-stopper. Hope to get past this soon. scala/scala3#8745
  • 31 March 2020: An idiotic mistake to be sure but the point is not entirely invalid. Biggest city in the US is NY that has 8 mil. LA is second biggest and at 4 mil doesn’t even come close. It explains why the outbreak is NY is so bad relative to everywhere else.
  • 30 March 2020: To the @prezi people. Please, please give developers decent code-highlighting support! I would gladly use your product for every presentation I ever make!
  • 30 March 2020: Just saw the Netflix series Unorthodox. Wasn’t quite as good as the Israeli series Shtissel but details were surprisingly accurate. Yiddish accents were believable and conversational semantics were correct, down to most of the phrasing minutiae.
  • 27 March 2020: Please don’t say you’re actually a clandestine believer of Efficient Market Hypothesis! That radical cult of lunatics has haunted real empiricists for far to long!
  • 15 March 2020: The multi-hour long lines for peaches and toilet paper in the Soviet Union are excellent examples of the latter. Free markets were not permitted so time itself was the only way to “pay” for things.
  • 11 March 2020: Oookay. Just merged a branch literally named "sledgehammer" into dotty_test for future Quill. New Model has Bins, Planters, and Vases representing different states of a Tasty tree quotation (hint Planters contain inlineable trees).
  • 9 March 2020: Depending somewhat on which sect... but yes.
  • 8 March 2020: All of childhood is about pursuing the capabilities of adulthood. All of adulthood is about pursuing the happiness of childhood... both of these things are based in delusional assumptions.
  • 8 March 2020: Need a sensible mental model for Dotty-Quill. ScalarPlanter holds a scalar value of a Dotty Tree that can be re-inserted later (i.e. ‘replanted’). ScalarVase represents a tree that cannot be (i.e. its ‘plucked’) and needs to be processed at runtime.
  • 8 March 2020: My Brother Moshe Ioffe is looking for a 3-month software internship this summer in the Greater Philadelphia Area. Does anyone know of any open positions or anyone else who is looking?
  • 8 March 2020: I think that in one of the Firebase presentations, they claimed said that all CRUD applications are basically fancy wrappers around databases. Mongo has its own long term challenges though. What you gain in dynamic schemas you lose in data integrity...
  • 6 March 2020: Possibly. The problem is that I can't tease apart my domain into parts that don't depend on sequences of some other entity that I saw.
  • 5 March 2020: Has anyone done any complex/dependent data modeling in Kafka and can give me some free advice? I'm trying to reason about bounded contexts and quickly coming to the conclusion that my entire domain model is a single bounded context 🤪
  • 28 February 2020: ... and one is thematically inconsistent with the entire series.
  • 28 February 2020: Here’s a riddle. What do Mass Effect 3, Game of Thrones, and now Sillicon Valley all have in common?
  • 26 February 2020: This isn’t a Dotty thing then...
  • 26 February 2020: Dotty typing rules are cool! Current Quill needs nastiness: def quote[T](body: Quoted[T]): Quoted[T] implicit def quote[T](body: T): Quoted[T] With Dotty: def quote[T](body: Quoted[T]): Quoted[T] def quote[T](body: T): Quoted[T] Can how does Dotty choose the right thing here?
  • 26 February 2020: Is all social hierarchy just about power and tyranny? Then how come when we or our loved ones have heart problems, we try to get to the top cardiologists at the best performing hospitals? Clearly, we don't believe they got there by oppressing others!
  • 25 February 2020: Would love to use it in Dotty for my runtime-query cases.
  • 25 February 2020: Sounds awesome! If it can be used to summon implicits during runtime, I'll use it!
  • 25 February 2020: The solution is to have eager-lift and lazy-lift. The eager-lift requires encoders and doesn't work for static quote { }. The lazy-lift does. If later a runtime TypeTag becomes available, I'll add it to the lazy-lift mechanism. Otherwise, lazy-lift will only work for compile-time
  • 25 February 2020: So for the case of a runtime Quotation[T] I can't summon a Encoder[T] inside run(quotation) since I don't have a TypeTag anymore. The only solution is to summon encoders inside the quote { } area which I want to be static for Scala 3.
  • 25 February 2020: It's only a problem for a runtime quotation. I need a TypeTag[T] to pass inside a runtime Quotation[T] and summon an Encoder[T]. If the Quotation[T] is inline, types are in Tasty during compile.
  • 24 February 2020: Crap! Without a runtime TypeTag implementation, Dotty-Quill can’t have a context-independent Quotation system. I really hope this happens: lampepfl/dotty-feature-requests#62
  • 20 February 2020: Since happiness is proven to be based on only a comparison with people in your surroundings, I’d guess that Franklin and Hamilton complained about how the London roads were so much better then Market St.
  • 19 February 2020: Are you using Waze? It might say something different.
  • 19 February 2020: City Ave interchange is terrible. Why not take the Montgomery interchange (I.e. Greenland Drive) or the Belmont interchange? They’ll get you faster just about anywhere in Lower Merrion then the City Ave.
  • 17 February 2020: Not sure why this hasn't occurred to me before but adding a Static/Dynamic indicator variable to Quill's executeQuery method makes it waaay easier to test if needed code is correct and Lifts/Unlifts are there. Definitely adding for Dotty. Perhaps worth doing in current Quill...
  • 16 February 2020: It's interesting to note that with Dotty, you can traverse mirrors inside of macros without having to implement 'derived'. This is what I plan to use for the Quill expander. Thank you @biboudis for the great "derived macro" example that let me write this:
  • 31 January 2020: Yes I do have an opinion on tabs vs spaces. They’re both idiotic relics from an era before good abstractions were a thing, and should be deprecated immediately, in favor of a more flexible white-space primitive.
  • 31 January 2020: At some point, the UI folks decided, better aggressively end escaped clauses then risk our code parsers running into strange corner-cases that’ll get them utterly baffled. I don’t necessarily agree with this choice but I understand it.
  • 31 January 2020: The original reason that a 2nd ‘,”, and ] and } were automatically introduced was to keep code-color in editors from going haywire. Just try putting in one bracket or double-quote in sublime text, do something interesting like a line break, and watch multiple lines turn hot-pink.
