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Created May 15, 2013 15:17
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Convert XML to and from a LiveCode array
* Handlers for converting XML to LiveCode arrays and vice versa.
* Provided by Trevor DeVore of Blue Mango Learning Systems.
* \brief Escapes the predefined XML entities in a string.
* \param pStr The string to escape the characters in.
* \return String
function EscapePredefinedXMLEntities pStr
replace "&" with "&" in pStr
replace "<" with "&lt;" in pStr
replace ">" with "&gt;" in pStr
replace "'" with "&apos;" in pStr
replace quote with "&quot;" in pStr
return pStr
end EscapePredefinedXMLEntities
* \brief Unescapes predefined xml entities in a string.
* \param pStr The strin to unescape the characters in.
* \return String
function UnescapePredefinedXMLEntities pStr
replace "&amp;" with "&" in pStr
replace "&lt;" with "<" in pStr
replace "&gt;" with ">" in pStr
replace "&apos;" with "'" in pStr
replace "&quot;" with quote in pStr
return pStr
end UnescapePredefinedXMLEntities
* \brief Helper function for sorting keys of an array based on order in the XML document the array was created from.
* \param pKeys List of keys or array whose keys you want to sort.
* \param pStripMetaKeys By default any meta keys (keys starting with "@") will be stripped. Pass in false to bypass this behavior.
* LiveCode array keys are never guaranteed to be in order you created them in
* so we must come up with some other way of maintaining proper sequence.
* For arrays representing XML, the XML syntax is used (i.e. node[1], node[2], etc.).
* This handler will sort keys that use this syntax for representing sequence.
* \return String
function SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering pKeys, pStripMetaKeys
local theKeys
put pStripMetaKeys is not false into pStripMetaKeys
if pKeys is an array then
put the keys of pKeys into pKeys
end if
set the itemDelimiter to "["
sort pKeys numeric by the last item of each -- 1], 2], 3], etc.
if pStripMetaKeys then
filter pKeys without "@*"
end if
return pKeys
end SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering
* \brief Converts an XML tree into a LiveCode multi-dimensional array.
* \param pXML The xml to convert.
* \param pStoreEncodedAs Encoding to use. Must be a value that can be passed to uniDecode. Default is "utf8".
* \param pUseValueKey By default node values are stored in a key named after the node. This means you can't have a node with attributes and a node value. Pass in true if you want to store node values in a '@value' key. This will allow a key to have both attributes (in @attributes key) and a value (in @value key).
* \param pForceNumberIndexForNodes A comma delimited list of node names that should always have numbered indexes (NODE[index]) added to them. This makes it easier to loop over results that may have 1 or more results.
* A nodes attributes will be stored as an array of it's "@attributes" key.
* Node names will retain the sequence information (i.e. node[1], node[2], etc.).
* This information is necessary to determine order that keys should be processed in. Example:
* set the itemDelimiter to "["
* put the keys of theArray into theKeys
* sort theKeys numeric by the last item of each
* \return Array
function ConvertXMLToArray pXML, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes
local theArray,theResult,theRootNode,theTreeID
local theXMLEncoding
## Create an XML tree from XML text
put revCreateXMLTree(pXML, true, true, false) into theTreeID
if theTreeID is an integer then
## Determine the encoding of the XML, default to UTF-8
put matchText(pXML, "<\?xml (.*)encoding=" & quote & "(.*)" & quote & "\?>", versionMatch, theXMLEncoding) into theResult
if theXMLEncoding is empty then put "utf-8" into theXMLEncoding
## Now convert to array.
## The 1st dimension has one key which is the name of the root node.
put revXMLRootNode(theTreeID) into theRootNode
if theRootNode is not empty and not(theRootNode begins with "xmlerr,") then
put ConvertXMLNodeToArray(theTreeID, theRootNode, theXMLEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes) into theArray[theRootNode]
end if
revDeleteXMLTree theTreeID
end if
return theArray
end ConvertXMLToArray
* \brief Converts and revXML created XML Tree to an array.
* \param pXMLTree The xml tree id.
* \param pStoreEncodedAs See docs for ConvertXMLToArray.
* \param pUseValueKey See docs for ConvertXMLToArray.
* \param pForceNumberIndexForNodes See docs for ConvertXMLToArray.
* See docs for ConvertXMLToArray.
* \return Array
function ConvertXMLTreeToArray pXMLTree, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes
