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James Cuzella trinitronx

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marcusphi / ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml
Created October 2, 2013 09:48
Ansible 1.3 Conditional Execution -- Very complete example with comments -- I find the conditional expressions to be ridiculously hard to get right in Ansible. I don't have a good model of what's going on under the surface so I often get it wrong. What makes it even harder is that there has been at least three different variants over the course …
# This has been tested with ansible 1.3 with these commands:
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts isFirstRun=false"
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts isFirstRun=true"
# ansible-playbook -i hosts ansible_conditionals_examples.yaml --extra-vars="hosts=myhosts"
# NB: The type of the variable is crucial!
- name: Ansible Conditionals Examples
hosts: $hosts
fnichol /
Last active January 20, 2019 13:32
(Excellent?) Format Changes to Test Kitchen's kitchen.yml

Format Changes to Test Kitchen's kitchen.yml File

This is happening thanks to a refactoring of the data manipulation code formerly in Kitchen::Config.

There are now 3 main configuration blocks that can be placed in the various levels:

  • driver: Configurtation relavent to Kitchen drivers. This is a combination of what was driver_plugin and driver_config. Backwards compatability is guarenteed with the legacy formats for a time, then will be deprecated (with a warning when encountered), then will be removed in a future release.
  • provisioner: Configuration relating to the automation tool being used. Currently supporting "chef_solo" and "chef_zero". Previously several Chef-related config paths were dumped in a Suite block, namely data_path, data_bags_path, environments_path, nodes_path, roles_path, etc. These will be supported for backwards compatability, then will be deprecated (with a warning when encountered), then will be removed in a future release.
  • busser: Configuration rela
branneman /
Last active April 27, 2024 04:16
Better local require() paths for Node.js

Better local require() paths for Node.js


When the directory structure of your Node.js application (not library!) has some depth, you end up with a lot of annoying relative paths in your require calls like:

const Article = require('../../../../app/models/article');

Those suck for maintenance and they're ugly.

Possible solutions

L422Y /
Last active May 10, 2024 09:06
Automounting NFS share in OS X into /Volumes

I have spent quite a bit of time figuring out automounts of NFS shares in OS X...

Somewhere along the line, Apple decided allowing mounts directly into /Volumes should not be possible:

/etc/auto_master (see last line):

# Automounter master map

+auto_master # Use directory service

nkwhr / supervise.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
a serverspec resource type for checking services running under daemontools.
module Serverspec
module Type
class Supervise < Base
def initialize(name)
@name = name
def status
ret = backend.run_command("svstat /service/#{@name} | awk '{print $2}'")
pjobson /
Last active March 26, 2024 04:26
OSX McAfee Removal

Removal of McAfee from OSX

Note: This was written in 2015, it may be out of date now.

There are a lot of commands here which I use sudo if you don't know what you're doing with sudo, especially where I rm you can severely screw up your system.

There are many reasons which you would want to remove a piece of software such as McAfee, such as not wanting it to hammer your CPU during work hours which seems like primetime for a virus scan.

I intend this to be a living document, I have included suggestions from peoples' replies.

anthonysterling / Vagrantfile
Last active April 29, 2020 15:28
Handy Vagrantfile for IE testing with Vagrant.
# Usage: IE={box} vagrant up
# Eg. IE=XPIE6 vagrant up
boxes = {
"XPIE6" => "",
"XPIE8" => "",
"VistaIE7" => "",
"Win7IE8" => "",
"Win7IE9" => "",
chanj / AWS Security Resources
Last active June 21, 2021 09:49
AWS Security Resources
I get asked regularly for good resources on AWS security. This gist collects some of these resources (docs, blogs, talks, open source tools, etc.). Feel free to suggest and contribute.
Short Link:
Official AWS Security Resources
* Security Blog -
* Security Advisories -
* Security Whitepaper (AWS Security Processes/Practices) -
* Security Best Practices Whitepaper -
tegansnyder / disable mcafee endpoint
Last active December 26, 2023 03:18
Disable McAffee Endpoint Protection OSX

method 1

sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl stopoas


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.mcafee.ssm.antimalware.plist OAS_Enable -bool False
sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl stop
sudo /usr/local/McAfee/AntiMalware/VSControl reload
nl5887 / gpg-agent.conf
Last active November 14, 2022 09:37
Using GPG Agent on OS-X
launchctl unload -w -S Aqua /System/Library/LaunchAgents/gpg.agent.daemon.plist
launchctl load -w -S Aqua /System/Library/LaunchAgents/gpg.agent.daemon.plist