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Last active October 8, 2017 03:22
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kaggle titanic rpart gridsearch w/ mlr
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"# rpart"
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"* [RPubs \\- Kaggle Titanic R Tutorial]("
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"training <- read.csv(\"~/repo/kaggle/input/titanic/train.csv\")\n",
"testing <- read.csv(\"~/repo/kaggle/input/titanic/test.csv\")"
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"trainingSel = subset(training, select = c('Survived', 'Pclass', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Embarked'))\n",
"testingSel = subset(testing, select = c('Pclass', 'Sex', 'Age', 'SibSp', 'Parch', 'Embarked'))"
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"trainingSel = subset(trainingSel, Embarked != '')\n",
"trainingSel$Embarked = droplevels(trainingSel$Embarked, \"\")\n",
"testingSel = subset(testingSel, Embarked != '')"
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"agemedian = median(trainingSel$Age, na.rm = TRUE)\n",
"trainingSel$Age = replace(trainingSel$Age,$Age), agemedian)\n",
"testingSel$Age = replace(testing$Age,$Age), agemedian)"
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"tree<-rpart(Survived~., #目的変数~説明変数, 「.」はy以外の全変数を説明変数とするという意味\n",
" data=trainingSel, #学習データ\n",
" maxdepth=9, #階層数\n",
" minbucket=60, #最小ノードサイズ\n",
" cp=1e-04, #枝刈りの強さ\n",
" method=\"class\", #分類\n",
" parms=list(split=\"infomation\") #分割基準, list(split=\"information\")とするとEntropy基準となる\n",
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"pred_test<-predict(tree, testingSel, type=\"class\")"
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"out<-data.frame(testing$PassengerId, pred_test)"
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"write.table(out, #出力データ\n",
" \"~/repo/kaggle/titanic/submit/submit_1008_7_rpart.csv\", #出力先\n",
" quote=FALSE, #文字列を「\"」で囲む有無\n",
" col.names=c(\"PassengerId\", \"Survived\"), #変数名(列名)の有無\n",
" row.names=FALSE, #行番号の有無\n",
" sep=\",\" #区切り文字の指定\n",
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