  • 31 January 2020: At some point, banning things turns into revisionist history. The USSR regimes tried to ban enough material to be able to claim that Tesla was a Russian scientist... it didn’t take.
  • 31 January 2020: So progressives want to ban the confederate flag since they were slave-mongerers desiring a slave empire, that’s legit... but why specifically target Jefferson? Maybe ban the kindergarten song “the ants go marching one by one” because it’s the same tune as the confederate anthem?
  • 30 January 2020: Ditto here for (), “”, ‘’, [] and {}. I automatically type both and backtrack. IDEs inserting them is not useful. For Dotty macros where you need to do ‘{ stuff } and you’re always deleting the 2nd quote is even more irritating.
  • 28 January 2020: The point of all of this is not to depress you, but to illustrate the fact that things like honesty, transparency, and radical ownership are not common; they are exceedingly rare! That’s why when it happens (and is actually recognized), people get accolades and give TED talks.
  • 28 January 2020: ... and if you’re the “down with capitalism”-type, consider that all these things mentioned are worse in any government organization then they are in business by a factor or ~3x. Largely due to the iron triangle and various other biases.
  • 28 January 2020: Guys, please don’t take this post completely seriously, it’s not. The point is that there is a “dark dimension” to everything done in business that needs real consideration when any undertaking is evaluated. We call that “due-diligence.”
  • 28 January 2020: Please don’t take it seriously, it’s not meant as such.
  • 28 January 2020: I couldn't stop laughing at this. If any of these idiots knew what Price's law or the Iron Triangle is, they wouldn't be having this debate. The core assumptions of how markets work by anyone dumb enough to make this argument are pure fantasy!
  • 28 January 2020: ... and even some more horrible realities of most corporations: - boring solutions > novel solutions - good image > good craft - incidental success > planned execution - preception of skill > actual skill Basically, just imagine Simon Sinek's devil-twin and that's the norm!
  • 28 January 2020: Sounds like straight-up Machiavellianism. I'll add some more horrific realities of most businesses - short term gains > long term sustainability - projected image > internal reality - identification > introspection - well-crafted story > "the whole truth" - angle > transparency
  • 24 January 2020: That which is ‘the future’ is impossible to foretell. Nobody predicted that after 20 years of relative obscurity, python would take off like it did. Market forces play a large role. Sometimes a better measure then popularity is persistence. Nassim Taleb talks about it at length.
  • 23 January 2020: As a consequence of this, teaching students tail recursion using incrememtors will give them the impression that tail recursion is useless!
  • 23 January 2020: The benefits of using tail-recursive functions over a loop are only easily demonstrable if you have a pattern-matching syntax. Otherwise, you lose in noise what you gain in idiom.
  • 23 January 2020: That’s the con-man’s play in a nutshell.
  • 23 January 2020: They took over the GOP because the SJWs radicalized the media dialogue to the point where the word ‘racist’ means someone who doesn’t admit he has implicit bias. The depressed, unemployed Midwest suicide-belt looked at that and collectively said f-you! Trump saw that and used it.
  • 23 January 2020: The core of all of it is lost trust. In a trust-less environment dirty players like Trump and Putin will naturally rise to the top. If it wasn’t them, it would have been someone else.
  • 23 January 2020: Sure I read it, and dozens of other like it. The point is all the same thing: nobody trusts actual facts brought forward by people on the other side of the aisle and we live in information bubbles that political figureheads exploit. It’s all the same.
  • 23 January 2020: Until this massive political enmity is changed, you cannot possibly expect a set of facts remotely resembling truth to be universally agreed upon.
  • 23 January 2020: The key characteristic of a strong democracy is the people in the democracy trust each other across political lines. The mass negative partisanship of our era has destroyed that. Democrats almost universally believe Republicans are evil. Republicans believe the same of Democrats.
  • 23 January 2020: Blaming Putin for our own social media habits is like blaming the cocaine dealer for an addiction. If not him, it would have been someone else. The Trump administration is a phenomenon that WE created and it’s certainly not the first time something like that has happened.
  • 23 January 2020: I can’t help but recall this:
  • 23 January 2020: Now all we need to do is implement: god(witness Monad[T]): God[T] ... and then we’re good according to Leibniz. Goedel’s encoding would probably involve recursive implicits.
  • 23 January 2020: Actually, it’s more like this: testify hashem: God[Jahovah] = ... testify betterHashem(witness God[Jahovah]): God[Jesus] = ... Islam would be a more complex encoding.
  • 23 January 2020: Thanks for the kind words. Hopefully more of that in the future.
  • 22 January 2020: My Alternative proposal for implicits. Use 'witness' for arguments and 'testify' for declaration: sealed trait God[T] testify hashemHuHaelokim: God[Jahovah] = ... testify lordAndSavior: God[Jesus] = ... testify allahHuAkbar: God[Allah] = ... def prophecy[T](witness: God[T])
  • 22 January 2020: If you've been reading Seeking Alpha's Stephen Breezey, this should be no surprise. For years we thought he was a madman but now he's looking more like a prophet.
  • 22 January 2020: If anyone was wondering why Intel broke off the joint partnership with Micron over 3D XPoint, it's quite simple... THEY SAW THIS COMING! Now can either step in and be Micron's lord-and-savior, or just try screw them over and buy Ovonyx's rights.
  • 22 January 2020: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. That single step has just happened. The Dotty-Quill POC has been hooked up to the transformations and can generate queries.
  • 22 January 2020: I am very, very happy about how generic derivation is designed in Dotty. This design will allow anyone familiar with 'derived' to be able to understand Quill Encoders and Decoders all the way through.
  • 20 January 2020: Anyone who thinks it’s time to start implementing actual frameworks in Dotty instead of arguing language semantics for implicits, please, please comment here!
  • 20 January 2020: Anyone who thinks Dotty’s ‘given’ (i.e. the new ‘implicit’) is good enough for Scala 3, and we don’t need to change it for the umpteenth time, please, please do me a favor and comment here.
  • 20 January 2020: Seriously people! It’s like every day there’s another proposal of how we should change implicits! I seriously don’t care anymore. Just pick one! I have 3k lines of code to change whatever way it happens and I’m just praying I only need to do that once!
  • 19 January 2020: The challenge Quill has with Programmatic Structural Types, in particular, is that the entire decoding stack now needs to become dynamic.
