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Last active April 16, 2019 20:36
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  • Save tvladeck/f4fd780e47dbad1499232b192205fa10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tvladeck/f4fd780e47dbad1499232b192205fa10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
less_uncertainty_smaller_step <-
.25 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 - 0.1)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.5 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.25 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 + 0.1)) %>% unlist %>% mean)
greater_uncertainty_bigger_step <-
.05 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 - 3, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.1 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 - 2, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.2 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 - 1, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.3 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.2 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 + 1, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.1 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 + 2, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean) +
.05 * (1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(initial = 1 + 3, step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean)
run_simulation <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1,
min_val = -5,
max_val = 5) {
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
for(i in 1:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
sig <- sigmoid(current_val)
result <- runif(1) < sig
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation()) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(step_size = 0.3)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(step_size = 1)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation(step_size = 5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
run_simulation_without_constraints <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1) {
# min_val = -5,
# max_val = 5
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
# if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
# if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
for(i in 1:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
sig <- sigmoid(current_val)
result <- runif(1) < sig
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_without_constraints()) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_without_constraints(step_size = 0.3)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_without_constraints(step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_without_constraints(step_size = 1)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_without_constraints(step_size = 5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
run_simulation_on_sigmoid <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1,
min_val = -5,
max_val = 5) {
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
for(i in 1:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
sig <- sigmoid(current_val)
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid()) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid(step_size = 0.3)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid(step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid(step_size = 1)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid(step_size = 5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1) {
# min_val = -5,
# max_val = 5) {
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
# if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
# if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
for(i in 1:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
sig <- sigmoid(current_val)
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints()) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints(step_size = 0.3)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints(step_size = 0.5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints(step_size = 1)) %>% unlist %>% mean
1:1000 %>% map(~ run_simulation_on_sigmoid_without_constraints(step_size = 5)) %>% unlist %>% mean
run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_with_constraints <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1,
sims_per_step = 100,
max_val = 5,
min_val = -5
) {
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
current_prob <- c()
price_list <- c()
current_price <- c()
for(i in 0:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
remaining_steps <- steps-i
if(remaining_steps > 0) {
simulated_outcomes <- c()
for(j in 1:sims_per_step) {
sim_val <- current_val
for(k in 1:remaining_steps){
sim_val <- add_step(sim_val)
simulated_outcomes <- c(simulated_outcomes, sim_val)
current_price <- c(current_price, mean(sapply(simulated_outcomes, sigmoid)))
current_prob <- c(current_prob, sigmoid(current_val))
return(data.frame(price = current_price, prob = current_prob))
run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_without_constraints <- function(
step_size = 0.1,
steps = 100,
initial = 1,
sims_per_step = 100
) {
add_step <- function(val) {
candidate_val <- val + sample(c(0, step_size, -step_size), 1)
# if(candidate_val > max_val) return(max_val)
# if(candidate_val < min_val) return(min_val)
current_val <- initial
current_prob <- c()
price_list <- c()
current_price <- c()
for(i in 0:steps) {
current_val <- add_step(current_val)
remaining_steps <- steps-i
if(remaining_steps > 0) {
simulated_outcomes <- c()
for(j in 1:sims_per_step) {
sim_val <- current_val
for(k in 1:remaining_steps){
sim_val <- add_step(sim_val)
simulated_outcomes <- c(simulated_outcomes, sim_val)
current_price <- c(current_price, mean(sapply(simulated_outcomes, sigmoid)))
current_prob <- c(current_prob, sigmoid(current_val))
return(data.frame(price = current_price, prob = current_prob))
.t1 <- run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_with_constraints(initial = 0.5, step_size = 0.1, steps = 300, sims_per_step = 100)
.t2 <- run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_with_constraints(initial = 0.5, step_size = 0.4, steps = 300, sims_per_step = 100)
.t1 %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = 1:nrow(.t1)) +
geom_line(aes(y = price), color = "red") +
geom_line(aes(y = prob), color = "blue")
.t2 %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = 1:nrow(.t2)) +
geom_line(aes(y = price), color = "red") +
geom_line(aes(y = prob), color = "blue")
non_vol_runs <- foreach(i = 1:100, .combine = bind_rows) %dopar% {
sim <- run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_with_constraints(initial = 0, step_size = 0.1, steps = 600, sims_per_step = 100)
sim %>% mutate(
run = i,
type = "non_vol"
vol_runs <- foreach(i = 1:100, .combine = bind_rows) %dopar% {
sim <- run_simulation_of_sim_paths_on_sigmoid_with_constraints(initial = 0, step_size = 0.4, steps = 600, sims_per_step = 100)
sim %>% mutate(
run = i,
type = "vol"
vol_runs %>%
filter(run == 2) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = 1:300) +
geom_line(aes(y = price), color = "red") +
geom_line(aes(y = prob), color = "blue")
saveRDS(non_vol_runs, "~/Downloads/non_vol_runs.RDS")
saveRDS(vol_runs, "~/Downloads/vol_runs.RDS")
bind_rows(non_vol_runs, vol_runs) %>%
group_by(type, run) %>%
mutate(idx = 1:n()) %>%
gather(key = series, value = value, -idx, -run, -type) %>%
# filter(run %in% c(1, 2, 3)) %>%
mutate(grp = str_c(run, "_", series)) %>%
filter(series == "price") %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = idx) +
aes(y = value) +
# aes(color = series) +
geom_line(aes(group = grp), alpha = 0.5) +
labs(y = "Option price", x = "Time") +
# geom_density_2d(aes(group = series)) +
facet_wrap(~ type) +
bind_rows(non_vol_runs, vol_runs) %>%
group_by(type, run) %>%
mutate(idx = 1:n()) %>%
gather(key = series, value = value, -idx, -run, -type) %>%
group_by(idx, series, type) %>%
# quant_99 = quantile(value, .99),
quant_95 = quantile(value, .90),
# quant_80 = quantile(value, .8),
# quant_90 = quantile(value, .9),
# quant_98 = quantile(value, .98),
quant_05 = quantile(value, .05),
# quant_02 = quantile(value, 0.02)
# quant_01 = quantile(value, 0.01)
) %>%
ungroup %>%
gather(key = qntle, value = value, -series, -idx, -type) %>%
mutate(grp = str_c(qntle, "_", series, "_", type)) %>%
ggplot() +
aes(x = idx) +
aes(y = value) +
aes(group = grp) +
aes(color = type) +
aes(linetype = series) +
geom_smooth(se = F, lwd = 0.7) +
scale_color_brewer("", type = "qual", labels = c("Step size = 0.1", "Step size = 0.4")) +
scale_linetype_discrete("", labels = c("Price of option", "Underlying probability")) +
guides(lty = guide_legend(override.aes = list(col = 'darkgrey'))) +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.6, 0.54),
legend.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"), = "horizontal",
legend.key = element_rect(fill = "transparent")) +
labs(x = "Time", y = "Value", title = "Trading bounds for different volatilities",
caption = "5% and 95% quantile, respectively\n100 runs for each step size\nPrice computed from 100 simulations at each step\nUnderlying bound in [-5,5]\nOutcome binomial draw from sigmoid transformation") +
# facet_wrap(~ type) +
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