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A background script to archive linkding bookmarks to DEVONthink

Archive linkding bookmarks to DEVONthink

This script will archive bookmarks from a linkding server to DEVONthink.

This script is designed to run once initially, and then be set to run in the background at intervals using cron or launchd.

You can specify a certain tag to only archive bookmarks containing that tag. This is useful because if you're just linking a tool or interesting app, you probably don't need an archive of it. Tagging allows selective and intentional archiving. But if you leave it blank, the script will just archive all bookmarks.

You can also specify tags for different types of archives, including webloc, webarchive, and pdf.


To use the script, you'll need Ruby available. Install with a package manager or version manager if you don't have it.

You'll also need to install the HTTParty gem. Run gem install httparty to add it.

If you run multiple versions, be sure to install the gem to the version of Ruby that the script will run under. You may want to use a wrapper or execute command from your version manager when setting up an automated job so that the correct gems are available.


Save the script in your PATH and make it executable with chmod a+x linkding.rb. Modify the options section at the top with your server name, API key (, and set the various options. Run it once from the command line to test and to archive initial existing bookmarks with the specified tags. Once run successfully, you can then set up a cron job or launchd agent to run in the background at intervals (I recommend at least a 5 minute interval). I recommend the app LaunchControl for editing launchd jobs.

The script will create a file at ~/.last_linkding_id.txt to keep track of the last bookmark ID it archived. If you want to re-archive all bookmarks, you can delete this file or run the script with the argument reset to clear it. If a numeric argument is provided to the reset, it will set the last ID to that number.


  • Set up duplicate checking before saving to DEVONthink so that you can scan previous bookmarks and archive them without duplicating. This would allow adding a different type tag to existing bookmarks to save, say, a PDF after the fact.