  • 19 January 2020: Dotty's Programmatic Structural Types are a good first-step to real record flexibility and seem useful for interop with GraphQL. In order to support them, Quill needs two things: 1) Select * expansion 2) Knowledge of result-set metadata during decoding
  • 16 January 2020: We have a fairly good integration with Doobie which I'm very happy about. Curiously, what are some of those queries? Could you post a gist?
  • 15 January 2020: One neat trick in Dotty Typeclass derivation is being able to match MirroredElemLabels and MirroredElemTypes at the same time. You can do this by matching on erasedValue[(Labels, Types)].
  • 15 January 2020: Another interesting issue is that say that in a given coproduct-tree, some field F has two different types T1 and T2 in children C1 and C2 respectively. This might introduce issues since we don't know what decoder to use. This is probably a restriction that needs to be introduced
  • 15 January 2020: A really primitive but effective solution might be to just take every coproduct field and concatenate them all. Then go to the specific column for that coproduct. This, however, causes data-duplication that may be unacceptable for large coproducts.
  • 15 January 2020: Another approach would be to create a view on the record itself. This is appealing but likely has many difficulties and corner-cases.
  • 15 January 2020: There are two alternative approaches that I can think of. The first one is to start using name-based arguments for decoding as opposed to position-based ones. This has both advantages and difficulties.
  • 15 January 2020: This, however, comes with the additional difficulty that since we are using fromProduct to construct our objects, the fields need to be re-sorted based on the case-class's expectations. This is a little nasty.
  • 15 January 2020: Since Quill uses positional arguments to do decoding, skipping fields requires some finesse. One requirement would probably be to deterministically sort all coproduct fields, that way positioning is taken care of.
  • 15 January 2020: This can be solved by the user proving a Discriminator Column that the decoding mechanism will be aware of. This can then tell us which fields in the ResultSet we should skip.
  • 15 January 2020: A Table-Per-Hierarchy pattern can be implemented in Quill using Dotty Sum-Types by recursing over all possible classes that a sum can be and getting their fields. The fields can then be expanded into the SQL query. The trick is knowing what specific coproduct to instantiate.
  • 13 January 2020: That is to say, instead of doing this: q"${c.prefix}.executeQuery" We can do this: class ExecContext inline def runQuery[T] = ${ runQueryImpl('this) } def runQueryImpl[T](ctx: Expr[ExecContext[T]]) = '{ $ctx .executeQuery } This is MUCH safer!
  • 13 January 2020: Instead in Dotty, the 'this' pointer of a context instance can actually be passed directly into a macroImpl. Methods such as executeQuery can be called directly from it in a quoted section. This is MUCH safer and has waaay better typing characteristics.
  • 13 January 2020: Another interesting feature MacroContext.prefix is going away in Dotty. In Quill we use this construct extensively to get information about the current context. Fortunately, in Dotty we don't actually need it!
  • 8 January 2020: The lesson boys and girls is that if you just stick to using pure functions or vals before you lift them into a quill quote... life is waaay less complicated. It all just reduces to avoiding mutable state!
  • 8 January 2020: So there's the rule. For runtime quill splices, it's one "foo" lookup per "lifted(foo)". For compile-time quill splices of "foo" lookup in "lifted(foo)", one lookup per quote { ... lifted(foo) ... } (i.e the spliced segment containing "foo").
  • 8 January 2020: At that point, we can basically make the guarantee that if we have some, val foo = "quote { ... lift(foo)... }" no matter how much we splice it into sub-sub-sub queries, it will only be evaluated once when the 'run' function is called (for that particular query).
  • 8 January 2020: For compile-time however, it should not actually matter what value foo value in "compile-time-quote { compile-time-quote(lift(foo)) union compile-time-quote(lift(foo))" supersedes the other because PCP guarentees whatever lineage will exist, will be valid.
  • 8 January 2020: This should be fairly simple because at this point, the entire AST is no longer the Scala AST but the Quill AST and it's during runtime as opposed to compile time.
  • 8 January 2020: That way we can guarantee that every term will be looked up as many times as the number of quotes in the tree. (hence two in the former case).
  • 8 January 2020: The solution to this is that if you're going through the tree of lifts in runtime quotes, i.e. runtime-quote { runtime-quote union runtime-quote} just switch up the IDs of the lifts in the inner ones to be different when they're passed into the outer runtime-quote.
  • 8 January 2020: The problem with quote { ...runtime-quote ... } is what happens if the same value is lifted twice and we have something like "runtime-quote(lift(foo)) union runtime-quote(lift(foo))". If foo is impure we might be in trouble because then, which foo gets evaluated first?
  • 7 January 2020: In Soviet Russia, only the priveleged-few "distinguished proletarians" were permitted to purchase 'western luxuries' such as disposable diapers. You also had to pay a special tax in order to do so. Academic institutions seem to follow a similar pattern.
  • 5 January 2020: I wonder what kind of datastructure is ideal for storing lifted values in Dotty-Quill between quotations. Originally I was thinking of a Map but Dotty's Tuple is quite interesting. This is one possible way that PCP-friendly lifting can be implemented:
  • 5 January 2020: It's basically a holdover from the Henry-Ford days when people were aiming for an all-white-protestant workforce, you could stay at the same job for 30+ years, and multinationals didn't exist.
  • 5 January 2020: Laughably so. Between single parenthood, the need for dual incomes, internationalization & the need to travel + working in multiple timezones etc... this idea was already in the grave 50 years ago.
  • 5 January 2020: Even so... there's a great article I recall reading about how the entire American business world was built with the assumption that a spouse is always available to take care of the kids. That's the foundational reasoning behind the 9-to-5 idea.
  • 5 January 2020: To paraphrase your great talk, the idea of the "business day" is a constraint that gives nations the freedom to develop a multiplicity of apparatuses to work within it. It might be obsolete (esp. by tech standards), but replacing it might not actually make things better.
  • 5 January 2020: Probably also true, but again there's a problem of scaling. If you decide to have millions of people work on "reinvented" schedules, these different schedules need to converge on a common enough timeframe in which to provide your distributed childcare system.
  • 5 January 2020: The same is true of big-data applications, only the side-effects are typically more constrained.
