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isaacs /
Last active June 18, 2024 18:27
Use one of these techniques to install node and npm without having to sudo. Discussed in more detail at Note: npm >=0.3 is *safer* when using sudo.
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc
mkdir ~/local
mkdir ~/node-latest-install
cd ~/node-latest-install
curl | tar xz --strip-components=1
./configure --prefix=~/local
make install # ok, fine, this step probably takes more than 30 seconds...
curl | sh
jagregory / gist:710671
Created November 22, 2010 21:01
How to move to a fork after cloning
So you've cloned somebody's repo from github, but now you want to fork it and contribute back. Never fear!
Technically, when you fork "origin" should be your fork and "upstream" should be the project you forked; however, if you're willing to break this convention then it's easy.
* Off the top of my head *
1. Fork their repo on Github
2. In your local, add a new remote to your fork; then fetch it, and push your changes up to it
git remote add my-fork
nickfloyd / create_branch_from_tag
Created January 27, 2011 05:38
To create a branch from a tag
-Go to the starting point of the project
>> git checkout origin master
-fetch all objects
>> git fetch origin
-Make the branch from the tag
>> git branch new_branch tag_name
-Checkout the branch
>> git checkout new_branch
-Push the branch up
>> git push origin new_branch
nicjansma / MountVHD.cmd
Created January 5, 2012 02:28
MountVHD and UnMountVHD: Allows you to mount .VHDs in Windows 7 from the command-line.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if {%1}=={} (
echo Usage: %~nx0 [vhd] [letter]
exit /b 1
set vhdPath=%~dpnx1
set driveLetter=%2
aolshevskiy / build.gradle
Created January 21, 2012 15:35
Hello World Netty Http Server
apply plugin: "java"
apply plugin: "eclipse"
repositories {
dependencies {
compile (
willis7 / runWLST.gradle
Created November 1, 2013 12:00
Running a wlst script from gradle.
configurations {
dependencies {
weblogic ""
task runWLST << {
xiaohanyu / yaml_to_json.rb
Created September 1, 2014 06:29
convert yaml to json in ruby
require 'json'
require 'yaml'
input_filename = ARGV[0]
output_filename = input_filename.sub(/(yml|yaml)$/, 'json')
input_file =, 'r')
input_yml =
a-h / 11-weblogic.rb
Created June 11, 2015 14:38
WebLogic Logstash Filter
filter {
## WebLogic Server Http Access Log
if [type] == "weblogic-access" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{IP:client} - - \[(?<timestamp>%{MONTHDAY}[./-]%{MONTH}[./-]%{YEAR}:%{TIME}\s+%{ISO8601_TIMEZONE})] \"%{WORD:verb} %{URIPATHPARAM:uri}\s+HTTP.+?\" %{NUMBER:status} %{NUMBER:response_time}" ]
date {
match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
lucijafrkovic / git_retag
Created April 28, 2016 14:02
Retagging on git
1. list all remote tags
git ls-remote --tags
2. delete local tag
git tag -d V_1_0_1
3. push tag deletion to remote
git push origin :refs/tags/V_1_0_1
4. tag local branch again
spaze /
Last active March 15, 2018 21:57
Otevřená odpověd na e-mail s předmětem "Upozornění: Zabezpečení domény"

Provozovatelé poslali e-mail zákazníkům, kteří od nich dříve kupovali certifikáty, ale přešli na certifikáty od Let's Encrypt. Ukázku toho e-mailu najdete na, podobná srovnávací tabulka je i na Napsal jsem otevřenou odpověď, kterou najdete v nezměněné podobě níže. (Opravil jsem jen překlepy a chybějící interpunkční znaménka, díky za jejich nahlášení.)

Dobrý den,

(tuto odpověď píšu jako otevřený dopis, publikoval jsem ji také na

díky za e-mail, jsem Vaším bývalým zákazníkem a podobným textem, který obsahuje zavádějící i nepravdivé informace, si mě nezískáte zpět. Pro mě