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Last active April 18, 2023 03:32
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Claims by Steven Jarvis

Claims by Steven Jarvis

1. My web service is "broken"

Jarvis repeatedly claims that my web service is broken ("was first broken, now not even remotely functional"). It's not. It works exactly the same as it ever has, except that it now requires authenticated access that's only available to a small group of trusted researchers (which does not include Jarvis). There has been a section explaining the restrictions at the top of the project README since the day I put them in place.

2. Rocco Castoro made the decision to shut down my web service

In some places Jarvis says that it was "Matt Donovan" who made me shut down, but more often he says it was my "close associate" Rocco Castoro. Jarvis's evidence that I "work with" Castoro is a screenshot of a Newsweek article that embeds a tweet where Castoro mentions me. Castoro is one of thousands of people I've interacted with on Twitter. I've read maybe two or three of his Vice articles, which seem fine, but I don't know anything else about him. Neither Castoro nor Donovan was involved in the conversations that led to my decision to restrict access to the web service.

3. My projects rely on illegal internal access to Twitter code or data

Jarvis repeatedly claims that my web service uses internal Twitter data or what he calls hacked "Console code" (I have no idea what this means), which I was given by conspirator0. All of my code is open source, and in the case of in particular I've described exactly where the data comes from (mostly the Internet Archive and Twitter's public API). I think conspirator0 does great work, but I don't know their identity, I've never received any data or code from them, and I've never seen any evidence that they have access (hacked or not) to non-public Twitter data or code.

4. I posted fake screenshots of tweets by Chaya Raichik

Jarvis claims that four screenshots I posted of tweets about January 6 by Chaya Raichik are "pretty obviously fake". They're not. Here are the archive links (which are trivially easy to link to Chaya Raichik's current account by looking at the page source):

5. Taylor Lorenz is Rocco Castoro's "asset"

Based on my limited interactions with Lorenz and Castoro this seems extremely unlikely to me.


All links are to archived pages. Please don't give Jarvis's Substack traffic if you can help it.

Travis Brown Claims He Doesn’t Know “random” Rocco Castoro (14 April 2023)

Travis created a tool that accessed private user data that presumably only can be accessed via console code. … The thing about the tool is that the code itself would indicate whether or not it was built using the same ‘partial’ source code dumped on GitHub that the ops highlighted here via Fionda retweet and used to commit an endless run of felonies.

Yonder's ████ █████, AKA Ryushi, Executes More Hacks On Twitter Infrastructure (19 March 2023)

Career cyber-criminal hacker Conspirator0, AKA ████ █████, had a heyday of hacks yesterday, breaking again into Twitter’s internal systems to ban accounts.

Matt Donvon Admits To Nazism Ideology (16 March 2023)

Travis Brown (blue shirt) is SW of Matt. Brown coded the tool that shouldn’t work without likely access to Console code allowing internal Twitter data to be pulled when public access was non-existent. Considering that, there should be a questioning if the cohorts who did the ‘Libs of Tik Tok’ Dox, a person who herself should be potentially prosecuted if we had a stochastic terrorism statute, did so legally.

A Reminder of How ████ █████ Was Caught (5 March 2023)

Unlike Rocco Castoro and Travis Brown, not everyone has a pal like ████ █████ to give them Twitter’s console code “helping” unmask Libs of TikTok terrorist Chaya R…

Will Twitler Allow Jim Stewartson Back On? (23 December 2022)

I’ll also note that the tool Brown created, shared freely until Rocco Big Mad Castoro panicked over my extensive use of it, was first broken, now not even remotely functional.

Zanting's Call to Digital War (28 November 2022)

Travis Brown, whom Zanting features, is a close associate of Rocco Castoro and the creator of tool used to unmask the Libs of Tik Tok account, causing the account to double in size and popularity on Twitter. The tool no longer functions, given that it exposed too many of them

████ Reads Jim Stewartson (16 October 2022)

While it isn’t abundantly clear why this account came up with the magic__window search, given that Travis Brown’s search tool no longer is functional, everything in the conversation indicates that this account stands in the place Matt Donovan usually does.

Iron Troll Cozies Up With Nazis (29 September 2022)

While the target appeared to be that of a MAGA Republican, the real intent was to knock out a potent liberal PAC for the duration of the Midterms, catfishing them using his group’s success on exposing and amplifying the Libs of Tik Tok account via the no longer fully functional Travis Brown tool broken after it was used to expose their own operators.

Miscellaneous Musings (17 August 2022)

Matt Donovan has been rotating account handles quite regularly to mess with potential federal investigations, in addition to having Rocco’s associate Travis Brown “break” his tool so it no longer functions in the way it was intended.

Vocomhcky691 (24 July 2022)

Travis Brown broke his once amazing tool so it’s generally useless to confirm this, and whether or not the banned volcomhcky691 was a squatted account or under Guinn’s control when banned.

Is Smear Artist Rocco Castoro Responsible for the Fake Boebert Story? (16 June 2022)

Rocco Castoro like he did before his asset Taylor Lorenz dropped the Travis Brown story outing the Libs of Tik Tok account operator, had a busy week leading up to the lie that Rep Lauren Boebert was involved in an escort service and far worse nonsense. … I mean come on Rocco. That stuff was pretty obviously fake. Ask yourself this question. Do you believe EVERYTHING someone sends you?

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