#!/usr/bin/env ruby |
require 'date' |
################################################### |
# iii fff # |
# aa aa pp pp pp pp nn nnn ff oooo # |
# aa aaa ppp pp ppp pp iii nnn nn ffff oo oo # |
# aa aaa pppppp pppppp iii nn nn ff oo oo # |
# aaa aa pp pp iii nn nn ff oooo # |
# pp pp # |
################################################### |
=begin appinfo |
Shows keys from spotlight data for an app |
usage: 'appinfo [app name]' |
Keys for sizes are converted to human-readable numbers (e.g. 25.3MB) |
Keys for dates are converted to localized short date format |
=== Config |
:show_icon: If you have imgcat or chafa installed, print out an icon |
:keys: The keys to parse and their "pretty" form for printing Output in |
the order listed |
==== Default keys: |
'location' => 'Location', |
'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier' => 'Bundle ID', |
'kMDItemPhysicalSize' => 'Size', |
'kMDItemVersion' => 'Version', |
'kMDItemContentCreationDate' => 'Released', |
'kMDItemAppStorePurchaseDate' => 'Purchased', |
'kMDItemLastUsedDate' => 'Last Used', |
'kMDItemAppStoreCategory' => 'Category', |
'kMDItemCopyright' => 'Copyright' |
=end |
CONFIG = { |
:show_icon => true, |
:keys => { |
'location' => 'Location', |
'kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier' => 'Bundle ID', |
'kMDItemAlternateNames' => 'Alternate Names', |
'kMDItemPhysicalSize' => 'Size', |
'kMDItemVersion' => 'Version', |
'kMDItemContentCreationDate' => 'Released', |
'kMDItemAppStorePurchaseDate' => 'Purchased', |
'kMDItemLastUsedDate' => 'Last Used', |
'kMDItemAppStoreCategory' => 'Category', |
'kMDItemCopyright' => 'Copyright', |
'kMDItemExecutableArchitectures' => 'Architecture' |
} |
} |
def class_exists?(class_name) |
klass = Module.const_get(class_name) |
return klass.is_a?(Class) |
rescue NameError |
return false |
end |
if class_exists? 'Encoding' |
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 if Encoding.respond_to?('default_external') |
Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8 if Encoding.respond_to?('default_internal') |
end |
class Array |
def longest_element |
group_by(&:size).max.last[0].length |
end |
end |
class String |
def to_human(fmt=false) |
n = self.to_i |
count = 0 |
formats = %w(B KB MB GB TB PB EB ZB YB) |
while (fmt || n >= 1024) && count < 8 |
n /= 1024.0 |
count += 1 |
break if fmt && formats[count][0].upcase =~ /#{fmt[0].upcase}/ |
end |
format("%.2f",n) + formats[count] |
end |
end |
def find_app(app) |
location = nil |
narrow = ' -onlyin /System/Applications -onlyin /Applications -onlyin /Applications/Setapp -onlyin /Applications/Utilities -onlyin /Developer/Applications' |
res = `mdfind#{narrow} 'kind:app filename:"#{app}"' | grep -E '\.app$' | head -n 1`.strip |
unless res && res.length > 0 |
res = `mdfind 'kind:app filename:"#{app}"' | grep -E '\.app$' | head -n 1`.strip |
end |
if class_exists? 'Encoding' |
res = res.force_encoding('utf-8') |
end |
return res && !res.empty? ? res.strip : false |
end |
def exec_available(cli) |
if File.exist?(File.expand_path(cli)) |
File.executable?(File.expand_path(cli)) |
else |
system "which #{cli}", out: File::NULL, err: File::NULL |
end |
end |
def show_icon(app_path) |
if CONFIG[:show_icon] && (exec_available('imgcat') || exec_available('chafa') || exec_available("kitty")) |
app_icon = `defaults read "#{app_path}/Contents/Info" CFBundleIconFile`.strip.sub(/(\.icns)?$/, '.icns') |
if exec_available('imgcat') |
cmd = 'imgcat' |
elsif exec_available('chafa') |
cmd = 'chafa -s 15x15 -f iterm' |
elsif exec_available('kitty') |
cmd = 'kitty +kitten icat --align=left' |
end |
res = `mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}appinfo && sips -s format png --resampleHeightWidthMax 256 "#{app_path}/Contents/Resources/#{app_icon}" --out "${TMPDIR}appinfo/#{app_icon}.png"` # > /dev/null 2>&1 |
$stdout.puts `#{cmd} "${TMPDIR}appinfo/#{app_icon}.png" && rm "${TMPDIR}appinfo/#{app_icon}.png"` |
end |
end |
def parse_info(info) |
values = {} |
if class_exists? 'Encoding' |
info = info.force_encoding('utf-8') |
end |
info.gsub!(/(\S+)\s*=\s*\((.*?)\)/m) do |
m = Regexp.last_match |
val = m[2].strip.split(/\n/).delete_if { |i| i.strip.empty? }.map { |l| |
l.strip.gsub(/"/, '').sub(/,$/, '').sub(/x86_64/, 'Intel').sub(/arm64/, 'Apple Silicon') |
}.join(', ') |
val += " (Unviversal Binary)" if val =~ /Intel/ && val =~ /Apple Silicon/ |
values[m[1]] = val |
'' |
end |
info.split(/\n/).delete_if(&:empty?).each do |line| |
sp = line.split(/\s*=\s*/) |
values[sp[0]] = sp[1].gsub(/"/, '') |
end |
values |
end |
def get_info(appname) |
app = appname # .sub(/\.app$/,'') |
found = find_app(app) |
if found |
keys = "-name " + CONFIG[:keys].keys.join(' -name ') |
res = %x{mdls #{keys} "#{found}"} |
result = parse_info(res) |
result['location'] = found |
return result |
else |
$stdout.puts %Q{App "#{app}" not found.} |
Process.exit 1 |
end |
end |
def info(app) |
appinfo = get_info(app) |
if appinfo && appinfo.length > 0 |
show_icon(appinfo['location']) |
longest_key = CONFIG[:keys].values.longest_element |
CONFIG[:keys].each {|k,v| |
key = v |
val = appinfo[k]&.strip || 'None' |
val = case k |
when /Size$/ |
val.to_human |
when /Date$/ |
if appinfo[k].strip =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/ |
Date.parse(val.strip).strftime('%D') rescue val |
end |
else |
val |
end |
val = val =~ /\(null\)/ ? "\033[0;36;40mUnknown\033[0m" : "\033[1;37;40m#{val}\033[0m" |
$stdout.puts "\033[0;32;40m%#{longest_key}s: %s" % [key, val] |
} |
end |
end |
def exit_help(code=0) |
output = <<~ENDOUT |
Shows keys from Spotlight data for an app |
Usage: |
#{File.basename(__FILE__)} [app name] |
puts output |
Process.exit code.to_i |
end |
if ARGV.length == 0 |
exit_help(1) |
elsif ARGV[0] =~ /^-?h(elp)?$/ |
exit_help |
else |
info(ARGV.join(" ")) |
end |
Use this diff to show the app icon in the Kitty terminal emulator.