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Forked from montegoulding/YAMLToArray
Last active May 20, 2017 16:55
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constant kMultiLineModeNone = 0
constant kMultiLineModeLiteral = 1
constant kMultiLineModeFolded = 2
command YAMLToArray pYaml
local tInDocument = true
local tPath
local tArray
local tPathLists
local tReferences
local tMultiLineMode
local tCharNo
put kMultiLineModeNone into tMultiLineMode
local tMultiLine
repeat for each line tLine in pYaml
-- ignore directives
if tLine begins with "%" then
next repeat
end if
if tLine begins with "---" then
put true into tInDocument
next repeat
end if
if not tInDocument then
next repeat
end if
if tLine begins with "..." then
if tMultiLineMode is not kMultiLineModeNone then
__ClearQuotes tMultiLine
put tMultiLine into tArray[tPath]
put kMultiLineModeNone into tMultiLineMode
end if
put false into tInDocument
next repeat
end if
local tPathElement, tListItem
put __PathElement(tLine, tListItem, tPathLists) into tPathElement
-- comment lines
put __unquotedCharOffset("#", tLine) into tCharNo
if tCharNo > 0 then
delete char tCharNo to -1 of tLine
end if
-- remain in multiline until indent is lower
if tMultiLineMode is not kMultiLineModeNone then
if tPathElement < the number of elements of tPath + 1 and tLine is not empty then
__ClearQuotes tMultiLine
put tMultiLine into tArray[tPath]
put kMultiLineModeNone into tMultiLineMode
-- add back any stripped literal indents
if tPathElement > the number of elements of tPath + 1 then
repeat for tPathElement - (the number of elements of tPath + 1)
put " " before tLine
end repeat
end if
-- empty lines and indented lines are literal even in folded mode
if tMultiLineMode is kMultiLineModeLiteral then
if tMultiLine is not empty then
put return after tMultiLine
end if
put tLine after tMultiLine
if tLine is empty then
put return after tMultiLine
else if char 1 of tLine is space or \
the last line of tMultiLine is empty or \
the last line of tMultiLine begins with space then
if tMultiLine is not empty then
put return after tMultiLine
end if
put tLine after tMultiLine
if tMultiLine is not empty then
put space after tMultiLine
end if
put tLine after tMultiLine
end if
end if
next repeat
end if
end if
-- empty lines
if tLine is empty then
next repeat
end if
local tElements
put the number of elements of tPath into tElements
if tPathLists[tPathElement] and \
tListItem and \
tPath[tPathElement] is an integer then
add 1 to tPath[tPathElement]
repeat with tIndex = tElements down to tPathElement + 1
delete variable tPath[tIndex]
delete variable tPathLists[tIndex]
end repeat
add 1 to tPathElement
if tPathElement < tElements then
repeat with tIndex = tElements down to tPathElement + 1
delete variable tPath[tIndex]
delete variable tPathLists[tIndex]
end repeat
else if tPathElement > tElements + 1 then
return "invalid YAML" for error
end if
put tListItem into tPathLists[tPathElement]
if tListItem then
put 1 into tPath[tPathElement]
add 1 to tPathElement
end if
end if
-- handle line with just list marker
if the number of words of tLine is 0 then
next repeat
end if
-- map
put __unquotedCharOffset(":", tLine) into tCharNo
if tCharNo > 0 then
local tKey
put char 1 to tCharNo-1 of tLine into tKey
put char tCharNo+1 to -1 of tLine into tLine
__ClearQuotes tKey
if tKey is empty then
return "invalid YAML" for error
end if
put false into tPathLists[tPathElement]
put tKey into tPath[tPathElement]
-- clean whitespace
put word 1 to -1 of tLine into tLine
if tLine is not empty then
-- referenced element
local tRef
if tLine begins with "&" then
put word 1 of tLine into tRef
put "*" into char 1 of tRef
delete word 1 of tLine
put empty into tRef
end if
-- check for referenced element
if word 1 of tLine is among the keys of tReferences then
put tArray[tReferences[word 1 of tLine]] into tLine
end if
-- store referenced element
if tRef is not empty then
put tPath into tReferences[tRef]
end if
-- ignore explicit typing
if tLine begins with "!" then
delete word 1 of tLine
end if
if tLine is "|" then
put kMultiLineModeLiteral into tMultiLineMode
put empty into tMultiLine
else if tLine is ">" then
put kMultiLineModeFolded into tMultiLineMode
put empty into tMultiLine
__AddToArray tLine, tArray[tPath]
end if
end if
__AddToArray tLine, tArray[tPath]
end if
end repeat
if tMultiLineMode is not kMultiLineModeNone then
__ClearQuotes tMultiLine
put tMultiLine into tArray[tPath]
end if
return tArray for value
end YAMLToArray
private function __unquotedCharOffset pChar, pLine
local tOffset = 0
local tCharOffset
local tInQuote = "false"
repeat for each char tChar in pLine
add 1 to tOffset
if tChar is quote then
put not tInQuote into tInQuote
else if tChar is pChar and not tInQuote then
return tOffset
end if
end repeat
return 0
end __unquotedCharOffset
private command __AddToArray pLine, @xElement
local tElements, tKey
-- trim whitespace
if pLine is not an array then
put word 1 to -1 of pLine into pLine
if pLine begins with "[" and pLine ends with "]" then
-- support single line flow sequence
put char 2 to -2 of pLine into pLine
split pLine by comma
put the number of elements of pLine into tElements
repeat with tIndex = 1 to tElements
put word 1 to -1 of pLine[tIndex] into pLine[tIndex]
__ClearQuotes pLine[tIndex]
end repeat
else if pLine begins with "{" and pLine ends with "}" then
-- support single line flow sequence
put char 2 to -2 of pLine into pLine
split pLine by comma
set the itemDelimiter to ":"
local tLine
put the number of elements of pLine into tElements
repeat with tIndex = 1 to tElements
put word 1 to -1 of pLine[tIndex] into pLine[tIndex]
local tValue
put item 1 of pLine[tIndex] into tKey
__ClearQuotes tKey
put item 2 to -1 of pLine[tIndex] into tValue
__ClearQuotes tValue
put tValue into tLine[tKey]
end repeat
put tLine into pLine
__ClearQuotes pLine
end if
end if
put pLine into xElement
end __AddToArray
private command __ClearQuotes @xLine
if xLine begins with quote and xLine ends with quote then
put format( char 2 to -2 of xLine) into xLine
else if xLine begins with "'" and xLine ends with "'" then
put char 2 to -2 of xLine into xLine
end if
end __ClearQuotes
private function __PathElement @xLine, @rListItem, pPathLists
local tPathElement = 1
put false into rListItem
if xLine begins with " " then
add 1 to tPathElement
else if xLine begins with "- " then
-- list
put true into rListItem
return tPathElement
end if
delete char 1 to 2 of xLine
end repeat
end __PathElement
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