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Last active July 27, 2016 19:19
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Multiple Inheritance Implementation #1: Using the original prototypes, we branch property lookup into each prototype chain. `super` works as intended here. This was the "Proxy-based" implementation, but I settled with using Getters/Setters for now, since Proxy doesn't work everywhere and polyfills can't match the native abilities exactly.
let propCacheSymbol = Symbol()
class MultiClassPrototype {
constructor(propCache) {
this[propCacheSymbol] = propCache
// Just an idea: multiple inheritance...
// IMPORTANT NOTE: This assumes that the prototype of the classes are not
// modified after definition, otherwise the multi-inheritance won't work (not
// with this implementation at least, but could be possible to implement).
function multiple(...classes) {
let constructorName = ''
let multiClassPrototype = new MultiClassPrototype({classes})
let multiClassPropsInitialized = false
let protoPropsFlattenedForEachConstructor = [] // in same order as `classes`
let allProps = []
for (let [constructor, index] of classes) {
constructorName += + (index == classes.length-1 ? '' : '+')
// f.e. SomeClass+OtherClass+FooBar
let props = SimplePropertyRetriever.getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables(constructor.prototype)
for (let prop of props) {
if (!allProps.includes(prop))
// This constructor doesn't call super constructors, do that manually
// with this.callSuperConstructor(Class, ...args).
function MultiClass() {
if (multiClassPropsInitialized) return
for (let i=0, l=allProps.length; i<l; i+=1) {
const prop = allProps[i]
for (let i=0, l=classes.length; i<l; i+=1) {
const ctorProps = protoPropsFlattenedForEachConstructor[i]
const ctor = classes[i]
if (ctorProps.includes(prop)) {
// check if the prop is a getter or setter. If so, we
// copy the getter to MultiClass.prototype. Basically
// we're just mixing the getters/setters onto the
// MultiClass.prototype the old mixin-way without
// prototype inheritance, which is not ideal, but seems
// to be the only option for now (I believe we can
// change this when we update to use Proxy).
let owner = ctor.prototype
while (!owner.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
owner = Object.getPrototypeOf(owner)
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(owner, prop)
if (typeof descriptor.set != 'undefined' || typeof descriptor.get != 'undefined') {
Object.defineProperty(multiClassPrototype, prop, descriptor)
// Otherwise, we make a new getter/setter.
else {
Object.defineProperty(multiClassPrototype, prop, {
get() {
let value = null
if (multiClassPrototype[propCacheSymbol].hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
value = multiClassPrototype[propCacheSymbol][prop]
else {
value = ctor.prototype[prop]
if (typeof value == 'function') {
return value.bind(this)
return value
set(value) { multiClassPrototype[propCacheSymbol][prop] = value },
// break because we found the constructor with the
// property we're looking for (it has "highest
// precedence"), so we don't need to continue looking.
multiClassPropsInitialized = true
MultiClass.prototype = multiClassPrototype
Object.assign(multiClassPrototype, {
// we add this helper method because ES6 class constructors aren't manually callable.
// f.e., We can't do `, ...args)` in the subclass that extends
// this multi-class, so we use this helper instead:
// `this.callSuperConstructor(Foo, ...args)`.
callSuperConstructor(nameOrRef, ...args) {
let ctor = classes.find(ctor => ctor === nameOrRef || == nameOrRef)
if (!ctor) throw new Error('Unknown constructor specified to this.callSuperConstructor()')
let obj = new ctor(...args)
Object.assign(this, obj) // TODO: copy descriptors, as the constructor might possibly make those.
return MultiClass
function isInstanceOf(obj, testClass) {
if (obj instanceof testClass) return true
console.log('checking for MultiClassPrototype')
let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)
// if obj contains the MultiClassPrototype in it's proto chain.
if (obj instanceof MultiClassPrototype) {
let {classes} = proto[propCacheSymbol]
console.log(' If the test class is one in the multi-class cache')
if (classes.includes(testClass)) {
return true
console.log(' Otherwise loop and see if any classextends from testClass')
for (let i=0, l=classes.length; i<l; i+=1) {
let ctor = classes[i]
if (ctor.prototype instanceof testClass) {
return true
return false
// borrowed from
var SimplePropertyRetriever = {
getOwnAndPrototypeEnumerablesAndNonenumerables: function (obj) {
return this._getPropertyNames(obj, true, true, this._enumerableAndNotEnumerable);
// Private static property checker callbacks
_enumerableAndNotEnumerable : function (obj, prop) {
return true;
// Inspired by
_getPropertyNames : function getAllPropertyNames(obj, iterateSelfBool, iteratePrototypeBool, includePropCb) {
var props = [];
do {
if (iterateSelfBool) {
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach(function (prop) {
if (props.indexOf(prop) === -1 && includePropCb(obj, prop)) {
if (!iteratePrototypeBool) {
iterateSelfBool = true;
} while (obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj));
return props;
export { multiple as default }
class One {
constructor(arg) {
console.log('One constructor') = arg
foo() {console.log('foo')}
class Two {
constructor(arg) {
console.log('Two constructor')
this.two = arg
bar() {console.log('bar')}
class Three extends Two {
constructor(arg1, arg2) {
console.log('Three constructor')
this.three = arg2
baz() {console.log('baz')}
class FooBar extends multiple(Three, One) {
constructor(...args) {
super() // needed, although does nothing.
// call each constructor. We can pas specific args to each constructor if we like.
// XXX The following is not allowed with ES6 classes, class constructors are not callable. :[ How to solve?
//, ...args)
//, ...args)
// XXX Solved with the callSuperConstructor helper.
this.callSuperConstructor(One, args[0])
this.callSuperConstructor(Three, args[1], args[2])
yeah() {console.log('yeah')}
let f = new FooBar(1,2,3)
// this shows that the modifications to `this` by each constructor worked:
console.log(, f.two, f.three) // logs "1 2 3"
// all methods work:
console.log('f instanceof MultiClassPrototype?', f instanceof MultiClassPrototype)
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