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ubergarm / rimworld-rimlog.csv
Last active June 12, 2024 16:18
RimWorld RimLog Mod v0.0.1 example output log csv txt file.
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
#Example RimLog Header and CSV data file
#This example still has a dupe issue with LoadSave patch firing twice.
#You can use `miller` or Python Pandas to parse this and generate AI Story Prompts
#Example AI Generated Game Story:
# Definition of each of the columns:
#timestamp in ticks - easy to convert:
#type by logging function
#defName if available or colony/pawn for quests
#text description from POV of pawn or simple ShortDescription string
# YY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
ubergarm /
Last active May 23, 2024 04:11
Parsed out RimWorld `world` save file with `xq '[] | "\(.startingTime) \(.title) \(.text)"'` and passed into 8k context LLM for story.

Life on the Rim

As the shuttle crash-landed on the rim world planet, Wagner, Chad, and Gramps were thrown from their seats. The impact was intense, and the three baseliner xenotypes struggled to free themselves from the wreckage.

The first thing they noticed was the eerie silence. There were no birds chirping, no rustling of leaves, just an unsettling quiet. As they assessed their situation, they saw that they were in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch up to the sky.

Wagner, ever the pragmatist, quickly took charge. "We need to assess our injuries and find shelter," he said, his voice calm and authoritative. Chad, the policeman, nodded in agreement, while Gramps, the herbalist, began to examine their surroundings, searching for any signs of danger or useful resources.

As they tended to their wounds, they realized that they were not alone on this planet. Strange creatures lurked just out of sight, their eyes glowing in the darkness. The three baseliners knew they had to

ubergarm / rimworld-1.5-zetrith-multiplayer-common-mods.txt
Created May 12, 2024 01:00
Most common mods between above 9 RimWorld 1.5 Zetrith's Multiplayer Modpacks" # Rimworld Multiplayer 1.5" # 1.5 Multiplayer Pack" # Hail's Rim Multiplayer 1.5" # Multiplayer :3" # RimWorld Multiplayer" # Multiplayer w/ Rygiic" # Multiplayer Collection" # Multiplayer DokiDokiSquad" # Itchys Multiplayer Pain
=== Most common mods between above 9 RimWorld 1.5 Zetrith's Multiplayer Modpacks ===
ubergarm / coma-cluster-hyperleda.txt
Last active May 7, 2024 04:56
HyperLeda List of Galaxies in Coma Cluster near NGC 4889 (aka Caldwell 35 aka NGC4884)
# Query Description
# Type of request: Extract data from a table
# Name of the selected table: meandata
# Restrict with the SQL clause: (de2000 > 27.3875) and (de2000 < 28.5177) and (al2000 > 12.9336) and (al2000 < 13.0655)
# Display the fields: objname, al2000, de2000, objtype, logd25, vt, brief, agnclass
# Order by: logd25 DESC
# Description of each column
# objname: ------------- Principal Name (characters)
# al2000: ------------- RA (double decimal hours)
ubergarm /
Created March 31, 2024 21:48
RimWorld 1.4 Mod Nomad Caravan Bug Report
ubergarm /
Last active March 31, 2024 02:32
Debug log for RimWorld MultiPlayer Kitchen Sink Reloaded v0.7 ModPack play testing

Rimworld Multiplayer Kitchen Sink Reloaded

v0.7 desync log sleuthing

Suggested Changes for v0.8

These might be the easiest to remove with minimal loss of playability.

  • remove [SYR] more slaves as it is an unknown quantity (and [SYR] harvest yield seemed to cause desyncs)
  • remove Grenade Fix Rearmed as it is an unknown quantity (and thought we saw some odd error messages on GZ using EMP)
  • remove Fluffy Breakdowns as it is an unkown quantity (might be fine, i'm on the fence on this one)
ubergarm /
Last active November 30, 2022 21:44
7 Days to Die Modpack: Deus Ex Zombina!

Deus Ex Zombina

A 7 Days to Die ModPack

Game Installation

Install game on steam and pin the version to [alpha20.6] like so:

Steam -> 7 Days to Die -> Gear Button -> Properties -> BETAS -> Select the beta you would like to opt into: -> Alpha 20.6 Stable

ubergarm / .asoundrc
Last active July 17, 2022 18:13
Arch Linux .asoundrc file for firefox audio without pulseaudio
# $ aplay -l # show device details
# $ aplay -lL # more deets
# $ cat /proc/asound/card*/id # to get human readable card names e.g.
# CODEC -> usb mixer
# NVidia -> displayport/hdmi monitor
# Generic -> motherboard headphones / mic / line out
# C930e -> usb web camera
# $ aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav # to test playback from default output device
ubergarm /
Last active August 20, 2023 14:58
V Rising Private Dedicated Server randomly drops clients - log file showing the issue happening.


Two players are connected to the dedicated v rising server running locally. One player is local connecting via the local address. The player with disconnect issues is connecting from the same city also with Verizon FIOS to the public IP address. The dedicated server hardware is wired directly to the router w/ port forwarding only on 9876:9877.

We can play together for a while but three times in about two hours of playing during heavy combat the player connecting remotely gets dropped and can quickly reconnect. It happens frequently enough to be game breaking unfortunately, so trying to figure out how to fix the issue. The local player does not drop.

ubergarm / ServerGameSettings.json
Created May 29, 2022 20:43
VRising PvE config for private group of friendly players
"GameModeType": "PvE",
"CastleDamageMode": "Never",
"SiegeWeaponHealth": "Normal",
"PlayerDamageMode": "Always",
"CastleHeartDamageMode": "CanBeDestroyedOnlyWhenDecaying",
"PvPProtectionMode": "Medium",
"DeathContainerPermission": "ClanMembers",
"RelicSpawnType": "Plentiful",
"CanLootEnemyContainers": false,