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Parsed out RimWorld `world` save file with `xq '[] | "\(.startingTime) \(.title) \(.text)"'` and passed into 8k context LLM for story.

Life on the Rim

As the shuttle crash-landed on the rim world planet, Wagner, Chad, and Gramps were thrown from their seats. The impact was intense, and the three baseliner xenotypes struggled to free themselves from the wreckage.

The first thing they noticed was the eerie silence. There were no birds chirping, no rustling of leaves, just an unsettling quiet. As they assessed their situation, they saw that they were in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees that seemed to stretch up to the sky.

Wagner, ever the pragmatist, quickly took charge. "We need to assess our injuries and find shelter," he said, his voice calm and authoritative. Chad, the policeman, nodded in agreement, while Gramps, the herbalist, began to examine their surroundings, searching for any signs of danger or useful resources.

As they tended to their wounds, they realized that they were not alone on this planet. Strange creatures lurked just out of sight, their eyes glowing in the darkness. The three baseliners knew they had to be cautious if they wanted to survive.

Wagner's skills as a convert and counselor proved invaluable as he helped his companions cope with the shock of their crash landing. Chad's experience as a policeman allowed him to take charge of security, while Gramps' knowledge of herbalism enabled them to find edible plants and create makeshift medicine.

As they settled into their new environment, they discovered that this planet was full of surprises. They found strange artifacts, abandoned technology, and even a mysterious ambrosia bush that seemed to have a life of its own.

But they also encountered hostile creatures, including imps from the Havo Clade and pigskins from the Ge-Oink Alliance. The three baseliners had to be resourceful and adaptable if they wanted to survive these encounters.

Despite the challenges, Wagner, Chad, and Gramps formed a strong bond as they worked together to establish a colony. They named it Boccin Creed, after Wagner's ideoligion, and set about building a thriving community.

As time passed, they encountered more travelers, including a royal tribute collector from The Exodus Empire and visitors from Hiorasen. They even received a quest called "The Noisette of Boccin Creed," which promised to reveal secrets about their new home.

Through it all, the three baseliners relied on each other's strengths to overcome the obstacles they faced. Wagner converted Yttytt, a cave explorer, to his ideoligion, and she became a valuable ally. Chad's negotiations with the Ge-Oink Alliance improved relations between their factions. And Gramps' herbalism skills saved countless lives.

As they looked up at the stars, Wagner, Chad, and Gramps knew that they had found a new home on this rim world planet. They would face many more challenges in the days to come, but together, they were ready to overcome anything.

Key Colony History Events

Wagner: Wagner has a berserk rage episode due to poor mood, causing him to attack anyone in sight. This event is significant because it shows Wagner's vulnerability and highlights the importance of maintaining good mental health, especially in a challenging environment like a rim world planet.

Chad: Chad successfully negotiates with the Ge-Oink Alliance, improving relations between their factions and earning 6000 social experience points. This event is important because it demonstrates Chad's diplomatic skills and ability to navigate complex faction dynamics, which will be crucial for the colony's survival and growth.

Gramps: Gramps breaks out of his corpse obsession, which had been triggered by poor mood and a buildup of stress. This event is significant because it marks a turning point for Gramps' mental health and shows that he is capable of overcoming his darker tendencies. It also frees him up to focus on his herbalism skills and contribute more positively to the colony's development.

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