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Last active October 28, 2022 08:53
Clones as usual but creates local tracking branches for all remote branches.
# Clones as usual but creates local tracking branches for all remote branches.
# To use, copy this file into the same directory your git binaries are (git, git-flow, git-subtree, etc)
clone_output=$((git clone "$@" ) 2>&1)
echo $clone_output
if [[ $retval != 0 ]] ; then
exit 1
pushd $(echo $clone_output | grep 'Cloning into' | head -1 | sed 's/Cloning into .\(.*\).\.\.\..*/\1/') > /dev/null 2>&1
this_branch=$(git branch | sed 's/^..//')
for i in $(git branch -r | grep -v HEAD); do
branch=$(echo $i | perl -pe 's/^.*?\///')
# this doesn't have to be done for each branch, but that's how I did it.
remote=$(echo $i | sed 's/\/.*//')
if [[ "$this_branch" != "$branch" ]]; then
git branch -t $branch $remote/$branch
popd > /dev/null 2>&1
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