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Last active February 10, 2024 22:54
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Simplex maximization algorithm in C#
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Simplex {
class Simplex {
private double[] c;
private double[,] A;
private double[] b;
private HashSet<int> N = new HashSet<int>();
private HashSet<int> B = new HashSet<int>();
private double v = 0;
public Simplex(double[] c, double[,] A, double[] b) {
int vars = c.Length, constraints = b.Length;
if (vars != A.GetLength(1)) {
throw new Exception("Number of variables in c doesn't match number in A.");
if (constraints != A.GetLength(0)) {
throw new Exception("Number of constraints in A doesn't match number in b.");
// Extend max fn coefficients vector with 0 padding
this.c = new double[vars+constraints];
Array.Copy(c, this.c, vars);
// Extend coefficient matrix with 0 padding
this.A = new double[vars+constraints,vars+constraints];
for (int i = 0; i < constraints; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < vars; j++) {
this.A[i+vars, j] = A[i,j];
// Extend constraint right-hand side vector with 0 padding
this.b = new double[vars+constraints];
Array.Copy(b, 0, this.b, vars, constraints);
// Populate non-basic and basic sets
for (int i = 0; i < vars; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < constraints; i++) {
B.Add(vars + i);
public Tuple<double, double[]> maximize() {
while (true) {
// Find highest coefficient for entering var
int e = -1;
double ce = 0;
foreach (var _e in N) {
if (c[_e] > ce) {
ce = c[_e];
e = _e;
// If no coefficient > 0, there's no more maximizing to do, and we're almost done
if (e == -1) break;
// Find lowest check ratio
double minRatio = double.PositiveInfinity;
int l = -1;
foreach (var i in B) {
if (A[i, e] > 0) {
double r = b[i] / A[i, e];
if (r < minRatio) {
minRatio = r;
l = i;
// Unbounded
if (double.IsInfinity(minRatio)) {
return Tuple.Create<double, double[]>(double.PositiveInfinity, null);
pivot(e, l);
// Extract amounts and slack for optimal solution
double[] x = new double[b.Length];
int n = b.Length;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x[i] = B.Contains(i) ? b[i] : 0;
// Return max and variables
return Tuple.Create<double, double[]>(v, x);
private void pivot(int e, int l) {
b[e] = b[l] / A[l, e];
foreach (var j in N) {
A[e, j] = A[l, j] / A[l, e];
A[e, l] = 1 / A[l, e];
foreach (var i in B) {
b[i] = b[i] - A[i, e] * b[e];
foreach (var j in N) {
A[i, j] = A[i, j] - A[i, e] * A[e, j];
A[i, l] = -1 * A[i, e] * A[e, l];
v = v + c[e] * b[e];
foreach (var j in N) {
c[j] = c[j] - c[e] * A[e, j];
c[l] = -1 * c[e] * A[e, l];
class MainClass {
static void Main(string[] args) {
var s = new Simplex(
new [] {10.2, 422.3, 6.91, 853},
new [,] {
{0.1, 0.5, 0.333333, 1},
{30, 15, 19, 12},
{1000, 6000, 4100, 9100},
{50, 20, 21, 10},
{4, 6, 19, 30}
new double[] {2000, 1000, 1000000, 640, 432}
var answer = s.maximize();
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", answer.Item2));
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How To minimize Answer?

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souzamarcos commented Jun 8, 2018

@hassan181 You can convert your minimization problem into a maximization problem!

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Khazam commented Jun 25, 2018

That's it !!? Does it work?

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iraja-noble commented Jan 16, 2019

How can I use only integer variables? My problem does not allow decimal results. Thanks!

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cn-ml commented Sep 11, 2019

There exists no efficient algorithm for integer linear problems. Simplex only works for real values!

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qwertie commented Feb 6, 2021

It doesn't seem to support negative constraints (b). Is there a workaround?

For example this works:

// We are asked to maximize revenue where
//   Revenue = 45*numChairs + 80*numTables
//   Subject to constraints:
//     5*numChairs + 20*numTables <= 400 wood units
//     10*numChairs + 15*numTables <= 450 labor hours
//     numChairs + numTables <= 35 as per Soviet rules
//   Implicit: numChairs >= 0 && numTables >= 0
var s = new Simplex(
    new double[] { 45, 80 }, // revenue for each product
    new double[,] { // constraint coefficients
        { 5, 20 },
        { 10, 15 },
        { 1, 1 },
    new double[] { 400, 450, 35 } // limits
// Solution: (maximum: 2100, production: [20, 15], remaining numbers: [0, 25, 0])

but this doesn't work:

// We are asked to maximize revenue where
//   Revenue = 45*numChairs + 80*numTables
//   Subject to constraints:
//     5*numChairs + 20*numTables <= 400 wood units
//     10*numChairs + 15*numTables <= 450 labor hours
//     numChairs + numTables >= 40 as per Soviet rules
//   Implicit: numChairs >= 0 && numTables >= 0
var s = new Simplex(
    new double[] { 45, 80 }, // revenue for each product
    new double[,] { // constraint coefficients
        { 5, 20 },
        { 10, 15 },
        { -1, -1 },
    new double[] { 400, 450, -40 } // limits
// Incorrect solution: (maximum: 2200, production: [24, 14], remaining numbers: [0, 0, -2])

Edit: it looks like the author has only implemented "one-phase" simplex, but support for negative limits (or >= inequalities, which are equivalent) requires "two-phase simplex".

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