  • 5 January 2020: Primary School is as much about the scaleability of institutionalized daytime childcare as it is about the education itself. Millions of people need a place to put their kids while they work. I’m not sure that the private sector could easily solve this problem.
  • 3 January 2020: A similar story is happening with Meta. Dotty's lack of TypeTag reflection means Quill's Meta stack needs to be rearchitected. On the other hand, Dotty's mirror/derived mechanisms allow our entire encoder/decoder system to be written in an elegant and language-idiomatic way.
  • 3 January 2020: In Quill's case, it means the lifting mechanism needs to be rearchitected, however, it also completely eliminates the need to reify liftings.
  • 3 January 2020: Dotty's Phase Consistency Principle (PCP) is very interesting. While it seriously restricts what you can do in a macro, it also ensures that the lineage of any term emitted by a macro (or series of nested macros) can be traced back to the original statement that created the term.
  • 31 December 2019: Now an argument can be made that assuming markets grow long-term itself is a form of speculation. Those who lived in times of economic turmoil (e.g. revolutions, fall of USSR) know that quite well. However, in most western democracies this is 1-2 orders of magnitude less likely.
  • 31 December 2019: Index funds are not about having a speculative position (i.e. one from which you profit is based on a up/down movement). It's about having an instrument in your portfolio that reproduces the growth rate of the market itself (or a sector of it depending on the fund).
  • 30 December 2019: Oooh. Looks like it's constValue!
  • 30 December 2019: Here's a really dumb question. Does anyone know an actual way to get MirroredElemLabels from a summoned mirror into a val?
  • 30 December 2019: Has anyone gotten any kind of recursive type-reflection code to work with Dotty? I'm trying to figure out how to recursively introspect types and I'm at a total loss. scala/scala3#7875
  • 26 December 2019: Looks like my days of blowing up Dotty are beginning! scala/scala3#7853
  • 18 December 2019: Nasdaq is looking to hire one junior developer full time and two contract-to-hire positions in the Philadelphia office for 2020. Experience with Scala and Big Data is a plus. If anyone is interested please reach out to me.
  • 8 December 2019: @jsuereth Hey. Back in SF you mentioned an argument used to get the whole tree of a Dotty Expr i.e. encluding from previous inlines recursively. Was that 'underlyingArgument' or something else?
  • 5 December 2019: BeeScala was awesome! It was a pleasure to talk about how you can use Quill to blast past the limitations of Dataset!
  • 5 December 2019: What was the promo?
  • 5 December 2019: Let me qualify that by saying that X and Y in this example are not tables. They are 3-level deeply nested views. When you get to this level of indirection optimizers start acting quirky...
  • 5 December 2019: By doing and extra full table scan of course!
  • 5 December 2019: Incidentally, said queries were produced in Slick 🤣
  • 5 December 2019: Craziest SQL issue I’ve run into, to date: select a, b, c, d from X, Y where = (40k rows, 30 seconds) select a from X, Y where = (40k rows, 8 MINUTES!!!) WTF???
  • 2 December 2019: Starting to work on a proper Quill microsite using Docusaurus which will hopefully solve our one-giant-page woes and allow searchability via the Algolia plugin. Anyone want to help me?
  • 1 December 2019: That said, I have enormous admiration for everyone who wrote Frameless and for the Typelevel folks in general, and greatly appreciate their work for pushing the boundaries of what is possible to do with Scala's Typesystem.
  • 1 December 2019: Quill's API for Spark integration is minimal but highly tractable. I have had success in training Java developers (Completely unfamiliar with Scala!) to use it to write complex queries in a matter of days.
  • 1 December 2019: What I was hoping for, is that Frameless would take Slick's approach and construct a proper monadic EDSL for querying, then convert the constructs into catalyst-plan code. Sadly, that was not the case.
  • 1 December 2019: Frankly, I think that the entire DataFrame API just a thin wrapper over SQL that minimally supports Scala development. Frameless creators chose to just copy that same deeply flawed API and jerry-rig symbol literals instead of strings. Why they did this is deeply puzzling
  • 29 November 2019: Just pushed a Thanksgiving release of Quill 3.5.0 🦃. This release brings NDBC for Postgres with non-blocking DBMS connections going "all the way down" and a couple of other goodies! (Thanks Again @vonjuliano !)
  • 28 November 2019: Normally I wouldn’t do this but I need to reach out. My wife is looking for a non-technical project management / digital marketing position. She has six years experience and is very, very good at tracking complex dependencies. Please let me know if you know anyone looking.
  • 28 November 2019: Thank you @flaviowbrasil and @StefanZeiger for creating the great frameworks that have saved from becoming a DBA in everything but name! Thank you @odersky for creating the wonderful language that made this possible! #ScalaThankYou
  • 27 November 2019: That wouldn't be workable in ammonite. I'm thinking of a less forceful way to 'hide' the internals. Maybe something like MyContext(PostgresDialect with MyExtensions, Literal) where MyExtensions contains the user-defined implicits.
  • 27 November 2019: Debugging transformations is very, very hard because if you get it wrong, massive recompiles happen and crash IDEs and SBT. Make just one bad transformation and it tries recompiling all of quill-sql/test which takes 10+ minutes and can blow up memory. We need more pluggability.
  • 27 November 2019: The typical cycle is this: From profitability to growth, from growth to entropy, from entropy to processism, from processism to fiefdoms, from fiefdoms to crystallization, and from crystallization back to unprofitability.
  • 27 November 2019: Large corporations combat entropy by creating processes and controls deemed as acceptable pathways through which change can flow. This crystallization makes them very vulnerable to even tiny shifts in the underlying cost/value landscape as it inhibits their ability to pivot.
  • 25 November 2019: It was a thrill to finally be able to talk about my work, open-source work, and generally the things that have inhabited my every waking moment over the past two years at BeeScala! Thank you @c05m1x for organizing a wonderful conference!
  • 20 November 2019: Right now, you have to build the whole Quill codebase, and then import Scala macros, then setup a proper debug of “ .nsc.Main” which is itself a pain. That’s a lot of effort...
  • 20 November 2019: @flaviowbrasil I’m wondering if we can decrease new-developer friction by allowing transformation stages to be easily fiddled with in ammonite. Specifically so you can easily modify a stage & see the results. We can do that by making them injectable into a context via implicits.
