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Created March 26, 2013 15:23
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  • Save trevordevore/5246242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save trevordevore/5246242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Zips/Unzips folders using LiveCode. There are a lot of supporting handlers included.
* \brief Creates a zip file from a directory. The ZIP archive should already have been opened with revZipOpenArchive.
* \param pZipArchivePath The path to save the zip archive to. This should already have been opened with revZipOpenArchive.
* \param pRootFolderPath The folder to save in the zip archive.
* \param pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames Pass in true to include the name of pRootFolderPath in the zip archive.
* \param pFilesToExclude Files that should not be included in the archive.
* \param pExtensionsThatArentCompressed File extensions that should be added without any compression.
* \param pFolderPath Used when calling itself recursively. Pass in empty.
* \return empty
command zipAddFolderToArchive pZipArchivePath, pRootFolderPath, pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames, pFilesToExclude, pExtensionsThatArentCompressed, pFolderPath
local theArchiveItemName,theCharNo,theError,theFile
local theFiles,theFolder,theFolders
put pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames is true into pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames
set the wholeMatches to true
replace comma with cr in pExtensionsThatArentCompressed
if pFolderPath is empty then
put pRootFolderPath into pFolderPath
if pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames then
set the itemdel to slash # we want folder to be reflected in archive item name
delete item -1 of pRootFolderPath
end if
end if
put fileFilesInFolder(pFolderPath, true, true) into theFiles
filter theFiles without "*/.DS_Store"
set the itemdel to "."
repeat for each line theFile in theFiles
if theFile is among the lines of pFilesToExclude then next repeat
put theFile into theArchiveItemName
put offset(pRootFolderPath, theArchiveItemName) into theCharNo
if theCharNo is 0 then return "file is not in expected folder"
delete char 1 to (the number of chars of pRootFolderPath + 1) of theArchiveItemName # strip root folder up to slash (zip item names shouldn't start with a slash)
if item -1 of theArchiveItemName is among the lines of pExtensionsThatArentCompressed then
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItemName, theFile
revZipAddItemWithFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItemName, theFile
end if
if the result is not empty then
put the result into theError
end if
if theError is empty then
put fileFoldersInFolder(pFolderPath, true, true) into theFolders
repeat for each line theFolder in theFolders
zipAddFolderToArchive pZipArchivePath, pRootFolderPath, pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames, pFilesToExclude, pExtensionsThatArentCompressed, theFolder
put the result into theError
if theError is not empty then
end if
end if
return theError
end zipAddFolderToArchive
* \brief Decompresses a ZIP archive to a folder. The ZIP archive should already have been opened with revZipOpenArchive.
* \param pZipArchivePath The path to the zip archive. This should already have been opened with revZipOpenArchive.
* \param pOutputFolder The folder to save the zip archive to.
* \param pItemsToExclude List of files that won't be extracted from the ZIP archive.
* \param pCallbackHandler The handler to call with progress updates.
* \return empty
command zipDecompressArchiveToFolder pZipArchivePath, pOutputFolder, pItemsToExclude, pCallbackHandler
local theError
if the last char of pOutputFolder is slash then delete the last char of pOutputFolder
set the wholeMatches to true
put the fileType into theFileType
set the fileType to empty
put revZipEnumerateItems(pZipArchivePath) into theArchiveItems
put the number of lines of theArchiveItems into theItemCount
repeat for each line theArchiveItem in theArchiveItems
add 1 to i
if theArchiveItem is among the lines of pItemsToExclude then next repeat
put pOutputFolder & slash & theArchiveItem into theFilePath
if the last char of theFilePath is "/" then
## Directory
fileCreateAllFoldersInPath theFilePath, pOutputFolder
put _ZipErrorMsg("creating directory" && theFilePath, the result) into theError
put fileExtractDirectory(theFilePath) into theDirectoryPath
if theDirectoryPath is not pOutputFolder then
fileCreateAllFoldersInPath theDirectoryPath, pOutputFolder
put _ZipErrorMsg("creating parent directory" && theDirectoryPath, the result) into theError
end if
if theError is empty then
if pCallbackHandler is not empty then
put CardOf(the long ID of the target) into theCard
if theCard is not empty then
dispatch pCallbackHandler to theCard with i, theItemCount
dispatch pCallbackHandler with i, theItemCount
end if
-- put "dispatch" && quote & pCallbackHandler && "i, theItemCount" & quote && "to theCard" into theDo
-- do theDo
end if
revZipExtractItemToFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItem, theFilePath
put _ZipErrorMsg("archive:" && theArchiveItem & ", filepath:" && theFilePath, the result) into theError
