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Last active January 13, 2022 10:07
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Save ttscoff/5477280 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Retrieve a 512 x 512px icon for an iOS app
# encoding: utf-8
# Updated 2017-10-25:
# - Defaults to large size (512)
# - If ImageMagick is installed:
# - rounds the corners (copped from @bradjasper,
# - replace original with rounded version, converting to png if necessary
# Retrieve an iOS app icon at the highest available resolution
# All arguments are combined to create an iTunes search
# The icon for the first result, if found, is written to a filename
# based on search terms
# If ImageMagick is installed (available through Homebrew), rounded
# corners will be added and a transparent PNG will be output.
# example:
# $ itunesicon super monsters ate my condo
# Use size param ~s/~small/~m/~medium/~l/~large to specify size:
# $ itunesicon super monsters ate my condo ~small
%w[net/http open-uri cgi fileutils].each do |filename|
require filename
def find_icon(terms, entity, size)
url = URI.parse("{CGI.escape(terms)}&entity=#{entity}")
res = Net::HTTP.get_response(url).body
match = res.match(/"#{size}":"(.*?)",/)
unless match.nil?
return match[1]
return false
terms = ARGV.join(" ")
entity = "iPadSoftware"
type = "_ipad"
if terms =~ /[\#@](ipad|iphone|mac)/i
if terms =~ /[\#@]iphone/i
entity = "software"
type = "_iphone"
elsif terms =~ /[\#@]mac/i
entity = "macSoftware"
type = "_mac"
terms.gsub!(/[\#@](ipad|iphone|mac)/i, "").gsub!(/\s+/," ")
format = "artworkUrl512"
size = "l"
if terms =~ /~(s(mall)?|m(edium)?|l(arge)?)/i
size = $1[0]
format = case size
when /s(mall)?/ then "artworkUrl60"
when /m(edium)?/ then "artworkUrl100"
else "artworkUrl512"
terms.gsub!(/~(s(mall)?|m(edium)?|l(arge)?)/i, "").gsub!(/\s+/," ")
def magick(filename, size)
i = case size
when /s/ then 60
when /m/ then 100
else 512
rect = "#{i.to_s}x#{i.to_s}"
round = (i * 0.15625 + 3).round.to_s
target = filename.sub(/\.\w+$/,'_round.png')
%x{convert -size #{rect} xc:none -fill white -draw 'roundRectangle 0,0 #{i},#{i} #{round},#{round}' #{filename} -compose SrcIn -composite #{target} &> /dev/null}
if File.exists? target
return filename
return filename
icon_url = find_icon(terms, entity, format)
unless icon_url
puts "Error: failed to locate iTunes url. You may need to adjust your search terms."
url = URI.parse(icon_url)
target = File.expand_path("~/Desktop/"+terms.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/i,'_')+"_"+size+"."+icon_url.match(/\.(jpg|png)$/)[1])
open(url) do |f|,'w+') do |file|
target = magick(target,size)
print target
rescue Exception => e
# puts e.backtrace
# p e
puts "Error: failed to save icon."
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vigo commented Jun 10, 2014

super kool! thank you!

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jroes commented Sep 11, 2014

Hi! I've forked a slightly rewritten version that pulls 1136x1136 screenshots for a list of terms:

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Hello, I can't seem to get this working.

After downloading the file, navigating to file directory, making it executable (chmod a+x itunesicon.rb), and attempting to run - 'itunesicon.rb twitter'; I subsequently get this: "-bash: itunesicon.rb: command not found"

Please help!

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I've forked this to round the corners in ImageMagick and generate @2x and @3x assets, which I needed for my use case:

Thanks for the snippet @ttscoff

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pkotla commented Jan 15, 2015

@bradjasper Thank you for the tool but i am not getting the rounded icons nor 2x, 3x images. Am i doing anything wrong?

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ttscoff commented Oct 25, 2017

@bradjasper I added a simple version of your code (just adds rounded corners to whatever size was downloaded, converting to png if needed). If ImageMagick isn't installed, it will just silently fail that call and proceed as normal.

Thanks for that!

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Kiryous commented Jan 13, 2020

@ttscoff hi there! Thanks for your script. It would be great if some comment will be added on how to use size param, maybe this way —

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ttscoff commented Jan 13, 2020

@ttscoff hi there! Thanks for your script. It would be great if some comment will be added on how to use size param, maybe this way —

@Kiryous done, thanks!

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welby12 commented Feb 19, 2021

I'm trying to grab the icon for the dating app Bumble. When I search Bumble, it is downloading the icon for Plenty Of Fish's app. When I looked into it, and searched the App Store on my iPhone, I noticed that the first promoted search is an ad for Plenty Of Fish. So it's giving me the advertisement's icon??

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ttscoff commented Feb 19, 2021

I'm trying to grab the icon for the dating app Bumble. When I search Bumble, it is downloading the icon for Plenty Of Fish's app. When I looked into it, and searched the App Store on my iPhone, I noticed that the first promoted search is an ad for Plenty Of Fish. So it's giving me the advertisement's icon??

The script just grabs the first result from the search, so if Apple is sticking sponsored results into the API, there's not much it can do about it...

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The ImageMagick steps are not working for me anymore. I'm on Big Sur. I've tried reinstalling ImageMagick with Homebrew. Do I need to do something to make it available to this Automator workflow?

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ttscoff commented May 17, 2021

The ImageMagick steps are not working for me anymore. I'm on Big Sur. I've tried reinstalling ImageMagick with Homebrew. Do I need to do something to make it available to this Automator workflow?

I noticed I wasn't getting rounded corners anymore, but hadn't had time to look into it. I don't have an answer offhand, but will try to dig in next time I have some free time (new job).

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