  • 20 November 2019: Another day, another variable shadowing issue. This time it's with FlatJoin. @flaviowbrasil I'm thinking maybe we should do something more aggressive than what's in the Dealias transformer for Scala 3... like using their Beta Reduction to replace var names zio/zio-quill#1705
  • 19 November 2019: This is also a good reason to not shoehorn all of your users into a single async-IO implementation as Slick does. Being able to fall-back to a different async implementation or even a sync one for an emergency situation makes committing to a framework more tolerable.
  • 19 November 2019: Case in point of why async and transactionality is very tricky. In a test intended to force a rollback, we were seeing NDBC correctly re-throw an exception but previous operations supposed to be rolled back were not. FuturePool.isolate seems to fix this.
  • 19 November 2019: NDBC Is finally merged! Yay! Thanks again @vonjuliano ! zio/zio-quill#1702
  • 17 November 2019: This is correct. The original ״יפה״ was transliterated from "Иоффе" when my parents emigrated from Russia hence the “I” instead of “Y”. When my Uncle realized it was wrong he changed it, hence my father and uncle have ‘different’ last names.
  • 8 November 2019: @pauljamescleary I just saw that you’re going to be talking at SBTB. Exciting! Glad to see Philly being adequately represented!
  • 8 November 2019: By New York / New Jersey driving standards, center turn lanes are for advanced tailgating techniques and merging into traffic at such high acceleration rates that turning a 45 on them would be fatal to most organic life forms.
  • 5 November 2019: @ChiefScientist @flaviowbrasil @li_haoyi Hi Alexy, We'd like to do a Quill-meetup after the conference on Thursday, I'm thinking 7:00 or 7:30 PM. Could we get a specific room for it and have SBTB make an announcement?
  • 3 November 2019: It occurs to me that we can get Quill to do the same thing as runtime selection: if (cond) foo else bar During compile time by just beta-reducing the quotation: quote { if (cond) foo else bar } -> foo if cond is trivially true. Anyone want this? zio/zio-quill#1692
  • 2 November 2019: We shall not change! Support us until the sun goes supernova!
  • 31 October 2019: Just discovered a neat little pattern that can be used with Quill to build compile-time queries but be able to pass optional runtime filters (e.g. from a URL). This isn't supported yet but I have a working prototype. Anyone interested? zio/zio-quill#1687
  • 31 October 2019: ROTFL!
  • 31 October 2019: I think scopt is a great idea with a bit too much boilerplate. Had in mind to write an extension the uses macros to help make things more concise for a long time now.
  • 31 October 2019: The looks interesting. Is the entire composition mechanism based on mapN ?
  • 30 October 2019: The American left is in conflict with itself over the essence of its own soul. This is telling.
  • 30 October 2019: Okay, @JetBrains ... this is the single most annoying Quill-related type-inferencing issue that has haunted me for several years and probably haunts many other Quill users. Please, pretty, please have a look...
  • 29 October 2019: ... and these things In Spark I’m extending are not things that are ‘meant’ to be extended.
  • 29 October 2019: If all Scala code was pure FP this would be a winning argument but it’s not. For example, a large portion of my prod stack relies on extending various things deep inside of Spark. I would be sympathetic to making auto-seal a compiler arg at most.
  • 29 October 2019: Are we seriously considering making Scala 3 classes non-extendable by default this late in the game? This seems like a horrifying idea!
  • 29 October 2019: I should have added "pun intended" but there weren't enough characters left.
  • 28 October 2019: Think about what it took to get writing to go from an elite group of literate people (i.e. the scribes) to the public. When they invented fountain pens every scribe probably gave his students the “when I was your age...” talk about how it’s so badass to write with a quill.
  • 24 October 2019: It’s a wonderful thing to see voices of sanity in this domain.
  • 24 October 2019: You stupid Spark DecimalType(38,18) truncation issue! Long you have haunted me, but I have you under wraps now!!! My answer (from ChoppyTheLumberjack) to anyone that suffers from this affliction is here:
  • 18 October 2019: I'd like to get together at some point with @flaviowbrasil and whoever else wants to talk about Quill issues. Are there any extra conference rooms?
  • 17 October 2019: Mockneat ( ) is an amazing library for making mock data that sounds human... and it has a sense of humor: Address(4, "374 Skill Lane", "Brush Prairie") Address(11, "546 Drunkards Street", "Oceano") Address(13, "286 Disembodied Billman Lane", "Douglas City")
  • 11 October 2019: This does not excuse the language he used in any way, but it does reveal a deeper and more nuanced reality. What do we want more, a financial planner that caters to our sensetivities, or a financial planner that has our best interests at heart?
  • 11 October 2019: This is the problem with our insta-ffended culture today. We've forgotten to look at the "whole meaning" of statement and live in a shallow buzz-driven reality. For every Ken Fisher, there are 20 people ready to sell us snake oil in a gender-neutral culturally-sensitive manner!
  • 11 October 2019: That said, the basic point he was making was "don't be a jerk to your client!" In an industry where players like Goldman are openly calling their customers "Lemmings," open sincerity even in the crudest form is a rare thing.
  • 11 October 2019: It's whimsically interesting to hear the blowback Ken Fisher is getting for his crude sexual language. That kind of talk does not belong to an executive conference!
  • 11 October 2019: Thank you @li_haoyi for the great post!
  • 11 October 2019: Thank you @li_haoyi for the great post!
  • 11 October 2019: Thank you @li_haoyi for the great post!
  • 8 October 2019: Quill 3.4.10 is out with support for Scala 2.13.
  • 6 October 2019: Doing SBT Builds on Travis...
  • 4 October 2019: Amazing presentation by @ziobrando about the inherent problems that occur with relational data models in large organizations. So many great insights! So much potential for Quill to help!
  • 29 September 2019: Some level of bi-partisanship is also good, that gives it much more legitimacy. Palantir meets all of these requirements but I can’t think of too many others.
  • 29 September 2019: I think being able to establish a causal chain is extremely important. Actual human rights condemnations from one or multiple reputable organizations are a decent litmus test but not a universal criteria.
  • 29 September 2019: Say you're the one that maintains that OCR OS library and have a decently sized community and even some revenue streams (which is a big "if"!)... Who the heck in this giant noodle soup do you want to start suing?
