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Forked from jcoveney/gist:651fef547b8e9087547f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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// in bijection branch jco/macro_case_class_plus
// ./sbt "bijection-macros/console"
// paste the following
// Use :paste until the break below.
import com.twitter.bijection._
import com.twitter.bijection.macros.common.TypesNotEqual
trait Semigroup[T] {
def plus(left: T, right: T): T
implicit val intSemigroup: Semigroup[Int] = new Semigroup[Int] {
override def plus(left: Int, right: Int) = left + right
case class Wrapper(get: Int) extends AnyVal
implicit val intWrapperBij: Bijection[Int, Wrapper] =[Int, Wrapper] { Wrapper(_) } { _.get }
trait TypeclassBijection[T[_]] {
def apply[A, B](tc: T[A], bij: Bijection[A, B]): T[B]
implicit val semigroupTypeclassBijection: TypeclassBijection[Semigroup] = new TypeclassBijection[Semigroup] {
def apply[A, B](tc: Semigroup[A], bij: Bijection[A, B]) =
new Semigroup[B] {
override def plus(left: B, right: B) = bij(, bij.invert(right)))
// Now hit Ctrl-D and paste the rest.
import com.twitter.bijection.macros.common.MacroImplicits._
implicit def typeclassBijection[T[_], A, B](implicit tcBij: TypeclassBijection[T], typeclass: T[A], notEqual: TypesNotEqual[A, B], bij: ImplicitBijection[A, B]): T[B] = tcBij(typeclass, bij.bijection)
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