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import base64
import urllib.request
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re
import mailchimp
import mixpanel
import requests
MP_API_SECRET = b"replacemen"
MP_TOKEN = 'replaceme'
MP_API_KEY = 'replaceme'
MC_API_KEY = 'replaceme'
class CustomMixPanel (mixpanel.Mixpanel):
VERSION = '2.0'
def __init__(self, token, api_key):
self._api_key = api_key
def track_old(self, distinct_id, event_name, epoch = None, properties=None, meta=None):
"""Record an event.
:param str distinct_id: identifies the user triggering the event
:param str event_name: a name describing the event
:param int epoch: unix timpstamp of prior event
:param dict properties: additional data to record; keys should be
strings, and values should be strings, numbers, or booleans
:param dict meta: overrides Mixpanel special properties
``properties`` should describe the circumstances of the event, or
aspects of the source or user associated with it. ``meta`` is used
(rarely) to override special values sent in the event object.
if epoch == None:
epoch = int(self._now())
all_properties = {
'token': self._token,
'distinct_id': distinct_id,
'time': epoch,
'mp_lib': 'python',
'$lib_version': mixpanel.__version__,
if properties:
event = {
'event': event_name,
'properties': all_properties,
if meta:
log_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch)
now_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(self._now()))
#Use regular MP import
if (now_date - log_date).days >= 5:
self._consumer.send('imports', mixpanel.json_dumps(event, cls=self._serializer), self._api_key)
self._consumer.send('events', mixpanel.json_dumps(event, cls=self._serializer))
def export(self, encoded_secret, params, http_method='GET', format='json'):
request_url = '/'.join([self.EXPORT_ENDPOINT, str(self.VERSION)] + ['export'])
if http_method == 'GET':
data = None
request_url = request_url + '/?' + self.unicode_urlencode(params)
data = self.unicode_urlencode(params)
auth = base64.b64encode(encoded_secret).decode("ascii")
headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic {encoded_secret}'.format(encoded_secret=auth)}
request = urllib.request.Request(request_url, data, headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=600)
str_response ='utf8')
lines = str_response.splitlines(True)
records = []
for line in lines:
obj = json.loads(line)
return records
def unicode_urlencode(self, pms):
Convert lists to JSON encoded strings, and correctly handle any
unicode URL parameters.
if isinstance(pms, dict):
pms = list(pms.items())
for i,param in enumerate(pms):
if isinstance(param[1], list):
pms.append ((param[0], json.dumps(param[1]),))
return urllib.parse.urlencode(
[(k, v) for k, v in pms]
class CustomMailChimp(mailchimp.Mailchimp):
def get_all_activity_for_camgaign(self, campaign_id):
url = self.root.replace('2.0/', 'export/1.0/campaignSubscriberActivity/')
params = json.dumps({'apikey': MC_API_KEY,'id':campaign_id})
r =, data=params, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
if r.status_code !=
raise self.cast_error(r.text)
result = []
if r.text != ' ':
for line in r.text.splitlines():
return result
def run_import (mp_from_date, mp_to_date):
mc = CustomMailChimp(MC_API_KEY)
mp = CustomMixPanel(MP_TOKEN, MP_API_KEY)
lists = mc.campaigns.list(filters={'status':'sent'}, limit=100)
params = {
'event': ['MailChimp Open', 'MailChimp Click'],
'to_date': mp_to_date,
'from_date': mp_from_date
print ("Loading existing events")
existing_events = mp.export(MP_API_SECRET, params)
existing_event_hash = {}
print ("{0} events found".format(len(existing_events)))
for event in existing_events:
key = "email: {0} | epoch {1}".format(event["properties"]['distinct_id'], event["properties"]['epoch'])
existing_event_hash[key] = event
for alist in lists['data']:
campaign_id = alist['id']
subject = alist['subject']
title = alist['title']
archive_url = alist['archive_url']
campaign_activity = mc.get_all_activity_for_camgaign(campaign_id)
print ("Processing: {0} events from {1}".format(len(campaign_activity),title))
for line in campaign_activity:
email = [key for key in line.keys()][0]
for engagement in line[email]:
dt = datetime.strptime(engagement['timestamp'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
#MailChimp should send an epoch, but instead sends a timestamp that looks 'off' by the
#Time zone specified in
dt = dt - timedelta(hours=MC_TIME_ZONE)
epoch = int(dt.timestamp())
key = "email: {0} | epoch {1}".format(email, epoch)
if key not in existing_event_hash:
obj = {
"ip": engagement["ip"],
"subject": subject,
"url": archive_url,
"action": engagement["action"].title(),
"epoch": epoch,
"campaign_id": campaign_id
tags = re.findall('\[(.*?)\]', title)
if len(tags) > 0:
obj["tags"] = tags
mp.track_old(email, "MailChimp {0}".format(engagement["action"].title()), epoch, obj)
run_import ("2015-01-01", "2016-08-02")
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trentniemeyer commented Aug 3, 2016

Sample 'open' showing up in MixPanel. We use [tag] in the title to filter by 'tags' when using MixPanel
screen shot 2016-08-03 at 12 45 52 pm

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