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uamarchuan /
Created October 5, 2018 20:52 — forked from ahmadsoe/
VPNGate Python script

#VPNGate for OS X This script is a simple script for using to connect vpn server list provided VPNGate through OpenVPN on OS X environment.

It inspired by VPNGate Python script wrtten by Andrea Lazzarotto.

##Requirements If you use the script, Tunnelblick needs to be installed first.

##Installation Open terminal app and copy & paste the command below.

uamarchuan /
Created October 5, 2018 19:44 — forked from Justasic/
This is a python script to generate client OpenVPN configuration files. This is based mostly on the easyrsa script and is much simpler to understand.
import os
import socket
from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL
# OpenVPN is fairly simple since it works on OpenSSL. The OpenVPN server contains
# a root certificate authority that can sign sub-certificates. The certificates
# have very little or no information on who they belong to besides a filename
# and any required information. Everything else is omitted or blank.
# The client certificate and private key are inserted into the .ovpn file
# which contains some settins as well and the entire thing is then ready for