  • 29 September 2019: Let's say you have an OCR OS library, that gets packaged into an OS image recog library, that then gets packaged into a video-surveillance library that's sold as a product, that then gets used by an aggregation system like Palantir's... which is then used to deport people.
  • 29 September 2019: How about some random startup that has some DOD funding for one of its projects? How about if they don’t even know what the government industrial complex wants to do with their tech and only find out years later?
  • 29 September 2019: Does it occur to you that the idea of who “bad people” are is a completely subjective construct? Are ICE and Palantir “bad people?” How about the US military? How about Raytheon and General Dynamics? How about Microsoft and Boston Dynamics?
  • 26 September 2019: ... I have not tried Fury yet.
  • 26 September 2019: Ha! I have despised literally every single bug-tracking tool, content management tool, build tool, and CI tool that I have ever, ever used. I eagerly await the day when something if any of these categories appears that does not make me grit my teeth!
  • 26 September 2019: Been thinking of doing this for a long time... zio/zio-quill#1646
  • 25 September 2019: Brilliant! Freaking Brilliant! Every Info-Sec group in every Financial firm needs to see this!
  • 24 September 2019: Is it me, or are multiple shots of espresso very, very effective at amplifying an already frustrated mood? Wait... there's a paper for that:
  • 24 September 2019: Sadly, the much anticipated NDBC-Postgres PR in Quill needed to be temporarily reverted due to transaction rollback issues. Please bear with us as we figure this issue out. Thank you so much @vonjuliano for all your continued effort! zio/zio-quill#1642
  • 20 September 2019: @m_hughes NPR: "Population growth is bad for poor people!" - Yet we grew 2B 1990-2017 and extreme poverty went down by ~60% since then! RL: "Getting rid of electoral college is bad!" - Since we NEED outdated processes from 1776 to skew Republican candidates for midwestern redneck votes!
  • 19 September 2019: A very large part of Python 3's success has purely to do with market forces (i.e. Google!). However, without the kinds of improvements it made in V3, I don't think it would have been as robust as it needed to be to take up the mantle that it did.
  • 19 September 2019: The lesson I learn from Python 3 is that the reward of radically changing a framework's design can be well worth the risk!
  • 19 September 2019: I think it's important to know: Python 3 was not a failure! It was a very long, and very difficult path that ultimately resulting in resounding success. If they didn't do it, they wouldn't be where they are today... competing for top rank with Java itself!
  • 19 September 2019: Welcome to DotCom Bubble-Burst round 2?
  • 19 September 2019: Oh yeah and I thought... In 2009 - Dependency hell is over b.c. we have Maven! In 2014 - Dependency hell is really over b.c. we have Gradle! In 2017 - Dependency hell, pretty please be over with SBT! In 2019 - Still burnin!
  • 18 September 2019: This is a case of a triple-nested embedding which is completely unwrapped and then re-wrapped in the query: case class Emb(id: Int, name: String) extends Embedded case class Parent(id: Int, name: String, emb: Emb) extends Embedded case class GrandParent(id: Int, par: Parent)
  • 18 September 2019: In LINQ frameworks like Quill, a correct implementation of Nested SQL Query expansion is actually quite tricky. I just discovered that extra Beta Reductions are needed on the select-values themselves. This is the simplest example I could find so far to demonstrate this:
  • 18 September 2019: (and you don't need to hack-up any nonsense with >22 arity objects)
  • 18 September 2019: Btw, is everyone aware that in Quill you can use nested records e.g: foos.join(bars).on(...).map { case (foo, bar) => ( , bar) } or foos.join(bars).on(...).map { case (foo, bar) => MyRecord( , bar) } Do we need to Document?
  • 18 September 2019: Quill 3.4.7 is out. This is the third, and hopefully, the last of my 1-PR releases. This one fixes querySchemas when used with nested queries and nested record types (i.e. tuples inside tuples, case classes inside tuples etc..) zio/zio-quill#1613
  • 17 September 2019: Definitely! I would love to extend Quill to as many platforms as I can. Unfortunately, I do not have the bandwidth to do this in the near future, but I would gladly help out anyone who wants to try to implement this!
  • 13 September 2019: You don't need to know what columns these things are being joined with to get the query! Using Dotty, Quill may someday soon have the ability to do some of these things.
  • 13 September 2019: For example: EtlCoproduct .of[OptionContract[FuturesContract[Index]]] .relateWithTradingActivity[US] => SqlQuery(bunch of tables) EtlCoproduct .of[OptionContract[Equity]] .relateWithTradingActivity[US] => SqlQuery(bunch of tables)
  • 13 September 2019: Financial ETL modeling via Typelevel Programming is interesting but completely unexplored.
  • 13 September 2019: Is anyone getting "Node.js isn't connected" issues from Travis with scala-js? Why the heck does 'set parallelExecution' solve this problem? scala-js/scala-js#1546
  • 12 September 2019: This is me... dealing with build issues.
  • 11 September 2019: Hopefully, this minor version by minor version approach will give developers a frictionless path forward and allow isolation of any errors to a particular release. These changes should make Quill more robust with infixes, ad-hoc case classes, subqueries, and embedded entities.
  • 11 September 2019: Then going to merge something else that doesn't have a PR yet which is a fix for #1565. Also, release a one-change minor release (probably 3.4.7). zio/zio-quill#1565
  • 11 September 2019: Then going to merge #1604 and do the same thing, one-change minor release (probably will be 3.4.6). zio/zio-quill#1604
  • 11 September 2019: Going to release another small one-commit Quill minor-version to ship #1597 bringing lots of improvements to the way infixes+subqueries in subqueries are handled. zio/zio-quill#1597
  • 10 September 2019: Doobie now has integrations with Quill.
  • 8 September 2019: I had no context. I'm sorry.
  • 8 September 2019: This is a good point. I agree.
  • 8 September 2019: That is to say. Is there someone whose existence is being physically threatened within the context of our Scala community?
  • 8 September 2019: Wait. Someone's physical existence is being threatened?
  • 8 September 2019: Please do. Also, I was thinking of how to implement a sort-of 'is' operator that actually has proper tri-value semantics. The question is, would users then ask for a Known[T] monad for ergonomics-sake?
