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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Exponential decay fit - lmfit issues
This script fits 1D noisy data (function of time) to a model function that has
2 shape parameters (lifetime or exponetial decay: `tau`, amplitude: `ampl`)
and one `offset` parameter for the translation in time.
import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.stats
import lmfit
from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, report_fit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
## Time axis parameters
time_step_s = (60e-9/4096) # time step in seconds (S.I.)
time_step_ns = time_step_s*1e9 # time step in nano-seconds
time_nbins = 2048 # number of time bins
time_idx = np.arange(time_nbins) # time axis in index units
time_ns = time_idx*time_step_ns # time axis in nano-seconds
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# Generate the data
# IRF Definition: it is used both to generate random samples
# and for the model function employed in the fit
def exgauss(x, mu, sig, tau):
lam = 1./tau
return 0.5*lam * np.exp(0.5*lam * (2*mu + lam*(sig**2) - 2*x)) * \
scipy.special.erfc((mu + lam*(sig**2) - x)/(np.sqrt(2)*sig))
irf_sig = 0.033
irf_mu = 5*irf_sig
irf_lam = 0.1
x_irf = np.arange(0, (irf_lam*15 + irf_mu)/time_step_ns)
p_irf = exgauss(x_irf, irf_mu/time_step_ns, irf_sig/time_step_ns,
irf = scipy.stats.rv_discrete(name='irf', values=(x_irf, p_irf))
## Simulate the data to be fitted.
## The data points to be fitted are the histogram counts of the random values
num_samples = 1e6
tau = 2e-9
baseline_fraction = 0.05
offset = 2e-9
# The random data is generated from an exponetial decay convoluted by a narrow
# peak (IRF) with the addition of a constant baseline
sample_decay = np.random.exponential(scale=tau/time_step_s,
size=num_samples) + offset/time_step_s
sample_decay += irf.rvs(size=num_samples)
sample_baseline = np.random.randint(low=0, high=time_nbins,
sample_tot = np.hstack((sample_decay, sample_baseline))
decay_hist, bins = np.histogram(sample_tot, bins=np.arange(time_nbins + 1))
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# Fitting the data
def model(time, tau, ampl, baseline, offset, irf_pdf=p_irf):
Model function used to fit the data.
time (array): time axis
tau (float): time-constant (same unit as the time axis)
ampl (float): amplitude of the model function
baseline (float): mean baseline value (vertical offset)
offset (float): time axis translation (same unit as the time axis)
(array) Function evaluated in each `time` point.
y = np.zeros(time.size)
pos_range = (time >= offset)
y[pos_range] = ampl*np.exp((-time[pos_range] + offset)/tau)
z = np.convolve(y, irf_pdf, mode='same')
z += baseline
return z
def residuals(params, time, y, weights):
Returns the array of residuals for the current parameters.
tau = params['tau'].value
baseline = params['baseline'].value
offset = params['offset'].value
ampl = params['ampl'].value
return (y - model(time, tau, ampl, baseline, offset))*weights
def plot_fit(time, ydata, params, yscale='log', zoom_origin=False):
Function to plot data and model function.
plot(time, ydata, marker='.')
plot(time, model(time, **{k: v.value for k, v in params.items()}),
color='r', lw=2.5, alpha=0.7)
if yscale == 'log':
if zoom_origin:
dt = time[1] - time[0]
t0 = params['offset'] - 50*dt
plt.xlim(t0 - 50*dt, t0 + 50*dt)
# Weights for proper scaling of the residuals
weights = 1./np.sqrt(decay_hist)
# This fails with: AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'copy'
params1 = Parameters()
params1.add('tau', value=2.8)
params1.add('baseline', value=24, min=20, max=30)
params1.add('ampl', value=7000)
params1.add('offset', value=2.8, vary=False)
fit_res = minimize(residuals, params1, args=(time_ns, decay_hist, weights),
print 'Reduced Chi-square: %.3f\n' % fit_res.redchi
ci = lmfit.conf_interval(fit_res)
plot_fit(time_ns, decay_hist, params1)
# This fails with: ValueError: f(a) and f(b) must have different signs
params2 = Parameters()
params2.add('tau', value=2.8)
params2.add('baseline', value=24)
params2.add('ampl', value=7000)
params2.add('offset', value=2.8)
fit_res = minimize(residuals, params2, args=(time_ns, decay_hist, weights),
print 'Reduced Chi-square: %.3f\n' % fit_res.redchi
ci = lmfit.conf_interval(fit_res)
plot_fit(time_ns, decay_hist, params2)
# This works
params3 = Parameters()
params3.add('tau', value=2.8)
params3.add('baseline', value=24)
params3.add('ampl', value=7000)
params3.add('offset', value=2.81, vary=False)
fit_res = minimize(residuals, params3, args=(time_ns, decay_hist, weights),
print 'Reduced Chi-square: %.3f\n' % fit_res.redchi
ci = lmfit.conf_interval(fit_res)
plot_fit(time_ns, decay_hist, params3, zoom_origin=True)
# Brute force search of best offset
redchi = []
for v in np.arange(2.79, 2.83, 0.002):
params3.add('offset', value=v, vary=False)
fit_res = minimize(residuals, params3, args=(time_ns, decay_hist, weights))
print ' %.3f Reduced Chi-square: %.8f' % (v, fit_res.redchi)
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