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Last active April 26, 2019 18:07
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TypeScript issues in Create React Application Project

As a newcomer to TypeScript, this is a list of issues I ran into during the process.


1. No Support for ES export from syntax

This is a convienent way to build index files for a bunch of modules.


export default from "./Module";
export Module from "./ModuleA";

What's the deal?

It's still an ES proposal so the TS team isn't quite ready to add it to TS proper.

Related Issue


Stopgap Fix

Just don't use export from. This is bummer. Tried a number of different things like using a js extension for those files and excluding js files in tsconfig, but couldn't get any configuration to get it to work.

2. Sorta/kinda support for NODE_PATH with TypeScript

We want to be able to use absolute import paths



import { MyComponent } from "../../components";


import { MyComponent } from "components";

Related Issues

What's the deal?

Hard to say for certain. There seems to be ways to accomplish it, but that seem to require a bunch of tom foolery. Should just be able to use an .env file or export NODE_PATH= before the scripts in package.json

Stopgap Fix

A modified version of this facebook/create-react-app#5118 (comment)

  1. DID NOT NEED to Create .env
  2. Create tsconfig.paths.json with:
  "compilerOptions": {
    "baseUrl": "./src"
  1. Add "extends": "./tsconfig.paths.json", as the first line of tsconfig.json
  2. Add NODE_PATH=src/ before each script; start, build, test. Exammple; "start": "NODE_PATH=src/ react-scripts start"

That allows for absolute imports from any directory within src. For example src/components:

import { MyComponent } from "components";

3. document.styleSheets

It's kinda an iterable, but kinda not? Example;

in stylesheets.ts:

const sheets = [...document.styleSheets];
tsc stylesheets.ts
error TS2461: Type StyleSheetList is not an array type

It's possible to work around that using Array.from instead of the spread operator


4. Destructuring

Issues when trying to destructure function arguments. I very frequently use this pattern when making selections from Redux stores



const mapStateToProps = ({ storeKey: { keyItem } }) => ({ keyItem });

TS Error:

Binding element 'keyItem' implicitly has an 'any' type.


After a couple more days of use and reading docs, I learned a way to accomplish this. Goes something like this.

const mapStateToProps = ({ storeKey: { keyItem } }: IReduxState) => ({ keyItem });

The new thing there is IReduxState. In the project I'm working we create that interface from all our redux ducks' states. For example;

In ducks/duckName.ts create and export an interface for that duck's state:

export interface IState {
  keyItem: boolean;

follow that for every duck in the project.

Then in ducks/index.ts import each IState from each duck and create the IReduxState

import { IState as IDuckName } from "./duckName";

interface IReduxState {
  duckName: IDuckName,

export default IReduxState;
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DarrenN commented Apr 24, 2019

On your #3 there - also see microsoft/TypeScript#23406

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