  • 8 September 2019: What was the edge case?
  • 8 September 2019: You bet it is! Remember how I put Quill's Option[T]==Option[T] logic to a vote and nearly everyone said it should be both-null-or-both-equal in SQL to mirror Option[T]? Yet people are coming to gitter-quill and asking why the heck there's (Null(A) & Null(B)) | A==B in their joins
  • 8 September 2019: This exercise was meant to prepare them for their future as community leaders and decision-makers. So that they could make decisions, based on their own judgment, as opposed to thinking about how others felt about them.
  • 8 September 2019: In the old European Schools for formal Jewish study, they would make their students go to grocery stores and ask for (metal) nails. This was before anyone cared about sensitivity so the whole store would laugh at them. They would do it over and over until they felt no shame.
  • 6 September 2019: Wow that's a hard decision! Could I be undecided?
  • 6 September 2019: It's not like understanding other human beings is an easy thing (let alone those who you've never met). If it were, many controversies of the Scala community as well as the world at large would probably not exist.
  • 5 September 2019: It's just that we can know these things theoretically but are frequently blind to them situationally. Especially when there are multiple 2nd and 3rd-hand accounts of what is going on and we don't really know either person directly.
  • 5 September 2019: This is an amazing thought! Perhaps the entire Scala community is coming apart because of the inability of three or four brilliant yet neuro-divergent people to communicate effectively. Everything else is just sentiment-flow mechanics!
  • 5 September 2019: Society has always been harsh to people who are not able to adhere to the norms of communication. As autism in the US tragically increases, so does the need to rethink our core assumptions about communication.
  • 5 September 2019: Fortunately, in the online space, we can choose with whom we communicate on a daily basis and whose posts we see. The only problem is that when someone is accused there is no forum for responding to the accusation and cross-examination of the facts.
  • 5 September 2019: It’s almost aways their vocabulary for the word “poopie face”. Having had friends and relatives who were actually in the concentration camps I find this usage utterly reprehensible!... but we do not get to choose how other people communicate.
  • 5 September 2019: It’s a bit like living in a household with an emotionally toxic family member. It’s immensely difficult but over time, you learn to communicate with them over a finely tuned interface that doesn’t activate their various complexes. Also we learn to bear the smell of their socks
  • 5 September 2019: This is precisely what happens when we stop treating each other as human beings. There is zero room remaining for context or nuance, and those who are on the spectrum can not possibly be understood without these things.
  • 5 September 2019: Doesn't this hurt the community as opposed to helping? Shouldn't we try to have more dialogue in order to understand one another instead?
  • 5 September 2019: Where is the cross-examination? Where is the principle of innocent until proven guilty? Has the person we accused been given a chance to dispute the accusations? Shouldn't this be part of the normal dialogue?
  • 5 September 2019: Guilt-by-association, and guilt-by-offense are also massive fallacies.
  • 5 September 2019: All of these fallacies are very well formulated and demonstrate wonderful, cool-headed reasonability. What bothers me is an assumption someone's views and their guilt (of them being an actual "na/zi!") based on unseemly associations with others; who have said unseemly things.
  • 5 September 2019: "We have a complete integration test of a #Slick database repository now." Sorry to hear that. Let me know if you'd ever like to try Quill :)
  • 5 September 2019: You fools! If you truly believe the enemy is about to storm the gates, then use the 2nd amendment and arm yourselves!
  • 5 September 2019: This is the image of progressives! It's about the suspicion that the enemy is everywhere, about to kill all of us. It's about the religious fervor, and communal testimony. It's about the purity of devotion to non-bias and the sanctity of gathering spaces.
  • 5 September 2019: The final frontier of Civil Rights is Viewpoint Tolerance. It is only by empathetically and inquisitively engaging in dialogue with the people we vehemently disagree with, that we can ever hope to truly build a holistic consensus in our communities and our nation.
  • 5 September 2019: How vigilant is the algorithm?
  • 5 September 2019: The problem is that we see our enemies as monsters instead of human beings in the first place. It is not within them but within our own eyes that the de-humanization begins. The games of guilt-by-association, guilt-by-offense, and guilt-by-terminology naturally follow.
  • 5 September 2019: @PLT_cheater Btw, why do you separate words like nazi into na/zi etc? Is there a code of etiquette I don't know about?
  • 5 September 2019: ...and I still don't understand how I defended an actual or suspected "Nazi" by making the argument that we need to have more dialogue. I don't see how a mere willingness to speak to anyone is a defense of them.
  • 5 September 2019: With respect, empathy, and inquiry, we can communicate with each other as human beings. So long as our physical bodies are not in direct contact with bullets. If that ever fails, we can swiftly invoke the 2nd amendment. There is no need to be eternally distrusting.
  • 5 September 2019: As far as I can see, most of the world's Nazis are open, brutal, and direct. From the synagogue shooters, to Hitler, to Haman.
  • 5 September 2019: That would be terrible... but I don't think the Nazis had to "sneak" anything past the local populace at all. Hitler openly talks about his desire to kill the Jews in Mein Kampf. It wasn't the 1st time either. Are you familiar with the story of the holiday of Purim?
  • 5 September 2019: There are some memoirs written by an SS officer deriding the "great cruelty" of the Ukranians toward Jews. Do you know who Bogdan Khmelnytsky was?
  • 5 September 2019: I think the average German at least suspected the death-camps existed but decided to look the other way. Germany was running Anti-Semitic propaganda for decades. Pogroms in Eastern Europe weer regular. The local populace of these countries hated Jews. Some even more than Nazis!
  • 4 September 2019: Is there a difference between "Republican" and "Nazi"?
  • 4 September 2019: How??? How is a willingness to engage in dialogue with those you disagree with (even vehemently!) to be classified as Nazi Apologism?
  • 4 September 2019: Is that rude? Pardon me. I’m new to Twitter conversational etiquette.
  • 4 September 2019: Wait? What? What have I not learned???
  • 4 September 2019: Am I literally defending the people who murdered many of my relatives and their friends? Who killed my grandfather's Rabbi, raped his daughters, and threw all of his followers into mass graves?
  • 4 September 2019: My grandparents were almost killed by Nazis in the Baltics. Can you please explain this accusation?