return ConvertXMLToArray(revXMLText(pXMLTree), pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes)
end ConvertXMLTreeToArray
* \brief Converts a multi-dimensional array to an XML tree.
* \param pArray The array to convert.
* \param pArrayEncoding Encoding used in the array. Must be a value that can be passed to uniEncode. Default is the current platform encoding.
* \param pStoreEncodedAs Encoding to use. Must be a value that can be passed to uniDecode. Default is "utf8".
* The array should consist of one key in the 1st dimension. This key becomes the root node in the XML tree.
* Attributes of a node should be stored as an array in an @attributes key.
* Sequence information for multiple nodes with the same name should be included in the node name using brackets (i.e. node[1], node[2], node[3]).
* \return XML Tree id (integer) or error message.
function ConvertArrayToXML pArray, pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
local theError,theRootNode,theXML,theXMLTree
## if pArrayEncoding is empty then current platform encoding is assumed
if pStoreEncodedAs is empty then put "UTF-8" into pStoreEncodedAs
## Create XML for root node. Note that we take extra steps in order to support
## converting an array that only represents part of a tree rather than the entire tree.
## In this case there may be multiple nodes at the root level.
put line 1 of the keys of pArray into theRootNode
set the itemDelimiter to "["
put "<" & item 1 of theRootNode & "/>" into theXML
## Create XML needed to create tree
put format("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>%s", \
pStoreEncodedAs, theXML) into theXML
put revCreateXMLTree(theXML, true, true, false) into theXMLTree
if theXMLTree is an integer then
## Loop over all nodes at root level
put false into stripMetaKeys
put SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering(the keys of pArray, stripMetaKeys) into theNodes
## Create tree using helper function
repeat for each line theKey in theNodes
put theKey into theNode
replace space with "-" in theNode
ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray[theKey], theXMLTree, slash & theNode, \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
put the result into theError
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
if theError is not empty then
## something went wrong, clean bad tree
revDeleteXMLTree theXMLTree
end if
put theXMLTree into theError
end if
if theError is not empty then
return theError
return theXMLTree
end if
end ConvertArrayToXML
* \brief Helper function for ConvertArrayToXML.
* Converts the multi-dimensional array pArray to nodes in pTreeID. Calls itself recursively.
* \return Error message.
private command ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray, pTreeID, pNode, pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
local theError,theKey,theKeys,theNode
## A workaround for fact that Revolution does not return
## keys in the order we created them
put false into stripMetaKeys
put SortArrayKeysWithXMLOrdering(the keys of pArray, stripMetaKeys) into theNodes
## Arrays might have sequencing info in name
## (i.e. step[1], step[2], ... )
set the itemDelimiter to "["
repeat for each line theArrayKey in theNodes
put theArrayKey into theFullNode
replace space with "-" in theFullNode
put item 1 of theFullNode into theNode
## Look for attributes. These will be added as attributes to pNode.
if theNode is "@attributes" or theNode is "@attr" then
repeat for each line theKey in the keys of pArray[theArrayKey]
put theKey into theAttr
replace space with "-" in theAttr
revSetXMLAttribute pTreeID, pNode, theAttr, \
EncodeString(pArray[theArrayKey][theKey], \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(setting attribute" && theKey && "for node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
else if theNode is "@value" then
## This XML tree is using complex structure. Node is the value of the parent node
revPutIntoXMLNode pTreeID, pNode, EncodeString(pArray[theArrayKey], pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding child node" && theNode && "to node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
if the keys of pArray[theArrayKey] is not empty then
## Node has children. Add node to XML tree then call self recursivly to create children nodes.
revAddXMLNode pTreeID, pNode, theNode, empty
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding node" && theNode & ")" into theError
end if
if theError is empty then
ConvertArrayDimensionToXML pArray[theArrayKey], pTreeID, pNode & slash & theFullNode, \
pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs
put the result into theError
end if
