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Created November 5, 2016 06:53
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Bookstore Assignment
+// This is a potential solution for Assignment 1
+import java.util.Scanner;
+public class Assignment1 {
+ // Execution starts here
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ // Represents if there are more customers in line or not
+ boolean moreCustomers = true;
+ // The customer number. Used for determining the customer
+ // discount for every third customer.
+ int customerNum = 0;
+ Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
+ // Loop while there are more customers
+ while (moreCustomers) {
+ // Set up local variables - used only in customer loop
+ // Put in here so they aren't kept from customer to customer -
+ // they will reset every time the loop ends
+ int moreCustomersInput = 0; // Are there more customers?
+ int mainInput = 0; // Menu selection value
+ int numBooks = 0; // Number of books for customer
+ int numBookmarks = 0; // Number of bookmarks for customer
+ int numPaintings = 0; // Number of paintings for customer
+ boolean notCheckedOut = true; // Whether or not customer is checked out
+ // Check to see if another customer is in line. If an invalid
+ // input is given, loop around until it is valid (1 or 2)
+ moreCustomersInput = 0;
+ while (moreCustomersInput != 1 && moreCustomersInput != 2) {
+ System.out.print("More customers in line? (1 = Yes, 2 = No) ");
+ moreCustomersInput = sc.nextInt();
+ }
+ // If no more customers, close the shop (exit program).
+ if (moreCustomersInput == 2) {
+ System.out.println("No more customers! Closing!");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ // Increment the customer number, since we have a new one
+ customerNum++;
+ // Keep looping until the customer checks out.
+ notCheckedOut = true;
+ while (notCheckedOut) {
+ // Print main menu
+ System.out.println("1 - Buy Books - $5.00 each");
+ System.out.println("2 - Buy Bookmarks - $1.00 each, $5.00 for a six-pack");
+ System.out.println("3 - Buy Paintings of Books - $100.00 each");
+ System.out.println("4 - See current order");
+ System.out.println("5 - Checkout");
+ mainInput = 0;
+ // Get menu option. Loop until valid input is given.
+ while (mainInput < 1 || mainInput > 5) {
+ System.out.print("Please enter a valid option (1 through 5) > ");
+ mainInput = sc.nextInt();
+ }
+ // Buy books (Option 1)
+ if (mainInput == 1) {
+ System.out.println("Currently in cart: " + numBooks + " books.");
+ System.out.print("How many do you want to buy? > ");
+ // Loop until a valid number of books given
+ do {
+ numBooks = sc.nextInt();
+ if (numBooks < 0) {
+ System.out.println("Enter a valid number of books - 0 or more");
+ }
+ } while (numBooks < 0);
+ } else if (mainInput == 2) {
+ // Buy bookmarks
+ System.out.println("Currently in cart: " + numBookmarks + " bookmarks.");
+ System.out.print("How many do you want to buy? > ");
+ // Loop until a valid number is given
+ do {
+ numBookmarks = sc.nextInt();
+ if (numBookmarks < 0) {
+ System.out.println("Enter a valid number of bookmarks - 0 or more");
+ }
+ } while (numBookmarks < 0);
+ } else if (mainInput == 3) {
+ // Buy paintings
+ System.out.println("Currently in cart: " + numPaintings + " paintings.");
+ System.out.print("How many do you want to buy? > ");
+ // Loop until a valid number is given
+ do {
+ numPaintings = sc.nextInt();
+ if (numPaintings < 0) {
+ System.out.println("Enter a valid number of paintings - 0 or more");
+ }
+ } while (numPaintings < 0);
+ } else if (mainInput == 4) {
+ // Display current contents of cart
+ System.out.println("Currently in cart: ");
+ System.out.println("Books: " + numBooks);
+ System.out.println("Bookmarks: " + numBookmarks);
+ System.out.println("Paintings of books: " + numPaintings);
+ } else if (mainInput == 5) {
+ // Otherwise, check out. This will end the main loop.