  • 4 September 2019: These are some very serious accusations. Are the corresponding posts and evidence attached?
  • 4 September 2019: I don't agree with these kinds of views, I find these kinds of views completely reprehensible!... but where's the phrenology? Has he made posts about it?
  • 4 September 2019: Wait. How am I a nazi apologist?
  • 4 September 2019: Where does he talk about phrenology? That's an honest question.
  • 4 September 2019: Wait. Where?
  • 4 September 2019: Are you serious? I KNOW people who go to the Poway Synagogue! If I was in Southern California over the Sabbath, I could have been there! I could literally be the next victim of a synagogue shooting.
  • 4 September 2019: That looked like Notre-Dame, pardon the mistake.
  • 4 September 2019: Then why post a photo of war-torn France referring to "people preaching those arguments" did this? What are the arguments? Has de-goes preached about the supremacy of the Aryan race and their imminent need for global ascendancy?
  • 4 September 2019: To assume that because of his unpleasant associations, he wants to start a world war, and send me to a concentration camp is ludicrous.
  • 4 September 2019: Unless Goes openly advocates walking into my Synagogue and shooting me, I can have a dialogue with him (and hanging out on the same website with people who do does not count). I may vehemently disagree with every one of his views but there exists a universe where we can converse.
  • 4 September 2019: If de-platforming ever actually worked in the long run, half of the world would still be communist, we we would never know about Chernobyl, the Rwanda genocides, the Yugoslavia genocides, Putin’s incursion into Ukraine, Bradley Manning and thousand other things I can mention.
  • 4 September 2019: You’re assumptions here are laughable. The history of the 20th century shows that de-platforming attempts of everyone from Weimar Republic dissidents (who we know today as Nazis) to Soviet Refuseniks very frequently Increases the spread of their ideas, not the opposite!
  • 4 September 2019: I say this, knowing members of the Poway Chabad Synagogue, and being a member of Chabad myself! Knowing that I could literally be the next victim of such a shooting!
  • 4 September 2019: We don’t have to agree with the views of a committer to have a dialogue with them, we can disagree with them vehemently! The argument “de-platform them because they hang out on the same website as a synagogue shooter” remains utterly absurd!
  • 4 September 2019: @alexelcu In the Classical Liberal tradition, we used to say “Your freedoms end where my nose begins.” With today’s world of trigger warnings and safe spaces it’s more of “Your freedoms end where my feelings begin.” That often leads to a world where everyone skull-drudges everyone else.
  • 4 September 2019: I think the whole offense/defense game itself is what the problem is. So long as someone is not advocating going into my synagogue to shoot me, there exists a context in which I can converse with them. Even though I might disagree on virtually every issue.
  • 4 September 2019: Oh I am very, very guilty then. This happens so, so often when using reflection as well as macros.
  • 4 September 2019: Events at places like Evergreen State should chill us to the bone because if our own academic institutions can’t come to a consensus of what their own purpose is, without resorting to sending each-other death threats, what hope is there for society at large???
  • 4 September 2019: It’s practically a Normative Modus-Operandi for both progressives and alt-right equally! They are two sides of the same pathological de-contextified fantasy land!
  • 4 September 2019: As a Jew whose grandparents were almost killed by Actual Natzis, I find today’s use of the term utterly absurd in >95% of cases, same with “White Supremacist”. These are used to describe everyone from Dennis Prager to Hillary Clinton. You might as well use “Poopie Face” instead!
  • 4 September 2019: So sad to see the Scala community tear itself apart yet again! So much shaming-by-association, so much prose completely stripped of context. When have we forgotten to treat each other as human beings!?
  • 3 September 2019: This is so, SO Scary! It turns out that just a few agent-oriented phrases e.g. "he broke it" vs "it broke" in a news blurb makes people demand 50% more money in damages. In an era of 50-character limits on anything, phrase construction is EVERYTHING!
  • 3 September 2019: We all think we're right about everything, but what about all "those people" who disagree with us? Most of us tend to think about "them" in roughly the same flawed way:
  • 3 September 2019: Application of these rules often leads me to the following: Wrapper/Type => Do it! Type-classes => If you can’t do it with regular polymorphism, do it! Typelevel-functions => Is the alternative literally insanity? If yes, do it! Shapeless => errr... first try summoning Dormamu!
  • 3 September 2019: Hard to say in absolutes terms. I like to look at it economically. 10-20% more complexity for 30% fewer tests is a definite win. 30% for 30% is a coin-toss. 40% for %30 is masturbation, 50% for %30 (and above) is masochism.
  • 2 September 2019: Why corporations exist and what the heck they are... in just 30 seconds!
  • 2 September 2019: That was rhetorical. Have you seen this article?
  • 1 September 2019: Yet we’re totally fine throwing live crabs into boiling water because supposedly they don’t feel pain.
  • 1 September 2019: Try Philly. The laws here haven’t moved very far past the prohibition era! Until recently, only state stores could carry liquor.
  • 1 September 2019: The keyword is many as opposed to every. In practice I’ve found that using good ADTs and/or tagless-final style you can avoid ~30-40% of the tests you would need to do with Java styles. Removing any more would require arity-typed arrays which Scala is not very good at.
  • 1 September 2019: The idea that a powerful-enough type system eliminates the need for unit testing, is just about as absurd as the idea that type systems and unit testing are completely independent of one another. Both ends of this spectrum of reasoning are pathological!
  • 15 August 2019: @tpolecat How about "Chief Plumbing Architect" or "Lord of the Custodians"? Or maybe just "Smokey the On-Call"
  • 13 August 2019: pprint has been immensely useful for debugging Quill ASTs and is now our default tracelog. Thank you @li_haoyi for pprint!
  • 25 July 2019: This has so many hidden assumptions built in that it’s practically snake-oil. It’s like there’s a fairy dream land where analytics modules are perfectly portable across the business units of an organization that can just happen to evolve them with zero overhead ad-infinitum!
  • 4 July 2019: @jdegoes At the risk of sounding incredibly dumb, this ex-Java developer must ask. Do you mean to say? forall a. a Everything has a Nothing (arrow Nothing to everything) forall z. (forall a. a -> z) -> z Everything that takes an arg of anything has an instance of that taking Any.
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