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Created July 17, 2023 08:57
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concurrent fetch with retry policy
export async function fetchAll(urls: string[], concurrency = 5, retryPolicy = defaultRetryPolicy): Promise<Response[]> {
const controller = new AbortController();
const semaphore = new Semaphore(concurrency);
const promises = url => {
await semaphore.acquire();
try {
return await fetchWithRetry(url, retryPolicy, controller.signal);
} catch (error) {
controller.abort(); // abort all requests on fatal error
throw error;
} finally {
return Promise.all(promises);
async function fetchWithRetry(url: string, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<Response> {
let attempt = 0;
const startTime =;
while (true) {
try {
const response = await fetch(url, { signal });
return response;
} catch (error) {
if (!(error instanceof Error)) throw new Error(`unexpected error when fetching ${url}`);
const elapsedTime = - startTime;
if (!retryPolicy.shouldRetry({ attempt, elapsedTime, error })) throw error;
const delay = retryPolicy.calculateDelay({ attempt, elapsedTime, error });
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const defaultRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy = {
shouldRetry({ elapsedTime, error }) {
return isNetworkError(error) && elapsedTime < 5000;
calculateDelay({ attempt }) {
const delay = Math.pow(2, attempt) * 1000; // exponential backoff
const jitter = Math.random() * 1000; // jitter
return delay + jitter;
function isNetworkError(error: unknown): boolean {
return error instanceof TypeError || error instanceof DOMException
|| (error instanceof Error && !== "AbortError" && !== "TypeError")
class Semaphore {
private tasks: CallableFunction[] = [];
private count: number;
constructor(count: number) {
this.count = count;
async acquire() {
if (this.count > 0) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return new Promise(resolve => {
release() {
if (this.tasks.length > 0) {
const next = this.tasks.shift();
if (typeof next === "function") {
type RetryPolicyParams = {
elapsedTime: number;
error: Error;
attempt: number;
interface RetryPolicy {
shouldRetry(args: RetryPolicyParams): boolean;
calculateDelay(args: RetryPolicyParams): number;
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