See the commented options at top for configuration


MIT license, copyright Brett Terpstra 2025

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# # Archive linkding bookmarks to DEVONthink
# This script will archive bookmarks from a linkding server
# to DEVONthink.
# This script is designed to run once initially, and then be
# set to run in the background at intervals using cron or
# launchd.
# You can specify a certain tag to only archive bookmarks
# containing that tag. This is useful because if you're just
# linking a tool or interesting app, you probably don't need
# an archive of it. Tagging allows selective and intentional
# archiving. But if you leave it blank, the script will just
# archive all bookmarks.
# You can also specify tags for different types of archives,
# including webloc, webarchive, and pdf.
# To use the script, you'll need Ruby available. Install
# with a package manager or version manager if you don't
# have it.
# You'll also need to install the HTTParty gem. Run `gem
# install httparty` to add it.
# If you run multiple versions, be sure to install the gem
# to the version of Ruby that the script will run under. You
# may want to use a wrapper or execute command from your
# version manager when setting up an automated job so that
# the correct gems are available.
# ## USAGE
# Save the script in your PATH and make it executable with
# `chmod a+x linkding.rb`. Modify the options section at the
# top with your server name, API key
# (, and set the
# various options. Run it once from the command line to test
# and to archive initial existing bookmarks with the
# specified tags. Once run successfully, you can then set up
# a cron job or launchd agent to run in the background at
# intervals (I recommend at least a 5 minute interval). I
# recommend the app
# [LaunchControl](
# for editing launchd jobs.
# The script will create a file at `~/.last_linkding_id.txt`
# to keep track of the last bookmark ID it archived. If you
# want to re-archive all bookmarks, you can delete this file
# or run the script with the argument `reset` to clear it.
# If a numeric argument is provided to the reset, it will
# set the last ID to that number.
# See the commented options at top for configuration
# MIT license, copyright Brett Terpstra 2025
%w[time cgi fileutils json erb shellwords English httparty].each do |filename|
require filename
# Configuration
options = {
# your linkding install URL
server: '',
# API key https://your_install/settings/integrations
# DEVONthink group to which to save bookmarks
# Use 'inbox' to save to the inbox
# Or specify a group with POSIX path, e.g. '/Bookmarks'
group: '/LinkDing',
# Use 'global' to save to the global inbox
# Or specify a database name, e.g. 'Primary'
database: 'global',
# Use Readability (no clutter) when creating markdown,
# web archive, or PDF
readability: {
archive: true,
markdown: true,
pdf: true
# Use Marky the Markdownifier v2 for markdownifying
# (otherwise use DEVONthink's built-in markdownifier)
# FIXME: Using Marky for this is currently unpredictable,
# I'll be digging in to find out why soon.
marky: false,
# This tag must be present in addition to the type tags below
# Leave blank to act on all bookmarks (very slow)
primary_tag: '.archive',
# If any tag below is empty, primary_tag will save
# that type if no other type tag is present. This allows
# you to set a default type(s) for bookmarks without
# a specific type tag.
# For example, if you set primary_tag to '.archive' and
# leave markdown_tag empty, any bookmark tagged with
# '.archive' will be saved as markdown if it doesn't have
# an archive, bookmark, or PDF tag.
# Tag to save Markdown version
markdown_tag: '',
# Tag to save web archive
archive_tag: '.webarchive',
# Tag to save webloc bookmark
bookmark_tag: '.bookmark',
# Tag to save PDF
pdf_tag: '.pdf'
ARCHIVE_TYPES = %i[markdown archive bookmark pdf].freeze
LAST_ID_FILE = File.expand_path('~/.last_linkding_id.txt')
# Utility functions
module Util
class << self
# Use HTTParty to perform a HEAD request to follow redirects
def follow_redirects(original_url)
response = HTTParty.get(original_url, follow_redirects: false)
while response.headers['location']
final_url = response.headers['location']
response = HTTParty.get(final_url, follow_redirects: false)
final_url || original_url
rescue StandardError => e
warn e
# Test if URL result is meta redirect
# @return [String] final url after following redirects
def redirect?(url)
content = `curl -SsL "#{url}"`.scrub
url = redirect?(Regexp.last_match(1)) if content =~ /meta http-equiv=["']refresh["'].*?url=(.*?)["']/
# String extensions
class ::String
# Escape special characters for AppleScript
def e_as
to_s.gsub(/(?=["\\])/, '\\')
# Convert to Markdown blockquote
# @return [String] Markdown blockquote
def block_quote
split(/\n/).map { |s| "> #{s}" }.join("\n")
# Convert to Markdown italicized text, line by line
# @return [String] Markdown italicized text
def italicize
split(/\n/).map { |s| s.strip.empty? ? '' : "_#{s}_" }.join("\n")
# Some fixes for Marky output
# - Removes metadata to be replaced by this script's metadata
def marky_fix
content = strip.scrub
content.gsub!(/^(date|title|tags|source|description):.*?\n/, '')
# Discard invalid characters and output a UTF-8 String
# @return [String] UTF-8 encoded string
def scrub
encode('utf-16', invalid: :replace).encode('utf-8')
# Destructive version of #utf8
# @return [String] UTF-8 encoded string, in place
def scrub!
replace scrub
class Bookmark
attr_reader :url, :title, :description, :notes, :tags, :date, :id
attr_writer :options
# Initialize a new Bookmark instance
def initialize(bookmark, options = {})
url = bookmark['url']
url = Util.redirect?(url)
url = Util.follow_redirects(url)
@url = url.nil? ? bookmark['url'] : url
@title = bookmark['title'].strip
@description = bookmark['description'].strip
@notes = bookmark['notes'].strip.block_quote
@tags = bookmark['tag_names']
@date = bookmark['date_added']
@id = bookmark['id']
