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Last active July 11, 2024 18:59
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trampoline typescript
* Transforms a function that returns either a direct value or a thunk (a
* no-argument function that returns a value) into a function that only returns
* a direct value. It does this by repeatedly evaluating the function if it
* returns a thunk, until a direct value is obtained.
* @template T The type of the value to be returned by the trampoline function.
* @template A The type tuple representing the argument types accepted by the
* function f.
* @param f A function that takes arguments of type A and returns either a
* value of type T or a thunk that returns T.
* @returns A function that takes the same arguments but guarantees to return a
* direct value of type T.
* Converting a recursive function to use trampoline:
* 1. Create an auxiliary function that takes the same parameters as the
* original function, plus an accumulator parameter.
* 2. Modify the base case to return the accumulator instead of a fixed value.
* 3. Replace the recursive call with a thunk (a function that returns the next
* recursive step).
* 4. Use the tramp function to create the final trampolined version.
* Reasoning:
* - The accumulator is necessary because we can't directly use the return
* value of the recursive call. Instead, we pass the intermediate results
* through the accumulator.
* - This allows us to convert the recursive calls into a series of thunks,
* which the trampoline function can then execute iteratively, avoiding
* stack overflow for deep recursions.
* Example conversion:
* ```typescript
* // Original recursive function
* function factorial(n: bigint): bigint {
* if (n <= 1) return 1n;
* return n * factorial(n - 1n);
* }
* // Trampolined version:
* function factorialAux(n: bigint, acc = 1n): bigint | Thunk<bigint> {
* if (n <= 1) return acc;
* return () => factorialAux(n - 1n, n * acc);
* }
* const trampolinedFactorial = tramp(factorialAux);
* ```
export function tramp<T, A extends readonly any[]>(f: (...args: A) => (T | Thunk<T>)): (...args: A) => T {
return (...args: A) => {
let result = f(...args);
while (is_thunk(result)) {
result = result();
return result;
export type Thunk<T> = () => T;
export function is_thunk<T>(v: T | Thunk<T>): v is Thunk<T> {
return typeof v === "function" && v.length === 0;
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