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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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// The following test runs against a local Consul server started like so:
// consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -data-dir /tmp/consul
// The test output looks like this:
// % go test -test.v
// === RUN TestConsul
// --- PASS: TestConsul (6.76s)
// consul_test.go:188: LastIndex after #1: 5
// consul_test.go:189: Waited for: 452.639µs
// consul_test.go:205: LastIndex after #2: 5
// consul_test.go:206: Waited for: 5.0008878s
// I expect the second "List" call to return after about one second (when a key
// is deleted), not after 5 seconds (when WaitTime expires). The LastIndex
// value does not change after the key is deleted.
package test
import (
func TestConsul(t *testing.T) {
client, _ := api.NewClient(api.DefaultConfig())
kv := client.KV()
kv.Put(&api.KVPair{Key: "test/foo", Value: []byte{}}, nil)
kv.Put(&api.KVPair{Key: "test/bar", Value: []byte{}}, nil)
start := time.Now()
pairs, meta, _ := kv.List("test", nil)
t.Log("LastIndex after #1:", meta.LastIndex)
t.Log("Waited for:", time.Since(start))
if len(pairs) != 2 {
t.Errorf("got %d keys", len(pairs))
// Delete a key in one second
go func() {
kv.Delete("test/foo", nil)
// Uncomment to cause last List() call to return after 1 second:
// kv.Put(&api.KVPair{Key: "test/bar", Value: []byte{}}, nil)
// Wait for test/foo to be deleted
start = time.Now()
pairs, meta, _ = kv.List("test/", &api.QueryOptions{
WaitIndex: meta.LastIndex,
WaitTime: 5 * time.Second,
t.Log("LastIndex after #2:", meta.LastIndex)
t.Log("Waited for:", time.Since(start))
if len(pairs) != 1 {
t.Errorf("ERROR: expected 1 key, got: %#v", len(pairs))
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