end if
end if
if theError is not empty then exit REPEAT
set the fileType to theFileType
return theError
end zipDecompressArchiveToFolder
private function _ZipErrorMsg pPrefix, pError
if pError is not empty then
answer quote & pError & quote
if pPrefix begins with "ziperr," then
delete char 1 to 7 of pPrefix
end if
return pPrefix & ": " & pError
return empty
end if
end _ZipErrorMsg
function CardOf pControl
local theCharNo
put the long ID of pControl into pControl ## force the long id
if word 1 of pControl is "stack" then
put empty into pControl -- has no card
if word 1 of pControl is not "card" then
put offset(" of card ", pControl) into theCharNo
if theCharNo > 0 then
delete char 1 to (theCharNo + 3) of pControl
put empty into pControl
end if
end if
end if
return pControl
end CardOf
command fileCreateAllFoldersInPath pPath, pRootPath, pPerms
local theCheck,theError,thePathSegment
## Watch for double slashes /Folder/To//Something//
## You will not enter a never ending loop if you aren't careful.
_stripDoubleSlash pPath
_stripDoubleSlash pRootPath
## Get rid of trailing slashes
## We can safely ignore UNC paths starting with "//"
## Neither pPath or pRootPath with values of just "//" would be valid
repeat until the last char of pPath is not slash
delete the last char of pPath
end repeat
if the number of chars of pRootPath > 1 and the last char of pRootPath is slash then
repeat forever
delete the last char of pRootPath
if the last char of pRootPath is not slash or the number of chars of pRootPath is 1 then
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
## Permissions
if pPerms is not "shared" then put "user" into pPerms
set the itemDelimiter to slash
if pPath is empty or the number of items of pPath is 1 then
put "cannot create folder (invalid path)" into theError
end if
## VALIDATE pRootPath
if theError is empty then
if pRootPath is empty then
put item 1 to 2 of pPath into pRootPath ## "/NODE"
end if
if theError is empty then
if last char of pRootPath is not slash then put slash after pRootPath ## Makes it easier to deal with "/" path
if not fileIsFolder(pRootPath) then
put "root path does not exist" into theError
end if
end if
end if
if theError is empty then
put char 1 to -2 of pRootPath into theCheck ## -2 gets rid of trailing slash
if char 1 to (number of chars of theCheck) of pPath is not theCheck then
put "path is not a child of root path" into theError
end if
end if
if theError is empty then
if number of items of pPath > number of items of pRootPath then
put pRootPath & item (number of items of pRootPath + 1) of pPath into thePathSegment
if not fileIsFolder(thePathSegment) then
create folder thePathSegment
if the result is not empty then
put "error creating folder (" & the result & ")" into theError
if pPerms is "shared" then
fileSetPermissions thePathSegment, "execute", "execute", "execute"
if the result is not empty then
put format("error setting permissions for folder \"%s\" (%s)", thePathSegment, line 1 of the result) into theError
end if
end if
end if
end if
if theError is empty then
fileCreateAllFoldersInPath pPath, thePathSegment, pPerms
put the result into theError
end if
end if
end if
return theError
end fileCreateAllFoldersInPath
on fileSetPermissions pFile, pOwner, pGroup, pAll
local theError,theResult
put _escapeForShell(pFile) into pFile
switch the platform
case "Win32"
Displays or changes file attributes.
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[drive:][path]filename] [/S] [/D]
+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
R Read-only file attribute.
A Archive file attribute.
S system file attribute.
H Hidden file attribute.
/S Processes files in all directories in the specified path.
/D Processes folders as well
switch pOwner
case "read"
put "+r" into pOwner
case "write"
put "-r" into pOwner
end switch
put shell (format ("attrib %s %s", pOwner, pFile) ) into theResult
case "MacOS"
put _executableBitFromType(pOwner) into pOwner
put _executableBitFromType(pGroup) into pGroup
put _executableBitFromType(pAll) into pAll
put shell(format("chmod %u%u%u %s ", pOwner, pGroup, pAll, pFile)) into theResult
if the result is not empty then
put line 1 of theResult into theError
end if
return theError
end fileSetPermissions
private function _executableBitFromType pType
switch pType
case "execute"
put 7 into pType
case "write"
put 6 into pType
case "read"
put 5 into pType
put 0 into pType
end switch
return pType
end _executableBitFromType
private function _escapeForShell pStr
local theChar,theSpecialChars
if the platform is "win32" then
replace "/" with "\" in pStr
put quote & pStr & quote into pStr
put "\" & space & quote & "'`<>!;()[]?#$^&*=|" into theSpecialChars
repeat for each char theChar in theSpecialChars
replace theChar with ("\" & theChar) in pStr
end if
return pStr
end _escapeForShell
## Used for removing multiple slashes from folder paths
private command _stripDoubleSlash @pVariable
local theCharNo,thePrefix
## Don't wipe out UNC prefixes
if char 1 to 2 of pVariable is "//" then
put "//" into thePrefix
delete char 1 to 2 of pVariable
end if
repeat forever
put offset("//", pVariable) into theCharNo
if theCharNo > 0 then
replace "//" with slash in pVariable
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if thePrefix is not empty then
put thePrefix before pVariable
end if
return empty
end _stripDoubleSlash
function fileIsFolder pPath
put the defaultFolder into theFolder
set the defaultfolder to pPath
put the result is empty into isAFolder
set the defaultFolder to theFolder
return isAFolder
end fileIsFolder
function fileExtractDirectory pFilePath
set the itemDelimiter to slash
return item 1 to -2 of pFilePath
end fileExtractDirectory
function fileFilesInFolder pFolder, pFullPath, pIncludeHidden
local theDefault,theFile,theFiles,theFullFiles
if not fileIsFolder(pFolder) then return empty
if last char of pFolder is not slash then put slash after pFolder
put the defaultFolder into theDefault
set the defaultFolder to pFolder
put the files into theFiles
set the defaultFolder to theDefault
if pIncludeHidden is not true then
filter theFiles without ".*"
filter theFiles without "..*"
end if
if pFullPath then
repeat for each line theFile in theFiles
put pFolder & theFile & cr after theFullFiles
delete last char of theFullFiles
return theFullFiles
return theFiles
end if
end fileFilesInFolder
function fileFoldersInFolder pFolder, pFullPath, pIncludeHidden
local theDefault,theFolders,theFullFolders,theFolder
if not fileIsFolder(pFolder) then return empty
if last char of pFolder is not slash then put slash after pFolder
put the defaultFolder into theDefault
set the defaultFolder to pFolder
put the folders into theFolders
set the defaultFolder to theDefault
if pIncludeHidden is not true then
filter theFolders without ".*"
filter theFolders without "..*"
end if
if pFullPath then
repeat for each line theFolder in theFolders
put pFolder & theFolder &cr after theFullFolders
delete last char of theFullFolders
return theFullFolders
return theFolders
end if
end fileFoldersInFolder
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