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Created July 6, 2015 16:42
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Creates empty log file dated using mysql output
REM mysql DATE_FORMAT tokens: %W (weekday name) %M (month name) %d (month day) %Y (year)
SET timeformatstring='%%W_%%M-%%d-%%Y'
REM FOR /F takes output from `time /t` and tokenizes it in %A %B and %C
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-4 delims=: " %%A IN (`time /t`) DO (
REM takes localized output from mysql NOW() string built with tokens in %timeformatsring%
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-2 skip=1 delims=| " %%H IN (`mysql -h %dbHost% -u %dbUser% -p%dbPass% -e "SET @@lc_time_names='es_MX'; SELECT UPPER(DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), %timeformatstring%));"`) DO (
ECHO Creating log file with date: %%H and time: %%A%%B%%C
REM CMD equivalent of Unix touch?
TYPE NUL >> %%H_%%A%%B%%C && COPY %%H_%%A%%B%%C +,,
REM (TYPE NULL create empty file && COPY _ +,, update timestamp)
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