+ notCheckedOut = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // First ensure that they actually bought something. If not,
+ // just move on to the next customer.
+ if (numBooks == 0 && numBookmarks == 0 && numPaintings == 0) {
+ System.out.println("Not buying anything? Have a nice day!");
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, prepare receipt.
+ // Variables for receipt calculation
+ double booksPrice = 0.0; // price of books
+ double bookmarkPacksPrice = 0.0; // price of bookmark packs
+ double singleBookmarksPrice = 0.0; // price of single bookmarks
+ int numBookmarkPacks = 0; // number of bookmark packs
+ int numSingleBookmarks = 0; // number of single bookmarks
+ double paintingsPrice = 0.0; // price of paintings
+ boolean thirdCustomer = false; // whether or not 3rd customer
+ double subtotal = 0.0; // subtotal of receipt
+ double total = 0.0; // total cost of order
+ double amountSaved = 0.0;
+ double tax = 0;
+ // Calculate bookmark packs and singles
+ numBookmarkPacks = numBookmarks / 6;
+ numSingleBookmarks = numBookmarks % 6;
+ // Print out receipt
+ System.out.println("--------------------------------------");
+ // Check if customer is third customer; if so, give discount
+ if (customerNum % 3 == 0) {
+ thirdCustomer = true;
+ System.out.println("You won a 10% discount!");
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("You did not get a discount! Better luck next time!");
+ }
+ // Calculate prices of individual items
+ booksPrice = numBooks * 5.00;
+ bookmarkPacksPrice = numBookmarkPacks * 5.00;
+ singleBookmarksPrice = numSingleBookmarks * 1.00;
+ paintingsPrice = numPaintings * 100.00;
+ // Calculate subtotal (price of everything).
+ // If they won the third-customer discount, also calculate
+ // discount.
+ subtotal = booksPrice
+ + bookmarkPacksPrice
+ + singleBookmarksPrice
+ + paintingsPrice;
+ if (thirdCustomer) {
+ amountSaved = subtotal * 0.1;
+ subtotal -= amountSaved;
+ }
+ // Calculate tax on subtotal for total
+ tax = subtotal * 0.07;
+ total = subtotal + tax;
+ // Print out individual receipt elements.
+ // For each, if number of items is 0, do not print out
+ // that line.
+ if (numBooks > 0) {
+ System.out.printf("%5d Book(s): $%.2f\n", numBooks, booksPrice);
+ }
+ if (numBookmarkPacks > 0) {
+ System.out.printf("%5d Bookmark Pack(s): $%.2f\n", numBookmarkPacks, bookmarkPacksPrice);
+ }
+ if (numSingleBookmarks > 0) {
+ System.out.printf("%5d Single Bookmark(s): $%.2f\n", numSingleBookmarks, singleBookmarksPrice);
+ }
+ if (numPaintings > 0) {
+ System.out.printf("%5d Painting(s): $%.2f\n", numPaintings, paintingsPrice);
+ }
+ if (thirdCustomer) {
+ System.out.printf("Discount! Saved: -$%.2f\n", amountSaved);
+ }
+ System.out.printf("\nSubtotal: $%.2f\n", subtotal);
+ System.out.printf("Tax: $%.2f\n", tax);
+ System.out.printf("\nTotal: $%.2f\n", total);
+ System.out.println();
+ System.out.println("--------------------------------------");
+ // Get payment information. Loop until valid (> cost)
+ // value given.
+ System.out.print("\nEnter amount paid (no dollar sign) > ");
+ double paidCash = sc.nextDouble();
+ while (paidCash < total) {
+ System.out.println("Not enough money, please re-enter.");
+ System.out.print("Enter amount paid (no dollar sign) > ");
+ paidCash = sc.nextDouble();
+ }
+ // Calculate and give change.
+ double change = paidCash - total;
+ System.out.printf("\nYour change is: $%.2f\n", change);
+ System.out.println("Thanks for shopping!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
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