## Node has no children but possibly a value. Create node and add value (which may be empty).
revAddXMLNode pTreeID, pNode, theNode, \
EncodeString(pArray[theArrayKey], pArrayEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs)
if the result begins with "xmlerr," then
put the result && "(adding child node" && theNode && "to node" && pNode & ")" into theError
end if
end if
end if
if theError is not empty then exit repeat
end repeat
return theError
end ConvertArrayDimensionToXML
* \brief Helper function for ConvertXMLToArray.
* Converts an XML node to a multi-dimensional array. Calls itself recursively.
* \return Array
private function ConvertXMLNodeToArray pTreeID, pNode, pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes
local theArrayA,theAttributes,theChildNode,theKey
## Look for attributes of the node. Store as array in "@attributes" key
put revXMLAttributes(pTreeID, pNode, tab, cr) into theAttributes
if theAttributes is not empty then
put EncodeString(theAttributes, pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs) into theAttributes
split theAttributes by cr and tab -- create array
put theAttributes into theArrayA["@attributes"]
end if
## Look for children nodes.
set the itemDelimiter to slash
put revXMLFirstChild(pTreeID, pNode) into theChildNode
if theChildNode is empty or theChildNode begins with "xmlerr," then
put EncodeString(revXMLNodeContents(pTreeID, pNode), pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs) into theValue
if word 1 to -1 of theValue is empty and the keys of theArrayA is not empty then
## Empty node that has attributes
return theArrayA
else if pUseValueKey then
## Force value into @value
put theValue into theArrayA["@value"]
return theArrayA
## Single Node with value: Return value. Attributes are ignored.
return theValue
end if
## Child nodes were found. Recursively call self and store result in array.
set the wholeMatches to true
replace comma with cr in pForceNumberIndexForNodes
repeat while theChildNode is not empty and not (theChildNode begins with "xmlerr,")
put the last item of theChildNode into theKey
if theKey is among the lines of pForceNumberIndexForNodes then
## Oops, key that needs index doesn't have one. Only 1 entry in XML.
put "[1]" after theKey
end if
put ConvertXMLNodeToArray(pTreeID, theChildNode, pXMLTreeEncoding, pStoreEncodedAs, pUseValueKey, \
pForceNumberIndexForNodes) into theArrayA[theKey]
put revXMLNextSibling(pTreeID, theChildNode) into theChildNode
end repeat
return theArrayA
end if
end ConvertXMLNodeToArray
* \brief Helper function for converting the encoding of strings when converting to and from XML.
* \return String
private function EncodeString pString, pInEncoding, pOutEncoding
## convert utf-8 to utf8 for uniencode/decode
replace "-" with empty in pInEncoding
replace "-" with empty in pOutEncoding
if pInEncoding is not empty then
-- if pOutEncoding is empty then pString will be converted to the current platform encoding
return uniDecode(uniEncode(pString, pInEncoding), pOutEncoding)
if pOutEncoding is not empty then
-- if pInEncoding is empty then pString is assumed to be in the current platform encoding
return uniDecode(uniEncode(pString, pInEncoding), pOutEncoding)
return pString
end if
end if
end EncodeString
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Hi Trevor,

Great job, but do you have any example to use, it is not clear how to create the parameters for function ConvertXMLToArray, pUseValueKey, pForceNumberIndexForNodes.




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The code
put matchText(pXML, "<?xml (.)encoding=" & quote & "(.)" & quote & "?>", versionMatch, theXMLEncoding) into theResult

applied in string

is returning
'encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no'

How to get just
'ISO-8859-1' ?

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The line:
put matchText(pXML, "<?xml (.)encoding=" & quote & "([^" & quote & "])", versionMatch, theXMLEncoding) into theResult

fix the problem.

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Hi Trevor. First, thanks for doing this. I am working on a project to import an XML file produced by one of our copiers, edit it, then import it back into the copier. To ensure the entire workflow functions, I imported the file using low level file functions, converted the data to an XML tree, set the arrayData of a tree widget to the array (works great), got the arrayData of the tree view, converted it to an XMLTree, then exported it back to a file. When I compare the files they should IMHO be identical, but they are not. I'd like to send a sample stack if I may, if you are interested in finding out why.

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