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A script to generate tables of contents for GitHub readme files
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: utf-8
github_toc v0.2.0
Brett Terpstra 2014
Creates a linked table of contents from headers in a GitHub readme
Place a [toc] marker in the file to have it automatically replaced with the TOC
If there's no marker, it adds the generated TOC to the beginning of the input text
- You can use [toc 2] to limit the depth of the TOC from 1-4 levels
- You can use [toc mmd] to use MultiMarkdown format header ids
- You can use them together ([toc 3 mmd])
- depth number must come before "mmd"
- You can also specify 1-4 after the command on the command line (`cat|github_toc 3`)
- You can specify mmd or no_mmd on the command line. no_mmd will change the
formatting of mmd headers in an existing toc
- Specify a filename in the arguments to read from file on disk
- You can specify an output filename after the input file, otherwise output is to STDOUT
- Specifying the same file for input and output will modify in place
Piped text - `cat | github_toc` => returns only TOC
Read a file, output to STDOUT - `github_toc` => returns full text of file with TOC
Modify a file in place, with a depth limit - `github_toc 2`
- Header 1s (# Header) are ignored if there's only one of them, then only 2-6 are collected
- If a file already has a TOC generated by this script, running it again will replace it.
- Headers above the position of a [toc] tag or existing TOC in the document are ignored
v0.2.0 November 21, 2014
- Use "mmd" in [toc 2 mmd]
- use mmd or no_mmd on the command line
- remembers depth and header style for repeating
- cli args override recorded args (no_mmd will erase mmd in tags)
- if there's more than one h1, it recognizes them as sections
- fixes for github header id generation
- defaults to 2 levels if no depth is specified
- fixed specifying output file when it doesn't exist yet
depth = false
infile = false
outfile = false
mmd_headers = nil
# Parse any arguments for a depth, input, and output file
ARGV.each do |arg|
if arg =~ /^\d+$/
depth = arg.to_i
elsif arg =~ /^(no_)?mmd$/i
mmd_headers = $1.nil? ? true : false
elsif File.exists?(File.expand_path(arg)) && infile.class == FalseClass
infile = File.expand_path(arg)
if File.exists?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(arg)))
outfile = File.expand_path(arg)
$stderr.puts "Output file directory doesn't exist"
Process.exit 1
# If we found an infile, read it
if infile
input =
# if not, hope for piped input on STDIN
input =
# Error if we don't have any input
unless input && input.length > 0
puts "You must pipe text to STDIN or specify filename"
puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)} [1-4] [input_file [output_file]]"
# Split the content at any included toc tag or block
# so that we can only analyze headers after that point
content = input.dup
if input =~ /^\[\s*toc\s*(?:(\d)\s*)?(mmd)?\s*\]\s*$/i
depth ||= $1.nil? ? 2 : $1.to_i
mmd_headers = true unless $2.nil? || !mmd_headers.nil?
content = content.split(/^\[toc\s*(\d\s*)?(mmd)?\s*\]\s*$/i)[1..-1].join()
elsif input =~ /^## Contents.*?<!-- end toc (?:(\d) )?(mmd )?-->/m
depth ||= $1.to_i unless $1.nil?
mmd_headers = true unless $2.nil? || !mmd_headers.nil?
content = content.split(/^## Contents.*?<!-- end toc (\d )?(mmd )?-->/m)[1..-1].join()
# Make sure depth is set and is between 1 and 4
depth = 2 unless depth && depth > 0
depth = 4 if depth > 4
# Start the TOC block
toc = "## Contents\n\n"
h1_count = content.scan(/^\#[^#]/).length
if h1_count > 1
# if there are more than one first level headers, include them
headers = content.scan(/^(\#{1,6})[^#](.*)$/)
# Find all the headers (2-6)
headers = content.scan(/^(\#{2,6})[^#](.*)$/)
# Narrow down the highest level header (lowest number)
top_level = 6
headers.each do |m|
top_level = m[0].length if m[0].length < top_level
# Set the max level as a function of the highest available header
# and the max depth preference
max_level = top_level + (depth - 1)
headers.delete_if {|h| h[0].length > max_level}
# Build the TOC from the headers array
headers.each do |m|
indent = " " * (m[0].length - top_level)
title = m[1]
# Generate the GitHub style ID references
if mmd_headers
link = title.strip.gsub(/[^a-z\-0-9]+/i,'').downcase
link = title.strip.gsub(/[^ a-z0-9]/i,'').gsub(/ +/,"-").downcase
toc += "#{indent}- [#{title}](##{link})\n"
# Close the TOC block
mmd = mmd_headers ? "mmd " : ""
dep = depth == 2 ? "" : "#{depth} "
toc += "\n<!-- end toc #{dep}#{mmd}-->"
# If the original content had the [toc] tag, replace that
if input =~ /^\[toc\s*(\d+)?\s*(mmd)?\s*\]\s*$/mi
output = input.sub(/^\[toc\s*(\d+)?\s*(mmd)?\s*\]\s*$/mi, toc + "\n")
# If the original content had an existing TOC, replace that
elsif input =~ /^## Contents.*?<!-- end toc (\d )?(mmd )?-->/m
output = input.sub(/^## Contents.*?<!-- end toc (\d )?(mmd )?-->/m, toc)
# Otherwise, just insert the TOC block at the beginning
output = toc + "\n\n" + input
# If we were given an output file, write to it
if outfile,'w') do |f|
f.puts output
# Otherwise, output to STDOUT
$stdout.puts output
# Workflow: [/Users/ttscoff/Library/Services/GitHub TOC.workflow, 00CDD1A5-5674-4E08-94AC-61E05F0020B5]
Copy link

Trailing space, hash are not ignored

For markup like
## Link ##
The following links are generated:
[Link ##

  title = m[1].gsub(/\s*\#*\s*/,'')

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