@options = options
# Remove special tags from tag array
def clean_tags
tags = @tags.dup
ARCHIVE_TYPES.each do |t|
tags.delete(@options["#{t}_tag".to_sym]) if @options["#{t}_tag".to_sym] && !@options["#{t}_tag".to_sym].empty?
# Determine if bookmark should be saved as a specific type
def should_save?(type)
tag = "#{type}_tag".to_sym
if !@options[tag] || @options[tag].empty?
ARCHIVE_TYPES.each do |t|
next if t == type
ctag = "#{t}_tag".to_sym
return false if @options[ctag] && !@options[ctag].empty? && @tags.include?(@options[ctag])
return @tags.include?(@options[:primary_tag]) ? true : false
class Linkding
# Initialize a new instance
# @param options [Hash] hash of options
# @option options [String] :server Linkding server
# @option options [String] :api_key API key
# @option options [String] :markdown_tag Tag for markdown
# @option options [String] :bookmark_tag Tag for webloc
# @option options [String] :archive_tag Tag for webarchive
# @option options [String] :pdf_tag Tag for PDF
def initialize(options = {})
return self if options.empty?
@options = options
# retrieves the JSON output from the Linkding API
# @param api_call [String] the API path to call
# @return [Hash] Converted hash of output
def get_json(api_call)
JSON.parse(`curl -SsL -H 'Authorization: Token #{@options[:api_key]}' '#{@options[:server]}#{api_call}'`)
# compares bookmark array to existing bookmarks to find new urls
# @return [Array] array of unsaved bookmarks
def new_bookmarks(tag = nil)
folder ||= @options[:notes_folder]
search = "&q=%23#{tag}" if tag && !tag.empty?
call = "/api/bookmarks/?limit=1000&format=json#{search}"
json = get_json(call)
bookmarks = json['results']
offset = 0
while json['next']
offset += 1
json = get_json(call + "&offset=#{offset}")
last_linkding_id = if File.exist?(LAST_ID_FILE)
puts "Starting at bookmark ##{last_linkding_id}"
bookmarks.sort_by! { |b| b['id'].to_i }
bookmarks.reject! { |s| s['id'].to_i <= last_linkding_id }
# Filter bookmarks based on tag array
# @param bookmarks [Array] array of bookmarks
# @param tags [Array] array of tags to filter on.
# Bookmarks must contain all tags
# in array to pass.
# @return [Array] filtered array of bookmarks
def filter_bookmarks(bookmarks, tags)
tags = [tags] unless tags.is_a?(Array)
tags.each do |tag|
bookmarks.delete_if { |bm| !bm['tag_names'].include?(tag) }
# markdownify url with Marky the Markdownifier
# @param url [String] URL to markdownify
# @return [String] markdown content
def marky(url, readability = true)
r = readability ? '1' : '0'
call = %({CGI.escape(url)}&format=mmd&readability=#{r})
`curl -SsL '#{call}'`
# Save a bookmark to DEVONthink
# @param type [Symbol] type of archive to save
# @param bookmark [Bookmark] bookmark to save
# @return [Boolean] success status
def save_to_dt(type = :markdown, bookmark)
name = bookmark.title.e_as
ctags = bookmark.clean_tags
tags = ctags.empty? ? '' : ctags.join(',')
annotation = "#{bookmark.description.e_as}\n\n#{bookmark.notes.e_as}"
case type
when :markdown
if @options[:marky]
content = marky(bookmark.url, @options[:readability][:markdown]).e_as
cmd = %(set theRecord to create record with {name:"#{name}", type:markdown, content:"#{content}", URL:"#{bookmark.url}"} in theGroup)
cmd = %(set theRecord to create Markdown from "#{bookmark.url}" readability #{@options[:readability][:markdown]} name "#{name}" in theGroup)
when :bookmark
cmd = %(set theRecord to create record with {name:"#{name}", type:bookmark, URL:"#{bookmark.url}"} in theGroup)
when :archive
cmd = %(set theRecord to create web document from "#{bookmark.url}" readability #{@options[:readability][:archive]} name "#{name}" in theGroup )
when :pdf
cmd = %(set theRecord to create PDF document from "#{bookmark.url}" pagination true readability #{@options[:readability][:pdf]} name "#{name}" in theGroup)
database = if @options[:database] =~ /^global$/i
%(database "#{@options[:database]}")
group = if @options[:group] =~ /^inbox$/i
%(set theGroup to inbox)
%(set theGroup to get record at "#{@options[:group]}" in #{database}
if theGroup is missing value or type of theGroup is not group then
set theGroup to create location "#{@options[:group]}" in #{database}
end if)
cmd = %(tell application id "DNtp"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set theList to every text item of "#{tags}"
set tags of theRecord to theList
set theAnnotation to annotation of theRecord
if theAnnotation is not missing value then
update record theAnnotation with text "#{annotation}" mode appending
set annotation of theRecord to create record with {name:((name of theRecord) as string) & " (Annotation)", type:markdown, content:"#{annotation}"} in (annotations group of database of theRecord)
end if
end tell)
`osascript <<'APPLESCRIPT'
# Save the last bookmark ID to a file
def save_last_id(bookmark)
last_linkding_id =, 'w') { |f| f.print last_linkding_id }
# Reset last bookmark ID
if ARGV[0] =~ /^r/
# if the next argument is a number, set the last ID to that number
if ARGV[1] && ARGV[1] =~ /^\d+$/, 'w') { |f| f.print ARGV[1] }
puts "Reset last bookmark ID to #{ARGV[1]}"
FileUtils.rm(LAST_ID_FILE) if File.exist?(LAST_ID_FILE)
puts 'Reset last bookmark ID'
Process.exit 0
ld =
puts "#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}: Starting"
new_bookmarks = ld.new_bookmarks(options[:primary_tag])
puts "#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}: Fetched archive bookmarks"
archived = 0
# archive content and merge new bookmarks into main database
new_bookmarks.each do |mark|
bookmark =, options)
ARCHIVE_TYPES.each do |type|
next unless bookmark.should_save?(type)
res = ld.save_to_dt(type, bookmark)
puts "✅ Saved ##{} #{bookmark.url} as #{type} to DEVONthink" if res
archived += 1
rescue StandardError => e
puts "😥 Failed to save #{bookmark.url} as #{type}"
warn e
warn e.backtrace
rescue StandardError => e
puts "😥 Failed to save #{bookmark.url}"
warn e
warn e.backtrace
puts "🗃️ Archived #{archived} new bookmarks"
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