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Last active November 10, 2017 13:19
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import cats.implicits._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import twitter4j._, twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder
object YourTweetsAreTooLong {
private type PagingState = (Long, Option[Long])
private type OffenderState = (PagingState, Map[String, Set[Long]])
private type S[x] = StateT[Future, OffenderState, x]
private val config = new ConfigurationBuilder().setTweetModeExtended(true)
private val client: Twitter = new TwitterFactory(
private val strikes = 3
private val threshold = 200
def isBad(status: Status): Boolean = status.getText.length > threshold
val nextBatch: StateT[Future, PagingState, List[Status]] = StateT {
case (timeToWait, lastId) =>
val paging = lastId.fold(new Paging(1, 200))(new Paging(1, 200, _))
Future {
}.map { result =>
val remaining = result.getRateLimitStatus.getRemaining
val nextTimeToWait = if (remaining > 0) 60000L else {
result.getRateLimitStatus.getSecondsUntilReset * 1000L
val statuses = result.asScala.toList
((nextTimeToWait,, statuses)
val unfollow: S[Unit] = nextBatch
.transformS[OffenderState](_._1, (t, o) => (o, t._2))
.transform {
case ((state, offenders), statuses) =>
val newOffenders = offenders |+| statuses
((state, newOffenders), newOffenders)
}.flatMapF {
_.toList.filter(_._2.size >= strikes).map(_._1).traverse_ { user =>
Future {
println(s"so long $user")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = Await.result(
unfollow.iterateWhile(_ => true).run(((0L, None), Map.empty)),
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