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Forked from vmu9999/
Last active May 11, 2024 20:11
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4chan Audio WebM Guide

Download FFmpeg FFmpeg is a command line tool, which means there is no GUI. You are going to have to input commands via the keyboard instead of clicking the mouse.

Current Limitations for WebM files on 4chan are:

Maximum file size is 4096KB.
Maximum duration is 300 seconds.
Maximum resolution is 2048x2048 pixels.
Audio streams allowed.

Convert a portion of a video file to WebM:

ffmpeg -i input.mkv -ss 00:00:10.000 -to 00:00:20.000 -c:v libvpx -c:a libvorbis -crf 4 -b:v 1500K -vf scale=1280:-1 -threads 4 -an output.webm

  • -i specifies the input file you want to transcode to webm.
  • -ss specifies the start position in number of seconds, or in hh:mm:ss[.xxx] format. You can obtain the timecode using your video player (T in VLC and Ctrl-G in MPC-HC).
  • -to specifies the end position in number of seconds, or again in hh:mm:ss[.xxx] format.
  • -c:v specifies the video codec to use. webm isn't actually an encoding type unto itself, but an audio/video container, like mkv. Nevertheless, you will almost always use libvpx for the video.
  • -crf sets CRF value. Must be from 4-63. Lower is higher quality. 10 is a nice starting point.
  • -b:v specifies the maximum allowed bit rate. Higher means better quality.
  • -vf scale=1280:-1 sets the output video width to 1280px. The height will be calculated automatically according to the aspect ratio of the input. Simply omit this parameter to keep the files original resolution.
  • -threads 4 tells FFmpeg to use multithreading. Enter the number of cores your processor has as a parameter, or set to 0 to use them all.
  • -c:a libvorbis specifies the audio codec for the output file.

Converting Animated gifs: ffmpeg -i input_gif.gif -c:v libvpx -crf 10 -b:v 500K output.webm

FFMpeg documentation:

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Maximum duration seems to be 120 seconds now

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/wsg/'s file size limit seems to be 6MB (6144KB). Best to encode with 2-pass to reach 6000KB so as not to overshoot the requirement and to make the video look a little better, given the starved bitrate. VP9 and Opus is everyone's best friend, don't ever use VP8 or Vorbis. CRF at 10 is comically high, don't listen to OP.

Calculate your required total bitrate (for video and audio) with the following formula: 48000 / *seconds*. Don't know what the duration is (it's probably 6 microwave times (360 seconds)), but if the video is extra long, make sure to split it into 2-5 videos and send it all with several posts.

Opus's 64kbit/s are good for voice audio in stereo, 80kbit/s are good for JewTube's 128kbit/s AAC audio for music, and 160kbit/s are good for 320kbit/s music (if budget allows, set the bitrate to 192kbit/s to make the audio really indistinguishable from CD Audio). Going as low as 32kbit is also good. Below that you should convert the audio to mono and you can go as low as 12kbit/s.

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