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Last active February 18, 2025 23:04
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m3u8 stream to mp4 using ffmpeg

1. Copy m3u8 link

Alt text

2. Run command

echo "Enter m3u8 link:";read link;echo "Enter output filename:";read filename;ffmpeg -i "$link" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 $filename.mp4

Alt text

Example final command

ffmpeg -i "http://host/folder/file.m3u8" -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 file.mp4
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ilyazub commented Sep 9, 2022

This command is all you need: ffmpeg -i "http://host/folder/file.m3u8" -c copy file.mp4

Thanks! How to speed up the download (like, download concurrently?)

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varenc commented Sep 9, 2022

This command is all you need: ffmpeg -i "http://host/folder/file.m3u8" -c copy file.mp4

Thanks! How to speed up the download (like, download concurrently?)

For concurrently downloading you can't just use ffmpeg by itself. However, here are 2 things you can try:

Option 1

Use yt-dlp** or youtube-dl with aria2c as an external downloader. This just makes yt-dlp leverage aria2c for media downloading so you get concurrency.

$ yt-dlp --external-downloader aria2c --external-downloader-args '-c -j 8 -x 8 -s 8 -k 2M' "https://host/folder/file.m3u8"

Note the args I've set for aria2c in the above example. These tell aria2c to continue partial downloads, to use 8 parallel download requests, and to limit each request to 2MB each (-k 2M). Feel free to try tuning these parameters. For most situations limiting each download to 2M will slow things down but sometimes media hosts (dailymotion) apply traffic policies that allow the first part of a download stream to go very fast, but then they start rate limiting the download as it continues. By restarting each request after 2M you can sometimes subvert these limits.

Option 2

Use yt-dlp or youtube-dl to extract the relevant URLs and then use aria2c manually for concurrent downloading. Like this:

$  yt-dlp -g "https://host/folder/file.m3u8"  # the -g flag tells youtube-dl to just return the media url[s]
$ aria2c ""

Warning: often a root .m3u8 references other .m3u8 files which then reference the media so you might need to follow the tree of references a few levels deep.

**These days I recommend yt-dlp over youtube-dl. It's just a fork but it seems more regularly updated and in general succeeds more often for me.

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I'm having a problem trying to decode when the player is using the fake img link, I see the video file has a ?PNG at the beginning of the content, anyone have a way to fix this?

File .m3u8


File HLS index.html

�PNG � IHDR����ؿů pHYs�������� cHRMz%������u0�`:��o�_�F�IDATx�b,�����������

This is 2 file example:

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ilyazub commented Oct 3, 2022

@varenc Thank you the solution with yt-dlp and aria2c!

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luxin88 commented Jan 25, 2023

if the url in m3u8 should with some header(like cookie), how to run it?

sometime some url thow 403, if I ue curl with header, it run successful

maybe we can add a Reverse Proxy between ffmpeg and site

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If you run this exact command on newer FFMPEG versions you'll probably get an error about something not being on the whitelist: protocol https not on whitelist

Modify the command to use this instead

$ ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist file,https,tcp,tls -i master.m3u8 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -vcodec copy -c copy -crf 50 video.mp4 

Tested with FFMPEG versions 5.0 and newer

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Thanks! How to speed up the download (like, download concurrently?)

Use N_m3u8DL-RE with -mt argument.

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Tried using VLC and it was being tempermental on me, this worked so much better thank you

can you please share more details how we can convert using VLC Kit?

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Works great also i noticed if you copy a 1280x720 youtube video url from download helper and use this method it downloads the 1920x1080 video instead it downloads a higher qualtiy video then the original. It works perfectly thank you.

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This works perfectly, thanks for sharing!

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nice work

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You can use this approach to emulate the same headers that your browser sends, thereby bypassing 403 Forbidden errors:

Using Firefox, open Developer Tools using Ctrl + Shift + I, or click on the 3-line hamburger menu in the top-right (1.) > More Tools (2.) > Web Developer Tools (3.).

Firefox: 3-line Hamburger Menu > More Tools
Firefox: More Tools > Developer Tools

Go to the Network tab (4.), reload the page, find the appropriate .m3u8 entry, typically named stream.m3u8 or something similar (5.), right-click, Copy Value (6.) > Copy as cURL (7.).

stream.m3u8: Copy Value > Copy as cURL

Then paste the resulting cURL command into here: Download and install the free, open source FFMpeg tool if you don't already have it, paste the resulting ffmpeg command into your commandline (you may have to add a .exe suffix, eg: ffmpeg becomes ffmpeg.exe if you are using Windows) and enjoy the video!

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