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Last active June 4, 2024 20:52
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webcrack: mess with webpacked (webpackJsonp) applications
// webcrack, a script that allows you to break webpack.js's sandbox and randomization easily
// made by @yourcompanionAI
// licensed under the trust that you will credit me for my work visibly and other than that you can go have fun with this
// window.wc is the webcrack object
// wc.get gives you the module attached to the id you give it.
// literally just what webpack functions use. not much to it
// this is the basic part of all this, everything else is just to allow you to updateproof your code
// both find functions return modules in this format:
// {exports: [can be any type, whatever exports is set to in module],
// id: [number, id of module like those passed to wc.get],
// loaded: [boolean, if false, either try to load or just ignore this module]}
// wc.findFunc allows you to search modules by their constructor source (what you see in the script using webpackJsonp)
// pass a string to search for that string
// (for example, if you know the module you want has "" in it, you can pass that string to it to find it)
// pass a function and it will return modules where function(modulefunction) is truthy
// wc.findCache allows you to search modules as loaded in memory.
// pass a function, it will return modules where function(module) is truthy
// pass a string and it will return modules if their exports is an object and has the string as a key
// wc.modArr is the list of module constructors
// wc.modCache is the list of modules as loaded as an object
// wc.modCArr is modCache but as an array
// d is the all holy require function.
mArr = d.m // appears to be an array of all module constructor functions
mCac = d.c // appears to be a object with a cache of modules as singletons
mCar = [] // no idea why modCache is a object since it only has sequential number keys (correct me if i'm wrong)
Object.keys(mCac).forEach(function(x){mCar[x] = mCac[x]})
findFunc = function(s) {
results = []
if (typeof s === "string") {
mArr.forEach(function(x,y){if(x.toString().indexOf(s) !== -1) { results.push(mCac[y]) }})
} else if (typeof s === "function") {
modArray.forEach(function(x,y){if(s(x)) { results.push(d.c[y]) }})
} else {
throw new TypeError('findFunc can only find via string and function, '+(typeof s)+' was passed')
return results
findCache = function(s) {
results = []
if (typeof s === "function") {
mCar.forEach(function(x,y){if(s(x)) { results.push(x) }})
} else if (typeof s === "string") {
// webpack is very indecisive about if stuff should go in default or not so we check both
if(typeof x.exports === "object") {
for (p in x.exports) {
if(p == s) { results.push(x) }
if(p == "default" && typeof x.exports.default === "object") {
for (p in x.exports.default) {
if(p == s) { results.push(x) }
} else {
throw new TypeError('findCache can only find via function or string, '+(typeof s)+' was passed')
return results
window.wc = { get: d, modArr: mArr, modCache: mCac, modCArr: mCar, findFunc: findFunc, findCache: findCache }
// webcrack.min.js
// author: @yourcompanionAI
// licensed under the trust that you will credit me for my work visibly and other than that you can go have fun with this
webpackJsonp([0],[function(n,b,d){mArr=d.m,mCac=d.c,mCar=[],Object.keys(mCac).forEach(function(n){mCar[n]=mCac[n]}),findFunc=function(n){if(results=[],"string"==typeof n)mArr.forEach(function(r,t){-1!==r.toString().indexOf(n)&&results.push(mCac[t])});else{if("function"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("findFunc can only find via string and function, "+typeof n+" was passed");modArray.forEach(function(r,e){n(r)&&results.push(t.c[e])})}return results},findCache=function(n){if(results=[],"function"==typeof n)mCar.forEach(function(r,t){n(r)&&results.push(r)});else{if("string"!=typeof n)throw new TypeError("findCache can only find via function or string, "+typeof n+" was passed");mCar.forEach(function(r,t){if("object"==typeof r.exports)for(p in r.exports)if(p==n&&results.push(r),"default"==p&&"object"==typeof r.exports["default"])for(p in r.exports["default"])p==n&&results.push(r)})}return results},window.wc={get:d,modArr:mArr,modCache:mCac,modCArr:mCar,findFunc:findFunc,findCache:findCache}}]);
// example for discord, tested on discord-canary
// load webcrack before this
c = (x => x[0].exports) // simply grabs the first result's exported format from a search
randomItem = (arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]) // gets a random item from an array
config = c(wc.findCache("API_HOST")) // you can find modules with keys in exports
dispatcher = c(wc.findCache("dirtyDispatch")).default // you can find modules with keys in exports.defaults
gamelist = c(wc.findFunc("ZSNES")) // you can find modules with strings in them
dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ // tell dispatcher...
type: config.ActionTypes.RUNNING_GAMES_CHANGE, // to say the running game's name has changed...
games: [{"gameName": randomItem(gamelist).name}] // to a random game that discord recognizes.
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Jnchi commented Apr 29, 2019

Licensing isn't very clear. Also, usage instructions might help.

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