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Created January 6, 2015 15:59
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A script for exporting Safari Reading List items to Markdown files and Pinboard bookmarks
# ReadingListCatcher
# - A script for exporting Safari Reading List items to Markdown and Pinboard
# Brett Terpstra 2015
# Uses code from <>
# Requires Python pinboard lib for import:
# `easy_install pinboard` or `pip install pinboard`
import plistlib
from shutil import copy
import subprocess
import os
from tempfile import gettempdir
import sys
import atexit
import re
import time
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from os import path
import pytz
DEFAULT_EXPORT_TYPE = 'pb' # pb, md or all
BOOKMARKS_MARKDOWN_FILE = '~/Dropbox/Reading List Bookmarks.markdown' # Markdown file if using md export
BOOKMARKS_PLIST = '~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist' # Shouldn't need to modify
bookmarksFile = os.path.expanduser(BOOKMARKS_PLIST)
markdownFile = os.path.expanduser(BOOKMARKS_MARKDOWN_FILE)
# Make a copy of the bookmarks and convert it from a binary plist to text
tempDirectory = gettempdir()
copy(bookmarksFile, tempDirectory)
bookmarksFileCopy = os.path.join(tempDirectory, os.path.basename(bookmarksFile))
def removeTempFile():
atexit.register(removeTempFile) # Delete the temp file when the script finishes
class _readingList():
def __init__(self, exportType):
self.postedCount = 0
self.exportType = exportType
if self.exportType == 'pb':
import pinboard
self.pb = pinboard.Pinboard(PINBOARD_API_KEY)
converted =['plutil', '-convert', 'xml1', bookmarksFileCopy])
if converted != 0:
print 'Couldn\'t convert bookmarks plist from xml format'
plist = plistlib.readPlist(bookmarksFileCopy)
# There should only be one Reading List item, so take the first one
readingList = [item for item in plist['Children'] if 'Title' in item and item['Title'] == ''][0]
if self.exportType == 'pb':
lastRLBookmark = self.pb.posts.recent(tag='.readinglist', count=1)
last = lastRLBookmark['date']
self.content = ''
self.newcontent = ''
# last = time.strptime(( - timedelta(days = 1)).strftime('%c'))
last = time.strptime("2013-01-01 00:00:00 UTC", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
if not os.path.exists(markdownFile):
open(markdownFile, 'a').close()
with open (markdownFile, 'r') as mdInput:
self.content =
matchLast ='(?m)^Updated: (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} UTC)'), self.content)
if matchLast != None:
last = time.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')
last = datetime(*last[:6])
rx = re.compile("(?m)^Updated: (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) UTC")
self.content = re.sub(rx,'',self.content).strip()
if 'Children' in readingList:
cleanRx = re.compile("[\|\`\:_\*\n]")
for item in readingList['Children']:
if item['ReadingList']['DateAdded'] > last:
addtime = pytz.utc.localize(item['ReadingList']['DateAdded']).strftime('%c')
title = re.sub(cleanRx, ' ', item['URIDictionary']['title'].encode('utf8'))
title = re.sub(' +', ' ', title)
url = item['URLString']
description = ''
if 'PreviewText' in item['ReadingList']:
description = item['ReadingList']['PreviewText'].encode('utf8')
description = re.sub(cleanRx, ' ', description)
description = re.sub(' +', ' ', description)
if self.exportType == 'md':
self.itemToMarkdown(addtime, title, url, description)
self.itemToPinboard(title, url, description)
pluralized = 'bookmarks' if self.postedCount > 1 else 'bookmark'
if self.exportType == 'pb':
if self.postedCount > 0:
sys.stdout.write('Added ' + str(self.postedCount) + ' new ' + pluralized + ' to Pinboard')
sys.stdout.write('No new bookmarks found in Reading List')
mdHandle = open(markdownFile, 'w')
mdHandle.write('Updated: ' + datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + " UTC\n\n")
mdHandle.write(self.newcontent + self.content)
if self.postedCount > 0:
sys.stdout.write('Added ' + str(self.postedCount) + ' new ' + pluralized + ' to ' + markdownFile)
sys.stdout.write('No new bookmarks found in Reading List')
def itemToMarkdown(self, addtime, title, url, description):
self.newcontent += '- [' + title + '](' + url + ' "Added on ' + addtime + '")'
if not description == '':
self.newcontent += "\n\n > " + description
self.newcontent += "\n\n"
self.postedCount += 1
def itemToPinboard(self, title, url, description):
suggestions = self.pb.posts.suggest(url=url)
tags = suggestions[0]['popular']
self.pb.posts.add(url=url, description=title, \
extended=description, tags=tags, shared=False, \
self.postedCount += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
exportTypes = []
if len(sys.argv):
for arg in sys.argv:
if re.match("^(md|pb|all)$",arg) and exportTypes.count(arg) == 0:
for eType in exportTypes:
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